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Chat Feature


BSB Addict
Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
By now I have formed the opinion that quite a few of us regular forumites have formed a closeness that is beyond just having a common interest in the Broke Straight Boys boys or being here for the forums.
The forum is great for what it is intended, however (& this is definitely not a criticism) the forum is not really suitable for "chatting".
Therefore I am suggesting that there should, at least, be some thought put in to the possibility of having a chat feature added to the Broke Straight Boys site.
What do you think?
By now I have formed the opinion that quite a few of us regular forumites have formed a closeness that is beyond just having a common interest in the Broke Straight Boys boys or being here for the forums.
The forum is great for what it is intended, however (& this is definitely not a criticism) the forum is not really suitable for "chatting".
Therefore I am suggesting that there should, at least, be some thought put in to the possibility of having a chat feature added to the Broke Straight Boys site.
What do you think?

Hey Ray, I think that would be great if Mark and Stephane could manage it with out to much time energy and dollars (and maybe bandwidth as well). Maybe an open and private live chat option????? It's true that posting is good and PM's are fine for brief exchanges, but some of us (Kodieboy - I know you're listening) would appreciate a more immediate real time conversation at times.

Be well brother,

Hey Ray, I think that would be great if Mark and Stephane could manage it with out to much time energy and dollars (and maybe bandwidth as well). Maybe an open and private live chat option????? It's true that posting is good and PM's are fine for brief exchanges, but some of us (Kodieboy - I know you're listening) would appreciate a more immediate real time conversation at times.

Be well brother,


Yes I agree Jayce there are a number of logistical issues that need to be considered.
I was/am hoping that Mark & Stephan comment on the suggestion.
I think it's a good idea. But just as Jayce says I don't want to apply pressure on Mark and everyone else to give us yet another feature that might be time consuming and expensive to install. If it can't be done or if it would be a long ways off, I would understand.
Hey Ray, I think that would be great if Mark and Stephane could manage it with out to much time energy and dollars (and maybe bandwidth as well). Maybe an open and private live chat option????? It's true that posting is good and PM's are fine for brief exchanges, but some of us (Kodieboy - I know you're listening) would appreciate a more immediate real time conversation at times.

Be well brother,


Belive it i wasnt till now ... i was resting with the odd look for any messages to me in they other chat,till something was said to make me look

haha Jayce...... the first time i prob wasnt Listening as u put it lmao
By now I have formed the opinion that quite a few of us regular forumites have formed a closeness that is beyond just having a common interest in the Broke Straight Boys boys or being here for the forums.
The forum is great for what it is intended, however (& this is definitely not a criticism) the forum is not really suitable for "chatting".
Therefore I am suggesting that there should, at least, be some thought put in to the possibility of having a chat feature added to the Broke Straight Boys site.
What do you think?

I believe it was suggested once before. I think it is a great idea. But then you alos need to have chat room monitors. So, that could get messy... Other than that, I think it would be great :thumbup: I think magt. has there hands pretty full as it is with the forum. I wouldn't want to impose any more. They already give us a lot of great service and video selection... Maybe it could be a wishlist item for the future.
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I've always preferred message boards to chat rooms. I find chat rooms too chaotic. I'm not even that big a fan of having more than one IM conversation going at a time...
I've always preferred message boards to chat rooms. I find chat rooms too chaotic. I'm not even that big a fan of having more than one IM conversation going at a time...

I agree with you on that one Baal. I have never done IMing but I do think it would be chaotic for me also. At least at first. In fact I have actually avoided IMing because I'm not a fast typist and I don't like the use of all the abbreviations that come with it. It's only because I figure in here it would be a relatively small group of people chatting at any one time, that I'm in favor of it. Also because I like and feel like I know so many of you in here I wouldn't mind giving it a shot.

But again they do already give us a whole lot for a reasonable fee. I would hate to sound ungrateful by piling on with requests for even more services.
not sure that it would bring to the board the extra attention to overcome the expenses of doing it, so yeah i agree that it would be cool, but also understand if it doesn't happen
maybe a premium package could include it?

And the solution to hating the abbreviations is never using them. I never have. I'm too anal and OCD to intentionally misspell things...
I totally agree. I hope it happens.
maybe a premium package could include it?

And the solution to hating the abbreviations is never using them. I never have. I'm too anal and OCD to intentionally misspell things...

that might could work, but honestly how much more are willing to pay for it, then you will only have a select few that have the option
I'd say you're too good for us but I'm worth any pampering so I won't...
And the solution to hating the abbreviations is never using them. I never have. I'm too anal and OCD to intentionally misspell things...

You're preaching to the choir Baal. LOL I don't like the abbreviations and deliberate misspellings. I use very few abbreviations myself here in the forum. I also don't enjoy having to read and decipher them. That's another reason why I have always shied away from IM chat rooms.

Having said all that I think it's very nice of Mark to take the idea into consideration. Thanks Mark!!
I realized because of this thread how much this forum helps the site. It creates a sense of group that gives anyone on the fence one more reason to keep subscribing...
Kodie In Oz, his story

I think there's a real need to find a way to accommodate Kodie's vision of what the forum is all about. He's changed it's tempo, content and purpose to a really noticeable degree in the time he's been here. I've picked up some resistance to this trend, and noticed that Kodie has had to be chastised for dropping into any old thread and being infuriatingly non sequitur with his lighthearted banter.

I've also become, paradoxically, fascinated to know what makes him tick, so it's not a question of TMI with him, rather a question of NEPI. We don't really know all that much about this guy who has virtually taken over the forum. I know in a vague way stuff that makes me want to get some clarification, like his kids, and their place in his gay, electronic existence. Maybe some of you other guys know stuff I don't as I admit I haven't spent any time in the I'm Bored thread, for fear the boredom might be contagious. But I suspect that the real Kodie is just as obscure there as he is, masterminding his GIF attacks behind the scenes, out on the general platform. I have the real sensation that Kodie is hot. He looks cute in the photos and he sounds like someone who is used to being listened to. I bet sex with him would be great. But who knows?

Have deleted my misguided thread, supposedly the solution to knowing more about Kodie, an invitation to tell "his story" the way some of us have done on the forum in the past. Wow, what a bad idea I had. Really sorry.
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national effective parenting initiative ????
Chats or message boards ......... what ever we have we have....... no pressure coming from me

I just go with the flow
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And on another note ...... i didnt bring up the subject of a chat feature ..... i knew nothing about it untill Tampa left a message in another chat

copying and pasteing below


Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Florida
Posts: 876


Hey Kodie and Ray. I saw the suggestion for a chat feature. I think it's a good idea if they could do it. I'm not really familiar with the differences that a chat room offers. I'm guessing that in a chat site you could chat privately with individuals or small groups without it being common knowledge. Is that the angle you're looking for? At least we have a thread like this.

As far as renaming this thread I'm pretty sure you can do it Kodie since you are the one who started it. If you want to change the name to something more upbeat and pleasant there are edit features that should allow you to do it. I don't know how myself but if you PM'd Scorpio I'm sure he could tell you how to do it.

untill Tampa left that i was oblivious to the whole chat feature thing

Sooooooooo there you go, something i didnt know anything about ... huh .......... there is a first for everything.
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