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10 random facts about you.

Thanks, Mike, for your comments. You are a very warm, friendly guy.
Thank you Smiley for your nice words. The feeling is mutual.

And Stimpy, nice list! :001_smile: And it's funny how we are both here and yet seemingly completely happy with totally different sex lives. Me, I love a wet, smelly pussy. Them's good eatin', and it's a great place for me to stick my dick. And yet the best blow jobs I've ever received were from guys. Vive la difference!
It is very interesting, Smiley, how the audience of Broke Straight Boys is so vast to include, straight women, bi women, lesbians, straight guys, gay guys, bi guys, drag queens, and I'm sure many others. We all came here from a different perspective, but found something in the porn that David produced to get us to be on this site.

I'm with Stimpy in that I've never had sex with a woman, nor do I have any interest in doing so, but being as interested as I am in straight guys, I find your situation, Smiley, to be very intriguing. It is erotic for me to think of an ostensibly straight married man, into giving and receiving blowjobs. :thumbup:
I'm new to the forum, & mostly just lurk in the background & read what others have to say. Thought this would be a good way to start, and try to do a somewhat decent job of introducing myself :001_unsure:

1. I'm a 23 year old single, straight female.
2. I'm an RN. I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree May 2010 and I'm super proud of myself for getting through it.
3. I've worked as a psychiatric nurse since May and I love love LOVE my job.
4. I've lived on the east coast of Canada my whole life, and probably will always live here.....but I hate winter - go figure
5. I lived at home until May (saved $ while in university), and living by myself is possibly the best thing ever
6. Disney World is my laughing place. It seriously is the happiest place on earth. I went for the first time when I was 16, so essentially an adult, and everybody needs to go as an adult, without kids. I'm on a mission to convert as many people to WDW lovers as possible
7. I love music. I play clarinet, tenor sax, piano, and I have a guitar but I really don't play it (blame my stubby fingers). I especially love live music, pretty much any style.
8. I have great intentions of losing weight, so I bought an exercise bike at Christmas. Then the pedal fell off after the first 5 minutes and is currently at home on the floor under the bike.
9. I never thought I'd enjoy gay porn, then I found Broke Straight Boys...I couldn't have been more wrong! I also love the forum, even though I don't really participate much, by reading what everyone else has to say it just feels like a community, which I think makes the whole idea seem more familiar to me. Or I'm over-analyzing, and I just love the porn.
10. Most importantly - I am a huge fan of Diesal

Welcome to the forum! I am happy to see another straight woman in here. Thank you for coming out of the lurker corner and telling us about yourself. Wish more people would. I know there are literally thousands of Broke Straight Boys members, and quite a few forum members as well, but too many who never chat with us or share their stories and experiences. Pity.
Hope you will find posting as fun as it is reading everyone else's posts.

I'm new to the forum, & mostly just lurk in the background & read what others have to say. Thought this would be a good way to start, and try to do a somewhat decent job of introducing myself :001_unsure:

1. I'm a 23 year old single, straight female.
2. I'm an RN. I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree May 2010 and I'm super proud of myself for getting through it.
3. I've worked as a psychiatric nurse since May and I love love LOVE my job.
4. I've lived on the east coast of Canada my whole life, and probably will always live here.....but I hate winter - go figure
5. I lived at home until May (saved $ while in university), and living by myself is possibly the best thing ever
6. Disney World is my laughing place. It seriously is the happiest place on earth. I went for the first time when I was 16, so essentially an adult, and everybody needs to go as an adult, without kids. I'm on a mission to convert as many people to WDW lovers as possible
7. I love music. I play clarinet, tenor sax, piano, and I have a guitar but I really don't play it (blame my stubby fingers). I especially love live music, pretty much any style.
8. I have great intentions of losing weight, so I bought an exercise bike at Christmas. Then the pedal fell off after the first 5 minutes and is currently at home on the floor under the bike.
9. I never thought I'd enjoy gay porn, then I found Broke Straight Boys...I couldn't have been more wrong! I also love the forum, even though I don't really participate much, by reading what everyone else has to say it just feels like a community, which I think makes the whole idea seem more familiar to me. Or I'm over-analyzing, and I just love the porn.
10. Most importantly - I am a huge fan of Diesal

Welcome Nurse87! It's always a pleasure to welcome someone new to the forum, and particularly great to have another woman among the ranks! Gay porn is hot, and that's especially true here on Broke Straight Boys! And you are not alone in your Diesal worship. You are in good company!!! :001_wub:

Welcome to the forum! I am happy to see another straight woman in here. Thank you for coming out of the lurker corner and telling us about yourself. Wish more people would. I know there are literally thousands of Broke Straight Boys members, and quite a few forum members as well, but too many who never chat with us or share their stories and experiences. Pity.
Hope you will find posting as fun as it is reading everyone else's posts.


Welcome Nurse87! It's always a pleasure to welcome someone new to the forum, and particularly great to have another woman among the ranks! Gay porn is hot, and that's especially true here on Broke Straight Boys! And you are not alone in your Diesal worship. You are in good company!!! :001_wub:

Thanks for the welcomes! When I first joined I thought there wouldn't be any/many women. Nice to know I have company!
I'm new to the forum, & mostly just lurk in the background & read what others have to say. Thought this would be a good way to start, and try to do a somewhat decent job of introducing myself :001_unsure:

1. I'm a 23 year old single, straight female.
2. I'm an RN. I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree May 2010 and I'm super proud of myself for getting through it.
3. I've worked as a psychiatric nurse since May and I love love LOVE my job.
4. I've lived on the east coast of Canada my whole life, and probably will always live here.....but I hate winter - go figure
5. I lived at home until May (saved $ while in university), and living by myself is possibly the best thing ever
6. Disney World is my laughing place. It seriously is the happiest place on earth. I went for the first time when I was 16, so essentially an adult, and everybody needs to go as an adult, without kids. I'm on a mission to convert as many people to WDW lovers as possible
7. I love music. I play clarinet, tenor sax, piano, and I have a guitar but I really don't play it (blame my stubby fingers). I especially love live music, pretty much any style.
8. I have great intentions of losing weight, so I bought an exercise bike at Christmas. Then the pedal fell off after the first 5 minutes and is currently at home on the floor under the bike.
9. I never thought I'd enjoy gay porn, then I found Broke Straight Boys...I couldn't have been more wrong! I also love the forum, even though I don't really participate much, by reading what everyone else has to say it just feels like a community, which I think makes the whole idea seem more familiar to me. Or I'm over-analyzing, and I just love the porn.
10. Most importantly - I am a huge fan of Diesal

Well Nurse87, we definitely have #9 in common. I love Broke Straight Boys and I adore my forum friends, I hope you will participate in the forum too.

#10.......Hmmmm, Diesal who? Oh, sorry, I remember....... he is the guy in the hot scenes with JIMMIE. Yeah, I love him too. But not as much as Lovelumps and Diedra!:001_smile:

Being on the west coast, I am a Disneyland kid, instead of Disney World.

Welcome to the forum, it is wonderful to have you join our crazy little family.:001_smile:

Just FYI, physically I am definitely male. My psyche is all female. LOL Nonetheless, I sincerely welcome women to this very unique niche in cyberworld.


Just FYI, physically I am definitely male. My psyche is all female. LOL Nonetheless, I sincerely welcome women to this very unique niche in cyberworld.


If we are going to be dealing with your "psyche," it is a good thing we have acquired a psychiatric nurse.:001_tt2:
I may be a psych nurse but I promise not to analyze anyone....unless I'm asked haha
I was thinking your training would come in handy when they go off on their blind Tyler worship. They start calling him Prince, and applying for his Sainthood.:scared: With your help, we could at least get the strait-jackets on correctly, and maybe the right meds to restore reality?:001_smile:
I used to complain that I had no shoes, until...

I was thinking your training would come in handy when they go off on their blind Tyler worship. They start calling him Prince, and applying for his Sainthood.:scared: With your help, we could at least get the strait-jackets on correctly, and maybe the right meds to restore reality?:001_smile:

Dear Ms. Kianna,

Don't you receive those blinding white lights radiating off Tylers skin like the rest of us? Those so blinded cannot help but replace their lost vision with Princely or Saintly mental images (depending on their religion) as an approximate substitution for their lost visual acuity, much like phantom pain suffered by those following an amputation.

Please, a little compassion for those that have suffered so much! Surely, they deserve their "mental" crutch, at least!

Surprised and disappointed,

I was thinking your training would come in handy when they go off on their blind Tyler worship. They start calling him Prince, and applying for his Sainthood.:scared: With your help, we could at least get the strait-jackets on correctly, and maybe the right meds to restore reality?:001_smile:

I have noticed that some members are quite.....interested in Tyler. I can definitely assist with restraints & meds....my specialty :001_rolleyes:
Nice seeing you jumping in there, nurse87 (the nice version of nurse Ratchett)...
I would think the only meds required would be forced viewing of Tyler videos, not unlike the scenes in Clockwork Orange :) No restraints needed, as they wouldn't be harmful engaging in self abuse, and the end result would be catatonic euphoria, albeit a fleeting state. Much cheaper treatment, wouldn't you say? I'm all for health care reform!
I was thinking your training would come in handy when they go off on their blind Tyler worship. They start calling him Prince, and applying for his Sainthood.:scared: With your help, we could at least get the strait-jackets on correctly, and maybe the right meds to restore reality?:001_smile:

If we desire reality my Dear, we will not find it in amongst the pages of this forum! Here in Forumland, by Royal decree, fantasy is the new reality, and all forumites are urged to take it to the limit. Jackets and drugs are strictly optional! We clearly understand and support your lack of interest in Prince Tyler, but tell us, who among our many precocious lads, turns your buttons?

With blessings,
Nice seeing you jumping in there, nurse87 (the nice version of nurse Ratchett)...
I would think the only meds required would be forced viewing of Tyler videos, not unlike the scenes in Clockwork Orange :) No restraints needed, as they wouldn't be harmful engaging in self abuse, and the end result would be catatonic euphoria, albeit a fleeting state. Much cheaper treatment, wouldn't you say? I'm all for health care reform!

One of my patients actually called me nurse Ratchett tonight.....although all I did was offer her some water so maybe her vision of me/Ratchett is skewed.
It's really too bad I can't put your ideas to use at work. Anything to keep them happy is pure bonus. Maybe I should bring my laptop to work tonight?:confused1:
haha, that would open up Pandora's box... wonder how many of them would gain new-found fascination with alternative intimacy? :) I've been told sometimes gastronomic delights sometimes put people in a state of bliss...having enjoyed many a fine meal in France I might tend to agree :thumbup:

I do have a friend, now retired from nursing, who told me stories of engaging with his patients as he helped them shower... might be dangerous for you, they may need a helping hand too often ;)
If we desire reality my Dear, we will not find it in amongst the pages of this forum! Here in Forumland, by Royal decree, fantasy is the new reality, and all forumites are urged to take it to the limit. Jackets and drugs are strictly optional! We clearly understand and support your lack of interest in Prince Tyler, but tell us, who among our many precocious lads, turns your buttons?

With blessings,

I am surprised this question has not been answered by someone else. I am a bit famous for my love of JIMMIE SLATER, but I also love Zakk, Diesal, Aiden, Ryan, Kyler, Shane, Shawn, Jayce, Anthony, and Logan. I'm sure there are many more, but these guys are definitely my highlight reel.:001_tt1:

Tyler is indeed. NOT my cup of tea, but I really just love giving my buddies a hard time about the blind devotion. Some of my besties:001_wub:, are over the top for Tyler. Slimmie has his own personalized straight-jacket.:lol:
One of my patients actually called me nurse Ratchett tonight.....although all I did was offer her some water so maybe her vision of me/Ratchett is skewed.
It's really too bad I can't put your ideas to use at work. Anything to keep them happy is pure bonus. Maybe I should bring my laptop to work tonight?:confused1:

If your patient wing is anything like the forum, Tyler videos would cause arguments and issues. The Diesal/Jimmie series is a sure bet, for happiness all around.:thumbup:
Our patients are expected to shower themselves....so it may seem odd if I suddenly wanted to help. Although I'm sure the side effects of such interactions would be much more pleasant than most psych drugs.:thumbup1:

As for which videos to show them, I completely agree with Diesal/Jimmie. I'm providing the goods, why not use something I love :w00t: I'll be sure to have restraints at the ready, just in case euphoria reaches a manic level and they need to be restrained for everyone else's sanity.

The Diesal/Jimmie videos are by far my favorite. I also love Zakk, Shane, Austin & Jase to name a few. Oh, and Diesal