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Being 100% homebound and isolated has its advantages. I have the shot & booster but clearly in my state of health it is good to know I am safe, I have enough health issues and am thankful I am spared this, not that I am a worrier health wise. I never dwelled on my cancer while it inflicted me & do not ascribe to the mentality of the survivor syndrome but would never criticize anyone who finds it helpful.
We are seeing a very good trend during this latest phase of the virus. The Omicron surge definitely is causing milder symptoms and particularly in fully vaccinated healthy people. The serious cases, the need for hospitalizations and most importantly the deaths are down. I feel like we are turning a corner. Many of my friends my age who are also of retirement age are very scared to leave their house. I still work two days a week, ride the subways and am trying to live my life as normally as possible. Hopefully I am reading the “tea leaves” correctly and life can return to a semblance of normalcy sooner rather than later.
I just read of a new strain arising in the last few days. It seem the long term path is to treat this virus as just another one in the coral of such illnesses humans have had to deal with over the years. That also seem the direct health experts are heading for.
The problem with news is too much talk. No matter who talks on any topic no matter how vital what is said in an hour could be said in 10-15 minutes!!!!
The problem with news is too much talk. No matter who talks on any topic no matter how vital what is said in an hour could be said in 10-15 minutes!!!!
This is the reality of having 24 hour news networks. I limit myself now to just a few programs as the news is repeated hour by hour all day long.
Mine is even less, Rachel & usually part of Lawrence. Now yesterday I did listen around 4 PM to find out what the AG said. Not all that enlightening!

I expect you like me in the early years watched loads. I became a big BBC fan in the years I lived abroad (1972-85).
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It is in explicable how a person of Novak's standing could do what he just did . There is no excuse for endangering others.

I decided to move Br's post over here to comment on, lest the NYC thread go way off the rails. This latest saga on Novak Djokovic seems to have a combination of political, social and obviously Coronavirus implications. So I figured here would be good. On the face of it, from the little I know of the situation...I support the Australian government's decision to revoke his visa and deport him. While I refer to the fact that I know relatively little on the whole situation I don't mean that my opinion is based on ignorance or a lack of facts. Only that I don't feel that professional tennis, Djokovic and his saga are worth my valuable time to do a deep dive and total immersion in all the minutiae of the case.

It seems to me that Djokovic is the victim not of the Australian government (as he might want to believe), but of his own hubris. He did so many things wrong in regards to not getting vaccinated, lying and/or prevaricating on both his vaccination status as well as his positive Covid diagnosis prior to landing Down Under. Prior photos and possibly video evidence of him making public appearances, (without a mask even) while testing positive for Covid, does not speak well of his character or any concern for others besides himself. The whole way he handled himself by landing in Australia under the circumstances he did, seemed to reek of a sense of over-entitlement that rules are for other people to follow, but not him.

The way I see it he was practically giving them the finger from the very beginning by breaking their Covid rules and all but daring them to do something about it. He thought he could easily call their bluff on enforcing the rules everybody else travelling to Australia is expected to follow. And because of his name and history they wouldn't dare knock him out of the tournament. He thought he could prove that he was special. He willingly played a game of chicken, and he lost. I don't feel sorry for him.
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We are seeing a very good trend during this latest phase of the virus. The Omicron surge definitely is causing milder symptoms and particularly in fully vaccinated healthy people. The serious cases, the need for hospitalizations and most importantly the deaths are down. I feel like we are turning a corner. Many of my friends my age who are also of retirement age are very scared to leave their house. I still work two days a week, ride the subways and am trying to live my life as normally as possible. Hopefully I am reading the “tea leaves” correctly and life can return to a semblance of normalcy sooner rather than later.

Three scientific studies released on January 7th predicted the peak the virus right now with a rapid decline until the end of this month to follow. So you may be on to something. I certainly hope so.
What has been happening wrt to my own two sons who came down with it despite their own multiple inoculations bares the above out. Covid will become just another illness and there will be more just as bad, alas we humans are fragile and must learn to accept that and live with it. As to Novak his human frailties and ignorance will probably tarnish his record .
I know people tend to concentrate on the now and that is what it must be. But those of you who lived through the age of aids and dealt with the poor victim's know what I mean in just how cruel it was. It is an equal opportunity disease affecting every one the same be they old, young even babies. People who were the greatest specimens wasted away to hulks. They looked like mere living skeletons. It did not matter whether they once were jocks or hot twinks & this disease did its dirty work in a matter of months.

I volunteered in a thrift shop in San Diego called Auntie Helen's. People donated al sorts of things that were sold in the store & used to do laundry free of cost for the poor victims regardless of whom they were. By then this "gay" disease had passed into the general population.

Least you think my volunteer service was entirely out of the goodness of my heart, it started out of requirement but then continued because how could you not help these poor souls. I bring this up in the hope some young members might be encouraged to learn more and pass it on. The many who did this , dedicated it to his lost partner . His name was Gary.
This is a blend of Corona virus and politics. Which I guess since Trump purposely politicized it from the very beginning it shouldn't be surprising that diverse ideological issues often invade Covid conversation.

So... Kevin Sorbo. The actor and hottie of Hercules fame. He's an outspoken Republican now. And he's very much an anti-vaxer. He really put his foot in his mouth with a recent tweet that backfired and got him trolled pretty good. In spite of his awesomely good looks he doesn't appear to be nearly as smart as he wants to think he is. You have to look at his twisted and not too bright logic to decipher what point he was trying to make here.

It would seem to be that because the vaccines are free, that that's one more reason to distrust them. That big government, rogue elements in the deep state, etc., have some conspiracy going on. With devious, nefarious, duplicitous designs, ulterior motives and whatnot to actually harm citizen's bodies or do something with them that goes against the person's own personal self-interest with these free shots. Possibly plant surveillance chips maybe? haha Rather than offering them for free just in the sane and logical general public health interest of keeping as many citizens as possible safer from either dying outright, or getting badly sick, or infecting others.

Of course that opens the floodgates of the argument in Sorbo's logic about what we truly get for free. Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson are all getting paid very handsomely for the vaccines. The taxpayers are paying for the free vaccines one way or another.

So here goes Sorbo's attempt at sowing paranoia and distrust of the "free" vaccines.


"If the shots were given away for free because they’re life-saving, why isn’t insulin free? Chemotherapy? Epipens?"
Here are a few responses.

"If the shots were given away for free because they’re life-saving, why isn’t insulin free? Chemotherapy? Epipens?"



"Endorsing universal healthcare to own the libs."
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My personal favorite that had me literally laughing at loud at my computer desk first this morning. haha

"If the shots were given away for free because they’re life-saving, why isn’t insulin free? Chemotherapy? Epipens?"



"He's so fucking close to a breakthrough here, don't anyone move"

:thumbup1: :haha: :biggrin:
"If the shots were given away for free because they’re life-saving, why isn’t insulin free? Chemotherapy? Epipens?"



"You’re right it should all be free"
Waste of time and effort to read any of this dribble, Tampa.
Waste of time and effort to read any of this dribble, Tampa.

You're probably right. haha But with Covid still going on, still recovering from surgery and I'm still in a little bit of quarantine mode...I have more free time at home. :)

Also, I found this story in a news article. I would never spend my day perusing the Twitterverse to follow politics. If I get on Twitter itself more than 8-10 times a year (for very brief periods), I'd be surprised.
You're probably right. haha But with Covid still going on, still recovering from surgery and I'm still in a little bit of quarantine mode...I have more free time at home. :)

Also, I found this story in a news article. I would never spend my day perusing the Twitterverse to follow politics. If I get on Twitter itself more than 8-10 times a year (for very brief periods), I'd be surprised.

My news watching continues to decrease. I only watch MSNBC Rachel & Lawrence & skip most of it just hitting what is new. In the PM around 4 I just see if anything is new.
Interesting twist on the politicizing the pandemic started by Trump, it may be back firing on him. This morning on Morning Joe, they were discussing how when he told his crowd at the rally a few weeks ago that he is fully vaccinated and boosted that he was loudly booed. Now they said he doesn’t bring up vaccines at his rally’s, but it may be too late. The monster he created may turn on him for telling the truth now.
Interesting twist on the politicizing the pandemic started by Trump, it may be back firing on him. This morning on Morning Joe, they were discussing how when he told his crowd at the rally a few weeks ago that he is fully vaccinated and boosted that he was loudly booed. Now they said he doesn’t bring up vaccines at his rally’s, but it may be too late. The monster he created may turn on him for telling the truth now.

We live in hope but the damage is done already
It is now two years since Jay started this thread and we sure have been through a lot. I am wondering what folks think today regarding where we are at now. Is the worst over? Should we start to live our lives in a more normal fashion now? Or should we continue to be cautious regarding limited exposure to other people?

My feeling is that COVID will always be with us moving forward, but through vaccinations and medicines, we can and will live with it, as we do with influenza and other potentially deadly diseases. Most of my friends who are in the same age group as me, retired people seem to be more fearful than I am. I was exposed to the virus early on, in March of 2020 and had very mild symptoms which worked out as I was tested positive for the antibodies twice within a year of exposure. Now I am fully vaccinated with the booster and I feel safer than many of my friends to resume activities. I went back to my part time job in August of 2020, riding the subway, with mask in place, but many fellow New Yorkers my age are not riding public transportation. I have no problem dining indoors in restaurants but others I know still only want outdoor dining. I’ve been to museums but haven’t been to a movie theater or to a show or indoor sporting event, but I would go now, given the opportunity. What do you folks think?