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10 random facts about you.

The girl Sure likes too talk.lol xoxoxo
Ain't that a fact! lololololol

Thanks for sharing Scott and I'm glad you decided to return to the forum. We've had our differences mostly because of my big mouth lol but I'd like to start over and meet each other again. Again thanks for posting on this thread, I know it's not easy to open yourself up to a bunch of strangers on a porn forum lolololol
Thanks for sharing Scott and I'm glad you decided to return to the forum. We've had our differences mostly because of my big mouth lol but I'd like to start over and meet each other again. Again thanks for posting on this thread, I know it's not easy to open yourself up to a bunch of strangers on a porn forum lolololol

Thank you, Peter, that means a lot to me.:blush: What's done is done. We all make mistakes, and my big mouth has CERTAINLY gotten me into trouble on numerous occasions! I am trying to be cognizant of my negativity here, as that was mentioned back in those bad days, and I don't want to be seen as just a negative voice. I know I can come across that way at times, so I am trying to keep on top of that. Also, I have an extremely dry, sarcastic and bitchy sense of humor that I find just does not translate well to the internet. In real life -- and NOT bragging at all -- people love me (that sounds really egotistical -- sorry, absolutely NOT meant to be :ohmy:). Even people whom I've fired from jobs have remained pals with me over the years! But it tends to be the opposite online where my humor and comments often come across as nasty or sounding like I'm trying to be superior, neither of which is my intent nor my desire. So I've just found it easier to leave or go into silent mode in a number of chat rooms and forums rather than walk on eggshells because something I said might be taken incorrectly. But between Mikey's cheerleading :banana01: and the recent discussion of oral vs anal scenes, I felt I had to make my stand with Mikey in the pro-oral camp, :blowjob: and well, here I am again! :grin: Ready for a fresh start!
Thank you, Peter, that means a lot to me.:blush: What's done is done. We all make mistakes, and my big mouth has CERTAINLY gotten me into trouble on numerous occasions! I am trying to be cognizant of my negativity here, as that was mentioned back in those bad days, and I don't want to be seen as just a negative voice. I know I can come across that way at times, so I am trying to keep on top of that. Also, I have an extremely dry, sarcastic and bitchy sense of humor that I find just does not translate well to the internet. In real life -- and NOT bragging at all -- people love me (that sounds really egotistical -- sorry, absolutely NOT meant to be :ohmy:). Even people whom I've fired from jobs have remained pals with me over the years! But it tends to be the opposite online where my humor and comments often come across as nasty or sounding like I'm trying to be superior, neither of which is my intent nor my desire. So I've just found it easier to leave or go into silent mode in a number of chat rooms and forums rather than walk on eggshells because something I said might be taken incorrectly. But between Mikey's cheerleading :banana01: and the recent discussion of oral vs anal scenes, I felt I had to make my stand with Mikey in the pro-oral camp, :blowjob: and well, here I am again! :grin: Ready for a fresh start!
I'm happy to see you back and posting, Scott. I know exactly what you mean about your dry, sarcastic and bitchy sense of humor...I have the same and have had to issue several apologies for things I thought were funny...the members of the forum, not so much. I am also a proud member of the pro-oral camp, so we have a lot of things in common. Welcome back, my friend.
I love it when this thread gets bumped then I get to see the sexy Scorpio. Don't tell Tampa but he's mine...... lol

That's not what he said when he left my house this morning. LOL :nana: Kidding! :)

But your stable is full enough already Peter. Share the wealth man. xo
That's not what he said when he left my house this morning. LOL :nana: Kidding! :)

But your stable is full enough already Peter. Share the wealth man. xo

Hey...don't forget to throw the girl a bone-r!:cheerleader3:
I just saw this thread which goes back to 2008! Missed it in my times prior to having to break away for other matters for almost six months. Thought I'd take a stab at seeing if I can say things that have formed who and what I am today. Those who have read my posts know I cannot do it in ten lines. So, run while you can! It's gonna be a biographical extravaganza! In other words, too much to read... But I'm using this a therapeutic and you need not bother my personal indulgence!

1. My full-blooded Norwegian father called his four children "mutts". Half Norwegian from him; part French, English, German, Scottish, Welsh, and Irish from my Mom. We are considered "Dark Norwegian" - my paternal ancestry is documented as rooted in Northern Italy (Turin Region) from where the family fled to Spaini during the First Papal Inquisition to rid Italy of all heretics (which, I guess, they were). Having settled in Madrid, when the Spanish Inquisition began a hunt and they fled as far away as they could go where the church did not have dominion - Norway, Oslo precisely, where I still have distant relatives. I am only 2nd Generation American on Dad's side. My mother's family (on her father's side) came to settle a new colony in the Americas with William Penn as they were, like he was, Quaker (again messing with religion!)

2. I wanted to become a clothing designer from about age 8 (go figure!). My mother had polio during the epidemic (before I was born) so had only one working arm. Our laundress and seamstress, Mrs. Johnson, taught me how to sew on buttons and then use a machine. I was very good at it. And, I could draw a garment, create a pattern, and make the damn dress or pants or whatever and my mother and sisters wore the clothes! I submitted a portfolio and won a complete (tuition, room and board) scholarship at the Parsons School of Design and was all set to head to New York City at 16 1/2 years old after graduation. My father would not hear of his son going into such "a trade". He asked me, "Are you one of those homosexuals?" When I left for the university having registered Pre-Law, it was in my new canary yellow with black leather interior Mustang Mach 1 as my reward for saying, "No." - I guess.

3. I lost my "gay virginity" at 13 and my "straight virginity" at 15. Got married and became a dad all in my 18th year. I had to get out of school quick as by the time I was 20, I had two children and was financially "cut off" by my parents.

4. I became a teacher at 20 (turned 21 that fall); at 25 was running my own insurance agency (could not support a family of 5 (yep, another child) on a teacher's pay; ran a good friend's (and he was my dentist) campaign for governor and we won so I sold the agency and became a political junky - actually, chief strategist for the new governor. Won re-election in '86.

5. Left government to become Director of Government Relations for a prestigious Mpls Law Firm in '87. The largest legal publishing company in the nation was my major client which directed me into both Constitutional Law and Intellectual Properties Law and led to our opening a branch of the law firm on "K" street in the Franklin Towers of Washington, D.C. That move put me under contract with the Reagan, then Bush # 1, and then with Clinton Administrations as a liaison to the Hill for three presidents (but as a "hired gun" - not White House employee).

6. One of my proudest accomplishments "for all of mankind" was to convince another client - the International Battery Companies - in a consortium as the NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturer's Association) to stop production and distribution of ground water contaminating mercury-based batteries in favor of a new technology - nickel-cadmium batteries. They were under assault by various states and the EPA to create "collection drops" everywhere, and at their expense and then "properly" dispose of them at their cost, too. To combat the many law proposals, I drafted a bill which said the industry was voluntarily ending said production, within three years (to retool factories and establish production materials) as a "Good Corporate Citizen" move. They had those three years - the law sailed through with "kudos" to the cooperative industry - and the first company, Ray-O-Vac, introduced them four months later. Talk about a quick run-up to the gate after that. Only one company failed to comply. They went out of business. At that time I was given the name on the Hill - "EverReady" - like the bunny. It worked for me. President Clinton simply had Carol Browner, EPA director, write laws to assure compliance and it was a done deal. Now, don't you all feel safer about your ground water!!!

7. In 1194, my wife made a surprise weekend visit to our row house on Q Street in D.C. I was gone - working I'd told her (but was actually with a special male "friend" at his an my leased beach home in Delaware (Rehoboth). We got home, she was there, she knew we "worked together". He went home, we went out for a late dinner and she pronounced I either quit D.C. and come home or she was giving up on us and she, the house, the cabin, the kids and grandson were all part of what I'd be giving up. I went home in September. It was not the best move. I came out to her and the kids in November. Divorce was not in her uppity social strata family. We tried to work out some sort of arrangement but came to realize whatever it was would not be fair to either of us. Divorce was final in June, 1995.

8 - I kept the house I had designed myself and built her a new town home. I went to work for the new governor and developed and implemented internet for the state and established the first State Internet Service - Northstar - to do online business with the state (taxes, licenses, etc.) and dragged the internet into every library, university and college, hospitals and state agencies. ISP's popped up all over. I still have my old aol account because I was the 5th person to have an account during their start-up as the plan was to use them to give free internet access to every man, woman and child in the state (sort of like a S.S. # - assigned at birth!). That didn't happen - I could have gotten into AOL at start-up but when that was going on, my wife thought it to be just to risky (she called it stupid). Should have listened to my self!

9. I am the proud father of three - girl, boy, girl (in that order, and my youngest is gay - talk about heredity (my Dad's youngest brother was too - and he committed suicide rather than admit it when his wife caught him). I have seven grandchildren, ages 24 (Harvard Law School) to 9 years old. Next week I will trek to see all of them and stay for 4-6 weeks enjoying family, friends and some Canadian fishing.

10. I moved to Florida in 2002 to help my mother care for her husband (my "Bonus Dad") after a near fatal car accident. I planned to go on to D.C. but instead became a teacher then professor and in 2003 moved to Naples. Bought high and got nailed during the crash so had to do the "short sale" thing on a way too big home on which I lost my ass. Moved to my mother and Bill's neighborhood to help her care for him (bad knees, Alzheimers, and macular degeneration all pretty much at once). Bill passed on March 14th. My mother followed a one ago. So, now I am an orphan. I really hate to think about that. Fiercely independent (last relationship of 5 years, I threw the bum out in 2008) I now find myself thinking perhaps opening myself up to the possibility of a new relationship might not be such a bad thing. But then again. NOT!

So, I've just exposed that my road down a life of "Twists and Trysts" has left me a bit F*ed up. I'll try to keep things short from this point forward. Good night.

Thanks for sharing Ertas. You have lived a very interesting life my friend, and we are glad your with us...
1. I was adopted when I was two weeks old
2. I was raised in Michigan and my Mom & Dad are amazing. Especially when I came out to them at 13
3. I don't know my heritage, but I am mostly Hispanic in looks anyway
4. I am gay, completely straight acting and all who know me say I am a great guy
5. I am a professional scuba diver & PADI Master Instructor. I taught diving in the Cayman Islands from May 07 to August 08
6. In August 08, I joined a reserach ship out in the South Pacific and I am 180 miles off of Vanuatu in the Solomon Islands right now.
7. I changed majors last year from Pre-Med at Texas A&M to Oceanography and will attend college in Woods Hole, MA this fall
8. I had a great three relationship with my best friend growing up that we put on hold to do the college thing. He is in Oregon now and I am on this damn ship! LOL
9. I love to cook, play soccer, I run 5 miles a day when I am on shore, love anything to do with the water and also into 70's muscle cars
10. I am lonely as hell out here at times. No sex in almost two years now. So anyone that wants to write me, please do. I live for email. [email protected].... I only get about 8 minutes a day online so I have to do the email thing.

Just wanted to tell all of you especially Dave and the guys at Broke Straight Boys's, you are amazing. Also I am in love with Robert (Alden's buddy) :)
Interesting list from 2009. I wonder what ever became of Rick???????? :001_rolleyes:
Upon the urging of my friend Slimvintage, and with his help in organizing my random message to him, here is my list:

1. I am a native New Yorker. Born and bred in Brooklyn.

2. I am 58, although when I can avoid a mirror, I think that I am 25.

3. I'm 6 feet tall, and weigh 195 pounds. I go to a local gym to keep in shape, (and to check out the young men).

4. I became interested in politics at the age of ten, when John F. Kennedy ran for president. I went to my local campaign office, and handed out flyers for him.

5. At the age of 17, as a high school senior, for an elective social studies class, I was assigned to work one afternoon a week, in Senator Robert F. Kennedy's New York City office. One day they sent me to the airport by cab to pick up a package, and deliver it to Jackie Kennedy's apartment. (Pretty heady stuff for a 17 year old high school student).

6. I'm gay, only ever been with guys.

7. I have done some amateur photography and actually done some Dave type stuff for myself. (See my latest story in the "Seducing & Sucking Straight Guys" section).

8. My spiritual home: Broke Straight Boys (contemporary straighties trying out a taste of fag for pay)

9. I'm a big sports fan, my favorite teams are the Yankees, Giants, and Duke Blue Devils basketball team. Several years ago, I drove with a friend to Durham North Carolina, and was overwhelmed by the beautiful Duke campus, and amazingly beautiful Cameron Indoor Stadium was open, and we went in and were able to sit in the stands, where the "Cameron Crazies" wreak havoc on opposing teams in season). It was a "religious" experience for me.

10. I'm a big fan of rock music from the late 60's and early 70's. (Reminds me of my college days, drinking beer, taking drugs, and protesting the Vietnam War:thumbup1:.)

11. I have close friends, who I can rely on, and who know they can rely on me. I am fiercely loyal person. But I am quite content, living by myself, and don't feel any driving need for a "partner".

12. My "type" of guy that turns me on the most is a young, (but legal of course), thin or in shape young man who considers himself "straight". (See the videos on this site, to see what turns me on).

Whoops. I just counted 12 "random" facts. Is that legal?

Again I thank Slim for cajoling me, and helping me organize this list. Love ya, Slim.

Here's another interesting list I found from 2009. lol I really had to be urged to post this as I was "shy" and didn't like talking much on the forum back then. lol Thanks Slim for helping me come out of my shell! :lol:

As I didn't want to post a list, Slim told me to send him facts about myself and he would write it for me, so a lot of it is in Slim's words and style of writing, not mine.

Update: July 2016. I'm now 66 but still think I'm 25 or may 16 sometimes. lol I'm over 195 lbs but intend to work out and diet and try to get close to that weight again, and I'm recently retired from full time work, but working twice a week as of today but my main job is being on this and another similar forum, (but that doesn't bring in any pay).

I will update this list again in another seven years, when I'm 73, if I make it. Yikes! :scared:
Wow! What a life Ertas! Thank you for sharing all that.

On number 6 I truly do thank you. You served your whole country very well on that one. :)

I used to live in Madrid. I didn't have the concerns of The Inquisition. lol It was one of the greatest experiences of my life. It's a beautiful and wondrous city in a fantastic country. The architecture is so beautiful and the people are amazing.

I also enjoy following politics, though probably not to the extreme that you do. haha
Yes, Ertas, very interesting. Thanks for sharing. Its nice to get some insight into who other posters are.
1. I was adopted when I was two weeks old
2. I was raised in Michigan and my Mom & Dad are amazing. Especially when I came out to them at 13
3. I don't know my heritage, but I am mostly Hispanic in looks anyway
4. I am gay, completely straight acting and all who know me say I am a great guy
5. I am a professional scuba diver & PADI Master Instructor. I taught diving in the Cayman Islands from May 07 to August 08
6. In August 08, I joined a reserach ship out in the South Pacific and I am 180 miles off of Vanuatu in the Solomon Islands right now.
7. I changed majors last year from Pre-Med at Texas A&M to Oceanography and will attend college in Woods Hole, MA this fall
8. I had a great three relationship with my best friend growing up that we put on hold to do the college thing. He is in Oregon now and I am on this damn ship! LOL
9. I love to cook, play soccer, I run 5 miles a day when I am on shore, love anything to do with the water and also into 70's muscle cars
10. I am lonely as hell out here at times. No sex in almost two years now. So anyone that wants to write me, please do. I live for email. [email protected].... I only get about 8 minutes a day online so I have to do the email thing.

Just wanted to tell all of you especially Dave and the guys at Broke Straight Boys's, you are amazing. Also I am in love with Robert (Alden's buddy) :)

Interesting list from 2009. I wonder what ever became of Rick???????? :001_rolleyes:

If any new people should join us later and see his email address, please be warned. Mikey wrote the above post in total sarcasm. We now know that "Rick Bell" is a fraud. Most, if not all of everything written above about him, is total fiction. No such person exists in the world. We have no idea how old the person is who created the character of Rick Bell, or what his agenda was. Even the profile pic of Rick Bell is an internet fake.
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