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10 random facts about you.

Hi everyone,

Ten random facts about myself...okay (deep breath) here goes.

1) I'm in the top ten of the most clumsiest people ever born...possibly the top three.
2) I live in Tasmania, Australia's island state.
3) I'm straight, grew up in the eighties and happily married.
4) I share my kitchen with 9 adopted, abused and abandoned bunnies.
5) Any form of violence incapacitates me with terror, especially war.
6) I've always been slightly left of center...some people accept that and some people don't.
7) Although school was a nightmare for me, I now love to learn about everything and anything.
8) I work for an internet writing service...If they pay me I write about it.
9) I rarely feel safe...for some reason here I do.
10) I hate coriander...I think in the US it's known as cilantro...Blech!

I'm not especially interesting, but I'm open and honest, so if you'd like to ask me another question I'll happily answer it.

Welcome to the forum grace17!

Very nice of you to post your facts. I assume that, as grace, you are female. But one never knows! I hope you enjoy your time here on the forum. I didn't know Australia had an island state. As for cilantro, lol, I grew u[ on that stuff, but I know not everyone likes it.
Hi Jlipps4u,

Yes I'm female. When you get a spare minute take a peek at a map of Australia, Tassie is the small triangle at the bottom of the lower right hand tip. The island is known for it's 'clean green' environment and corresponding laws. This means a stringent, pristine way of life but the beauty of the island is sooo worth the effort.
Welcome Grace! It is great to have you here. I share my kitchen with two very spoiled turtles, and I think almost everyone is a little off center.:shock:
Hi Jlipps4u,

Yes I'm female. When you get a spare minute take a peek at a map of Australia, Tassie is the small triangle at the bottom of the lower right hand tip. The island is known for it's 'clean green' environment and corresponding laws. This means a stringent, pristine way of life but the beauty of the island is sooo worth the effort.

Hi Grace and welcome to the forum. These bunch of yanks are cool dudes. So are you a bit of a Tazmanian devil then ? I'm from England by the way x
Hi Jlipps4u,

Yes I'm female. When you get a spare minute take a peek at a map of Australia, Tassie is the small triangle at the bottom of the lower right hand tip. The island is known for it's 'clean green' environment and corresponding laws. This means a stringent, pristine way of life but the beauty of the island is sooo worth the effort.

Sounds just beautiful! I almost had the chance to go to Australia a few years ago but let it slip from my fingers. Oh well.
Welcome, Grace! Nice to have another member of the "girl's club"! This place is filled with great people. Enjoy!
Made in Tasmania

Welcome in the Broke Straight Boys forum Grace. Why did you hate school so much?

Thanks everyone for the friendly welcome. I haven't figured out how to do quotes yet so my answers may sound a bit muddled.

I'm envious of your turtles Ms K, it's illegal to keep turtles in Tassie, although I think it's okay on the mainland if you apply for a special license. How big are your turtles?

I love the Tassie Devil pic rrhill. I'll have to scrounge up a picture of the real thing...very cute as babies and ugly and vicious as adults and very very smelly. I didn't hate school so much as it hated me. I never fitted in and we all know how vicious kids can be.

jlipps4u, if you ever get another opportunity to come to Australia add Tassie to your itinerary and I'll take you on a tour. You might have to cuddle a disabled bunny for the duration, but I'm sure you could handle it...lol

Yes, joninliverton, catch me on a bad day and I can do a fair imitation of a Tasmanian Devil's bone chilling yowl, but I leave the flesh eating completely up to them.
When I was a left of center, rebellious teenager I proudly wore a crown made by the devil, but I abdicated the throne years ago...(sigh) I miss those days.

Tampa, you asked about my favorite model. I'm so obsessed with Jason I bit the bullet and joined facebook and so far I have one friend...Jason lol
My top five favorites change all the time, at the moment I'd have to say, Jason, Blake, Colin, Kodi, Denver, Max, Liam, ...oh, oops, that's way more than five.

Gotta go! Because of the time difference the updates hit my screen around 1pm and it's now 1.30pm so I'm off to check out Jason and Denver's latest scene. I hope it's as good as I've been imagining for days and days and days....
We are pleased to see that so many of our wonderful citizens here in Forumland have turned out to welcome grace17 and fanfromnorway! We are thrilled with anticipation of the many wondrous stories and ideas they will share with all of us. Welcome welcome, one and all!!
We are pleased to see that so many of our wonderful citizens here in Forumland have turned out to welcome grace17 and fanfromnorway! We are thrilled with anticipation of the many wondrous stories and ideas they will share with all of us. Welcome welcome, one and all!!

So let it be written your majesty! :001_smile:
AAAAHHHHHHH!!!! How did they ever get the name DEVIL? I mean, they look precious in these pics!
Hi Markymark,

The devils got their name from the original settlers because of their scream/yowl. Being nocturnal you rarely see them during the day, but when night falls their screams are so frightening those first settlers thought the devil resided in Tasmania and was out to get them.

Today, out in the wilderness, and Tassie has a lot of wilderness, you can come across them everywhere. They ordinarily wouldn't attack a human, but if they're cornered they can inflict terrible damage. If a bush walker is out alone (not recommended) and has an accident that prevents them from walking, like a broken leg, the Devils will come at night and devour the entire body including the bones, dead or alive. They have tremendous strength in their jaws, even the young ones.

Locals know if a solo bush walking tourist is lost in the wilderness for more than a day or two he's likely become food for a hungry Devil family.

We also have a Tasmania Tiger that's supposedly been extinct since the 1960s, but they're still around in the unexplored west, they just got better at hiding.