Three things should be noted: First, President Obama established a pandemic preparation task force of scientific experts within the National Security Council so that the US would be prepared for anything like caronavirus. Trump abolished it. Second, last January a scientist in Washington State had completed a federally funded large test group study on the flu, saw the beginnings of caronavirus in China and proposed using the samples from her recently completed test group to research caronavirus. The Trump Administration denied her request, missing a second opportunity for the US to be prepared for this. Third, as the Admistration's lead doctor admitted today, the US was completely unprepared for caronavirus in terms of number of test kits on hand calling this situation "a failing of our system.". So I think that it is fair to conclude that if the 3,000,000 Clinton victory margin over Trump in the 2016 popular vote had been implemented as the proposed Interstate Compact would do, we would not be experiencing our caronavirus public health emergency right now. We are paying the price for putting into the Presidency an unqualified person whom the American people in their now apparent wisdom rejected by over 3,000,000 votes.