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10 random facts about you.

I have a co-worker and his son just joined the army. Do they still have that don't ask, don't tell policy? Seems to me if you wake up in the middle of the night and see two grown ass men fucking in bed that's gonna kind of give it away. Hell, I don't know. Just thinking out loud.

I need to get some sleep, but I took some Viagara by mistake. Not quite sure what to do with myself. I feel like an olympic pole vaulter.

Fresh Face, Fresh Voice... that boy PRAISE!
I like discreet... there is plenty of eye candy on the site to keep me from needing to see all my favorite forumites naked... although I'm not opposed, either... :001_tt1:

I've always been a hit or miss update watcher. I just hang out on the forum, mostly, anyway. This is where I always come first, at least, to check in on what's happening. I've been rewatching some old favorites, so I might have something to add to "Damn! That Sizzles!" soon :drool:

If I could take you, Lady K, MikeYank, Slim, Cumrag, and a few others and multiply you, this forum would be rockin. I would have no choice but to stay around, and play around.

I think when it comes to updates, I am just too picky. You can't just throw any naked white boy in my face and make me get all creamy. NO! NO! NO! If they don't look like Shane or Logan, I'm not having it. I don't want to see somebody naked just for the sake of being naked. You got to bring something else to the party. I want a nice smile, nice chest, tight stomach, good personality, and so much more.

Lovelumps, if you can find DAMN! THAT SIZZLES! you're more than welcome to add to it. That bitch is probably on the 6th page by now. I just lost interest in writing after the funeral. Only now am I starting to get my groove back.

Fresh Face, Fresh Voice... that boy PRAISE!
I have a co-worker and his son just joined the army. Do they still have that don't ask, don't tell policy? Seems to me if you wake up in the middle of the night and see two grown ass men fucking in bed that's gonna kind of give it away. Hell, I don't know. Just thinking out loud.

I need to get some sleep, but I took some Viagara by mistake. Not quite sure what to do with myself. I feel like an olympic pole vaulter.

Fresh Face, Fresh Voice... that boy PRAISE!

Oh Praise Honey, how did you accidentally take Viagra?:confused1:

I suggest Diesal/Jimmie parts 1 and 2, to take care of the problem.:001_tt1:
Oh Praise Honey, how did you accidentally take Viagra?:confused1:

I suggest Diesal/Jimmie parts 1 and 2, to take care of the problem.:001_tt1:

Child, if I told you, you wouldn't believe me. I feel quite embarrassed. I keep bumping into things. I think I may have to watch DIESAL and Jimmie... just to alleviate the problem as it is. I remember that fatal fourway where Diesal was stroking Shane from behind. Two of the hottest models known to man fully naked and fully loaded. I may have to watch that one to. I'll just pretend Mike Robbins ain't in it... cause this bitch still has Mike Robbins OVERLOAD!
And if you didn't know, your ass shoulda asked somebody!

Fresh Face, Fresh Voice... that boy PRAISE!
We have a lot of new members, that do not know about this thread! So, here it is......Tome, Gaymusic, Dew, etc...........We sure would like to get to know you better.
We welcome all to this right of passage

We have a lot of new members, that do not know about this thread! So, here it is......Tome, Gaymusic, Dew, etc...........We sure would like to get to know you better.

Dear Tome, Gaymusic, Dew, etc.

While it is not a requirement, posting your "10 random facts about you" allows users to see a little snapshot of who your are and what makes you tick. It should be as welcomed as that first sprouting of pubic hair to reassure you that you are well on your way to becoming a fully functional and equipped fearless and proud manly man(or womanly woman as the case may be).

We want to encourage you to participate in this relatively painless "Broke Straight Boys right of passage". Please check your inhibitions at the door and proceed in this friendly sharing.


Tome, gaymusic, Dew, et al...

you see how interesting/how much fun this forum is/can be? We have all(for the most part), done the big "Broke Straight Boys 10 Random-step program",--err I mean FACTS, so why not open up, even if just a little bit? Sure go ahead read, the rest to 'get an idea' of things to say. I look forward to reading your "10 Most" soon!

10 Things about GayMusic01
1. I am English, Scottish, German, Irish and Cherokee
2. I am a Leo
3. I hold 3 college degrees
4. I am a teacher
5. I deeply believe in the importance of the human spirit
6. I believe in unconditional love
7. I believe human sexuality is beautiful
8. I greatly appreciate my friends
9. I am a dog lover
10. I wish for World Peace

Thanks for your 10 random facts post and also welcome to the forum. Your name is intriguing.....can you explain and what kind of music do you like?


Thanks for your nice question. I selected my username based on my ideal of how beautiful human sexuality is and especially from well kept gay bodies (stud) and friendship (buddy) and I love gay music. One of my favorite performers is GaGa.

Having been away for some time, we have perhaps missed some of the introductions of our newer forumites. In lieu of scripting an additional 10 facts, (which can be found in the early pages of this thread,) We thought We would simply re-introduce ourself to our beloved "Newbies".
We are known here on the forum as "Her Majesty", a title given to us in recognition of activities performed in years past for the benefit of the LGBTQ community, where we held titles and performed to raise $$ for those in need.

When not in persona, we are Markymark, who is a 50+ gentleman, in a serious long term marriage ( I love that word) to the love of his life, Carl. Together, we live with our dogs, as well as some fish, turtles and other denizens of nature that occupy the pond in our backyard.
We still work to raise awareness within the LGBTQ community, and have begun working outreach to the straight community we are all a part of. Carl and I have most recently been involved in neighborhood wide discussions, which are aimed at helping to garner straight support for the dismantling of Prop 8, by the people, not just the courts.
In our spare time, we spend hours floating around the Delta region of California on our 42' SeaRay, traveling in, around and out of San Francisco Bay, going as far as Santa Cruz, and the Farollones Islands. In whatever remaining time we have is spent working to keep Carl healthy, ( He is a 26 year survivor of AIDS) and to spend time with our families, including two adult sons, Josh and Erik, an ex-wife we both love dearly, and two mothers and one father.

All this last portion I only mention as a way of showing our younger members that the founders of the Trevor Project are right. IT DOES GET BETTER! Hang in there!

For the rest of it, We wish you all, Blessings and prosperity of friends and health for the coming year.
Having been away for some time, we have perhaps missed some of the introductions of our newer forumites. In lieu of scripting an additional 10 facts, (which can be found in the early pages of this thread,) We thought We would simply re-introduce ourself to our beloved "Newbies".
We are known here on the forum as "Her Majesty", a title given to us in recognition of activities performed in years past for the benefit of the LGBTQ community, where we held titles and performed to raise $$ for those in need.

When not in persona, we are Markymark, who is a 50+ gentleman, in a serious long term marriage ( I love that word) to the love of his life, Carl. Together, we live with our dogs, as well as some fish, turtles and other denizens of nature that occupy the pond in our backyard.
We still work to raise awareness within the LGBTQ community, and have begun working outreach to the straight community we are all a part of. Carl and I have most recently been involved in neighborhood wide discussions, which are aimed at helping to garner straight support for the dismantling of Prop 8, by the people, not just the courts.
In our spare time, we spend hours floating around the Delta region of California on our 42' SeaRay, traveling in, around and out of San Francisco Bay, going as far as Santa Cruz, and the Farollones Islands. In whatever remaining time we have is spent working to keep Carl healthy, ( He is a 26 year survivor of AIDS) and to spend time with our families, including two adult sons, Josh and Erik, an ex-wife we both love dearly, and two mothers and one father.

All this last portion I only mention as a way of showing our younger members that the founders of the Trevor Project are right. IT DOES GET BETTER! Hang in there!

For the rest of it, We wish you all, Blessings and prosperity of friends and health for the coming year.

MarkyMark what an inspiring post. You've certainly done and still doing a lot with your lives and are both a great example of getting out there and doing your thing. With all the hard work that your are doing in the LGBTQ community, you richly deserve your chill out time on your 42ft Sea Ray.

Any chance of a ride :thumbup1:
Welcome Gaymusic01 to the forum

Dear Tome, Gaymusic, Dew, etc.

While it is not a requirement, posting your "10 random facts about you" allows users to see a little snapshot of who your are and what makes you tick. It should be as welcomed as that first sprouting of pubic hair to reassure you that you are well on your way to becoming a fully functional and equipped fearless and proud manly man(or womanly woman as the case may be).

We want to encourage you to participate in this relatively painless "Broke Straight Boys right of passage". Please check your inhibitions at the door and proceed in this friendly sharing.



10 Things about GayMusic01
1. I am English, Scottish, German, Irish and Cherokee
2. I am a Leo
3. I hold 3 college degrees
4. I am a teacher
5. I deeply believe in the importance of the human spirit
6. I believe in unconditional love
7. I believe human sexuality is beautiful
8. I greatly appreciate my friends
9. I am a dog lover
10. I wish for World Peace

Dearest Gaymusic01,

Thank you for sharing your information with the forum. Having invested 36 years in education-now retired, I can see that we have much more in common than anticipated.

Extending a warm-hearted Welcome Aboard the Forum!

New to forum

1. I am a WASP of German/Irish descent. I have red hair, green eyes and pale skin with freckles. It is genetically impossible for me to tan; the cycle has always been burn, peel and back to pale. The freckles are the only thing to get darker.
I love the new sun blocks! I still have to be careful though because even with SPF 70 if I don’t reapply every couple of hours I will still get sunburn.

2. I have never understood the fascination with red pubic hair – it’s just hair.

3. 4 doubled = 8; 8 squared = 64; I love this about my birth date.
I display all the typical Aries traits.
It takes next to nothing to make me blush – I hate that loss of control.

4. Upon first introduction I appear aloof but I am really a very shy introvert. I need time to grow accustomed to you then you will slowly get to know me.

5. I have always been driven to learn. My parents limited the number of questions I could ask a day when I was a child.

6. I am most commonly described as serious. I have always been like this. My mother once told me that the only time she ever heard me laugh or saw me smile as a young child was when Red Button or Red Skeleton was on TV. This explains why some of my earliest memories are in black and white.

7. I seem to only break bones two at a time - Ulna + radius (lower forearm at the wrist) from a MVA and tibia + fibula (lower leg and ankle joint) from a fall. Moving two days after destroying my ankle joint really really sucked.

8. During my 20+ years working in SICU I have witnessed death many times. While always heartbreaking, it can occasionally be peaceful and a blessing. I am not afraid of death.

9. Over the years I have taken care of people with a myriad of communicable diseases; HIV, meningitis and all sorts of bacterial and viral infections. I have done this willingly knowing what the risks were, but I always knew when, what and who I was coming in contact with. This knowledge belayed the anxiety. I left bedside nursing a year ago for a Data Management position. Today I was told my yearly QuantiFERON TB test was positive. I have no idea when, where or who I came in contact with. Although I have no symptoms of tuberculosis and am getting further testing for a definitive diagnosis, I am really scared.

10. This is the first time I have ever posted anything online. I guess I needed to tell someone without telling anyone.
I am not a new member,however, I never posted 10 facts about me. Somehow, I missed that thread until it was recently resurrected. So, here is my contribution.

1. I am a Capricorn, born the year of the tiger.
2. I worked for 30 years in hospitals but am now in education. I too have seen more deaths and illness than imaginable. And, the more I see in hospitals, the stronger my faith in God.
3. I am single by choice, however, I have loved 3 men and 2 women in my life. Each relationship taught me more about myself than any therapy could.
4. My philosophy for living has always been: to leave my life having made each life that I touch, richer or stronger than they were before.
5. By the grace of God, I am still HIV negative.
6. Fidelity is not in my genes.(Another reason I chose to be single)
7. I love to cook and bake for the enjoyment of others.
8. I love to read and always carry a book with me so as not to waste my time.
9. I have no patience for depressed, intolerant, alcholic, or abusive people. You are who you choose to be, and these traits here in #9 are choices.
10. I vote and choose to believe that MY vote counts. Do you?

For those who enjoy and follow my stories, I am posting one today, a two-parter. Hope you enjoy.