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cum sucking/bareback


New Member
Sep 25, 2009
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im new to this site and i jus saw a scene between Shane and new guy Gino
that cum sucking scene was hott i would lov to see barebacking scene but if i had to choose cum sucking scene would be better or both would be nice
the gino guy is like foreign he interestingly hott since his story how his girlfriend wants him to do stuff wit guys which is so kool
Welcome to the forum MD!

I agree with you that the Shane and Gino scene was very hot. And I think the cum eating was pretty cool.

I can't agree with you though about the barebacking. There have been a few barebacking scenes her on Broke Straight Boys As you'll find as you go through more of the scenes. There are probably about 3 or 4. We have discussed the barebacking issue at some length in the past and most of us have said we were opposed to seeing Broke Straight Boys do more of it. While we like the idea in theory, it is just too risky to the models' health to ask them to risk their lives for X amount of money. I don't want that on my conscience if the unthinkable happens. I am content to get my jollies with the sausage wrapped up.
Welcome to the forum MD!

While we like the idea in theory, it is just too risky to the models' health to ask them to risk their lives for X amount of money. I don't want that on my conscience if the unthinkable happens. I am content to get my jollies with the sausage wrapped up.

Allow me to ask the dumb question now. As I have been with the same person for 28 years I have never had to do much checking on this matter but I have been wondering. The boys do the dick sucking and now in this case the cum eating. Arnt those to acts just as dangerous? I have wondered in the past but didnt want to ask but since you sort of brought it up. Whats the right answer for all you med students? Many Thanks...:confused1:
Allow me to ask the dumb question now. As I have been with the same person for 28 years I have never had to do much checking on this matter but I have been wondering. The boys do the dick sucking and now in this case the cum eating. Arnt those to acts just as dangerous? I have wondered in the past but didnt want to ask but since you sort of brought it up. Whats the right answer for all you med students? Many Thanks...:confused1:

Great questions Denny! I'd like to hear from those with a real medical education give us the latest research and info on transmission of HIV through oral sex. I know of one high profile person in here who would have access to that info. But the info could come from more than just one member. As long as they were medically qualified to give that information.
I know of someone who contracted HIV from giving a guy a blow job. The chances of this happening are thousands to one but they exist. The guy concerned is a medical student studying HIV and other STD illnesses.

I quite liked the bb scenes but I also remember David asking them if they were clean and tested before they did the scene - of course you're only as clean as your last test and if you've fucked BB since then you may be not.

Tampa is right on about protecting the models health and that is the paramount objective here.
I know of someone who contracted HIV from giving a guy a blow job. The chances of this happening are thousands to one but they exist. The guy concerned is a medical student studying HIV and other STD illnesses.

I quite liked the bb scenes but I also remember David asking them if they were clean and tested before they did the scene - of course you're only as clean as your last test and if you've fucked BB since then you may be not.

Tampa is right on about protecting the models health and that is the paramount objective here.

I was under the impression that, Broke Straight Boys's owners being really responsible, and obviously also caring about their models, that HIV testing was done before the models were signed up, as a matter of course? I agree that you are only as clean as your last sexual partner tho', so testing isn't infallible as people do "occasionally" lie?
I have no medical training but worked with AIDs groups for many years and heard a lot of lectures by epidemiologists(those who study the spread of diseases). The short answer is that unprotected oral sex is relatively safe(not so for other STD's). There have been cases of transmission but on the order of 1/10,000 acts with the inserter at less risk tha than the receptive pardner(also true in anal intercourse).

I have no medical training but worked with AIDs groups for many years and heard a lot of lectures by epidemiologists(those who study the spread of diseases). The short answer is that unprotected oral sex is relatively safe(not so for other STD's). There have been cases of transmission but on the order of 1/10,000 acts with the inserter at less risk tha than the receptive pardner(also true in anal intercourse).

I too have no medical training, but as someone who engages in oral sex, while not anal sex, I have closely followed the discussions, and studies on the transmission of HIV, since the entire AIDS crisis began. From everything that I have read and heard over the years, it has been determined that there is a very low risk in oral sex, and that the few cases of one contracting it that way, usually involve an open sore or cut in the mouth or gums. Therefore in my personal life, I do believe that performing oral sex, including swallowing cum is a rather low risk behavior, in regard to contracting the HIV virus. But I would certainly be interested in reading more on this subject from trained health and medical professionals.
I have no medical training but worked with AIDs groups for many years and heard a lot of lectures by epidemiologists(those who study the spread of diseases). The short answer is that unprotected oral sex is relatively safe(not so for other STD's). There have been cases of transmission but on the order of 1/10,000 acts with the inserter at less risk tha than the receptive pardner(also true in anal intercourse).


I sure hope we hear more on this as it is getting really interesting. I really wonder why Oral would be so much safer then anal but then I realized that in Oral you have the presence of the digestive jucies that maybe help kill the virus. Is this the diference?
I sure hope we hear more on this as it is getting really interesting. I really wonder why Oral would be so much safer then anal but then I realized that in Oral you have the presence of the digestive jucies that maybe help kill the virus. Is this the diference?
That is what I have heard over the years. As the mouth and digestive system are where we ingest and process food, the body has ways of fighting off substances that are toxic to our system. Unfortunately with anal sex, there are no natural defenses and it is easy to get into the blood stream. Again, this is my general understanding from reading reports over the years.
Well I can assure you guys that what I said earlier is the truth and yes the risks are very low but so is being struck by lightning. We put ourselves at risk as soon as we get out of bed each morning and if we worried too much about each risk then we would end up in mental hospitals. I was just trying to be specific and state that there is a chance of catching HIV through oral, albeit very small.
More than you probably want to know. The tissue of the colon has the resistance to tearing of wet cardboard. Hence receptive anal intercourse is the most efficient mode of HIV transmission short of needle sharing or a tainted blood transfusion. Even minute abrasions are sufficient to allow transmission. The mouth has much tougher tissue and, as other posters noted, saliva designed to disable bacteria and viruses. HIV is a very fragile virus. You could dump a test tube full of diphtheria into a swimming pool and infect someone by injecting them wit water from the pool. A test tube of HIV would die due to the chlorine in the water.

I've been thinking about the bareback thing a lot recently. CF had a bareback Bi Tag Team vid recently, and BA had a bareback vid posted a couple days ago. Another site I subscribe to has gone almost exclusively bareback. Granted, some are couples, but a lot aren't. The same models doing barebacking over and over. It's the model's choice, and I like watching, but why the change in mindset? As centurion said, people "occasionally lie"..........

You are only as good as your last fuck.
This is a hard question to answer for Broke Straight Boys: How can Straight boys do gay sex with the least amount of risk to their health? Anyone can jerk-off but doing gay sex is why I'm a member of this site - I want to see straight all-american boys do eachother and that means sucking and fucking. I want Broke Straight Boys to be responsible and do the "right" thing but I also want my "jollies" too. I don't envy the person who has to make the decision concerning this question.
More than you probably want to know. The tissue of the colon has the resistance to tearing of wet cardboard. Hence receptive anal intercourse is the most efficient mode of HIV transmission short of needle sharing or a tainted blood transfusion. Even minute abrasions are sufficient to allow transmission. The mouth has much tougher tissue and, as other posters noted, saliva designed to disable bacteria and viruses. HIV is a very fragile virus. You could dump a test tube full of diphtheria into a swimming pool and infect someone by injecting them wit water from the pool. A test tube of HIV would die due to the chlorine in the water.


Hey all. First time posting, I love this site! I have a bit of medical knowledge (I work with viruses as a living). This post pretty much sums it up. HIV is a very fragile, vicious virus. The mouth/stomach is too acidic to allow for easy transmission. Of course, if someone has a cold sore or other abrasion in the mouth the risk of infection increases. What many don't realize is that even tough foods (such as some hard breads and the like) can cause minute abrasions in the mouth/throat that you don't see or even feel. All of this can increase the risk of infection.

Let's not forget the risk of other infections for people who engage in bareback anal sex. Now I know porn models will "prepare" for their anal scene, but that doesn't get rid of the bacteria. All it takes a little bit and an opportunistic infection can take hold.

I would much rather sit on the side of caution and only do bareback sex (or even swallowing for that matter) when I'm 110% sure of my partner's STD history. History matters! Some STD's can lie dormant and show up without any sign or notice to you. I hope I've helped!
I think this is a very interesting topic. I was actually with a partner for many years and we never engaged in barebacking. We were tested for all STD's when we got together and we also had random tests throughout our relationship but I think we aired on the side of caution because although we were faithful to each other and there were no doubts, we both had a history and some of these yucky things can lay without detection. I don't know if that is the case with HIV but there are other nasty things out there too which can cause problems.
I think that everyone is going to have their own interpretation.

Yep getting the ole jacket on can at times can slow down proceedings haha and I really can't put one on with my mouth....tried that once to be sexy, breathed in and swallowed the dam thing and nearly choked haha...talk about gaggin on it!! Even though they can slow the proceedings...gotta have one, preferably on the end of it though and not in my throat...I could taste rubber for days after!!!!

I also have to be honest and say I didn't realise that there were some barebacking vids on Broke Straight Boys Who were in these?:scared:
Hey all. First time posting, I love this site! I have a bit of medical knowledge (I work with viruses as a living). This post pretty much sums it up. HIV is a very fragile, vicious virus. The mouth/stomach is too acidic to allow for easy transmission. Of course, if someone has a cold sore or other abrasion in the mouth the risk of infection increases. What many don't realize is that even tough foods (such as some hard breads and the like) can cause minute abrasions in the mouth/throat that you don't see or even feel. All of this can increase the risk of infection.

Let's not forget the risk of other infections for people who engage in bareback anal sex. Now I know porn models will "prepare" for their anal scene, but that doesn't get rid of the bacteria. All it takes a little bit and an opportunistic infection can take hold.

I would much rather sit on the side of caution and only do bareback sex (or even swallowing for that matter) when I'm 110% sure of my partner's STD history. History matters! Some STD's can lie dormant and show up without any sign or notice to you. I hope I've helped!

Zyl84 - Bless your heart. Dude you summed up pretty much everything I was going to say. Thank you for sharing we can never get enough real education about our choices that we make when bare-backing. It is nice to have someone else that shares my point of view. Welcome to the Forum...:thumbup:
Two things I hear that really disturb me:

You're only as safe as your last test. No, you're not. The test is meaningless until the HIV seroconversion and that can take as long as 30 days, even six months and, in rare cases, 12 months, but transmission of the disease can occur during that time. So you're only as safe as all the sex you've had in the last twelve months and your partners have had in the last twelve months and their partners have had in the last twelve months. Okay. Use a rubber.

We all take risks every day. Yes, we do. But only a fool plays golf in a thunderstorm or swims in shark infested waters or eats unwashed fruit off a supermarket shelf or walks into a fenced yard with a sign that says "Beware the Pit Bull." We do takes risks when we get out of bed - but we don't take them deliberately and fucking outside a long term committed relationship without a condom is taking a deliberate risk.

I have to admit my point of view is skewered. I know some of the models. I wouldn't want anything to harm them. They're good, nice kids. I can't imagine how horrible it would be to have even one of them become ill because his desperation was taken advantage of and deliberately risky behavior was bought for somebody's viewing pleasure.