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Cody & Luke Rock the Futon


Well-known Member
Feb 9, 2009
Reaction score
These guys, straight, bi or whatever, just really enjoy sex. They got off on each other, and on the sensations they could get from each oither's lips, tongues, hands, nipples, cocks and holes.
HOT HOT HOT - I gave it 5*
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Cody looks enough like Anthony to be a cousin as well and until this video that's what appealed to me about him. Now that I've seen what a co-star like Luke can bring out in him, I can appreciate Cody for many other things as well. He's willingness to do what is asked and his eventual enjoyment of all those things has bumped up from Anthony Lite to Anothony's Stunt Double in my head...
Loved this vid, can't wait for the rematch.
Well done David good match up with these two, they got into the shoot and seemes to enjoy themselves.
Luke is just so darn cute! The kissing certainly did the trick for Cody! He was hard before his pants came off! David made a comment that more of the straightboys should do that. It works! LOL!

I really liked these 2 together. The whimpers Luke was making, especially when he busted, were cute.

Too bad Cody lost his drive. Mean David took away half his pay! I guess that will teach Cody to not fuck his GF before a shoot! :wink:
At the risk of offending anyone, what shoot were you watching ? I found this scene painful to watch. The kissing was clumsy at best, Cody kept looking to the camera like he did'nt know what to do. To me there appeared to be a lot of grinding passed off as actual fucking. Did you not notice we did not get any of the close up penetration shots that David is so adept at filming? I am not saying there was no actual penetration, just not as much as we were led to belive. Did anyone else catch when David mentioned the Holiday's as a reason for the pay scale? This must have been the scene shot prior to the Christmas Elf shoot where Cody and Luke were the Christmas Bonus. That scene was Hot and had good matchups.
Now, before you get out the torches and pitchforks to come looking for me, I am not bashing the models. I abosolukely LOVE LUKE!! I think he is HOT!!
He is so cute and I see where he could be a very open-minded and passionate lover with the right match-up, this was not it. A shoot with Luke and Diesal or even Luke and Jimmy would cause multiple loads to be spilled I am sure.
As for Cody, I expected more out of him because he reminds me of my last straight boy crush who turned out to love being masturbated, fingered, rimmed and fucked. He was a great kisser too, but did'nt like sucking dick like most of my straight boys do. Go figure! While I am a sucker (pun intended) for the tall boys, Cody left me as limp as he was at the end.
With that being said, I am a huge fan of the site and Happy Birthday Broke Straight Boys!!

At the risk of offending anyone, what shoot were you watching ? I found this scene painful to watch. The kissing was clumsy at best, Cody kept looking to the camera like he did'nt know what to do. To me there appeared to be a lot of grinding passed off as actual fucking. Did you not notice we did not get any of the close up penetration shots that David is so adept at filming? I am not saying there was no actual penetration, just not as much as we were led to belive. Did anyone else catch when David mentioned the Holiday's as a reason for the pay scale? This must have been the scene shot prior to the Christmas Elf shoot where Cody and Luke were the Christmas Bonus. That scene was Hot and had good matchups.
Now, before you get out the torches and pitchforks to come looking for me, I am not bashing the models. I abosolukely LOVE LUKE!! I think he is HOT!!
He is so cute and I see where he could be a very open-minded and passionate lover with the right match-up, this was not it. A shoot with Luke and Diesal or even Luke and Jimmy would cause multiple loads to be spilled I am sure.
As for Cody, I expected more out of him because he reminds me of my last straight boy crush who turned out to love being masturbated, fingered, rimmed and fucked. He was a great kisser too, but did'nt like sucking dick like most of my straight boys do. Go figure! While I am a sucker (pun intended) for the tall boys, Cody left me as limp as he was at the end.
With that being said, I am a huge fan of the site and Happy Birthday Broke Straight Boys!!

I agree with a lot of what you said, Jason. I was very turned on at the beginning and when I saw Cody's shorts come off and his cock so hard, it seemed like it was going to turn out great. But Luke remained limp when Cody was sucking him, and the shoot went downhill from there.

In the final scene with Cody embarrassed that he couldn't get hard again and cum, and Dave admonishing him for having sex with his girlfriend and holding back $500, I felt like it was a bad ending. Cody started off all hot and excited, but something left him limp at the ending, and me too.:001_unsure:
Dave's a big boy and can take it, and anyway he's probably aware that this wasn't a masterpiece. I agree with Jason and Mike that what started out as a terrifically promising episode got more and more anguished as it drew to a contentious close. The most that happened was that Luke was able to jack himself off. Cody was by that time out of the running and out of Luke. Look again and you'll see the empty condom resting on his pubis as Luke squeezes out the last spurts. An alternative story to the one we got could just as easily have been that Cody came in the condom while fucking Luke. I would have bought it and it would have been hot, and Cody would have collected his grand.

I was limp at the ending, but only because I blew when Luke locked his ankles around Cody's waist and Cody dived in to kiss his neck. Just the desperation, and the thrashing about, was enough to put me over the edge lol. Cody, oddly enough for a big basketball dude, is very slightly uncoordinated with his pelvic thrust. I think part of the problem also could have been the difference in their heights? They kept wanting to kiss but every time they tried discovered anew that their mouths were an unbridgeable 2 feet from each other.
Cody & Luke Were Hot Just Long Enough

These things could end in murder-suicide and I generally wouldn't know for weeks. Climax and climax are as far apart as the tops of Cody and Luke's heads for me. As long as it was hot as fuck for as long as it was is all I ask for...
But reality porn has episodes that are less than perfect and that is part of the "whole enchanlada" that we are digging from this site. Beware of getting the circle jerk boys product where they edit the shit out of everything.
This episode really did start well and I had high hopes...hell there was kissin and I am a real sucker for that!! Love it!!
Over all it was cool, a little slow in the middle and shame that Cody couldn't finish but we have been spoilt lately with some real hot scenes and I think that this one did ok.
Luke is dam hot...haha would like to see just how flexible that boy is..:001_tongue:
I think pairing Luke up with someone like Diesal would be fantastic........yep getting a mental image of that one now.......ok i may need to go and have a long hard think about that one on my own in a corner and really get to grips with it:cumshot:
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I agree with what Jason bravely posted earlier in the thread. The kissing at the begining was great but then the film went downhill. When David mentioned at the end that maybe Luke should be popping Cody's cherry, Luke gave the thumbs up, but I don't think Cody will be up for this.

Looking back at last year's Xmas special, Luke really seemed to be into Mike (Antony's cousin) and as far as I can remember they flip flopped. I would like to see Luke and Mike together again as a duo with David just leaving the camera's running and letting them get on with it.
Bad ennding

I agree with a lot of what you said, Jason. I was very turned on at the beginning and when I saw Cody's shorts come off and his cock so hard, it seemed like it was going to turn out great. But Luke remained limp when Cody was sucking him, and the shoot went downhill from there.

In the final scene with Cody embarrassed that he couldn't get hard again and cum, and Dave admonishing him for having sex with his girlfriend and holding back $500, I felt like it was a bad ending. Cody started off all hot and excited, but something left him limp at the ending, and me too.:001_unsure:

I agree with you Mike, having watched it again, about the bad ending. David seemed really grumpy that Cody couldn't cum. The pay cut and obvious irritation at Cody's "I fucked my gf last night so what you gonna do???" left an unusually sour taste on watching it the second time. Luke? Great model!
Holy cow !

These guys, straight, bi or whatever, just really enjoy sex. They got off on each other, and on the sensations they could get from each oither's lips, tongues, hands, nipples, cocks and holes.
HOT HOT HOT - I gave it 5*

What a pair! They really went for it. I liked their solos and thought they'd never be seen again. I was sooooo wrong. Are they back or is this out of the dusty vault?:001_wub:
I was just trying to figure out the time line on the Cody and Luke scene and I hope David will chine in and fill in the blanks. The two of them have now been on Broke Straight Boys a total of three times each, unless I have missed one. I believe they both first showed up in the Christmas shoot on Dec 27 where they of course did the full gambit of sucking and fucking. After this Cody's solo session aired Feb 25 and Luke's March 25. Next we see them together September 5th again doing sucking and fucking. Now Luke is Bi so I can see where he would not need much coaching but on the other hand Cody is straight and if all this is correct that means he jumped straight into the hard core with little or no coaching after his solo. Normally there would be a joint shoot then some oral and then finally some fucking. Unless there are some scenes still missing Cody is indeed a trooper and deserves a hand for giving it all for the game. I don't think to many of the straight guys would have been so easy. With this in mind sorry David but you may have been a bit grumpy about the not being able to come thing. It is easy to understand how important this could be as with out it you don't have much of a shoot but in this case you were obviously still able to use the footage as there was still plenty of other HOT material and so far there does not seem to be any complaints. How about being a nice guy and cutting our boy a check for the difference. In exchange for his inability to perform he has to get on line on the forum and answer all our dirty minded little questions. Just a thought and David I will thank you in advance for any light you can shed.
I was just trying to figure out the time line on the Cody and Luke scene and I hope David will chine in and fill in the blanks. The two of them have now been on Broke Straight Boys a total of three times each, unless I have missed one. I believe they both first showed up in the Christmas shoot on Dec 27 where they of course did the full gambit of sucking and fucking. After this Cody's solo session aired Feb 25 and Luke's March 25. Next we see them together September 5th again doing sucking and fucking. Now Luke is Bi so I can see where he would not need much coaching but on the other hand Cody is straight and if all this is correct that means he jumped straight into the hard core with little or no coaching after his solo. Normally there would be a joint shoot then some oral and then finally some fucking. Unless there are some scenes still missing Cody is indeed a trooper and deserves a hand for giving it all for the game. I don't think to many of the straight guys would have been so easy. With this in mind sorry David but you may have been a bit grumpy about the not being able to come thing. It is easy to understand how important this could be as with out it you don't have much of a shoot but in this case you were obviously still able to use the footage as there was still plenty of other HOT material and so far there does not seem to be any complaints. How about being a nice guy and cutting our boy a check for the difference. In exchange for his inability to perform he has to get on line on the forum and answer all our dirty minded little questions. Just a thought and David I will thank you in advance for any light you can shed.
I would also be curious to find out what light David can shed on this scene. David did seem a bit harsher than usual, and seemed genuinely angry when Cody couldn't cum. He didn't have trouble getting hard earlier in the video, so I don't know if the "fucking my girlfriend last night" excuse holds up. I'd appreciate any comments that you could offer, David as to what happened during that shoot, and if Cody remained with Broke Straight Boys or went the way of Ace. Thanks.