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Dakota Ford is Dakota on Guys Gone Wild site



They've gone into selective reclusion, in their selective dens, enjoying selective ruminations, over a selective brandy and a selective ~ probably illegal ~ Cuban Churchill ;-)))

Jon, as St. Augustine taught, it is neither the rules nor the lessons nor the intellect, that truly COUNT - only the will. If a model is loved enough, any transgression shall be forgiven. (Though I hasten to add - not only do I think no forgiveness is needed: Dakota deserves LOVE, as well. He's a real sweetheart.)

Philosophically yours,
"A" ;-))))

jake/Zane Tate straight up lied. Dakota excluded an experience. the different between denying any past experience and omitting experiences is great, in my small brain.
but for his lies, jake would be welcome on my video screen from Broke Straight Boys
Dakota should return.

Definitely selective as you can see with A1s response. It's easy to play on words.
BTW, I don't want either of them excluded from the site, especially when there is a shortage of models.
jake/Zane Tate straight up lied. Dakota excluded an experience. the different between denying any past experience and omitting experiences is great, in my small brain.
but for his lies, jake would be welcome on my video screen from Broke Straight Boys
Dakota should return.


Another1 ~ You're a sweetheart in every way. . . but I'm glad you're not my Confessor!!! ;-) In my church, we have this prayer in which we pray for forgiveness, saying, "We have left undone, those things we ought to have done; and we have done, those things which we ought not to have done. And there is no health, in us."

Of course, Dakota MUST return! But I still maintain that Jake is as susceptible of forgiveness, as any of the rest. Though I am sure that my pleas for mercy toward him will go unheeded. (Besides, he has gone on to other studios ;-)))) But so often, the difference between a sin of omission, and one of commission, is such a SLIVER of a difference, it can hardly be discerned, in daylight. *Sigh*

It all depends upon what the people want. And the people, are a fickle beast ;-)

Pax vobiscum,

when ask, Dakota said he had had sex with another guy. it's on tape.
when ask, jake said he had not had sex with another guy.
perhaps, it is my age or my native intelligence, but I don't see how the two cases are similar.
when my committee has a senior official in for questions and presentations, I often ask them what question would you ask if you were in my position? what question were you prepared to answer that I didn't ask?
failure to answer a question not ask is not wrong.
when ask, Dakota said he had had sex with another guy. it's on tape.
when ask, jake said he had not had sex with another guy.
perhaps, it is my age or my native intelligence, but I don't see how the two cases are similar.

Does that mean you don't want to see Jake back on this site ?
Does that mean you don't want to see Jake back on this site ?

I don't recall ever saying that I didn't want to see jake on this site again. if I were management, I would consider that happening.
I just don't see any connection between the jake and Dakota situations. that was the thrust of my comments.
when ask, Dakota said he had had sex with another guy. it's on tape.
when ask, jake said he had not had sex with another guy.
perhaps, it is my age or my native intelligence, but I don't see how the two cases are similar.


Point taken, Another1!!!! (And neither your native intelligence, nor your sincerity, has ever been in question, in the least!)

However (and I don't wish to be disagreeable, particularly as this is one of those proverbial "dead horses"): but - I think we shall just have to agree to disagree, on this one.

I think we WILL AGREE, that dear Dakota has nothing whatsoever for which to apologize - though, some would say, because he HAD HAD sex with another guy, at some previous juncture, he could never be a fit Broke Straight Boys model, at least to begin with. (Neither you nor I thinks so, so that's not an issue.)

What happened with Jake will forever be a slightly sore-spot with yours truly. Admittedly, he transgressed: he lied to the management (apparently) and the members. I personally believe he did this, because he knew the ethos of the site, badly needed a job, and wanted to fit in and impress both the management and the members. Undoubtedly, that was wrong - but all I think it REALLY meant, is that he was a BROKER straight boy, than most of them ;-)

It hardly needs to be repeated that I am a BAD, and RENEGADE, member of Broke Straight Boys While I appreciate that it is crucial to others, and have no desire to upset the apple-cart: I am not here for the myth. I am not here for the narrative. I'm just here to see great scenes, with super-cute guys. I couldn't give a flying f*** if they've had sex with 100 other guys, before, or whether they apply mascara in the privacy of their boudoirs, quietly humming anthems from Moulin Rouge. Frankly, I think the site would be BETTER if we had a few cute gay models on here - like Cousin Mikey, who is a legend.

BSB1 was a golden time, but, IMHO, it was not because all the models were as "straight" as some people thought they were - - - it was because David had a great eye for beauty, and talent. And probably, as Mike says, "drama". (MANY of those "straight" guys had appeared on other sites, in full coition, with other men, before.)

I'm sad about what happened to Jake, because, I thought he was beautiful, charming, and a SUPER model. I was looking forward to him becoming part of this blessed repertory company, and giving us many, many, wonderful scenes over the coming months and years. But instead, all the amateur "Poirots" on the site came out in force, decried him as "not being straight enough" - when, in reality, he is probably as straight or straighter than half the models on here - and, in the wake of that controversy, he fled to other, inferior sites. And we won't see him again, here.

I think that it is a tragedy, to waste a superb model, that way. Look around, Another1 - these days, models (and I think rightfully, and justifiably) are being forgiven, and getting passes for all sorts of misdeeds, left and right. I SUPPORT this, because I know that these are just young guys, and they make mistakes, and etc. I just think it is a shame that Jake wasn't afforded the same opportunity - perhaps to do a "mess-up, FESS up" BTS video, and then get on with doing great scenes, for us - as so many others, have done.

And I shan't dissemble. I bear a permanent sense of unhappiness and discomfiture, toward all those Internet detectives, and straight-fetish purists, who howled and howled until Jake was chased away from this site. Jake's biggest sins were that: He needed a job so badly, he was willing to fudge his resume to get one; and, HE GOT CAUGHT. (As so many boys from BSB1, didn't.)

Absolutely, Jake's being forced out was the low point of my entire membership on Broke Straight Boys, and made me re-think being here, altogether, if this is the way members are going to respond to models. You are welcome to any comments and thoughts which might occur to you, Another1 - and perhaps I am such a bad fit for this site, I OUGHT to leave. But I have been here because Jason, and Danny, and Paul, and a couple of others, HAVE brought me a little happiness, in the midst of arctic winters!

I simply think that the standard which some members apply to some models is hypocritical in the EXTREME. IF WE LIKE HIM - any sin can and will be forgiven, immediately. IF WE DON'T - he is a liar, and must go, immediately.

Sorry to be so frank, Another1, but this is honestly the way I feel. I love Dakota, and these comments have no bearing on HIS return: for which I hope. However, I have a long, lingering, simmering, feeling of complete discontent about what happened with Jake, and the way members responded to him, and treated him. And your comments brought that back into laser-sharp focus, for me.

I dunno, maybe in the future, that nice Tommy is going to haul us in some fantastic new models, like Dakota. In the meantime, I am kind of living off the archives.


"Come What May" ~ Moulin Rouge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YsMvzgeSuI

Point taken, Another1!!!! (And neither your native intelligence, nor your sincerity, has ever been in question, in the least!)

However (and I don't wish to be disagreeable, particularly as this is one of those proverbial "dead horses"): but - I think we shall just have to agree to disagree, on this one.

I think we WILL AGREE, that dear Dakota has nothing whatsoever for which to apologize - though, some would say, because he HAD HAD sex with another guy, at some previous juncture, he could never be a fit Broke Straight Boys model, at least to begin with. (Neither you nor I thinks so, so that's not an issue.)

What happened with Jake will forever be a slightly sore-spot with yours truly. Admittedly, he transgressed: he lied to the management (apparently) and the members. I personally believe he did this, because he knew the ethos of the site, badly needed a job, and wanted to fit in and impress both the management and the members. Undoubtedly, that was wrong - but all I think it REALLY meant, is that he was a BROKER straight boy, than most of them ;-)

It hardly needs to be repeated that I am a BAD, and RENEGADE, member of Broke Straight Boys While I appreciate that it is crucial to others, and have no desire to upset the apple-cart: I am not here for the myth. I am not here for the narrative. I'm just here to see great scenes, with super-cute guys. I couldn't give a flying f*** if they've had sex with 100 other guys, before, or whether they apply mascara in the privacy of their boudoirs, quietly humming anthems from Moulin Rouge. Frankly, I think the site would be BETTER if we had a few cute gay models on here - like Cousin Mikey, who is a legend.

BSB1 was a golden time, but, IMHO, it was not because all the models were as "straight" as some people thought they were - - - it was because David had a great eye for beauty, and talent. And probably, as Mike says, "drama". (MANY of those "straight" guys had appeared on other sites, in full coition, with other men, before.)

I'm sad about what happened to Jake, because, I thought he was beautiful, charming, and a SUPER model. I was looking forward to him becoming part of this blessed repertory company, and giving us many, many, wonderful scenes over the coming months and years. But instead, all the amateur "Poirots" on the site came out in force, decried him as "not being straight enough" - when, in reality, he is probably as straight or straighter than half the models on here - and, in the wake of that controversy, he fled to other, inferior sites. And we won't see him again, here.

I think that it is a tragedy, to waste a superb model, that way. Look around, Another1 - these days, models (and I think rightfully, and justifiably) are being forgiven, and getting passes for all sorts of misdeeds, left and right. I SUPPORT this, because I know that these are just young guys, and they make mistakes, and etc. I just think it is a shame that Jake wasn't afforded the same opportunity - perhaps to do a "mess-up, FESS up" BTS video, and then get on with doing great scenes, for us - as so many others, have done.

And I shan't dissemble. I bear a permanent sense of unhappiness and discomfiture, toward all those Internet detectives, and straight-fetish purists, who howled and howled until Jake was chased away from this site. Jake's biggest sins were that: He needed a job so badly, he was willing to fudge his resume to get one; and, HE GOT CAUGHT. (As so many boys from BSB1, didn't.)

Absolutely, Jake's being forced out was the low point of my entire membership on Broke Straight Boys, and made me re-think being here, altogether, if this is the way members are going to respond to models. You are welcome to any comments and thoughts which might occur to you, Another1 - and perhaps I am such a bad fit for this site, I OUGHT to leave. But I have been here because Jason, and Danny, and Paul, and a couple of others, HAVE brought me a little happiness, in the midst of arctic winters!

I simply think that the standard which some members apply to some models is hypocritical in the EXTREME. IF WE LIKE HIM - any sin can and will be forgiven, immediately. IF WE DON'T - he is a liar, and must go, immediately.

Sorry to be so frank, Another1, but this is honestly the way I feel. I love Dakota, and these comments have no bearing on HIS return: for which I hope. However, I have a long, lingering, simmering, feeling of complete discontent about what happened with Jake, and the way members responded to him, and treated him. And your comments brought that back into laser-sharp focus, for me.

I dunno, maybe in the future, that nice Tommy is going to haul us in some fantastic new models, like Dakota. In the meantime, I am kind of living off the archives.


"Come What May" ~ Moulin Rouge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YsMvzgeSuI

As always Ambi, you take the words right outta my mouth, so quote a song. I could not have put it better but I agree a million per cent on what you say. Don't you ever leave this site, unless you drop dead first lol. Don't forget we don't have the other forum to go to anymore so it's hear or nothing.
Ambi, don't leave! if you don't speak up, then no one will hear you.
when the jake matter first came up, I was the first to defend him. both because I liked him and thought he deserved support. right after my post, management and staff said they were lied to. at that point, I took the position that false statements on an employment form could get you fired. I take that position in dealing with public and private organizations. trust is based in truth. I didn't write the rules I live by, I just follow them, because they seem to work. yes, if I like someone I will go to the mat for them, but it helps to have a defensible position.
since this thread is about Dakota, I agree that Dakota is worth watching. I hope that happens sooner than later.
I took the position that false statements on an employment form could get you fired. I take that position in dealing with public and private organizations. trust is based in truth. I didn't write the rules I live by, I just follow them, because they seem to work. yes, if I like someone I will go to the mat for them, but it helps to have a defensible position.

So can revealing company secrets without their permission, as can washing your dirty linen in public and speaking bad in public about your co workers. Now I wonder who I am talking about ..
So can revealing company secrets without their permission, as can washing your dirty linen in public and speaking bad in public about your co workers. Now I wonder who I am talking about ..

I don't know if Broke Straight Boys has policy covering conduct and activities. I will say that the organizations I work with do have policies covering the actions you mentioned. remedial action is applied equally and swiftly.
as important as I think I am to the organizations I work with, I know my defeat or demise would change that. no one is greater than the whole.
porn is like wrestling. you have your bad boy who can do no wrong. you have the boy who walks through sewage and comes out fresh and clean. things you would never do in any other business are just show business, in porn and wrestling.
Thank you Ambivalent. I'm trying! A couple of my new guys just did some shoots for College Dudes If you're a member there, check out Santiago and Davey. The scene is HOT!
you have got one of the best jobs around and if your recruiting is anything like your camera and social media skills then we're all going to have a hell of a lot of hot guys coming soon. Dan x

Thanks Dan! I appreciate your input and comments on Twitter and Facebook. So glad you're a fan of the site.
Thanks, mikey. I don't have the encyclopedic knowledge of the forum you do, so I would have never known.

Why do you feel the need to give this guy the 3rd degree as soon as he posts something nice and introduces himself? People on here need to be a lot more chill. You act like its your site. It isn't. I like it for what it is. My roommate and I are both members and he refuses to post on the forums because he says its a few guys who are just mean to other people. I see that now.

Point taken, Another1!!!! (And neither your native intelligence, nor your sincerity, has ever been in question, in the least!)

However (and I don't wish to be disagreeable, particularly as this is one of those proverbial "dead horses"): but - I think we shall just have to agree to disagree, on this one.

I think we WILL AGREE, that dear Dakota has nothing whatsoever for which to apologize - though, some would say, because he HAD HAD sex with another guy, at some previous juncture, he could never be a fit Broke Straight Boys model, at least to begin with. (Neither you nor I thinks so, so that's not an issue.)

What happened with Jake will forever be a slightly sore-spot with yours truly. Admittedly, he transgressed: he lied to the management (apparently) and the members. I personally believe he did this, because he knew the ethos of the site, badly needed a job, and wanted to fit in and impress both the management and the members. Undoubtedly, that was wrong - but all I think it REALLY meant, is that he was a BROKER straight boy, than most of them ;-)

It hardly needs to be repeated that I am a BAD, and RENEGADE, member of Broke Straight Boys While I appreciate that it is crucial to others, and have no desire to upset the apple-cart: I am not here for the myth. I am not here for the narrative. I'm just here to see great scenes, with super-cute guys. I couldn't give a flying f*** if they've had sex with 100 other guys, before, or whether they apply mascara in the privacy of their boudoirs, quietly humming anthems from Moulin Rouge. Frankly, I think the site would be BETTER if we had a few cute gay models on here - like Cousin Mikey, who is a legend.

BSB1 was a golden time, but, IMHO, it was not because all the models were as "straight" as some people thought they were - - - it was because David had a great eye for beauty, and talent. And probably, as Mike says, "drama". (MANY of those "straight" guys had appeared on other sites, in full coition, with other men, before.)

I'm sad about what happened to Jake, because, I thought he was beautiful, charming, and a SUPER model. I was looking forward to him becoming part of this blessed repertory company, and giving us many, many, wonderful scenes over the coming months and years. But instead, all the amateur "Poirots" on the site came out in force, decried him as "not being straight enough" - when, in reality, he is probably as straight or straighter than half the models on here - and, in the wake of that controversy, he fled to other, inferior sites. And we won't see him again, here.

I think that it is a tragedy, to waste a superb model, that way. Look around, Another1 - these days, models (and I think rightfully, and justifiably) are being forgiven, and getting passes for all sorts of misdeeds, left and right. I SUPPORT this, because I know that these are just young guys, and they make mistakes, and etc. I just think it is a shame that Jake wasn't afforded the same opportunity - perhaps to do a "mess-up, FESS up" BTS video, and then get on with doing great scenes, for us - as so many others, have done.

And I shan't dissemble. I bear a permanent sense of unhappiness and discomfiture, toward all those Internet detectives, and straight-fetish purists, who howled and howled until Jake was chased away from this site. Jake's biggest sins were that: He needed a job so badly, he was willing to fudge his resume to get one; and, HE GOT CAUGHT. (As so many boys from BSB1, didn't.)

Absolutely, Jake's being forced out was the low point of my entire membership on Broke Straight Boys, and made me re-think being here, altogether, if this is the way members are going to respond to models. You are welcome to any comments and thoughts which might occur to you, Another1 - and perhaps I am such a bad fit for this site, I OUGHT to leave. But I have been here because Jason, and Danny, and Paul, and a couple of others, HAVE brought me a little happiness, in the midst of arctic winters!

I simply think that the standard which some members apply to some models is hypocritical in the EXTREME. IF WE LIKE HIM - any sin can and will be forgiven, immediately. IF WE DON'T - he is a liar, and must go, immediately.

Sorry to be so frank, Another1, but this is honestly the way I feel. I love Dakota, and these comments have no bearing on HIS return: for which I hope. However, I have a long, lingering, simmering, feeling of complete discontent about what happened with Jake, and the way members responded to him, and treated him. And your comments brought that back into laser-sharp focus, for me.

I dunno, maybe in the future, that nice Tommy is going to haul us in some fantastic new models, like Dakota. In the meantime, I am kind of living off the archives.


"Come What May" ~ Moulin Rouge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YsMvzgeSuI

Good, i'm glad i'm not the only one who sees that the models are treated like crap on this site. Also, why hasn't anyone noticed that Dallas Reeves is blatantly stealing away Broke Straight Boys models only to screw them over?
Good, i'm glad i'm not the only one who sees that the models are treated like crap on this site. Also, why hasn't anyone noticed that Dallas Reeves is blatantly stealing away Broke Straight Boys models only to screw them over?
Actually Miami, it has been discussed here how that site has taken Broke Straight Boys models, including Vadim Black who left, and came back and spoke about his bad experiences away from Broke Straight Boys in a behind the scenes interview.
Why do you feel the need to give this guy the 3rd degree as soon as he posts something nice and introduces himself? People on here need to be a lot more chill. You act like its your site. It isn't. I like it for what it is. My roommate and I are both members and he refuses to post on the forums because he says its a few guys who are just mean to other people. I see that now.
I would hope that your roommate would join us on the forum. Sometimes a few of us come across a bit harshly but for the most part we are a very accepting group who enjoy "new blood" on the forum. I would hope that both you and he become regular contributors here. The more diverse opinions offered make for more lively discussions. :welcome:
Why do you feel the need to give this guy the 3rd degree as soon as he posts something nice and introduces himself? People on here need to be a lot more chill. You act like its your site. It isn't. I like it for what it is. My roommate and I are both members and he refuses to post on the forums because he says its a few guys who are just mean to other people. I see that now.

Before commenting read the entire thread. And if you did then your reading comprehension is poor. Your comment indicates you are making assumptions about things of which you know nothing. And you know what they say about people who make assumptions.
Why do you feel the need to give this guy the 3rd degree as soon as he posts something nice and introduces himself? People on here need to be a lot more chill. You act like its your site. It isn't. I like it for what it is. My roommate and I are both members and he refuses to post on the forums because he says its a few guys who are just mean to other people. I see that now.

You need to chill man. Your sounding more like a jerk with every post.Go back and read. At least the last 6 weeks.You don't know what your talking about.
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Before commenting read the entire thread. And if you did then your reading comprehension is poor. Your comment indicates you are making assumptions about things of which you know nothing. And you know what they say about people who make assumptions.
I'm a doctor so I see asses all day long. Give me something more than your i'm so senior member mentality. You've never met any of these boys and what you see is what they want you to see. Now, what was that you said about assumptions....