1. English, German, Scotch.
2. I have lived all my life in a county which hasn't gone for the Democrat in a prez election since '64 . . . that's McClellan over Lincoln in 1864.
3. I worked in radio for 18 years, the last couple at a station I founded and programmed myself (on the net only, hence past-tense).
4. I love pasta and eat it in some way shape or form almost every night. On weekends I really love pizza. And bacon triple cheeseburgers. Oh and I'm fond of sushi but very rarely get to indulge that fondness.
5. When I was in 9th grade I was taunted with fag comments particularly by a guy named Steve. One of the signature moments of my life came some years later with this same Steve sucking my dick in my bed.
6. I have never broken a bone. (knock wood)
7. I don't buy into conspiracy theories
at all. (you know which ones I mean!)
8. I love old stuff. When I was a kid it was mainly antique cars but eventually my interest shifted to vintage electronics. That stuff was, after all, quite a bit easier to collect.
9. I'm one degree of separation from Mickey Rooney.
10. I was circumcised at age 25 (some months after surviving a similarly late-bloomer bout with chicken pox).
Chocolate: Dark, Milk or White?--As long as it isn't encasing a grasshopper I'm down with it
Wine, beer, hard liquor or none at all?--red wine is the only thing I ever keep in the house, though I enjoy mixed drinks on occasion. Never have cared for the taste of beer.
Dogs or cats?--I like both, have had both at various times and in a couple of instances they were good buddies.
Coke or Pepsi?--Coca Cola between the two, but these days I pretty much stick to Sprite, Canada Dry or Fresca.
Vacation--I have never been further outside the US than across the border east of Detroit (barely counts) but I would love to visit Europe someday, particularly Paris.
Star Trek or Star Wars?--Lost In Space
Donuts or bagels?--the angel on my shoulder says bagels, the devil says donuts.
PC or Mac?--PC again after an extended experience with a Mac.
TV or books?--TV or books about TV.
Cake or ice cream?--Yes, please.