And what the Fuck was Bill crooked ass Bar doing up there with no big health officials?
I wondered what that was about too. He has no business up there. He's head of the Department of Justice. What does that have to do with healthcare or healthcare policy?
You all heard that Barr has asked that he and the Trump regime be able to use the threat and excuse of Corona as a national emergency in order to jail citizens here indefinitely without a hearing or trial before a judge? And that Barr has requested that he personally (on his own authority) should be allowed to step in and stop trials in progress? Of course the Democratic congress will never go for that. But the fact that these a**holes are so corrupt and power hungry that they want to turn the U.S. in a Third World dictatorship...and actually think that everyone is too stupid to notice...also shows that their egos know no bounds. And they have no shame or conscience whatsoever.