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10 random facts about you.

1. I just turned 50 and I still don't understand the concept of adult. Pretty sure I'm Peter Pan reincarnated with boobs and a vagina.
2. Yes, that means I'm female. Boring!! If I was a guy I'd be the biggest man whore on the planet and unashamedly so!
3. I finally gave in and got bifocals. We have a love/hate relationship. They love that I spent $400 on them, I hate the adjustment.
4. I have 2 brothers who have had 2 wives each and between them have 14 kids.
5. My youngest niece is 4, she and I were virtually inseparable for the last 3 years.
6. I discovered gay porn because of cam4.
7. I don't really have a 'type' of guy I like to watch, it depends on my head space at any given moment.
8. I don't care who knows I watch gay porn, if someone has a problem with it, that's on them. Don't foist your hang-ups on me.
9. I love reality tv, yes I know it's at least partially scripted, I don't care. It's an escape from all the shitty things we humans do to each other.
10. Today I discovered these little pancake bites at Denny's and for a moment the world stopped spinning. It's a good thing I don't have a car and that Denny's is 20 miles away.

This was fun and I look forward to chatting with some of you!!

1. I just turned 50 and I still don't understand the concept of adult. Pretty sure I'm Peter Pan reincarnated with boobs and a vagina.
2. Yes, that means I'm female. Boring!! If I was a guy I'd be the biggest man whore on the planet and unashamedly so!
3. I finally gave in and got bifocals. We have a love/hate relationship. They love that I spent $400 on them, I hate the adjustment.
4. I have 2 brothers who have had 2 wives each and between them have 14 kids.
5. My youngest niece is 4, she and I were virtually inseparable for the last 3 years.
6. I discovered gay porn because of cam4.
7. I don't really have a 'type' of guy I like to watch, it depends on my head space at any given moment.
8. I don't care who knows I watch gay porn, if someone has a problem with it, that's on them. Don't foist your hang-ups on me.
9. I love reality tv, yes I know it's at least partially scripted, I don't care. It's an escape from all the shitty things we humans do to each other.
10. Today I discovered these little pancake bites at Denny's and for a moment the world stopped spinning. It's a good thing I don't have a car and that Denny's is 20 miles away.

This was fun and I look forward to chatting with some of you!!
Thank you sammigirl413 for taking part in this little exercize and letting us know a bit about who you are. I just read your review of Danny & Jessie and I was blown away by it, and intend to write more about the scene and specifically your review later in the day.

I'm ashamed to admit that at one time I was "opposed" to having females participating on the forum and actually "resented" having Mark appoint a female moderator all those years ago. But then I was befriended by an angel named Ms. Kianna who totally turned around my prospective and now I think that a woman can add a different but wonderful perspective to the world of Broke Straight Boys

I really hope you become an active forumite sammigirl413, as you are a breath of fresh air to what has become a bit of a "stale" forum and quite frankly the videos of late fall into that same category for me, but much like the quote in Broke Back Mountain, "I wish I knew how to quit you", Broke Straight Boys, but I am a lifer here either for the life of the site or of my own, this is my home on the internet, and I thank you Sammi for joining in on the experience. Again, :welcome:
I can merely echo many of Mikey's sentiments Sammigirl. Thank you for introducing yourself to us in more detail. It really helps make the forum experience more fulfilling if we feel a connection to each to each other based on some personal knowledge. I found #4 quite entertaining. With two brothers who have 3 and a half children per wife, I'd say a strong and healthy sex drive runs in the family. haha

I'm glad you've joined us and I hope you'll stick around.

I know what you mean about Number 10. Not specifically those pancakes, but the experience. I remember back around 1995. Even though I'm not a daily coffee drinker at all...on a lark I decided to try some French vanilla cappuccino because I smelled it wafting from the cup of someone else at work. I just thought it smelled good. It wasn't from some gourmet coffee shop. It was from of all places just a Hess gas station right across the street from my workplace.

After the second sip, the whole world stopped spinning and time stood still. I luxuriated in the experience with my eyes closed more often than not. By the time I finished the cup, I remember feeling actual gratitude that I had lived long enough to experience the flavor and sensation. lol
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:welcome: to the forum SG!! At one time a few years ago we had around 6 women on the forum. Beth has since been carrying the banter for the last couple. I'm sure you've read some of her posts and figured out your in good female company. I must say I've never met anyone from Vermont! No rules on the forum, but most of us like respect towards each other and our different views.
:welcome: to the forum SG!! At one time a few years ago we had around 6 women on the forum. Beth has since been carrying the banter for the last couple. I'm sure you've read some of her posts and figured out your in good female company. I must say I've never met anyone from Vermont! No rules on the forum, but most of us like respect towards each other and our different views.
Nice post Peter and :welcome:to are new women on the site.Sammigirl.Girls are nice.lol

1. I just turned 50 and I still don't understand the concept of adult. Pretty sure I'm Peter Pan reincarnated with boobs and a vagina.
2. Yes, that means I'm female. Boring!! If I was a guy I'd be the biggest man whore on the planet and unashamedly so!
3. I finally gave in and got bifocals. We have a love/hate relationship. They love that I spent $400 on them, I hate the adjustment.
4. I have 2 brothers who have had 2 wives each and between them have 14 kids.
5. My youngest niece is 4, she and I were virtually inseparable for the last 3 years.
6. I discovered gay porn because of cam4.
7. I don't really have a 'type' of guy I like to watch, it depends on my head space at any given moment.
8. I don't care who knows I watch gay porn, if someone has a problem with it, that's on them. Don't foist your hang-ups on me.
9. I love reality tv, yes I know it's at least partially scripted, I don't care. It's an escape from all the shitty things we humans do to each other.
10. Today I discovered these little pancake bites at Denny's and for a moment the world stopped spinning. It's a good thing I don't have a car and that Denny's is 20 miles away.

This was fun and I look forward to chatting with some of you!!

I agree with you about porn; I really enjoy it and if others don't...it just means more for me!
I also have a vagina and am 52. I have had tri-focal glasses, Lasik surgery, cataract surgery and am still in glasses...life.
Have you ever tried pegging? Use a strap-on on a guy and you'll never go back...trust me!
It is good to have you here!:par50:
1. I was in the Food & Beverage industry for 33+ years, the last 15 or so as an Executive Chef in hotels and country clubs.
2. During my time as a chef I met and cooked for Jamie Lee Curtis, David Johansen, The Goo Goo Dolls, Charles Nelson Riley, Bernie Kopell, the Buffalo Bills, and all sorts of politicians.
3. My house is on The National Register of Historic Places. Its an old Colonial which I've spent more money on restoring than I did to buy!
4. I'm a huge, Huge, HUGE 70s/80s punk & new wave nut! Name the most obscure punk or new wave band and I probably know of them! I still follow Gary Numan and The B-52s, both of whom still tour and put out new music.
5. Over the last 30 years I've adopted 8 rescue cats from shelters, most special needs or older cats. My oldest cat was 23 when he died! Cognac was 5 when I adopted him and he was with me for almost 18 years. He died in my arms at 4:04am on January 16, 2014. Still miss him.
6. I have only had sex with gay men twice -- the rest of my partners have been straight! I loves me some straight boys!
7. I have been published dozens of times in the weird/horror field, as a short story author, poet, and book editor.
8. I am certified in Gourmet Chinese cooking.
9. I have recently been diagnosed as agoraphobic, so the bulk of my contact with the "outside world" is through the computer.
10. Autumn is my favorite season and Halloween my favorite holiday. Back in the halcyon days of my youth I used to host an annual three-day Halloween party!
1. I was in the Food & Beverage industry for 33+ years, the last 15 or so as an Executive Chef in hotels and country clubs.
2. During my time as a chef I met and cooked for Jamie Lee Curtis, David Johansen, The Goo Goo Dolls, Charles Nelson Riley, Bernie Kopell, the Buffalo Bills, and all sorts of politicians.
3. My house is on The National Register of Historic Places. Its an old Colonial which I've spent more money on restoring than I did to buy!
4. I'm a huge, Huge, HUGE 70s/80s punk & new wave nut! Name the most obscure punk or new wave band and I probably know of them! I still follow Gary Numan and The B-52s, both of whom still tour and put out new music.
5. Over the last 30 years I've adopted 8 rescue cats from shelters, most special needs or older cats. My oldest cat was 23 when he died! Cognac was 5 when I adopted him and he was with me for almost 18 years. He died in my arms at 4:04am on January 16, 2014. Still miss him.
6. I have only had sex with gay men twice -- the rest of my partners have been straight! I loves me some straight boys!
7. I have been published dozens of times in the weird/horror field, as a short story author, poet, and book editor.
8. I am certified in Gourmet Chinese cooking.
9. I have recently been diagnosed as agoraphobic, so the bulk of my contact with the "outside world" is through the computer.
10. Autumn is my favorite season and Halloween my favorite holiday. Back in the halcyon days of my youth I used to host an annual three-day Halloween party!
Thank you Scott for sharing. You sure have a wide varied group of interests. Mine are basically straight guys and my sports teams, Yankees, Giants & Duke. lolololol

Very cool of you to share about yourself with the forum!!!! :thumbup1:
Thank you Scott for sharing. You sure have a wide varied group of interests. Mine are basically straight guys and my sports teams, Yankees, Giants & Duke. lolololol

Very cool of you to share about yourself with the forum!!!! :thumbup1:

Thanks, Mikey. I saw this thread and figured it might be a good way to give some insight into who I am and what I'm about. More often than not on internet boards like this we each have an idea or opinion of who our fellow posters are just by their posts, and usually those ideas are wrong or at least only a tiny fragment of who those other people really are. Its easy to form an opinion and judge someone by a few lines posted on a forum -- I do it myself -- but its nice to learn something real about other posters.
ScottA..Always had cats.My little Boy Mr. Lucky..Just turned 20 on April 1st. Had to put his wife down about 5 years ago.
He is Straight.But he has been a good roommate..Just two guys liven life together.Thought of getting him another playmate.
Always had two. But were doing ok just the two of us. He likes the forum.lol Sure love him..Just saying...:1d6a4743:
ScottA..Always had cats.My little Boy Mr. Lucky..Just turned 20 on April 1st. Had to put his wife down about 5 years ago.
He is Straight.But he has been a good roommate..Just two guys liven life together.Thought of getting him another playmate.
Always had two. But were doing ok just the two of us. He likes the forum.lol Sure love him..Just saying...:1d6a4743:

Well, at Mr. Lucky's age bringing in a second cat companion might be too stressful, anyway. Yes, I can't imagine my life without them.
1. I was in the Food & Beverage industry for 33+ years, the last 15 or so as an Executive Chef in hotels and country clubs.
2. During my time as a chef I met and cooked for Jamie Lee Curtis, David Johansen, The Goo Goo Dolls, Charles Nelson Riley, Bernie Kopell, the Buffalo Bills, and all sorts of politicians.
3. My house is on The National Register of Historic Places. Its an old Colonial which I've spent more money on restoring than I did to buy!
4. I'm a huge, Huge, HUGE 70s/80s punk & new wave nut! Name the most obscure punk or new wave band and I probably know of them! I still follow Gary Numan and The B-52s, both of whom still tour and put out new music.
5. Over the last 30 years I've adopted 8 rescue cats from shelters, most special needs or older cats. My oldest cat was 23 when he died! Cognac was 5 when I adopted him and he was with me for almost 18 years. He died in my arms at 4:04am on January 16, 2014. Still miss him.
6. I have only had sex with gay men twice -- the rest of my partners have been straight! I loves me some straight boys!
7. I have been published dozens of times in the weird/horror field, as a short story author, poet, and book editor.
8. I am certified in Gourmet Chinese cooking.
9. I have recently been diagnosed as agoraphobic, so the bulk of my contact with the "outside world" is through the computer.
10. Autumn is my favorite season and Halloween my favorite holiday. Back in the halcyon days of my youth I used to host an annual three-day Halloween party!

Wow, you have met some amazing people! I would love to hear some stories, if you want. Because of your profession, did you move around a lot or just travel constantly?
I also love cats and dogs; we have had dozens of cats in our house; we fostered for about 10 years. Our oldest cat was 19 when he died; we named him "Little Shit" until our daughter came along...we then changed him to "Mischief."
We have seen the B-52's in concert, they were great. I have all their music downloaded; they're one of my "go to" bands.
I am straight, with a husband and grown daughter. Are you in a relationship or just have some buddies?
Thank you for sharing ScottA!
1. I was in the Food & Beverage industry for 33+ years, the last 15 or so as an Executive Chef in hotels and country clubs.
2. During my time as a chef I met and cooked for Jamie Lee Curtis, David Johansen, The Goo Goo Dolls, Charles Nelson Riley, Bernie Kopell, the Buffalo Bills, and all sorts of politicians.
3. My house is on The National Register of Historic Places. Its an old Colonial which I've spent more money on restoring than I did to buy!
4. I'm a huge, Huge, HUGE 70s/80s punk & new wave nut! Name the most obscure punk or new wave band and I probably know of them! I still follow Gary Numan and The B-52s, both of whom still tour and put out new music.
5. Over the last 30 years I've adopted 8 rescue cats from shelters, most special needs or older cats. My oldest cat was 23 when he died! Cognac was 5 when I adopted him and he was with me for almost 18 years. He died in my arms at 4:04am on January 16, 2014. Still miss him.
6. I have only had sex with gay men twice -- the rest of my partners have been straight! I loves me some straight boys!
7. I have been published dozens of times in the weird/horror field, as a short story author, poet, and book editor.
8. I am certified in Gourmet Chinese cooking.
9. I have recently been diagnosed as agoraphobic, so the bulk of my contact with the "outside world" is through the computer.
10. Autumn is my favorite season and Halloween my favorite holiday. Back in the halcyon days of my youth I used to host an annual three-day Halloween party!

I would never have known what "agoraphobia" was had it not been for a very sweet young woman I met and bonded with while she was an patient in an adult psychiatric unit that I worked. That's a tough one. Thank you for sharing.....I like that you like cats! I had and enjoyed the company of two special ones in my life, one of which is pictured in my Avatar! The other one actually died a year to the day of my best friend from grade school. I think they needed to be together......I do enjoy your writing style and very much enjoy reading your comments on the forum!
Thanks for sharing all that Scott. What an interesting life you've had...and continue to have. :)
Wow, you have met some amazing people! I would love to hear some stories, if you want. Because of your profession, did you move around a lot or just travel constantly?
I also love cats and dogs; we have had dozens of cats in our house; we fostered for about 10 years. Our oldest cat was 19 when he died; we named him "Little Shit" until our daughter came along...we then changed him to "Mischief."
We have seen the B-52's in concert, they were great. I have all their music downloaded; they're one of my "go to" bands.
I am straight, with a husband and grown daughter. Are you in a relationship or just have some buddies?
Thank you for sharing ScottA!

Yes, I have a lot of interesting stories. I'll share some at some point. I worked in various spots in my area -- never moved house, but moved jobs a lot, as chef's are wont to do!

Love The B-52s. I know a couple members of the band -- we're not close friends, but causal acquaintances, I guess you'd say. In fact, they played in my hometown a few years back and the venue was three blocks from my house, so I invited them back for cocktails and just to unwind and freshen up if they wanted to but unfortunately they had to get right back on their tour bus immediately after the show so they could make it across the state for a gig the next day.

Relationship? No, terminally-single! Thought I'd found Mr Right once or twice, but it was not meant to be. :crying1: Not really any buddies anymore, either. Over the years my old band of pals all moved away to follow careers, so its just me now. And the cats!

I would never have known what "agoraphobia" was had it not been for a very sweet young woman I met and bonded with while she was an patient in an adult psychiatric unit that I worked. That's a tough one. Thank you for sharing.....I like that you like cats! I had and enjoyed the company of two special ones in my life, one of which is pictured in my Avatar! The other one actually died a year to the day of my best friend from grade school. I think they needed to be together......I do enjoy your writing style and very much enjoy reading your comments on the forum!

Thanks Betu. I have suffered clinical depression and social anxiety my whole life, but various events over the last few years apparently conspired to manifest as agoraphobia. I have a couple great doctors, and we're taking steps to treat it and slowly making progress. I still don't leave the house much, and NEVER unless I HAVE to, but I don't get panic attacks if the phone or doorbell rings anymore. So, baby steps. And I don't know what I would do without cats in the house! And thank you so much for your kind words about my writing. I was very nervous and hesitant about coming back here, but have been pleasantly surprised to be so welcomed. Mikey (the ultimate cheerleader for the forum and forumites) is right about what he says about you folks. :thumbup:

Thanks for sharing all that Scott. What an interesting life you've had...and continue to have. :)

Thanks, Tampa.
I was very nervous and hesitant about coming back here, but have been pleasantly surprised to be so welcomed. Mikey (the ultimate cheerleader for the forum and forumites) is right about what he says about you folks. :thumbup:
Thank you Scott. Yes I am partial to this forum as the obscene number of posts next to my screenname will tell you and in fact, right now I am on a lunch break with one hour on my meter before I run into the office, and I spend my time ramming an egg salad sandwich down my throat while checking out my beloved forum. That is the worst addiction in my life now, the forum.

But as I've been telling you Scott, the vast majority of posters here are really cool people and my friends, including you, are all class acts, even Peterh. lolololol

We can all be sarcastic with one another at times, but there is a kinship that is very endearing between the forumites. Now I have to run back to my car to avoid getting a parking ticket. lol
Thank you Scott. Yes I am partial to this forum as the obscene number of posts next to my screenname will tell you and in fact, right now I am on a lunch break with one hour on my meter before I run into the office, and I spend my time ramming an egg salad sandwich down my throat while checking out my beloved forum. That is the worst addiction in my life now, the forum.

But as I've been telling you Scott, the vast majority of posters here are really cool people and my friends, including you, are all class acts, even Peterh. lolololol

We can all be sarcastic with one another at times, but there is a kinship that is very endearing between the forumites. Now I have to run back to my car to avoid getting a parking ticket. lol

that is a rather large number - WOW