I’ve often “bitched” how the forum is not what it used to be, but of course nothing in life is exactly as it was, and yesterday proved to me that while my beloved forum indeed used to have many more folks who participated on a daily basis, it is still a wonderful internet home for me as it has been for the past 15 years.
I’d once again like to thank Stowe, Jay & “friends”, lol

, Mark, GoneWithTheWind, Peter, (who I’ve spent more in person time with than any other forumite by far), Chac, David, (the man I call the true star of
Broke Straight Boys-1, as he was in every episode and he hired ALL the boys who I fell in love with and made me join to see more and more of them. And then he became a true real life friend as well, who offered me great life advice a number of years ago when I was going through a job crisis), kgmets and my oldest forumite compatriot, (not age wise), but Tampa was actually on the forum before me, and he was the first whom I met in person! Thank you one and all for helping make yesterday a very special day. Much love to you all.
In conclusion, as I was walking back to the subway after the show and dinner, it was just 8 PM and I noticed crowds of folks in Manhattan all taking pics down the side streets as the sun was going down between the buildings and as I couldn’t cross the streets anyway with all the folks snapping pics, I took the old adage, ‘If you can’t beat them, join them”. And I got these pretty shots at sunset last night.

Give my regards to Broadway! Lol