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I'm on the fence. I still wear my mask in public places. But I am starting to eat inside restaurants again. However I'm still not frequenting restaurants as much as I was pre-Covid.
In this sense it is the same as with AIDS, we adjusted to that so we must do the same with COVID
I had my second booster shot of Moderna last night, today my arm has been super achy and I've had a headache all day. Now the chills are setting in, so yay, a night of teeth chattering for me piled under quilts LOL All in all, not horrible considering the alternative. This is the same reaction I had to the second and third shot (first booster).

Hope everyone is doing well!
I had my second booster shot of Moderna last night, today my arm has been super achy and I've had a headache all day. Now the chills are setting in, so yay, a night of teeth chattering for me piled under quilts LOL All in all, not horrible considering the alternative. This is the same reaction I had to the second and third shot (first booster).

Hope everyone is doing well!

That's great news that you've gotten your second booster Chac!

I'm sorry that you have so many symptoms afterwards. The bright side is that it shows your immune system is responding to the vaccine.
Any one who interacts with the public should get the second booster. on the other hand I am completely isolated so feel having just one booster is enough.

Another porn star that I have loved for so many years that I just have to unfollow and block. I don’t think this tweet got the response he was looking for because he is being dragged for this tweet.
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Another porn star that I have loved for so many years that I just have to unfollow and block. I don’t think this tweet got the response he was looking for because he is being dragged for this tweet.
Why don’t they object to seat belt laws? Should that be an individual choice too or how about no smoking on planes?
Why don’t they object to seat belt laws? Should that be an individual choice too or how about no smoking on planes?
I’ve said it before, I don’t understand an Adult Entertainer who will go to a clinic, have blood drawn and tested, have their asshole swabbed and tested for STD’s in order to have sex with strangers to make a living but won’t wear a a piece of cloth over their face on a plane. Please make it make sense. And I’m not shaming sex workers because if I was young enough I’d sure as hell do it. I say this because Cliff is known for sharing his test results publicly and encouraging everyone to know their status, which is a good thing, but then has a problem with wearing a mask.
Human beings are filled with contradictory & irrational thoughts. It is just the way people think, as illogical as that may be
Human beings are filled with contradictory & irrational thoughts. It is just the way people think, as illogical as that may be
I don’t see it as just people thinking on their own. It is all part of the politicalization of the virus and science. It all started with our former president and the way his followers blindly take his lead despite facts. Compare the number of COVID deaths among Trump voters to non Trump voters and you will see what I mean.
I don’t see it as just people thinking on their own. It is all part of the politicalization of the virus and science. It all started with our former president and the way his followers blindly take his lead despite facts. Compare the number of COVID deaths among Trump voters to non Trump voters and you will see what I mean.

I do not deny that as well but there are others who honestly believe it. You may not be old enough to seen what the reaction was when a polio vaccine was first introduced. There were many who fought it out of unwarranted fears.

I do not deny that as well but there are others who honestly believe it. You may not be old enough to seen what the reaction was when a polio vaccine was first introduced. There were many who fought it out of unwarranted fears.
You are correct. I do not remember that. Hard to believe as it is for me to believe that there is something I am too young for. :biggrin:
I don’t see it as just people thinking on their own. It is all part of the politicalization of the virus and science. It all started with our former president and the way his followers blindly take his lead despite facts. Compare the number of COVID deaths among Trump voters to non Trump voters and you will see what I mean.

Yes. That Cliff tweet is just so over the top and so factually incorrect. Even IF you go with the person who is a law-abiding citizen and who just happens to be a anti-masker because of his personal belief system that the government shouldn't interfere directly in his personal life... (Like a more libertarian type person for instance.) Yes. If you are that person in that situation, it's probably extremely frustrating. But just as with Trump's lying and exaggerating, Cliff starts off with a personal grievance that may have a kernel of righteousness or traction to it for a minority of people, and then he overplays his hand to run with it and engage in outlandish claims and outright lies.

I know we've covered this ground before. It goes back to the moral argument of whether we are (or should be) our brother's keeper. But sometimes protecting the most vulnerable in society means making some accommodations and restrictions of our own behaviors in public. On a plane we never know who might have a heart transplant and be on high doses of immuno-suppressant drugs. We don't know for sure who may have cancer or be going through radiation or chemo and have their immune systems wiped out. We don't know for sure in public places who has HIV and might be in trouble with as little as a bad cold. So in times of a pandemic, even if we make the decision that we are willing to take more chances on catching it by not wearing a mask...we don't have the right to make that cavalier decision on catching it for everyone else around us.

Even for civil libertarians they make compromises every day that are codified into laws and regulations. Even if you want to go 45 mph or more everywhere through city streets, you slow down to 15 mph in school zones to protect other people's children. There are so many examples like that in civil society where we agree (begrudgingly or not) to abide by rules, regulations or laws which are designed with the intent to protect vulnerable people other than just ourselves.

So here is Cliff's rant. He's an anti-masker. Good for him. He has a grievance. Okay. If you're an anti-masker who wants to get on a plane (prior to the latest ruling) that's your tough luck. You don't have the God-given right to get on a plane without a mask. You can refuse to wear a mask in just about every other public place you want to. But not there. You have to sign an agreement before purchasing the ticket that you will abide by the mask wearing mandate. If you absolutely refuse to wear a mask under any circumstances and planes are one place where you are legally required to do so, then you don't fly. Simple as.

What you don't do is wait until you board the plane and then take your mask off to make a political or civil libertarian type statement, and then expect that they will let you just fly on your way to your destination with no legal repercussions. What you don't do is wait until the plane takes off and you're at 30,000 feet to take off your mask, play the fool, and dare anyone to call you out...and expect no legal repercussions. You don't launch into a tirade of obscenities and/or physically assault airline employees directly in front of small children. (Or even a captive audience of unwilling adults for that matter.) And expect no legal repercussions.

I have no sympathy for these people who board a plane just looking for a fight and want to scream, yell, curse up a storm, act physically menacingly, or get actually physically violent in front of 5 year old kids. That's not some constitutionally protected free speech political statement. That's just criminal or criminal-like behavior. And they should be treated accordingly. For the safety of passengers and airline employees alike, the airlines have every right to ban these kinds of people from ever flying on their planes in the future. Good riddance!

But Cliff wants to say that because airlines are banning certain passengers from their planes for life...that that means they are on the official national No-Fly list. It's not the same thing at all. You can be banned on Spirit but still book a flight on Delta or another airline. It doesn't mean these people can never fly again. But Cliff wants you to believe that that's the case whenever someone is banned by an airline..

Then to go even farther and say that anti-maskers are being charged with terrorism and officially designated as "domestic terrorists" for simply refusing to wear a mask on a plane is just ridiculous. If he really believes that, it just speaks to his own ignorance.
It seems the Justice department is going to appeal the anti mask ruling despite the termination of the mask requirement is less than 10 days. Not sure what the right approach is.

This in no way is meant to be a dispute e with you Mike & Tampa.
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New variant on its way Covid XE variant; two children under 9 among deaths in NZ
QAnon star Cirsten Weldon, who said only idiots get vaccinated,... and called for Dr. Fauci to be executed,... has died of Covid.
I’m wondering how others feel today about COVID in late June, 2022. I know many people who test positive and then have mild or no symptoms, or some who tell me that they felt sick for several days, but then resume normal activities. I see less and less mask wearing in the supermarket and other stores. New York City still requires masks on public transportation, but I would estimate that 50-60% go maskless. Yet on the other hand, I still see people walking down the street outdoors with masks on. How do others on the forum regard the state of the virus now? I tend to take less caution as for right now, as life seems to be going back to pre-COVID times.