As I'm sure I've mentioned earlier somewhere in this thread I got my vaccines done as quickly as I possibly could. It took me a little longer than I would have liked only because I was too young in Florida (under 65) when the vaccines first rolled out. But because I'm in a high risk population group being immuno-suppressed due to a transplant, I did get an exception with other younger transplant patients in March to get the Moderna vaccine. I've been fully vaxed (two weeks after my second dose) since the second week of April.
Long story short, yesterday I got tested after having a cold for about a week...and I have Covid. So if you were wondering if people who were vaccinated really could still get Covid, I can confirm the answer is yes. I'm assuming that it's the Delta variant. We keep hearing that it's more contagious and that the symptoms are worse. And we can assume for all of those reasons that it's more deadly. So it makes sense that if Covid is able to break through the vaccines, that it would probably be the Delta strain.
I'm actually doing pretty good right now. I'm currrently in no need of hospitalization or aggressive medical treatment. They told me at the walk-in clinic where I got tested to just go home immediately. You know... Go directly home, do not pass go, do not collect $200. They told me to quarantine for 14 days. The usual suggestions of pushing lots of fluids, eat well, get plenty of rest. Then at the end of 14 days, come back and re-test. And if I test negative at that point, then I can assume I'm good.
I was given the option of a standard test that would take 2-3 days to get the results. Or I could do the rapid test that would take about 10-15 minutes. The catch with that one is that it isn't processed through insurance and costs $80 out-of-pocket. Since I still have some stimulus money left over, and because I didn't want to be on pins and needles for up to 3 more days, I opted for the rapid test. So from the time they took the swab it was less than 15 minutes before they came back to me with the positive result.
Also the swab they used (for the rapid test at least) was only about a double sized standard Q-tip swab. It was not the long wooden stick they had used in other Covid tests or for the standard flu swab. She told me that she would go up both nostrils, but only mid way. It wasn't the one that looks like it could reach above your forehead from the inside, or feels like they're shoving it into your third eye.

With as small as it was and how low they went, I think even model
James Dawn would approve. haha
Obviously from the tone of my post you can assume that I do not feel awful. I don't feel great, mind you. But I feel like I have a mild to moderate cold. The twist to the standard cold symptoms is that I have also some muscle aches and I have lost taste and smell. Oddly I still get a little sense of the taste of salt in my food. But that's about it. Not really any others flavors besides salt. And trust me when I tell you that the first week I thought I had a cold, it was worse. It felt like a really bad cold. But I was in denial beacuse I'm vaccinated for one. The other part is that the worst of the first 5 days I never ran a fever, and my sense of taste and smell was fine. I still have been very fortuante in that I haven't run a fever. But on the evening of the 6th day the taste and smell went AWOL.
So for now I am quite stable and each new day feels better than the last. I'm in contact with my PCP and my nephrologist. They approve of me just staying quarantined and staying the course, with the usual caveat to go to the ER if my symptoms worsen. I'm convinced that it's because I got vaccinated that I am having such mild syptoms to Covid. Given my weaker immune system I'm pretty sure I would either be hospitalized or worse right now without the vaccine. So for the vaccine I am very grateful.
I'm not thrilled that I got a breakthrough infection or what that entails for the future of myself and the country in general as we were hopefully on track to get back to a normal pre-Covid life. But nobody promised that life on Earth would be easy. *Sigh*