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Brayden on the move

Wow! I had missed out on this thread. That's amazing how you guys had once tried to put them up in motels. In hindsight though it's pretty obvious why that didn't work out. The kinds of new "friends" the models would make hanging out in a motel are exactly the kind who would either be selling drugs, telling them where they could score drugs or booze, or helping them find the "best" parties and mischief that South Florida offers.

It sounds like a total NIGHTMARE to me. Thank God you don't do that anymore. I can only imagine having an 18-20 year old kid in your care who finds a party and disappears for 5 days. Maybe the parents don't even know he left state.

So you've got this 18 y/o kid in Michigan who told his parents that he was going on a weekend camping trip, 10 miles away, with friends from school. He left on Thursday to return on Monday. The kid went to a Ft. Lauderdale party on Saturday night and hasn't been seen again. Now it's 5 days later and David and Eddie are frantic. The parents are frantic. Do they call the parents? Do they not? If they call the parents what do they tell them? Are the parents in Michigan going to get a call from the Broward County P.D. telling them that their son's body has been found in a ditch in South Florida? Oy Vey!

It's so much better for them that they stay with you David. Where you have a whole lot more control over their activities. I don't envy you though as far as having to wonder if your stuff is going to get stolen and pawned. Or whether your property is going to get damaged because people aren't respecting it properly.

As for Braden it's very sad. I have never joined ASG even though I considered it years ago. The drama and the sleaziness over there has become well known to many of us though anyway. Poor Braden is really scraping the bottom of the barrel over there. He'll make some money. But because he's so young and not very bright, he won't put it to good use. The one thing he has going for him in life is his looks. But the drugs and alcohol will take that away from him too eventually if he doesn't make major changes. He's in for a hard fall. It's a shame. I can only hope that he will eventually get his life together enough to find some degree of happiness.

See how enlightening this place can be when David feels comfortable to open up to us once in a while?
'Tis a pity that this information has come out now and that Braden probably has a few more films in the can. With all this information that has come to light, he will never be seen with the same thoughts again.

Throwing up, pissing all over the place etc etc. I would be tempted show them the dough at the end of the shoot, then say, oh I have to take back 500 out of the 1000 to pay for the mess you made.
David with all that you have shared about the “real’ behind the scenes leads me to believe that there’s more going on about a model not coming back for more shoots, that is models that many of us really like. I certainly understand that what we see in front of the camera can be good looking window dressing, but behind it a major headache in having to deal with the personalities.

I’m glad you have had this space to vent a little about what you and Eddie have in the past and I guess continue to deal with today, because you really don’t know about the model until they get off the plane and you spend some time with them in your home.

I want to express my thanks to you for not letting us know “the bad and the ugly” of some of the models because that would tend to burst our bubble about them.

Wow, and I thought all you did was have extended time to spend with these good looking young men and enjoy their company, and I don’t mean anything sexual about that statement.

I'm very aware what goes on at this studio. I'm surprised they still stay in business. For a while they closed down but I guess they got someone to invest money into the business. Those guys at ASG have a really bad reputation in this industry and its sad that Braden made his way to that studio but it doesn't surprise me at the least.

Braden is a good guy...but he isn't the smartest guy around. To give you a perfect example, he can't even spell the city he lives in and has no idea what Cuba is and he can't even pronounce the island country. He doesn't know how to read nor spell.

He has no job and nobody wants to hire him so in a case like this, he has turned to porn. Braden is also very hungry to make as much money as he can and he's will do almost anything for a buck. Although he didn't bottom for our studio, I'm sure someone will offer him the right amount of money and he will be a bottom bitch and since he is so influenced by money and doesn't have the level of intelligence, I'm afraid that Braden is going to be taken advantage of...another sad story...it will be interesting to follow him as a model and see what happens to him.

It sounds like Braden should change his name to - 40Watt
David, how you treat the boys makes all the difference in the world to me or I wouldn't be subscribing for so long. But, not to be harsh, I think to a lot of your models it doesn't mean that much when someone dangles enough money in front of them whether they are being treated with respect or exploited. In that, they are not different than the average person who needs money. "What would you do for a Klondike bar?" Humiliate yourself? Sure!

I'm very aware what goes on at this studio. I'm surprised they still stay in business. For a while they closed down but I guess they got someone to invest money into the business. Those guys at ASG have a really bad reputation in this industry and its sad that Braden made his way to that studio but it doesn't surprise me at the least.

Braden is a good guy...but he isn't the smartest guy around. To give you a perfect example, he can't even spell the city he lives in and has no idea what Cuba is and he can't even pronounce the island country. He doesn't know how to read nor spell.

He has no job and nobody wants to hire him so in a case like this, he has turned to porn. Braden is also very hungry to make as much money as he can and he's will do almost anything for a buck. Although he didn't bottom for our studio, I'm sure someone will offer him the right amount of money and he will be a bottom bitch and since he is so influenced by money and doesn't have the level of intelligence, I'm afraid that Braden is going to be taken advantage of...another sad story...it will be interesting to follow him as a model and see what happens to him.

Yea, Dink Flamingo of Active Duty fame bought them out and apparently gave Doug a job? It was a very sad and sordid state of affairs last yearish.
I have friends in Phoenix who have worked for Broke Straight Boys in the past, and smoking or injected crystal meth the entire time before, during and after filming. They also fuck bareback when the cameras aren't rolling.
I have friends in Phoenix who have worked for Broke Straight Boys in the past, and smoking or injected crystal meth the entire time before, during and after filming. They also fuck bareback when the cameras aren't rolling.

Are you stating that they did these things whilst working for Broke Straight Boys ? I find this very hard to believe but not impossible. I suggest that unless you substantiate your claim with more proof - either on this thread or by PM to David, then you could possibly be an intruder from another site, who is jealous of the success of Broke Straight Boys and wishes to disrupt the forum with lies and deceit.
you could possibly be an intruder from another site, who is jealous of the success of Broke Straight Boys and wishes to disrupt the forum with lies and deceit.

The same thought crossed my mind too. Why would a new poster to the forum come in and start lobbing around hand grenades like that? What's the motive and agenda there? Or the grievance?
I have friends in Phoenix who have worked for Broke Straight Boys in the past, and smoking or injected crystal meth the entire time before, during and after filming. They also fuck bareback when the cameras aren't rolling.

This is the most ridiculous thing I have heard. You are obviously here to cause problems so goodbye.
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This is the most ridiculous thing I have heard. You are obviously here to cause problems so goodbye.

Thank you Mark and everyone else...I don't know why someone would say such accusations. I think its safe to say that this person that post such things has no clue what he's talking about and I'm very curious to which models they are speaking about and making such statements about what goes on behind the scenes of Broke Straight Boys here in South Florida.
Obviously someone who wants to stir things up for their own purposes. But it didn't work. Most of us are smart enough to spot an instigator, or an employee of the competition, pretty easily. I give this person's outlandish accusations no credence at all.
Thank you Mark and everyone else...I don't know why someone would say such accusations. I think its safe to say that this person that post such things has no clue what he's talking about and I'm very curious to which models they are speaking about and making such statements about what goes on behind the scenes of Broke Straight Boys here in South Florida.

I think those of us who have been around a while know enough to realize that those accusations were bogus and that guy was just trying to discredit Broke Straight Boys as a whole... Mark did the right thing by getting that guy out of here before he had a chance to infect the site and cause really problems in the Forum as a whole. I really am sorry that you and Eddy have to put up with all that you do. Then on top of that you are all dealing with these kinds of posts on the Forum to boot. Bless your hearts for all that you two do to bring us great porn every week.:wink:
I think those of us who have been around a while know enough to realize that those accusations were bogus and that guy was just trying to discredit Broke Straight Boys as a whole... Mark did the right thing by getting that guy out of here before he had a chance to infect the site and cause really problems in the Forum as a whole. I really am sorry that you and Eddy have to put up with all that you do. Then on top of that you are all dealing with these kinds of posts on the Forum to boot. Bless your hearts for all that you two do to bring us great porn every week.:wink:

I love David. And I don't think that from what he said on this thread about certain brokies finding a pusher of choice at the mall next to the studio, it's out of line to think that one of them might also manage to shoot up discreetly before he's filmed, or to do some bareback with a best friend who came down to film in Florida with him off cam. Broke Straight Boys is no stranger to barebacking anyway, it's happened several times in the videos and was hot. When I saw it I assumed that special circumstances prevailed that gave David and, in one case, Tyler (who was one of the protagonists in one of the bb scenes) the surety that it was safe.

It's also naive to think that some of the guys who resort to porn to make a buck might not have something going on with drugs.

I disagree that the poster is clearly a mole trying to stir things up. If he is, he's too subtle to do any harm since what he said isn't all that incendiary. And neither Mark nor David should feel they have to do a big denial number about it. They do the best they can to keep their business clean in a field full of abuse and tragedy. It's unfair to expect them to mentor every crazy brokie who comes into their space.
Slim I am not all that naive either. Trust me I have worked at a drug an alcohol rehab for at least 6 years of my life as well as worked for an AIDS service organization for 6 years as a community educator doing street outreach and working as a caseworker. The stories I could tell you could fill several books the size of "War and Peace." That being said, I agree that some of these guys may sneak off and score something to get their high on. I would also agree that perhaps some of these guys may have tried a thing or two behind closed doors... The thrill of the chase and the prospect of being caught can be an instant high in itself.

What I was saying is that I do not believe for one moment that David, Eddy, or any other mgt. staff at Broke Straight Boys would condone the models actions if they were caught participating in such activities. As David said if they break the rules they are sent home. I am sure their may be a few that have managed to slip between the cracks from time to time. However I believe those numbers are far and few between. I also, believe that both David and Eddy would enforce the rules of their home for two reasons.

The first is that these kind of illicit and or illegal activities can draw a lot of unwanted attention from neighbors. Most family minded people would not want to be associated with people who produce porn living next to them. It is that old golden rule, "Never shit where you eat."

The other major reason is that the engaging in the use of illicit drugs can have detrimental side affects on the models physically, mentally, and emotionally on a conscious level let alone their performance on camera. Engaging in sex the night before could affect the models ability to get hard or produce a great orgasm.

So, I would say we are on the same page for the most part Slim.:wink:
Slim, I think you should read the poster's, who was immediately banned by the way, post once more

"I have friends in Phoenix who have worked for Broke Straight Boys in the past, and smoking or injected crystal meth the entire time before, during and after filming. They also fuck bareback when the cameras aren't rolling."

This was the members first post, he later made on on another thread. For a newbie to come out of the blue and state that IS very strange. Mark was right to say he was on here to cause trouble and whether he was bogus and from another site - it happens btw, or just an ex member with a grudge, he was right to get barred.

As Jay said, David and Eddie kindly put the models up at their homes for the duration of the shoot, at least 2 or 3 days and sometimes more I believe. Jay is absolutely correct on what David and Eddie would do if they caught the models transgressing.

I say forget the accusations because they could have been anything. It's just a pissed off ex member or a pissed off company jealous of Broke Straight Boys's success.
When I first skimmed through that post I thought they were referring to ASG because they mentioned Phoenix and I think that's their location. I admit that I have been a member of ASG in the past and that was my first intro to this genre, but switched after I found Broke Straight Boys It's true about all the drinking during shoots. I can only recall a couple of guys who could be called seriously wasted, but I always had the feeling that a lot of them were probably on something. Or maybe it's just really dusty out there and all that sniffing is due to allergies....

And here I was just recently thinking that Brayden was my new favorite! Well reading that he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer is a turnoff for me. I guess I'm gonna have to tell him I'm canceling our wedding :)

I checked out his page on there and saw the not so subtle dig at Broke Straight Boys I'd just take it as a compliment that they find you important enough to mention in a video description on their own site. And it's free publicity too. I have no doubt that you get a lot of hits from people reading that and coming over here to see if there are more models as hot as him. It would be interesting to see how many of those convert to memberships.

Although their concept is very similar to Broke Straight Boys, the other similarities are mostly superficial. Their videos and models can range anywhere from very good to very bad, whereas Broke Straight Boys is far more consistent. They seem to be more interested in quantity than quality, so it's hard to know what you're getting. As stated before, they don't seem to have much boundary between the directors and models, if any at all. Depending on who you talk to, that could be considered either unethical and sleazy OR the job that dreams are made of.

I've always thought their site interface was a bit clunky and dated. I see it got a makeover, but still doesn't compare to this site. There's been a small number of models shift either to one or over to the other, but the "refugee boat" migration to them is clearly not the case. I'd love to see a few of their models on here, but not even sure if the ones I'm thinking of are still in the biz.

Sounds like a challenge to chaperone all those boys. I can barely keep one under control, let alone that many. Have you ever considered having a live cam house? Since they are there anyway it could provide extra work and keep them busy. And David should definitely write a book about all this. It wouldn't be very difficult to market to the gay community with your pre-existing fan base. I'd buy it for sure.
Actually, I should add to the above that on a positive note, they do come up with some unique ideas I haven't seen elsewhere. Not sure how well they'd be received by members here though. Sometimes if you have a formula that works it's best not to mess with it too much. On the other hand, occasionally a new idea can be well worth the risk. Okay, I really need to stop thinking about the world of porn and get back to work!!!