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That is a good one and so true! I had to give up rimming years ago because I always got a strep throat infection. I don’t mind feeding them the dick but it’s not happening in my direction. Lol. My partner doesn’t even like cum on him. We are old fashioned I think it belongs up his ass abs he can’t wait to wipe his off his chest.

But seriously have you seen the stores? These people are nuts! But I bet it’s going to be great for the Pizza delivery business. I just hope they send me a William Higgins style delivery boy.
Its manic here in the UK . I have seen grown women fighting over a pack of 4 toilet rolls where the police have had to be called. The world has gone crazy. Still someone is always going to profit from this, I looked at Amazon the other day and a pack of 9 toilet rolls was going for £25.00!!!!
Well McDonald's have just closed all restaurants across the whole of the UK. This is a sign of things to come. Been told today I have to work at home until further notice and we have been advised by the government not to go out to pubs, clubs or restaurants. We really are going over to a war footing here.
New York City has closed all schools, all restaurants and bars except for take out and delivery, all movie theaters, concert venues and public gatherings. The St. Patrick's Day Parade did not happen today for the first time ever. The mayor said today that within forty-eight hours they will decide, (with the governor's approval) if they will implement a mandatory "shelter in place", which would basically shut down commerce and movement throughout New York City. And this is only the beginning...........
We ate out for the last time for who knows how long. They are closing all restaurants except drive throughs and take out at midnight tonight.

We have a friend who is the head of all paramedics in the Portland Oregon area and she said the virus travels farther in the air and stays on hard surfaces way longer than they expected. They aren’t exactly telling us the whole story, anyone surprised?

Anyway stay safe. Best I can tell watching porn won’t hurt you and I’m well stocked with lube!
Me and my partner went out for something to eat in one of our favourite Thai restaurants in Pimlico which is near Victoria in London and we the only two in there, normally the place is heaving. That was Saturday night !!!! We have also been advised on the news yesterday that when you do get any shopping (that is if you can as Tescos the largest supermarket in the UK is cutting its opening hours from today) to wash all shopping when you get home. It's a nightmare here.
It's just been announced that all pubs, bars, cafes and restaurants are to close from midnight tonight to try halt the spread of coronavirus that is Friday 20 March. It's really bad over here at the moment!!!
It's just been announced that all pubs, bars, cafes and restaurants are to close from midnight tonight to try halt the spread of coronavirus that is Friday 20 March. It's really bad over here at the moment!!!
Exactly like New York State. Today the governor declared 100% of work must be done from home except for essential jobs. We are indeed in a wartime mode. It will probably get a lot worse before it gets better.
Sorry I am late to the party. I hope everyone is safe and doing well and checking in with many of you to see how your all doing. Please be safe and lets hope this virus passes quickly and we can all get back to our normal life.
Sorry I am late to the party. I hope everyone is safe and doing well and checking in with many of you to see how your all doing. Please be safe and lets hope this virus passes quickly and we can all get back to our normal life.

Amen David! Stay in and stay safe guys. Catch up on porn.
Not it really got to Brazil. We are home for 1 week now. Our President is a joke, what makes us even more scared, because there are nobody in control. We had our first death this morning, and the count is in 18 now. One of my moms has breathing problems and both of them are older than 50, so I am worried for them. I am keeping them as 'hostages' at my house.

I own a private school in my city. Our teachers are recording videos and offering videoconference classes, but I am scared on how things will be economically affected.

Adding to all this crisis, 2000 prisoners escaped from the city jail and it created caos and fear on the last couple days.

I hope you guys are safe!
Thanks for the update in Brasil, Bartirah, hope you are able to stay safe.

Today in the UK (Sunday) it is Mother's Day when everyone, young or old usually spoil their mothers or remember those that have past. But today is different we are all being instructed by Boris to stay away from our families because of the Cornavirus . With all bars, restaurants, and cafes closed for some Mothers it's going to be very lonely indeed. Luckily mine has my Dad with her and both are well and I shall be speaking to her later today. On this day if your Mother is on her own please give them a quick call. Remember guys without them none of us would be here. I know for some people who are estranged that would be difficult, but maybe you could send out positive thoughts too them instead.
I saw this interview with this hot guy that was in Spain, and came back to the states infected with the virus, and had been in self-isolation for a week. And has to stay in self isolation for another week. He was telling all how that was going, but of all the questions they were asking him, no one asked him how many times he was jerking off during his self-isolation. I just wonder about this. He's 19.

Does anyone have any idea, how many times he'd be jerking off?

I mean, all this about washing your hands and not touching your face and all that. I think jerking off builds up your immune system, but then that's just me. But I don't know. If you're jerking off, and shoot yourself in the face, I wonder if you can touch your face long enough to clean it off, or do you just let it all dry off and handle it that way. I don't know.

There's a lot of things like that that Trump and the CDC haven't dealt with yet.

At least you have your priorities all in line StuddAndy. :001_wub::thumbup: haha

Yes indeed.

In these daily news conferences, in between all of Trump's lame and clueless lying, obfuscating, scapegoating, lame attempts at self-edification, blame passing, rose-colored glasses hyperbole, and his "very stable genius" altered state of reality...spewing a warped stream of consciousness rambling of Pollyanna-like wishful thinking -- more becoming of that of a 4th grader... They could at least give Americans some of the important information they crave (such as what you request above) to help better get us through these harrowing times. :001_tongue:
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Not it really got to Brazil. We are home for 1 week now. Our President is a joke, what makes us even more scared, because there are nobody in control. We had our first death this morning, and the count is in 18 now. One of my moms has breathing problems and both of them are older than 50, so I am worried for them. I am keeping them as 'hostages' at my house.

I own a private school in my city. Our teachers are recording videos and offering videoconference classes, but I am scared on how things will be economically affected.

Adding to all this crisis, 2000 prisoners escaped from the city jail and it created caos and fear on the last couple days.

I hope you guys are safe!
Likewise Bart. Stay safe yourself.

Three things should be noted: First, President Obama established a pandemic preparation task force of scientific experts within the National Security Council so that the US would be prepared for anything like caronavirus. Trump abolished it. Second, last January a scientist in Washington State had completed a federally funded large test group study on the flu, saw the beginnings of caronavirus in China and proposed using the samples from her recently completed test group to research caronavirus. The Trump Administration denied her request, missing a second opportunity for the US to be prepared for this. Third, as the Admistration's lead doctor admitted today, the US was completely unprepared for caronavirus in terms of number of test kits on hand calling this situation "a failing of our system.". So I think that it is fair to conclude that if the 3,000,000 Clinton victory margin over Trump in the 2016 popular vote had been implemented as the proposed Interstate Compact would do, we would not be experiencing our caronavirus public health emergency right now. We are paying the price for putting into the Presidency an unqualified person whom the American people in their now apparent wisdom rejected by over 3,000,000 votes.

Right on point. I was just telling a family member tonight, “this is what you get when you elect someone who’s unqualified and inexperienced.” It doesn’t even have anything to do with Republican or Democrat. It’s being able to handle situations like this. And the economy will suffer for it.

I couldn't agree more guys. Being a Republican is one thing. But being a die-hard Trumper is just beyond the pale.
UK has just gone into lockdown for three weeks!!!! Exercise once a day, no more than 2 people to congregate, all shops closed apart from food stores and only essential travel. All Brits to return to UK asap from abroad. Welcome to fortress UK!!!!!
UK has just gone into lockdown for three weeks!!!! Exercise once a day, no more than 2 people to congregate, all shops closed apart from food stores and only essential travel. All Brits to return to UK asap from abroad. Welcome to fortress UK!!!!!

Hopefully the U.K. and the U.S. can avoid the fate of Italy.
I believe that Rose Garden press conference today was one of the most embarrassing things I’ve ever seen.

I think yesterday’s prime time news conference was even worse. The guy just doesn’t know when to exit stage left and let the pros handle it. Just shows everyone what a complete idiot he is over and over. And what the Fuck was Bill crooked ass Bar doing up there with no big health officials?