I wish I could feel that way buddy. But because I got a breakthrough infection in July, I don't feel bulletproof. And I have gotten the 3rd booster legitimately (since last month) because I qualified. I'd love to go see a Rays game at Tropicana Field. But right now? For me? In Florida? No way Jose'.
It's interesting that most of my friends in my age range feel as you do Tampa, (even though you are a decade or more younger). I feel like I am right in the middle ground of disagreeing with the extremests who believe that the virus is still a left wing conspiracy, (the Trumpers) and many of my friends who still feel like they must live their lives in a protected bubble and refuse to eat inside of restaurants, or to go to a museum or any indoor event. I am definitely in the middle ground where I am cautious, I wear a mask in the subway, (which is the law), but my other friends will not even take the subway. I've been riding the subway again for over a year and feel fine with the mask on.
When the pandemic hit in early to mid March of 2020, (which is when Jay started this thread), my job closed down and I felt tired with a headache, a low fever and a loss of appetite for about two weeks in March of 2020 and then I felt fine again. Eventually during the summer of 2020 I got a physical and my blood test showed that I had the COVID antibodies, so indeed I did have the infection early on, but the symptoms were so mild that I did not even know it for sure, but I suspected that I did. So with the natural antibodies I was not in the great rush to get the vaccination last year but when the appointments opened up I received both shots and now I am getting the booster next week.
From everything I see on television and read is that well over 90% of the people who get seriously ill, and are hospitalized or even die from COVID are unvaccinated and that those who do get the break through cases usually have mild symptoms and then are fine again in a few weeks. And so I have gone to indoor restaurants and to museums and I especially have been doing outdoor activities, such as my walking tours and visits with friends to parks where I feel no need to wear a mask. In fact, I am going to The Bronx Zoo tomorrow, where there is a vaccination requirement for admittance, and after the zoo I am going to the Arthur Avenue section of the Bronx, close by for a nice Italian meal, (outside, but I am not afraid to eat inside if necessary). As I tell my friends and relatives who are much more cautious than I am, everyone has to do what makes them feel comfortable. I am just stating my level of comfort with being fully vaccinated and reasonably cautious is a pretty high level of comfort.