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10 random facts about you.

Please do not feed the animals



Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUkWVEKMJvM
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WOW! Thank you grace and rrhill for the explanation and videos. Although we are interested in Tasmania, we will not be walking alone, or feeding the devils! Very interesting!
Hi joninliverton,

Don't worry they're only scarey if you're stuck and unable to move in the Tasmanian wilderness in the middle of the night. The first time I heard a devil in it's natural environment I was on a bush walking trek. I'd thrown the scraps from dinner into the bush not far away from our tent and of course the the Devils sniffed them out and started howling and fighting over them at midnight. Even though I knew what to expect I nearly wet my pants! Worse, when they'd finished devouring the leftovers they started sniffing around the tent, so between me and these howling beasts was a flimsy bit of nylon and man, do they stink!

Seriously, under ordinary circumstances they're fairly harmless.
Hi joninliverton,

Don't worry they're only scarey if you're stuck and unable to move in the Tasmanian wilderness in the middle of the night. The first time I heard a devil in it's natural environment I was on a bush walking trek. I'd thrown the scraps from dinner into the bush not far away from our tent and of course the the Devils sniffed them out and started howling and fighting over them at midnight. Even though I knew what to expect I nearly wet my pants! Worse, when they'd finished devouring the leftovers they started sniffing around the tent, so between me and these howling beasts was a flimsy bit of nylon and man, do they stink!

Seriously, under ordinary circumstances they're fairly harmless.

Thanks for that Grace but the pics that Rob put up and your earlier explanation paint grim thoughts in my mind. How did they know that you were not injured in your tent or is it only when they smell blood ?
That's a good question, Jon, I don't know how they know the difference between a vulnerable human and a non vulnerable human I'm just glad they do..lol

Tasmanian Devils prefer to eat carrion, that is dead animals. They will eat anything lying around no matter how old and rotten, and their powerful jaws will help them crush bones so they can devour the whole carcass, meat, fur and bone, leaving nothing to pollute the environment. They can though kill their own prey such as snakes, birds, rodents,lizards, and small wallabies and lamb. it prefers to prey on animals smaller than itself It kills by inflicting a powerful bight onto the back of the neck or back of its victim It also needs to drinks water.

Wolves are bigger and more dangerous in the wild... and they'll eat you too Jon! It's not your fault that you happen to be a young piece, of fresh and tasty man meat in the wild...

There are sharks in the water as well down under.

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Thanks everyone for the friendly welcome. I haven't figured out how to do quotes yet so my answers may sound a bit muddled.

I'm envious of your turtles Ms K, it's illegal to keep turtles in Tassie, although I think it's okay on the mainland if you apply for a special license. How big are your turtles?

I love the Tassie Devil pic rrhill. I'll have to scrounge up a picture of the real thing...very cute as babies and ugly and vicious as adults and very very smelly. I didn't hate school so much as it hated me. I never fitted in and we all know how vicious kids can be.

jlipps4u, if you ever get another opportunity to come to Australia add Tassie to your itinerary and I'll take you on a tour. You might have to cuddle a disabled bunny for the duration, but I'm sure you could handle it...lol

Yes, joninliverton, catch me on a bad day and I can do a fair imitation of a Tasmanian Devil's bone chilling yowl, but I leave the flesh eating completely up to them.
When I was a left of center, rebellious teenager I proudly wore a crown made by the devil, but I abdicated the throne years ago...(sigh) I miss those days.

Tampa, you asked about my favorite model. I'm so obsessed with Jason I bit the bullet and joined facebook and so far I have one friend...Jason lol
My top five favorites change all the time, at the moment I'd have to say, Jason, Blake, Colin, Kodi, Denver, Max, Liam, ...oh, oops, that's way more than five.

Gotta go! Because of the time difference the updates hit my screen around 1pm and it's now 1.30pm so I'm off to check out Jason and Denver's latest scene. I hope it's as good as I've been imagining for days and days and days....

Grace, we have two red eared sliders, they are really common pets here. You also find them in a lot of ponds. That was my pet solution when I found out my son was very allergic to dogs. We had to get rid of the dog and my son wanted one of everything, at the pet store.
Tasmanian Devils prefer to eat carrion, that is dead animals. They will eat anything lying around no matter how old and rotten, and their powerful jaws will help them crush bones so they can devour the whole carcass, meat, fur and bone, leaving nothing to pollute the environment. They can though kill their own prey such as snakes, birds, rodents,lizards, and small wallabies and lamb. it prefers to prey on animals smaller than itself It kills by inflicting a powerful bight onto the back of the neck or back of its victim It also needs to drinks water.

Wolves are bigger and more dangerous in the wild... and they'll eat you too Jon! It's not your fault that you happen to be a young piece, of fresh and tasty man meat in the wild...

There are sharks in the water as well down under.

Eat me OMG that is what I've been having nightmares about. The evil pics you posted the other day and Grace and your notes have given me palpitations.
cock biting

Eat me OMG that is what I've been having nightmares about. The evil pics you posted the other day and Grace and your notes have given me palpitations.

Those big teeth could have triggered a classical image of 'Vagina Dentata' (the mythic toothed vagina that can bite your penis off).
Hi Ms K, wikipedia tells me red eared slider turtles are the the most popular pet in the US, which amazes me, and they grow to be much bigger than I expected.
...like a broken leg, the Devils will come at night and devour the entire body including the bones, dead or alive. They have tremendous strength in their jaws, even the young ones.

Locals know if a solo bush walking tourist is lost in the wilderness for more than a day or two he's likely become food for a hungry Devil family.

Robert! You're seriously going to psychologically scar poor Jon.

Moi? :scared: You Grace developed those innocent little devils, into these flesh eating Gremlins. As if every week three tourists disappear in the wild, never to be heard of again. A Stephen King approach instead of tourist information. Now Jon's subconscious sees things... All I did was illustrating your thriller.

The change Jon actually gets eaten by the snappers of a hungry Tasmanian devil is negligible; without foul play... Tasmania is a big island with cities, gay bars, and lots of tourist attractions Jon loves. Is Queen Elizabeth also the head of state in Tasmania? Make the guy wanna visit Tasmania!
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The change Jon actually gets eaten by the snappers of a hungry Tasmanian devil is negligible; without foul play... Tasmania is a big island with cities, gay bars, and lots of tourist attractions Jon loves. Is Queen Elizabeth also the head of state in Tasmania? Make the guy wanna visit Tasmania!

It's also about 13 thousand miles away Rob. It's okay for mega rich dutch guys like yourself but not to a poor old Englishman from Leeds. Of course if you get 2 tickets from KLM let me know lol
Oh, okay, you got me...if you stay out of the wilderness you won't be attacked by any smelly, flesh easting howlers. Taswegians spread the scarey devil stories to stop the mainlanders from trashing our island with holiday homes. Besides, if you both come for a holiday I'll protect you with my unique kung fu skills...in the middle of the first high kick I can guarantee I'll trip and fall on top of whatever it is that's posing a danger...lol
Tasmanian Devils, bears, cougars, wolves, snakes, skunks.........All large areas of wilderness have something that roams around at night, that we do not want to come face to face with. If Jon takes all the stories to heart, he will never leave the city......not even for a very large park.
Tasmanian Devils, bears, cougars, wolves, snakes, skunks.........All large areas of wilderness have something that roams around at night, that we do not want to come face to face with. If Jon takes all the stories to heart, he will never leave the city......not even for a very large park.

We live a very sheltered life here in the UK Miss K. Not many nasty critters around thank god. The only poisonous snake is the adder and they try hard to keep out of the way of humans and are only found in mountains. That would not however, prevent me from going to visit other countries. I visit for the culture the language and the boys.
"All large areas of wilderness have something that roams around at night"

The only wild things roaming around at night in the parks of Amsterdam, are gay man cruising.
"All large areas of wilderness have something that roams around at night"

The only wild things roaming around at night in the parks of Amsterdam, are gay man cruising.

LOL Robert! That was too funny! I have been accused of being one of those dangerous creatures lurking in the night before. Hmmm Perhaps they were right!