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10 random facts about you.

1. I once played Almira Gulch, aka the Wicked Witch of the West, in a stage production of THE WIZARD OF OZ, and received rave reviews.
2. I am of Irish Hebrew (mother) and Seminole (father) descent.
3. I am not well received because I am so opinionated and unafraid to voice my opinion, but that hardly gives me cause for concern.
4. I am no better nor any worse than anyone else.
5. I wear my emotions literally on my sleeve and find it a strength more than a perceived weakness.
6. I have always been gay since a very early age, and recognized it, though back then, it was far more unacceptable than it still is to this day.
7. I am working on my own website, SpoildBoyz.Yolasite.com. Fuck Putin.
8. I go through four months each year when my depression could take over me, brought on by the passing of my beautiful wife in 07 and my only child of a mere eight months from SIDS on Valentine's Day 89, not to mention finding the body of my murdered gay godson, who I loved and nurtured all his life. I rely upon my spiritual convictions and beliefs to see me through this annual rough period of my life.
9. I do not appreciate flamboyant gay men who act - and that is the keyword here, ACT - more sissified than they truly.
10. I love British comedies, and am not overly fond of the French (told you I am opinionated.)
I keep "tapping" this thing, but no one is giving it any love!:crying1:
1. My way or the high - Only a strong minded person (may... sway me)
2. I aint no door mat - if I am home and needy, if not to either see yah
3. Never expect me to agree to everything - Every things is up for a debate
4. Do not think you support me - I am self indulged and independent
5. What is yours is mine and what is mine is mine.

Dam I sound like a real bitch (oh well fuckit)

6. I am Maori, Scottish and Irish
7. My children are just that, reqardless of what age they are
8. I am not well travelled person, I have only travelled to Australia and hated it (sorry ozzy)
9. I regard myself as private - hate people that get to know me from other people, ask me I can tell you the facts
10. HELP I need to get a life
1. My way or the high - Only a strong minded person (may... sway me)
2. I aint no door mat - if I am home and needy, if not to either see yah
3. Never expect me to agree to everything - Every things is up for a debate
4. Do not think you support me - I am self indulged and independent
5. What is yours is mine and what is mine is mine.

Dam I sound like a real bitch (oh well fuckit)

6. I am Maori, Scottish and Irish
7. My children are just that, reqardless of what age they are
8. I am not well travelled person, I have only travelled to Australia and hated it (sorry ozzy)
9. I regard myself as private - hate people that get to know me from other people, ask me I can tell you the facts
10. HELP I need to get a life

Thanks Inspire! Sounds like your a solid person who chooses whom to share yourself with...nice. As a retired teacher, I think about "getting a life," but then someone posts something on the board and I get all excited!!:welcome:
Someone only has to go "Yes" "No" "Thanks" or the comment on the board and I get a real buzz, just to be acknowledge or feedback is an amazing feeling on here, "You have been heard" just the smallest things in life, can brighten ones day
1. My way or the high - Only a strong minded person (may... sway me)
2. I aint no door mat - if I am home and needy, if not to either see yah
3. Never expect me to agree to everything - Every things is up for a debate
4. Do not think you support me - I am self indulged and independent
5. What is yours is mine and what is mine is mine.

Dam I sound like a real bitch (oh well fuckit)

6. I am Maori, Scottish and Irish
7. My children are just that, reqardless of what age they are
8. I am not well travelled person, I have only travelled to Australia and hated it (sorry ozzy)
9. I regard myself as private - hate people that get to know me from other people, ask me I can tell you the facts
10. HELP I need to get a life

Hello Ins,

So are you male or female ?
I guess you are from NZ ?
You can tell us your age if you want - it won't go any further lol