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10 random facts about you.

hmm... Challenge excepted! lol

1. Favorite foods, anything you find in an american grill. Burgers, fries, chicken, steak, mashed potatoes and carrot, PIZZA! Chips, candy snickers, twix, kitkats, skittles.
2. I am almost done with my junior year in college.
3. associates in arts.
4. Every Nights i have bros over. like right now we are watching southpark on one tv and real steel on the other. while chillin tellin stories. my friend zach has a date tomorrow! get cha some!
5. Movies always gotta be some sort of science fiction/fact. like i love day after tomorrow and the core, but i also like avatar.
6. shows i like to watch are family guy american dad southpark futureama. ect.
7. I love to cook actually, im a free thinker as well as a free cooker, i will experiment with the same ingrediance (french accent) untill i can just do it by feel of hand.
8. I have seen every single space documentary out there, from carol segans enter the universe, to recently released 400 years of teliscopes. (doesnt it suck that galaleio had it right the whole time yet was still sentenced the rest of his life after proposing proper evidence that the earth infact rotated and had an elips around the sun, to be under house arrest till death!? by the pope who was a close friend in the beginning!?
9. I once created a home made firework with a friend of mine and i stupidly lit the fuse and stuck it in fuse first and the bomb exploded on me causing me temporary deft and blindness for a few days!
10. And right now, im am having a really good time hanging out with my friend zach who has been with me through middle school and high school and three years after highschool sill manages to pop over unannounced! lol
(hes reading this over my solder!) Thats right zach, you perv, i see you! lol


1. "A diet fit for a college kid!"
2. Congrats on being a junior; I'm assuming it's in meteorology?
4. Tell Zach to have a good time...and glove up!
5. I like "Contact," especially the beginning when the camera pulls away from
Earth; it definitely gives you a perspective of "how small we really are" in
the universe and beyond.
6. You ever watch the BBC stuff: Being Human, Warehouse 13, Doctor Who?
8. I love the 2004 "IMAX Space Station" documentary with Tom Cruz. When I
saw it at the IMAX theatre, it felt like I was floating in space. And as far
as Galileo is concerned, 'being right' is not a guarantee of 'being safe." I
think Jesus said that-haha! I also just thought of a movie you might
want to see, "Wag the Dog:" 'being wrong' is not a guarantee of 'being
safe" either.
9. For this one, I'll just say I'm glad you didn't blow your dick off!
10. Tell Zach, and you can attest, we like pervs!

Thanks for "unzipping" and "letting it all hang out!":smiley-love001:
Oh Blake, you should know by now that Broke Straight Boys has strict guidelines for models..."no pussies allowed!" Ms. K and I have been sending in photos for a while, but to no avail.

Haahahahahahaahahahahahaaahahahahahaagahahagahahagahaah!!! Omg I just read that while talking to mark on the phone! That was awesome!

What? Beth you send your pictures to Broke Straight Boys? :scared:

I send all my nude photos dirrectly to CHAD:001_wub:. I think we have very different goals.......
What? Beth you send your pictures to Broke Straight Boys? :scared:

I send all my nude photos dirrectly to CHAD:001_wub:. I think we have very different goals.......

Alas, I guess I do "cast a wider net." Now that Chad is behind the scenes with the camera and all, maybe he could go over to your house and just "shoot" what he wants!:tmi:
Hmmmmm, Blake.........I already knew #'s 1, 2, 5, 7, and 9.

So if MARK:001_wub: has to redo three.........you would have to redo five.:001_tt2:

But thanks for posting your 10 Randoms and letting us learn even more about you.

Fair enough lol.

1. I never went to college
2. I grew up in a trailer for most my childhood with my Brother and Mom
3. #1 on my bucket list is to go to space

I'll even throw in an extra one. I was a total nerd in elementary and middle school and I picked on and made fun of until I was in high school.
I thought I had posted 10 things about myself but I guess not so here is goes.....

1. I LOVE stars
2. I LOVE thunderstorms
3. I LOVE the outdoors and nature
4. I LOVE music
5. I don't take things for granted or being on this amazing planet for a second
6. I believe in aliens and believe there is millions of planets like ours
7. I started doing porn sites because everyone just wanted sex on AOL and I wanted a relationship so I got frustrated and said fuck it I'll sell sex lol
8. I'm not your typical gay guy or porn site owner by any means
9. I've never slept with a single model
10. I REALLY love thunderstorms, stars and the outdoors lol.


It is so good that you shared some interesting facts about you. It's nice to get to know a little something more about you.

I'm right with you on #'s 1,2,3,6,10. I've been watching the sky for years, as if you could not tell from my avatar. I now travel the world to see eclipses of the sun, from China to Panama, to way north of Norway and sailing in the Black Sea, etc. This year we will have the opportunity for three eclipse, two of which can be viewed from the US. On May 20th an Annual Eclipse of the Sun streaks across the South West going over Reno, Nevada the Grand Canyon, Zion Canyon, etc. before disappearing near Lubbock, Texas. My plan is to view it somewhere in Utah, east of Cedar City. Then in June the planet Venus crosses the sun in what is called a Transit. This happens in duos 8 years apart (2004 & 2012) then again 115 years later. So this will be the last one for anyone living to see. Lastly in Nov. a total eclipse of the sun will cut through Australia, and I hope to be their for that one.

I had always hoped to fly in the space shuttle, but unfortunately that program has come to its end. I was fortunate enough to see the very first shuttle land at Edwards Airforce base here in Calif. and to see the very last shuttle launch (and my only launch) last July.

As for alien life, I too believe WE ARE NOT ALONE. Not a question to all:

If you saw an alien craft land and were invited to travel with them, WOULD YOU?

Live Long and Prosper,


It is so good that you shared some interesting facts about you. It's nice to get to know a little something more about you.

I'm right with you on #'s 1,2,3,6,10. I've been watching the sky for years, as if you could not tell from my avatar. I now travel the world to see eclipses of the sun, from China to Panama, to way north of Norway and sailing in the Black Sea, etc. This year we will have the opportunity for three eclipse, two of which can be viewed from the US. On May 20th an Annual Eclipse of the Sun streaks across the South West going over Reno, Nevada the Grand Canyon, Zion Canyon, etc. before disappearing near Lubbock, Texas. My plan is to view it somewhere in Utah, east of Cedar City. Then in June the planet Venus crosses the sun in what is called a Transit. This happens in duos 8 years apart (2004 & 2012) then again 115 years later. So this will be the last one for anyone living to see. Lastly in Nov. a total eclipse of the sun will cut through Australia, and I hope to be their for that one.

I had always hoped to fly in the space shuttle, but unfortunately that program has come to its end. I was fortunate enough to see the very first shuttle land at Edwards Airforce base here in Calif. and to see the very last shuttle launch (and my only launch) last July.

As for alien life, I too believe WE ARE NOT ALONE. Not a question to all:

If you saw an alien craft land and were invited to travel with them, WOULD YOU?

Live Long and Prosper,


Wow very cool I didn't know there was that many eclipses this year. Hum maybe I could drive to the grand canyon to see the one eclipse.

That's awesome you got to see some shuttle launches. I tried many times to see it but it was delayed every time I was there. I am still depressed I never got to see it. I have heard so many amazing things about it especially the night launch. I was in Florida and tried to see a launch last summer and it was delayed and I stayed longer and it was delayed again. Then I tried to see the very last shuttle launch and was bidding on tickets for the closest viewing but missed the auction by about 50 bucks. :(

Hum if aliens wants to take me away I would SO go. I think the only thing that would be hard is leaving my loved ones behind but if I could bring one person with me I would do it 100% for sure. I've dreamed about traveling in space for so long and I really hope in some other life I do. I can't even begin to imagine what is out there and how beautiful it would be to see but I would really want to share that with someone special. How about you?

1. I have wanted to be a meteorologist since i was 6.
2. My father almost was killed by a tornado chasing storms.
3. Parents divorced when i was 7.
4. Lived in the same house for 21 years of my life, I'm only 22.
5. I create firework shows on my computer in my spare time.
6. I have always been a little astronomer.
7. I was in leads in my high school performances of "meet me in st. louis" and "Little Women"
8. I have sang in the Dom in Saltsburg Germany and went in the salt mines.
9. My best friend when i was 9 years old showed me how to "get off."
10. I have been playing "World of Warcraft" aka WoW for a little over 5 years now on and off.


Astronomy and Meteorology. WOW! I've enjoyed both for years. I have always wanted to join a tornado storm chasing team, and perhaps one day I will. I have had two sort of encounters with Tornadoes. Once, right here in Orange County, a funnel cloud perhaps touched down less than 2 miles from where I live. Based on the damage it did, they believed it did for a few brief moments. Where I lived the winds picked up and it looked like horizontal rain and hail, and we lost power. I went out to check, but did not see anything. It appeared that the funnel cloud dissipated within mile of my place. And one time while on a cruise I saw off the side of the ship some 6-8 waterspouts, with the closest one less than 2 miles away. You could see the spray of water around the base and items floating around it. It was pretty cool. Naturally, I did have a camera handy to photograph it. As for my astronomy interest, see my Mark Post.

There is nothing like mother nature to give us incredible shows.

Live Long and Prosper (and thanks for sharing),


Astronomy and Meteorology. WOW! I've enjoyed both for years. I have always wanted to join a tornado storm chasing team, and perhaps one day I will. I have had two sort of encounters with Tornadoes. Once, right here in Orange County, a funnel cloud perhaps touched down less than 2 miles from where I live. Based on the damage it did, they believed it did for a few brief moments. Where I lived the winds picked up and it looked like horizontal rain and hail, and we lost power. I went out to check, but did not see anything. It appeared that the funnel cloud dissipated within mile of my place. And one time while on a cruise I saw off the side of the ship some 6-8 waterspouts, with the closest one less than 2 miles away. You could see the spray of water around the base and items floating around it. It was pretty cool. Naturally, I did have a camera handy to photograph it. As for my astronomy interest, see my Mark Post

There is nothing like mother nature to give us incredible shows.

Live Long and Prosper (and thanks for sharing),


Well, it seems I have another reason to thank Blake! He managed to get a great forumite and friend to finally post something. Vicekid you are dearly missed!

Fair enough lol.

1. I never went to college
2. I grew up in a trailer for most my childhood with my Brother and Mom
3. #1 on my bucket list is to go to space

I'll even throw in an extra one. I was a total nerd in elementary and middle school and I picked on and made fun of until I was in high school.

So what changed in High School in that you were no longer being bullied?

Astronomy and Meteorology. WOW! I've enjoyed both for years. I have always wanted to join a tornado storm chasing team, and perhaps one day I will. I have had two sort of encounters with Tornadoes. Once, right here in Orange County, a funnel cloud perhaps touched down less than 2 miles from where I live. Based on the damage it did, they believed it did for a few brief moments. Where I lived the winds picked up and it looked like horizontal rain and hail, and we lost power. I went out to check, but did not see anything. It appeared that the funnel cloud dissipated within mile of my place. And one time while on a cruise I saw off the side of the ship some 6-8 waterspouts, with the closest one less than 2 miles away. You could see the spray of water around the base and items floating around it. It was pretty cool. Naturally, I did have a camera handy to photograph it. As for my astronomy interest, see my Mark Post.

There is nothing like mother nature to give us incredible shows.

Live Long and Prosper (and thanks for sharing),


You did have a camera? or did not? because im sure that mark and i would be dying to see something that spectacular!
i will never forget seeing a total eclipse of the sun when i was in la paz. what an experience.
i will never forget seeing a total eclipse of the sun when i was in la paz. what an experience.

Why is everyone gloating about the spectacular events that they have got to witness! Grr...

You are lucky, the only full eclipse i ever saw a full Lunar Eclipse. and i have seen a 3quarters solar eclipse. but i was young.
Why is everyone gloating about the spectacular events that they have got to witness! Grr...

Patience grasshopper. :wink: lol

I highly doubt that any of these people accomplished all of this before the age of 23. Or even 33. haha Most of them had to get established later in adulthood to be able to afford to take vacation time and go to all these far-flung locales. With your drive and ambition to experience all these things, I'm sure that you will gleefully check them off your list as time goes on. :001_smile: