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10 random facts about you.

I told you I'd be back!

Ok New List:
1. I was born on 11/29/1954, so I really am older than dirt!
2. I was adopted on 04/01/1955, and returned for credit on 04/02/1955.
So I really am an April Fool!
3. Apparently there was NO restocking fee. (or I wouldn't be here!)
4. I have had a love affair with the stage since I was 5 years old, so,
5. I joined Civic Light Opera when I was 6 years old.
6. I have had formal voice & acting training.
7. I also have managed to obtain 3 college degrees. An MBA, as well as
Humanities Degrees with concentrations in English, Psych and History.
8. The second greatest activity I ever engaged in was teaching a class on Chaucer's
Canterbury Tales to the most wonderful group of college students in the world.
9. Learning to love life, in all it's myriad interpretations, is why I am here.
10. A wise man once told me, "Live to Learn, Learn to Love, and Love to Live."
11. Do not be afraid of Dying. Be afraid instead, of not living. Everyone will die, but
only those who choose will surely live.
12. My tombstone will read, "Mark Schwarz. He Lived. Did you?"
13. That which are important to me? My Children, My Family, and My Friends
(All of You!)

With Love, I am,
I told you I'd be back!

Ok New List:
1. I was born on 11/29/1954, so I really am older than dirt!
2. I was adopted on 04/01/1955, and returned for credit on 04/02/1955.
So I really am an April Fool!
3. Apparently there was NO restocking fee. (or I wouldn't be here!)
4. I have had a love affair with the stage since I was 5 years old, so,
5. I joined Civic Light Opera when I was 6 years old.
6. I have had formal voice & acting training.
7. I also have managed to obtain 3 college degrees. An MBA, as well as
Humanities Degrees with concentrations in English, Psych and History.
8. The second greatest activity I ever engaged in was teaching a class on Chaucer's
Canterbury Tales to the most wonderful group of college students in the world.
9. Learning to love life, in all it's myriad interpretations, is why I am here.
10. A wise man once told me, "Live to Learn, Learn to Love, and Love to Live."
11. Do not be afraid of Dying. Be afraid instead, of not living. Everyone will die, but
only those who choose will surely live.
12. My tombstone will read, "Mark Schwarz. He Lived. Did you?"
13. That which are important to me? My Children, My Family, and My Friends
(All of You!)

With Love, I am,

Bless your heart that was beautiful.
Are you that dumb? They did not describe "ethnic background", they said "I am such and such." If somebody says they are German then they should be from Germany. If you are an American citizen then you should say "I am an American." Take some pride in your country for God's sake. My ancestors came form all over Europe but I don't call myself European. The people of Europe would be very amused to read these posts where people say "I am Irish" or "I am German." The Irish and the Germans would laugh their asses off and say "Are these people really so ignorant?"

If you want to talk about ancestry then say "My ancestors came from such and such."
Mitch, my friend, I am an American. I didn't mean to offend your sensibilities. My ancestors came from England. I also forgot to mention the Norwegian ancestors on my mother's side of the family. I'm sure there is a bit of Norwegian on the English side, too, what with those horny Vikings raping and pillaging England.
Mitch, my friend, I am an American. I didn't mean to offend your sensibilities. My ancestors came from England. I also forgot to mention the Norwegian ancestors on my mother's side of the family. I'm sure there is a bit of Norwegian on the English side, too, what with those horny Vikings raping and pillaging England.

Paris, BABY, I was not talking to you, I was talking to ViceKid. Not you sweetie.

What the blazes are you talking about? What is your definition of "AMERICAN"?

If you are referring to Native Americans, then of course almost all of us are foreign. Over 95% of the Citizens of this country have origins overseas. Looking again at the posters, only one poster said he was a Native American. 4 had some Native American in their blood. Only 2 said they were NOT American, 15 shared their ethnic background and 6 really did not share any ethnic background info. So what is your basis for saying, "Everybody seems to be from Europe"? Or, " Is there some shame in being an "American"?

Putting foot in mouth only leads to athletes mouth.

Live Long and Prosper,


If you are born in America, or are a naturalized citizen, then you are an American, and nohting else. We do not have dual or triple citizenship in this country. Check the law. I think you are the one with payer dans la bouche? The posters did not describe "ethnic background", they said "I am such and such." If somebody says they are German then they should be from Germany. If you are an American citizen then you should say "I am an American." Take some pride in your country for God's sake. My ancestors came form all over Europe but I don't call myself European. The people of Europe would be very amused to read these posts where people say "I am Irish" or "I am German." The Irish and the Germans would laugh their asses off and say "Are these people really so ignorant?"

If you want to talk about ancestry then say "My ancestors came from such and such."

"British" does not describe "ethnicity," it simply identifies a person as being a citizen of a particular nation.

Are you sure you want to go down this road with me? Better men than you have tried before and failed.

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Can we move on with the "American" thing? Cos it REALLY but REALLY bores me.
Perhaps we can move the American discussion to a different thread. I am not judging or discounting the validity of the arguments either way, but this thread was supposed to be about learning about each other in a particular format. If there is something that comes up of interest that merits discussion, start a new thread; they are free. I just would like to see this thread remain on topic lest we scare away new members.

Just my 2 cents.
Perhaps we can move the American discussion to a different thread. I am not judging or discounting the validity of the arguments either way, but this thread was supposed to be about learning about each other in a particular format. If there is something that comes up of interest that merits discussion, start a new thread; they are free. I just would like to see this thread remain on topic lest we scare away new members.

Just my 2 cents.

ITA agree! I would like to learn more about Dj.Kitten!
1. I am 43.
2. Was married almost 13 years before wife passed (2 years ago this April).
3. I'm a Scorpio, moon in Libra.
4. Never liked watching sports but played 3 years of football in high school. Ended up winning the Coaches Award my senior year.
5. Tend to have a poor memory except for music. More than likely why I never liked sports, cars, etc....who can remember all of that stuff - besides, to me, soooo boring.
6. Love to cook. Since we had snow earlier this week, made some home made chicken soup with dumplings (bisquick).
7. Used to collect comics - I have 8 boxes in the closet. Plan to go see the midnight viewing of Watchmen tonight - I have the original 12 issues of this comic and have given 1/2 dozen of the bound editions away as gifts.
8. I am a horrible speller....without spell check, I wouldn't survive in work.
9. My family has been in the US since at least the 1800's, however, my ancestory is English, Irish, French and German.
10. I just got my green belt in Tae Kwon Do last month - I can't believe my body is doing the things it is doing at my age!!!!
What more would you like to know then what I posted???

Anything you would like to share! :biggrin: I would really like to see you post on one of the threads in the other forum. Tell us your thoughts on the models, Kitten!:biggrin:
I invite others to answer these questions too.

Chocolate: Dark, Milk or White? Dark. Anything less is a tease.

Wine, beer, hard liquor or none at all? Red Wine

Dogs or cats? dogs No pussy for me.

Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

Vacation: Mountains or beach? Beach. More flesh!

Star Trek or Star Wars? Trek Classic.

Donuts or bagels? Bagels.

PC or Mac? I make my living doing Windows.

TV or books? Books.

Cake or ice cream? Ice cream.
Chocolate: Dark, Milk or White? not much of a chocolate person, but dark is richer

Wine, beer, hard liquor or none at all? none at all

Dogs or cats? dogs I love cats

Coke or Pepsi? I don't drink pop

Vacation: Mountains or beach? Mountains...... more romantic

Star Trek or Star Wars? I love both

Donuts or bagels? Bagels.

PC or Mac? well since I despise microsoft....... I would go with linux

TV or books? Books.

Cake or ice cream? niether..... too fattening
Chocolate: Dark, Milk or White? Dark preferably, milk when dark not an option

Wine, beer, hard liquor or none at all? Hard Cider!

Dogs or cats? Like both, will stick with horses..

Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi (except in Asia as they use real sugar.... too sweet!)

Vacation: Mountains or beach? I can see the mountains and get loads of sun all day, I want to go see things that are different and on the road less travelled.

Star Trek or Star Wars? Star Trek

Donuts or bagels? Donuts! cake with powdered sugar please.....

PC or Mac? PC unfortunately

TV or books? Both. Books stimulate the mind. TV puts it to sleep.

Cake or Ice Cream? Both - together of course!

Top or bottom? I'm not telling :wink:

Cut or intact? Cut at birth :001_unsure:

Spit or Swallow? Depends......:001_tt1:

Love ya'll,

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Chocolate: Dark, or Milk? None, can't taste it!

Wine, Beer, or Hard Liquor? None, too fattening! can't taste it either!

Dogs or Cats? Both, and a turtle, lots of fish, and birds.

Coke or Pepsi? Again, can't taste it!

Vacation: Mountains or Beach? How about Both? Humboldt County, Ca. Weed Capital
of Northern California! and home of the town of Weed.

Star Trek or Star Wars? I have 2 different Trek outfits (Lt. & Capt.)

Donuts or Bagels? Bagels, either Cinnamon/Raisin or Onion, with Lox

PC or Mac? (What's a Mac?) Toshiba Notebook

TV or Books? Well, I prefer books, I like to use my imagination.

Cake or Ice Cream? Neither, yeah, can't taste either one!

Top or Bottom? Of what?

Tattooed or Pierced? Both

Cut or Uncut? Both, oh, you mean me? heh! heh!

Spit or Swallow? Tobacco, spit; the rest? Depends.

Well this was fun! NEXT!
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Chocolate: Dark, Milk or White? Dark or Milk.

Wine, beer, hard liquor or none at all? None, don't drink anymore.

Dogs or Cats? Cats. Also have 10 tropical fish and a parakeet.

Coke or Pepsi? Neither, I drink either Dr. Pepper or Mug Root Beer.

Vacation: Mountains or beach? Mountains. I like the fresh air they provide.

Star Trek or Star Wars? Not much on science fiction. Did watch Dark Shadows though.

Donuts or bagels? Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing.


T.V. or Books: Only watch t.v. for the news. Do enjoy reading books on history.

Cake or Ice Cream? Not crazy for either one. Do like desserts, such as pies, cobblers, and such.
Dark Shadows rocked! Barnabus Collins as the vampire scared the heck out of me as a small boy. LOL
Pointless my posting, since I'm allergic to 80% of the choices

Chocolate: Dark, Milk or White? Sweet bitter black Swiss chocolate, once a year and then a cortisone tab

Wine, beer, hard liquor or none at all? Really cold, icy lager on a hot day, but followed by the old cortisone.

Dogs or cats? I just a-DORE both, tragic since petting either one has to be followed by a cor.....

Coke or Pepsi? Coke, followed by....nah, I'm woofin' ya, I can drink a Coke occasionally without having to take a...

Vacation: Mountains or beach? My daily life is a vacation: mountains in the winter and the spring, the beach in the summer and fall...skinny dipping in the Med in October is bliss

Star Trek or Star Wars? give me Tarantino any day

Donuts or bagels? Maybe the donuts of my allergic childhood, before I knew they had to be followed by a co...

PC or Mac? Both, each for a purpose

TV or books? Books. A second hand English bookstore just opened 5 minutes from home with lots of Man Booker Prize winners and shortlisters. Heaven

Cake or Ice Cream? hard choice since they both require a cortisone tab, but I guess ice cream, once a year...no, make that cake...or maybe ice c...

Top or bottom? Instinctive top but not bad mannered nor obsessive about it, so OK (since you keep going on about how much you want to f...)

Cut or intact? intact, daddy had a word with the obstetrician

Spit or Swallow? I try never to suck a dick I don't want to get the most out of
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