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10 random facts about you.

1. I have blonde hair/blue eyes
2. I love to chat and meet new people
3. I drive a porsche
4. I am a trained pianist and love to play classical music
5. I love to go to the gym.
6. I love roller coasters and amusement parks.
7. Although I love to meet people, I am very shy
8. I love horror movies
9. I love fast food
10. I am currently single
1. I don't know or care anything about most sports and have never been any good at playing ball. I do like to watch mens swimming and wrestling. I was a great disappointment to my father who wanted a jock for a son.
2. I don't know how to fix or build anything.
3. I like big cars. ( I have that).
4. I like big houses. (I don't have that.)
5. I have expensive tastes. Luxury is the reward for being successful or lucky. I never was lucky but I was smart. If I bought a pumpkin farm they would outlaw halloween!
6. Life sucked until I was 18. Growing up in a blue collar neighborhood was not fun, expecially when you are gay.
7. I dread Christmas. You have to buy gifts for people who don't need anything and usually don't have any use for what you give them.
8. I am most comfortable around men and middle aged or older ladies. I do not get along with younger women or girls.
9. I tend to be a "formal" person, not casual.
10. I am appalled at the ignorance of the average person. People don't read enough these days.
Upon the urging of my friend Slimvintage, and with his help in organizing my random message to him, here is my list:

1. I am a native New Yorker. Born and bred in Brooklyn.

2. I am 58, although when I can avoid a mirror, I think that I am 25.

3. I'm 6 feet tall, and weigh 195 pounds. I go to a local gym to keep in shape, (and to check out the young men).

4. I became interested in politics at the age of ten, when John F. Kennedy ran for president. I went to my local campaign office, and handed out flyers for him.

5. At the age of 17, as a high school senior, for an elective social studies class, I was assigned to work one afternoon a week, in Senator Robert F. Kennedy's New York City office. One day they sent me to the airport by cab to pick up a package, and deliver it to Jackie Kennedy's apartment. (Pretty heady stuff for a 17 year old high school student).

6. I'm gay, only ever been with guys.

7. I have done some amateur photography and actually done some Dave type stuff for myself. (See my latest story in the "Seducing & Sucking Straight Guys" section).

8. My spiritual home: Broke Straight Boys (contemporary straighties trying out a taste of fag for pay)

9. I'm a big sports fan, my favorite teams are the Yankees, Giants, and Duke Blue Devils basketball team. Several years ago, I drove with a friend to Durham North Carolina, and was overwhelmed by the beautiful Duke campus, and amazingly beautiful Cameron Indoor Stadium was open, and we went in and were able to sit in the stands, where the "Cameron Crazies" wreak havoc on opposing teams in season). It was a "religious" experience for me.

10. I'm a big fan of rock music from the late 60's and early 70's. (Reminds me of my college days, drinking beer, taking drugs, and protesting the Vietnam War:thumbup1:.)

11. I have close friends, who I can rely on, and who know they can rely on me. I am fiercely loyal person. But I am quite content, living by myself, and don't feel any driving need for a "partner".

12. My "type" of guy that turns me on the most is a young, (but legal of course), thin or in shape young man who considers himself "straight". (See the videos on this site, to see what turns me on).

Whoops. I just counted 12 "random" facts. Is that legal?

Again I thank Slim for cajoling me, and helping me organize this list. Love ya, Slim.

1. Im a direct descendant of Napoleon
2. Im gay
3. I have brown hair
4. I have blue/green eyes
5. I love the outdoors
6. I just moved
7. I am newly single
8. I love to meet new people :)
9. My favortie place to vacation would be New Zealand
10. Im originally from San Antonio TX

WOW Denver! You are almost royalty. Napoleon was the "Emperor."

(Notice me bowing!) :w00t:
mikeyank 12 is perfect, but not legal. On the other hand Mitch has managed to post 20, in two installments of 10, both of them terrific.

mike might not have posted any data at all without my urging, let alone a dozen facts, so this is his debut. He now forms part of the group who've "shared" (terrible word) with each other.

This thread was initiated by scorpio, who responded creatively to my asking him in a post somewhere else to "tell us a bit more about yourself". It's really interesting to me to see what, out of all the bits of info, the thousands of data, random moments and turning points in a life, each guy picks out of his own personal file to define himself to the rest of us. I think Mitch's idea of a second 10 is actually brilliant, so I'm thinking of posting again.

In the words of a boy from Chapel Hill:

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mikeyank 12 is perfect, but not legal. On the other hand Mitch has managed to post 20, in two installments of 10, both of them terrific.

mike might not have posted any data at all without my urging, let alone a dozen facts, so this is his debut. He now forms part of the group who've "shared" (terrible word) with each other.

This thread was initiated by scorpio, who responded creatively to my asking him in a post somewhere else to "tell us a bit more about yourself". It's really interesting to me to see what, out of all the bits of info, the thousands of data, random moments and turning points in a life, each guy picks out of his own personal file to define himself to the rest of us. I think Mitch's idea of a second 10 is actually brilliant, so I'm thinking of posting again.

In the words of a boy from Chapel Hill:


I deleted the first 10 so I am still legal.
I deleted the first 10 so I am still legal.

I hope you didn't do it after I said that. Two decalogues are totally legal in my mind, so add another list when you feel like it.

You're in a dead heat with Jayman for being the most fascinating poster on the forum, so whatever you want to tell is interesting.
1. My partner and I have our 25th anniversary this month.
2. My verbal pet peeves are "basically," "whatnot," the misuse of "literally" and pronouncing 'for' as 'fer'.
3. I am a geek about commercial aircraft and can name almost every make and model when I go through an airport.
4. My proudest accomplishment is the guidance I have given my 30 year old nephew in terms of his career and his politics.
5. I am IT professional and I am also an elections inspector. *
6. I was born 2 weeks before Kennedy was shot; I DO have an alibi.
7. I am cursed with knowing tons of lyrics but have a voice that could peel paint.
8. I want to buy a 2010 Prius. Whether global warming is real or not, I think we were put here to be custodians of this planet and we should be reasonable in how much we use its resources. Couldn't hurt.
9. I would rather read than watch TV.
10. I am giving up weed for Lent. (Although by Easter I will be ready to smoke the plastic grass out of an Easter basket.)

*I got the inspector gig when a cute Asian boy asked me if I would like to work with elections and I thought he said.... never mind; you know where this is going.
5. I am IT professional and I am also an elections inspector. *
10. I am giving up weed for Lent. (Although by Easter I will be ready to smoke the plastic grass out of an Easter basket.)

*I got the inspector gig when a cute Asian boy asked me if I would like to work with elections and I thought he said.... never mind; you know where this is going.[/quote=GreatLakes2;7154]

HMMMM A kindred spirit! I always admire a great sense of humor! It's nice to meet you, GreatLakes. Thanks for joining us in the Forum!

I am,
I really had to think about these. I think I need an Advil. Already have my cappuccino.

1. I am Irish, French and Cherokee.
2. Am a history buff, specially enjoy The Lewis and Clark Exposition and The Civil War, among other US History Events.
3. I am 53 yrs old and a Capricorn.
4. I enjoy container gardening and cooking.
5. Served in the Army from 1976-1980 and reach Specialist Fourth Class rank.
6. I enjoy all types on commercial aircraft. My father is retired from TWA after 35 years.
7. I don't like cold weather. Arizona sounds nice this time of year.
8. I am gay. Was married back in the mid 70's for four years. Was not for me.
9. I enjoy doing things for people and asking nothing in return.
10. I enjoy looking at younger guys. Not nelly ones. 18-25.

Anything else, just ask. I don't have anything to hide. We're all family here on the forums.
I was not aware we had so many foreigners on this site. Am I the only American. Everybody seems to be from Europe. Is there some shame in being an "American"?
I was not aware we had so many foreigners on this site. Am I the only American. Everybody seems to be from Europe. Is there some shame in being an "American"?

Most Americans came from Europe at some point along the family tree.
I was not aware we had so many foreigners on this site. Am I the only American. Everybody seems to be from Europe. Is there some shame in being an "American"?
Depending on how far back he goes, my fathers family can trace all the way to some minor lord in Czarina Catherine's court. He was one of the german's she personally invited to come to Russia to teach agrarian skills (modern) to her peasant population.

On another note, maybe you haven't experienced it yet, but many american's are openly reviled in several major european cities. I was yelled at in Frankfurt au Main, and have cousins who were spat on in London. I believe that this IS something we are facing due to perceptions about American Government attitude in the global world. Perhaps every member of the Govt. should be required to take the "Oath of Hippocrates", you know the one, where we swear to do no harm? The clear feeling "over there" is that we should stay "over here"!

As for your impression that there seem to be many europeans on our forum, I say thank god, welcome. What better way to dialogue and exchange ideas with people we need or want as friends.

And too, this forum is accessible internationally, maybe THEY are trying to reach out to us?

With Love, I am,
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OK, because I stupidly erased my prior post, and since Slim & Mitch think 20 is good. I'll work on another list....Oh Shit, Carl just walked in dressed to the nines, so it may be awhile before this is done, since obviously I'm be taken out for dinner!! Whoopee! See ya later guys!

With love, I am,
I was not aware we had so many foreigners on this site. Am I the only American. Everybody seems to be from Europe. Is there some shame in being an "American"?


What the blazes are you talking about? What is your definition of "AMERICAN"?

If you are referring to Native Americans, then of course almost all of us are foreign. Over 95% of the Citizens of this country have origins overseas. Looking again at the posters, only one poster said he was a Native American. 4 had some Native American in their blood. Only 2 said they were NOT American, 15 shared their ethnic background and 6 really did not share any ethnic background info. So what is your basis for saying, "Everybody seems to be from Europe"? Or, " Is there some shame in being an "American"?

Putting foot in mouth only leads to athletes mouth.

Live Long and Prosper,

1. My name's Amber-Lynn but everyone calls me Alyie.
2. I have a girlfriend but am completely bi no preference either way.
3. I think there is nothing hotter then watching two guys. I don't want to join I just want to watch!
4. I am a writer and am working on 2 novels and a book of poetry.
5. I totally have a thing for Taz. SO sexy.
6. Tattoos and piercings are sexy as hell.
7. I am a very upfront person.
8. I am a Canadian.
9. I'm 23 though you'd never know it if you talked to me.
10. I love nothing more then curling up with a book and reading.

What the blazes are you talking about? What is your definition of "AMERICAN"?

If you are referring to Native Americans, then of course almost all of us are foreign. Over 95% of the Citizens of this country have origins overseas. Looking again at the posters, only one poster said he was a Native American. 4 had some Native American in their blood. Only 2 said they were NOT American, 15 shared their ethnic background and 6 really did not share any ethnic background info. So what is your basis for saying, "Everybody seems to be from Europe"? Or, " Is there some shame in being an "American"?

Putting foot in mouth only leads to athletes mouth.

Live Long and Prosper,


I think Mitch was just trying to stir the (melting) pot. Nothing wrong with being American, but I like to know about ethnic heritage. After all, we all know that Asians and Irishmen have small dicks and Italians and Blacks can be mistaken for a Hickory Farms Beefstick. The Greeks are hospitable; they will bend over backwards for you. And of course my neighbors across the lake in Canada, (aka Very North Dakota) are a smug bunch now that their dollar is finally worth more than ours. (Although at this rate, the peso will be able to claim that soon too.)
I find the labels to be incredibly helpful. Saves me all that time getting to the know the person before I dislike them for being different.

With tongue planted firmly in cheek,
(Relax folks, I kid because I love. Can some one explain that to the Polish members? Their kind takes a while to catch on.)

To try to pull this thread back to its origin, I present
10 more random facts about me:
1. I am a frustrated comedy writer stuck in an IT job.
7. I am 6'2" but am fascinated by men taller than me.
5. I freak out in large crowds.
10. I can't count.
I think Mitch was just trying to stir the (melting) pot. Nothing wrong with being American, but I like to know about ethnic heritage. After all, we all know that Asians and Irishmen have small dicks and Italians and Blacks can be mistaken for a Hickory Farms Beefstick. The Greeks are hospitable; they will bend over backwards for you. And of course my neighbors across the lake in Canada, (aka Very North Dakota) are a smug bunch now that their dollar is finally worth more than ours. (Although at this rate, the peso will be able to claim that soon too.)
I find the labels to be incredibly helpful. Saves me all that time getting to the know the person before I dislike them for being different.

With tongue planted firmly in cheek,
(Relax folks, I kid because I love. Can some one explain that to the Polish members? Their kind takes a while to catch on.)

To try to pull this thread back to its origin, I present
10 more random facts about me:
1. I am a frustrated comedy writer stuck in an IT job.
7. I am 6'2" but am fascinated by men taller than me.
5. I freak out in large crowds.
10. I can't count.

LOAO Great Lakes. Thanks for the humor...
Great Lakes drained by vicious Drag Queen

Originally Posted by GreatLakes2
I think Mitch was just trying to stir the (melting) pot. Nothing wrong with being American, but I like to know about ethnic heritage. After all, we all know that Asians and Irishmen have small dicks and Italians and Blacks can be mistaken for a Hickory Farms Beefstick. The Greeks are hospitable; they will bend over backwards for you. And of course my neighbors across the lake in Canada, (aka Very North Dakota) are a smug bunch now that their dollar is finally worth more than ours. (Although at this rate, the peso will be able to claim that soon too.)
I find the labels to be incredibly helpful. Saves me all that time getting to the know the person before I dislike them for being different.

With tongue planted firmly in cheek,
(Relax folks, I kid because I love. Can some one explain that to the Polish members? Their kind takes a while to catch on.)

To try to pull this thread back to its origin, I present
10 more random facts about me:
1. I am a frustrated comedy writer stuck in an IT job.
7. I am 6'2" but am fascinated by men taller than me.
5. I freak out in large crowds.
10. I can't count.

OK now hold on! I realize I'm Irish and (good) scotch, and that I'm all of 6.5 inches, BUT, some folks like it that wide! LMAO!! I figure it must get REAL cold up there in that snowbank they call Rochester, if all you can find is small dicks on the guys? And don't even start with the sausage routine, I've seen linguicia as well as summer sausage on some very "compact" dudes! I have even seen Nathan's Best,...and it wasn't! As anyone who travels will tell you, it's the motion of the ocean, not the boat that you float, that makes the trip good or bad! Heh Heh!!

With Love, I am,
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OK, because I stupidly erased my prior post, and since Slim & Mitch think 20 is good. I'll work on another list....Oh Shit, Carl just walked in dressed to the nines, so it may be awhile before this is done, since obviously I'm be taken out for dinner!! Whoopee! See ya later guys!

With love, I am,

Well, dinner the other nite was Fabulous. It was Caesar Salad, with an international touch--Russian Vodka, to start, and then a delicious Salmon filet, broiled then served on a bed of risotto and lightly seasoned, with a beurre/orange demi glas! I love dieting! Oh yes, a delicious glass of Meritage. No dessert, (too rich) but lots of cream when we got back home. LOL!! I will finish my new 10's list in a few mins. Gotta run to UPS real quick first.

With Love, I am