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10 random facts about you.

1. English, German, Scotch.

2. I have lived all my life in a county which hasn't gone for the Democrat in a prez election since '64 . . . that's McClellan over Lincoln in 1864.

3. I worked in radio for 18 years, the last couple at a station I founded and programmed myself (on the net only, hence past-tense). :closedeyes:

4. I love pasta and eat it in some way shape or form almost every night. On weekends I really love pizza. And bacon triple cheeseburgers. Oh and I'm fond of sushi but very rarely get to indulge that fondness.

5. When I was in 9th grade I was taunted with fag comments particularly by a guy named Steve. One of the signature moments of my life came some years later with this same Steve sucking my dick in my bed.

6. I have never broken a bone. (knock wood)

7. I don't buy into conspiracy theories at all. (you know which ones I mean!)

8. I love old stuff. When I was a kid it was mainly antique cars but eventually my interest shifted to vintage electronics. That stuff was, after all, quite a bit easier to collect.

9. I'm one degree of separation from Mickey Rooney.

10. I was circumcised at age 25 (some months after surviving a similarly late-bloomer bout with chicken pox).


Chocolate: Dark, Milk or White?--As long as it isn't encasing a grasshopper I'm down with it

Wine, beer, hard liquor or none at all?--red wine is the only thing I ever keep in the house, though I enjoy mixed drinks on occasion. Never have cared for the taste of beer.

Dogs or cats?--I like both, have had both at various times and in a couple of instances they were good buddies.

Coke or Pepsi?--Coca Cola between the two, but these days I pretty much stick to Sprite, Canada Dry or Fresca.

Vacation--I have never been further outside the US than across the border east of Detroit (barely counts) but I would love to visit Europe someday, particularly Paris.

Star Trek or Star Wars?--Lost In Space

Donuts or bagels?--the angel on my shoulder says bagels, the devil says donuts.

PC or Mac?--PC again after an extended experience with a Mac.

TV or books?--TV or books about TV.

Cake or ice cream?--Yes, please. :drool:

I just know you video taped Steve sucking your cock for posterity right??? LOL That is too awesome...
1. I am 21
2. I live about five minutes from Boston and have a wicked bad Revere accent.
3. I questioned myself for a few years until I was a Freshmen in high school and saw David Bowie dressed as Ziggy Stardust.
4. Music means the world to me and I love a lot of different music including a great love for Heavy Metal.
5. I have two tattoos. The Rolling Stones tongue on my upper arm and IMAGINE going down my forearm. A friend is drawing up my sleeve I hope to get someday.
6. I am not religious but do find it all very interesting.
7. My hair is long right now and will most likely change because boredom sets in.
8. I love horror movies and my all time favorite one is Halloween.
9. I was born and raised in the city but love the country especially in the Fall.
10. I am a musician. I write and play all my music by myself for now because the last time I was in a band things got crazy. A bunch of young bands having practice spaces far from any watchful eyes got beyond out of control.


Chocolate: Dark, Milk or White? Milk.

Wine, beer, hard liquor or none at all? Wine or hard liquor

Dogs or cats? Dogs, I have been around them since I was a baby and currently have two.

Coke or Pepsi? Neither. Dr. Pepper.

Vacation: Mountains or beach? Mountains. It's more peaceful in the woods.

Star Trek or Star Wars? Star Wars

Donuts or bagels? Neither. I work at Dunkin Donuts and see them enough 40 hours a week

PC or Mac? PC

TV or books? Both

Cake or ice cream? Cake
Hey thanks for sharing.
Thank you to TD Ryan and Dark Victory for sharing with us here in Forum. We are glad you could join us, and look forward to many more interesting posts and threads! Please feel free to check out our member webpages, and pass along any comments you may wish to share. Again, thanks,

I am,
I think I like this thread better than any other. We are a diverse community for sure. No one seems to match any stereo type of what the world at large would think of when they imagine what an Internet porn subscriber would be like. I think the general perception would be more like this:

1. I have not seen the sun since Al Gore invented the Internet.

2. I chain smoke generic cigarettes and drink generic beer all day.

3. I finance my broadband connection by selling paper-mâché sculptures of penises made out of Kleenex and my own DNA samples.

4. There are stalactites growing from the bottom of my computer desk.

5. For some reason, the neighborhood kids never come to my door to sell candy for a school trip or visit my house on Halloween. And if their baseball accidentally ends up in my yard, they just abandon it.

6. I am really good at typing with one hand.

7. I can write compare/contrast essays on any combination of porn sites you name.

8. I own a large scale plotter so I can print out poster sized pictures of my favorite models overlaid with bulls-eye targets.

9. My most prized antique collectible is my collection of super8, betamax and VHS porn films.

10. I have not been in a relationship in the past 5 years. Or in the 45 years before that either. But as long as I have my monitor and a squeegie, I am good.
1. I love music - all types except for pop music. Portishead is my fave band.
2. My name is Michael. One of my nicknames is MAT. Yes, all caps - they are initials.
3. I lived in Colorado for 4 years and I miss every single day. (Been back in VA for 5 years)
4. I read DC Comics.
5. I enjoy writing and hope to find career utilizing my writing talents one day.
6. I like guys in tighty whities. Boxers, boxer-briefs, etc. don't do it for me. Just regular white briefs. On me, though? I like to change it up. So I'm a hypocrite.
7. I don't fall in love easily. Only been in love once.
8. I hate when people say really obvious things or ask questions with obvious answers.
9. I'd go straight for Tori Amos.
10. "I'd like to laugh at what you said, but I just can't find a smile..."
It's always awesome to read this thread when newer members post in it. It's great to find out about people.

GreatLakes that was brilliant, just put me in stitches lol though I do have to say...

6. I am really good at typing with one hand.

That one isn't always a bad thing :001_tt2:
Chocolate: Milk, then White. Dark for baking.

Wine, Beer, or Hard Liquor? Hard liquor. Like sweeter drinks also (white zen, wine cooler type drinks, etc). Beer makes me sick!!!

Dogs or Cats? Dogs. Currently have a 12 year old cocker spaniel.

Coke or Pepsi? Coke (with Segram's 7 please).

Vacation: Mountains - love the peacefullness and being able actually see the stars.

Star Trek or Star Wars? Yes. Can't wait for the new Star Trek.

Donuts or Bagels? Krispy Kream - covered in maple glaze (or chocolate glaze).

PC or Mac? PC

TV or Books? TV - give me '24', Heroes and Dexter any day.

Cake or Ice Cream? Ice Cream - Homemade vanilla please!

Top or Bottom? Have only topped with a female, but, hey, willing to experiment.

Tattooed or Pierced? None of either.

Cut or Uncut? Cut.

Spit or Swallow? Never tried, but, like I said before, willing to experiment.....
Well joined as a member a while ago, but have not been here in a while, so here goes.
1) I am a cancer
2) I am gay but so straight acting that gay guys don't believe me.
3) Favorite colors are black and red.
4) I love Pink Floyd.
5) I love Twinks
6) I have been in orgys. (very fun)
7) I have been in several relationships, One lasting 10 yeas, single now.
8) Love hockey
9) live in Vermont USA
10) Love porn.
Well joined as a member a while ago, but have not been here in a while, so here goes.

2) I am gay but so straight acting that gay guys don't believe me.

4) I love Pink Floyd.

Have you tried showing them the Dark Side of your Moon to convince them?
Name two

What were the last two movies you saw (theater or home)?
Pineapple Express
Shaun of the Dead

What were the last two books you read?
World Without End - Ken Follet
The Gate House - Nelson Demille

What were the last two types of restaurants you have been to?

What were the last two home projects you worked on?
Putting together a bike rack
Replacing my deck

What were the last two places you visited for leisure travel?
Disney World
The Caribbean

What two web sites do you visit most for pleasure? (Not counting this one)

(And Vicekid, you don't have to answer; by now we all know you have no time for anything except working retail. :001_rolleyes:)
What were the last two movies you saw (theater or home)?
  • Twilight
  • Highlander: The Source
What were the last two books you read?
  • Power vs Force: The hidden Determinants of human Behavior, David R. Hwakins, M.D. Ph.D.
  • The Biology of Belief, Bruce Lipton, Phd.
  • The Power of Intention, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
What were the last two types of restaurants you have been to?
  • Chinese
  • Italian

What were the last two home projects you worked on?
  • Installing a heating and central AC system
  • Wrote a curriculum to teach teach the Middle Pillar form the Kabbalah

What were the last two places you visited for leisure travel?
  • Niagra Falls
  • Cahokia Mounds in Illinois

What two web sites do you visit most for pleasure? (Not counting this one)
Last edited:
1) Morithrin is my middle name….Mark First, Initials are MMM…..
2) Gay, first time when 13 with good friend, had sex with a girl once, not what I want again.
3) 25yo
4) German, Hawaiian
5) 4 years USAF
6) Love the outdoors, live in Florida but do a lot of traveling all over the US.
7) Never really had a serious relationship, still looking.
8) Sort of a gadget nut….like electronics, may explain why I made a career out of it too….
9) Have a dog and a cat
10) Love this site!
What were the last two movies you saw (theater or home)?
  • Ratatoullie
  • Holes

What were the last two books you read?
  • Small Sacrifices
  • The Men With The Pink Triangle

What were the last two types of restaurants you have been to?
  • Wendy's
  • Kentucky Fried Chicken

What were the last two home projects you worked on?
  • Installed new light fixtures in two upstairs bedrooms
  • Replaced garbage disposal

What two web sites do you visit most for pleasure? (Not counting this one)
What were the last two movies you saw (theater or home)?
  • Ratatoullie
  • Holes

What were the last two books you read?
  • Small Sacrifices
  • The Men With The Pink Triangle

What were the last two types of restaurants you have been to?
  • Wendy's
  • Kentucky Fried Chicken

What were the last two home projects you worked on?
  • Installed new light fixtures in two upstairs bedrooms
  • Replaced garbage disposal

What two web sites do you visit most for pleasure? (Not counting this one)

I am a huge youtube fan too.
1. Theatre: Sunshine Cleaning & Were the World Mine
Home: X-Men Origins Wolverine & Synecdoche, New York
2. The Kindness of Strangers, John Boswell
Equal Affections, David Leavitt
3. Italian
4. Installing a Wireless Router system for all our computers.
Refinishing the base of the china cabinet in the kitchen
5. Afterelton.com

Oh, yes, and Jayman, your new picture looks so much like the drum major I fucked through high school, that my husband says if I drag him over to the computer one more time to show it to him - he will personally rain on my parade. If I blow the picture up, will you autograph it for me? I haven't seen him rain in years.

1. Theatre: Sunshine Cleaning & Were the World Mine
Home: X-Men Origins Wolverine & Synecdoche, New York
2. The Kindness of Strangers, John Boswell
Equal Affections, David Leavitt
3. Italian
4. Installing a Wireless Router system for all our computers.
Refinishing the base of the china cabinet in the kitchen
5. Afterelton.com

Oh, yes, and Jayman, your new picture looks so much like the drum major I fucked through high school, that my husband says if I drag him over to the computer one more time to show it to him - he will personally rain on my parade. If I blow the picture up, will you autograph it for me? I haven't seen him rain in years.


Sure, I will. Just keep me out of trouble with your husband. LOL