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Aiden & Tyler, part 2


Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
Aiden--5+ stars. Tyler . . . 3, maybe 3.5. Seems to have different mannerisms and attitude. I hope the "old" Tyler reemerges with his wry humor and sexy, slightly reserved self-assurance. Flippancy doesn't look good on him. Although, that might be the last we see of Tyler anyway, old or new.
Wow what was up with Tyler. What a difference from the first video with Aiden. I almost felt bad for Aiden. Tyler wanted no parts of the passion he displayed in the last video. He sure enjoyed it with that cum shot. I still love Tyler but definitely a dissappointment.
Totally agree. A def 5 for Aiden. But as Tyler said when Aiden tried he wasn't going there. Maybe someone got jealous at home or maybe Tyler was pissed that Aiden smoked before the shoot. Mystery!
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Tyler "protested too much" for sure, but Aiden still made him shoot even though Tyler had barely stroked himself. Too bad T didn't didn't just chill out and have fun. Maybe he should give up the office work; it seems to have made him . . . well, different.
After part 1, which was one of the best shoots I've seen on Broke Straight Boys, this was a real disappointment. In part one, Aiden took control and took Tyler places he hadn't been before. This time Tyler was resistant, his constant laughter was really annoying, and was obviously a way to avoid getting serious. It is obvious a lot of members wanted to see an anal scene with these two, and my theory is Tyler was talked into doing it. Being a Broke Straight Boys employee it was hard to say no, so he went through the motions but resisted getting into it like in part 1.
Now I feel bad for raggin' on Tyler. He has always been one of Broke Straight Boys's MVPs (Diesal the other one for me), and I just watched his 19th birthday scene with Corey & Drew, and he was awesome (even tanned!). So Tyler, if you read these comments, I'm sure you had your reasons (as ctbigbear pointed out), and everyone's entitled to a mediocre performance. Therefore, I now give you 5 stars and blame the whole thing on David!
Part 1 and part 2 were like night and day. Part 1 was hot, passionate, and there was what seemed to be genuine chemistry between Tyler and Aiden. Part 2 should have never been released, it was a huge disappointment after part 1. I've seen tv commercials that were hotter than Tyler and Aiden part 2 unfortunately. Unfortunately I'm afraid part 1 will lose much of its luster due being overshadowed by part 2 being such a disappointment.


Now I feel bad for raggin' on Tyler. He has always been one of Broke Straight Boys's MVPs (Diesal the other one for me), and I just watched his 19th birthday scene with Corey & Drew, and he was awesome (even tanned!). So Tyler, if you read these comments, I'm sure you had your reasons (as ctbigbear pointed out), and everyone's entitled to a mediocre performance. Therefore, I now give you 5 stars and blame the whole thing on David!

LOL Dew! That was funny. :) But you also have a great point though, I mean how weird that must be for Tyler. He works for these guys every day, and David is not only his boss but also David has even said before that Tyler is like his son. So it has to be mega weird for Tyler to get naked and have sex in front of his boss/dad, I actually don't blame him for not being able to get into it a lot of the time. The times he has, were probably even embarassing for him. But I still think this scene should have been left in the can, and we could have just always remembered the hottness that is Tyler and Aiden part 1. Just my opinion anyways, but I am thankful for part 1 even though part 2 sucked in my opinion.

I said on the other thread that maybe these two scenes were filmed out of the usual order (progression from oral on to the more serious matter of anal) and that Tyler had a second chance at the awesome Aiden in the second shoot, the oral one, after getting used to him in the fuck scene.
I feel bad about ragging on Tyler a bit too Dew. He is still my all time favorite. Who knows why he wasn't into this shoot. He must have had his reasons. Maybe Slimvintage is right and this scene was filmed first. The oral scene will always be one of my favorites along with the Tyler and Dustin lovemaking video. Sure hope we see more of Tyler Broke Straight Boys would never be the same without him.
That was really was disappointing. Seems to me that a lot of the time when there is a really hot kissing scene, the next time everyone gets self-conscious and it's kind of lame. Looking forward to more of Aiden though.

This was a real disappointment. I knew something was wrong from the beginning from the look on Aiden's face. Probably a 'no kissing edict' from Tyler. What a shame to waste a really hot sexual guy like Aiden in a scene with someone who didn't really want to get into it. Bet that was the reason for the quick cut to Aiden sucking Tyler's cock. have never seen a scene Aiden has done where he didn't get into it, but have seen a few with Tyler that were basically just going thru the motions, just doing a job. Maybe that happens when you've done too many. That is probably why the scene with Diesal, Braden and Mike R also didn't work and was like watching robots going thru the motions. Too bad, but I guess all good things end sometimes.

Tyler has been great but it seems he wants (and needs) to retire. It also seems, oddly, that he still hasn't quite come to terms with the whole gay thing. He relished the sex and kissing in the first scene and laughed and clowned all through the second. Why? After all this time he should be totally comfortable with it even if he's Bi. I think he passed straight many moons ago. I think he's just over the porn part of his life, which is understandable. I wish him well as he moves on.
It's all probably moot as Mark seems to be planning a whole new direction for the site. I for one am VERY glad. Broke Straight Boys has been (broken) for some time. A few great shoots like the first Aiden/Tyler, but many, many more mediocre, yawn inducing flops. The performances have become uneven, low energy, and perfunctory. Many (not all) of the old models are jaded and tired or just plain over-exposed.
I hope the new site lives up to the hype and we get a better quality experience! And I hope Aidan is part of it all!!!:thumbup:
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I said on the other thread that maybe these two scenes were filmed out of the usual order (progression from oral on to the more serious matter of anal) and that Tyler had a second chance at the awesome Aiden in the second shoot, the oral one, after getting used to him in the fuck scene.

Slim, if Tyler got caught red handed robbing a bank you would still protest his innocence. As I said on the other thread this film, like so many others where we anticipate a great follow up, was a damp squid. The only thing that was slightly interesting was the bedside lamp that kept going on and off.
i thought part two was gonna be like more passionate with more chemistry. but yeah like all the other comments. tyler's performance wasn't like the usual. Aiden is the best. LOL :)
Slim, if Tyler got caught red handed robbing a bank you would still protest his innocence. As I said on the other thread this film, like so many others where we anticipate a great follow up, was a damp squid. The only thing that was slightly interesting was the bedside lamp that kept going on and off.

You've given me a reason to go back and watch it again, something I hadn't actually planned to do.

But you're wrong about my being a psychiatric monomaniac Tyler fan. I just think that out of all the straighties he's the most interesting human phenomenon that's evolved on the Broke Straight Boys set. Tyler's progress through the last 3 years on David's sites reminds me a bit of Jim Carrey in The Truman Show. We know more about him than we know about most of the others, and have had a chance to see him at his best and at his worst.

I personally think Tyler's gay. That's the way I like to think of him, happy with a boyfriend, a 4x4, a job he's grateful for with a gay-owned- (etc, etc), and a cuddly cat. But if he were ever one day to have grandchildren he trusted to know his past, what an amazing chronicle he has to show them, from weedy-cheeky twink to complex and scratchy young man with a bit of a weight problem.

In a way Tyler's a bit of a shit, mocking and unsympathetic, his humor often sarcastic and a bit mean. But if he's unloving and impatient he's still interesting because of his intelligence and wit. I like him tremendously for all those reasons, but am cross that he threw away the chance for a really amazing shoot with Aiden, who is suddenly, out of nowhere, the perfect foil for Tyler: beatific, beautiful, bright, responsive, caring, subtle, honest, laidback and manly.

Tyler's films are bit like climate change, either red hot or horribly cold. I cannot understand how he can change his attitude from one film to the next, it's a bit like a Jekyll and Hyde performance. I don't think this was a 5 star performance by Aiden either but it was probably because of the lack of cooperation from his partner.
Tyler's films are bit like climate change, either red hot or horribly cold. I cannot understand how he can change his attitude from one film to the next, it's a bit like a Jekyll and Hyde performance. I don't think this was a 5 star performance by Aiden either but it was probably because of the lack of cooperation from his partner.

It's almost inexplicable unless you go with the (admittedly straw-grasping) theory that the fuck video was shot before the suck one and that Aiden grew on him.

I liked Aiden a lot in both videos. He has terrific charm and all his gestures suggest he's a really great guy. He's also great to look at from any angle. It doesn't surprise me that he's had a longish career doing gay porn. He's at least as hot in these movies from 8 months ago as he was in the first ones 5 years back.

David, were the movies shot out of order,
or did Tyler have issues with Aiden
that froze up the atmosphere for the anal shoot
after such a successful oral?

Or did Tyler take flak at home
after melting in Aiden's embrace during the oral,
and reject his kiss the next day, even though Aiden was fucking him
so nicely?

Or was Tyler determined not to be seen to like it
because it would have made him "feel like such a bitch".

Or is it a mystery to you too?
You've given me a reason to go back and watch it again, something I hadn't actually planned to do.

In a way Tyler's a bit of a shit, mocking and unsympathetic, his humor often sarcastic and a bit mean. But if he's unloving and impatient he's still interesting because of his intelligence and wit. I like him tremendously for all those reasons, but am cross that he threw away the chance for a really amazing shoot with Aiden, who is suddenly, out of nowhere, the perfect foil for Tyler: beatific, beautiful, bright, responsive, caring, subtle, honest, laidback and manly.

I would agree that Tyler threw away a chance at something amazing.

Aiden is beautiful and manly, and I really hope some of the last scenes are of him. I can't think of anyone we have had hotter, well almost no one......