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10 random facts about you.

Thank you to Gaymusic, Chris 2010 and JLipps4u for contributing to this thread, and giving your fellow forumites some insight into who you are. And a belated thank you to Scorpio for starting this thread back in January of 2009. It is probably the most important one on the forum, to me.
Welcome to the forum Chris2010!

Jlipps, I also take a book where ever I go. Reading is my favorite hobby. Cooking is also up there as well.

I love getting to know everyone too, Mikeyank. We should be hearing from our new friend Tome very soon.
Welcome to the forum Chris2010!

Jlipps, I also take a book where ever I go. Reading is my favorite hobby. Cooking is also up there as well.

I love getting to know everyone too, Mikeyank. We should be hearing from our new friend Tome very soon.
You can be very persuasive, Ms. K. I know from personal experience. :wink:

Hopefully Tome will decide to join in on the thread too. :thumbup1:
Welcome to the forum Chris2010 and Gaymusic1, join the club and share your thoughts.

Thank you. All of you seem such nice people and a nice community. Best to you.

We do have at least one thing in common. I am a teacher, too. However, I doubt you subject yourself to the particular joys and tortures of early childhood education.... :wink:

I wonder, just how far west are you? West of the Rockies??? Perhaps we are unwitting neighbors....
1. I am a WASP of German/Irish descent. I have red hair, green eyes and pale skin with freckles. It is genetically impossible for me to tan; the cycle has always been burn, peel and back to pale. The freckles are the only thing to get darker.
I love the new sun blocks! I still have to be careful though because even with SPF 70 if I don’t reapply every couple of hours I will still get sunburn.

2. I have never understood the fascination with red pubic hair – it’s just hair.

3. 4 doubled = 8; 8 squared = 64; I love this about my birth date.
I display all the typical Aries traits.
It takes next to nothing to make me blush – I hate that loss of control.

4. Upon first introduction I appear aloof but I am really a very shy introvert. I need time to grow accustomed to you then you will slowly get to know me.

5. I have always been driven to learn. My parents limited the number of questions I could ask a day when I was a child.

6. I am most commonly described as serious. I have always been like this. My mother once told me that the only time she ever heard me laugh or saw me smile as a young child was when Red Button or Red Skeleton was on TV. This explains why some of my earliest memories are in black and white.

7. I seem to only break bones two at a time - Ulna + radius (lower forearm at the wrist) from a MVA and tibia + fibula (lower leg and ankle joint) from a fall. Moving two days after destroying my ankle joint really really sucked.

8. During my 20+ years working in SICU I have witnessed death many times. While always heartbreaking, it can occasionally be peaceful and a blessing. I am not afraid of death.

9. Over the years I have taken care of people with a myriad of communicable diseases; HIV, meningitis and all sorts of bacterial and viral infections. I have done this willingly knowing what the risks were, but I always knew when, what and who I was coming in contact with. This knowledge belayed the anxiety. I left bedside nursing a year ago for a Data Management position. Today I was told my yearly QuantiFERON TB test was positive. I have no idea when, where or who I came in contact with. Although I have no symptoms of tuberculosis and am getting further testing for a definitive diagnosis, I am really scared.

10. This is the first time I have ever posted anything online. I guess I needed to tell someone without telling anyone.

Welcome to the forum, Chris! I was a forum virgin just a few short months ago. Tho honestly, it feels like forever, and that's meant in a good way! It's amazing what a person feels comfortable confessing to a group of faceless and mostly nameless people. It can be pretty cathartic. I hope you find some comfort and camaraderie here like many of us have.

I am a very fair skinned, freckled brunette with blue eyes and have burned my whole life. Recently, I've had some iffy spots frozen from my forehead and lips, so keep up with the SPF 70! I wasn't always a sun block kind of girl, but when faced with pre-cancer on my lips, I switched gears pretty quickly! I love kissing, and hope to do that for the rest of my life with the lips I was born with!

Thank you for posting your 10 Randoms!

Thanks for the questions. No I have never worked in early childhood development and I do live west of the Rockies.

Good luck in your work---it is very important work.
We better bump this thread up again. Now we have Caracasboi and Anothergirl to get to know better.:biggrin:

I think I need to go back and find my 10 Random's, and see if anything has changed.:001_rolleyes:
Slim, I am unsure if I answered your question prior, and am TOO lazy(HINT HINT) to go back and look. I am a very masculine guy, (in fact) unless I told you I am gay, you prob would not think it at all, that coming from the (all-be-it) crappy photo, and my demeanor. I have had friends that I have known MANY many years, not know my lifestyle.

So, I also am 'secure in my masculinity' (NOT meant as a cut, to ANYONE!), to speak how I feel I need to. I do not speak with a lisp, sway when I walk, etc, ha ha!

Until next time!:thumbup1:

The way in which you capitalize words you want to emphasize makes you sound un-butch. We've had two beloved drag people on the forum: MarkyMark doesn't post any more, but Joe Glasser is very much here. Have you ever done drag?

Hope that's an OK question.

So why not "LoveLips", or "LoveLipps"??? :001_tongue: :biggrin:

Welcome to the forum, Chris! I was a forum virgin just a few short months ago. Tho honestly, it feels like forever, and that's meant in a good way! It's amazing what a person feels comfortable confessing to a group of faceless and mostly nameless people. It can be pretty cathartic. I hope you find some comfort and camaraderie here like many of us have.

I am a very fair skinned, freckled brunette with blue eyes and have burned my whole life. Recently, I've had some iffy spots frozen from my forehead and lips, so keep up with the SPF 70! I wasn't always a sun block kind of girl, but when faced with pre-cancer on my lips, I switched gears pretty quickly! I love kissing, and hope to do that for the rest of my life with the lips I was born with!

Thank you for posting your 10 Randoms!
Slim, I am unsure if I answered your question prior, and am TOO lazy(HINT HINT) to go back and look. I am a very masculine guy, (in fact) unless I told you I am gay, you prob would not think it at all, that coming from the (all-be-it) crappy photo, and my demeanor. I have had friends that I have known MANY many years, not know my lifestyle.

So, I also am 'secure in my masculinity' (NOT meant as a cut, to ANYONE!), to speak how I feel I need to. I do not speak with a lisp, sway when I walk, etc, ha ha!

Until next time!:thumbup1:

BOB, dude,

Your answer is sort of like a blast from the past. So much has changed since my squib: Joe has sort of disappeared (along with Phillionaire) and her Majesty Markey is back.

I'm an excellent shoddy sherlock, and acknowledge that a lot of my conclusions are jumped to. Imagine trying to interpret a guy's nelly level through his typography. Obviously there are better ways :thumbup::001_unsure:
I've been around here long enough that I really should have responded to this thread before now.

1) I grew up in Southern California but now live in the snow and am much happier for it.
2) I worked for thirty years in retail.
3) I have recorded and at least co-produced three CDs for friends and am in the middle of doing my fourth.
4) I saw over 100 Grateful Dead concerts, the "100" mark the gold standard for being a Deadhead, although I listen to their music rarely now.
5) That said, I can't play an instrument and while I love to sing, am a marginal singer at the best.
6) I was paralyzed from the waist down ten years ago from an illness and had to learn to walk again. That took a good year. I still can't run any distance, although on a good day I catch myself unconsciously running up stairs in my house. I am very lucky, or blessed, or both.
7) I think artichokes are a gift from God, especially as they let you play with your food. Plus they taste great.
8) In the '70s, I spent a four day weekend with a buddy at a Big Sur hot springs, well back in the wilderness, along with about 20 other nude people. We put on clothes when it got dark and cold, otherwise we were all naked while jumping between the hot springs and the cold river. My buddy and I camped next to a brother/sister pair, both with absolutely fabulous bodies. Good genes. We turned down food from them as my friend and I fasted while there, working on a great natural buzz, getting higher the longer we went without eating and the longer we laid naked in very hot pools of water. We weren't sexual partners and the increasing sexual tension, being publicly nude without even a masturbatory release, just added to our high state. On our way back out, we broke our fast with an artichoke feast, digging up a pot of artichokes we'd buried on the way in. I don't remember it but I'm sure I disappeared into the woods for a while that evening to jerk off. It was a wonderful weekend.
9) My last male sex partner was over 25 years ago, being more straight than gay or even bisexual. I haven't ruled it out. It just hasn't happened again. I do have a semi-regular girlfriend right now, being married and divorced with no children. This site's come-on of having supposedly straight guys having gay sex is right up my alley, so to speak, although I am totally turned off in general by anal action. I tried it in my 20s, both pitching and catching, and found I liked neither.
10) My favorite video on this site is Aiden and Robert from October 11th, 2008. Hot, hot, hot!
This site's come-on of having supposedly straight guys having gay sex is right up my alley, so to speak, although I am totally turned off in general by anal action. I tried it in my 20s, both pitching and catching, and found I liked neither.
10) My favorite video on this site is Aiden and Robert from October 11th, 2008. Hot, hot, hot!
Thank you Smiley for being so giving, both with your great stories regarding your growing up year's, and now your open and honest participation in the 10 Random Facts thread.

I totally agree with you on the points of your that I highlighted, I too am attracted to this site for the same reason, I too am not into anal, giving or receiving and I too absolutely love Alden and Robert. Alden is such a turn on to me that I get hard just seeing him fully clothed when he smiles. He has a boyish mischievous smile, yet is also sultry and smolders sexuality. Robert is a real good looking kid, but I'm most turned on by his relationship with his buddy. If one is to believe the storyline of these two college roommates, then I believe that Alden is the leader and Robert follows along. And I believe that Robert is very attracted to Alden too.

But I digress. Thank you Smiley, and I hope to read more of your recollection,s and of your perspective about things, on the forum.
In response to prior requests

09-12-2010, 01:23 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Little Rock, AR
Posts: 704

10 random facts about Cumrag27


My 10 random facts – Cumrag27

1) I have a Business degree in Economics with a minor in Sociology and a masters in Counseling Education-Secondary. I have artistic sensibilities inherited from my mother, with very few developed artistic or musical skills but great taste nonetheless.

2) I greatly enjoy being among truly creative and artistic people as I feel most at ease in this nurturing environment. My mother was so creative, brilliant, and non-judgmental (unconditionally accepting), she represents the greatest gift in my life. She modeled those positive behaviors in living throughout her life that I still aspire to today.

3) I make every attempt to be tolerant when dealing with other’s and I believe this is a direct outcome of being so discriminated against as a child and teenager at school for my frequently unpopular (not-wrong) perspectives. I stubbornly held on to such things as positive race relations, basic equality of women and all disenfranchised people, pro-abortion rights, and gay rights including marriage. I had a very fulfulling 17 year relationship with a very creative and beautiful guy some 15 yrs my younger. It ended with his announcement he was getting married and moving to another state with his new family. I still love him dearly but life goes on.

4) My earliest gay memory was the extreme shame and disgust my father instilled in me as a 6 year old for attempting to “Play Lady” as I called it by using bed sheets pinned together with safety pens to make some semblance of a dress. He came at me out of the clear blue, but totally in an enraged state of uncontrollable anger with his wooden hair brush in one hand backing me into a corner and screaming full-force so that I truthfully didn’t know if I was going to live or not! The US Army trained him very, very well! Even today, more than some 50 years later, it makes my eyes tear up to recount this terrorizing homophobic episode coming from my own father directed at an innocent and naïve 6 year old perspective. When home on leave from the Army, I was happy to see him and even happier to see him go when leave ended. He never adjusted to normal family life and, generally, brought much disharmony at home. Perhaps he had post-traumatic stress disorder stemming as far back as WWII? He never shared typical positive father:son activities with me, only his anger and disapproval. My sister was treated the same way.

5) I find dark haired guys most attractive, but at this point I am simply grateful that they have some hair and a heart beat, period. In fact I could compromise even further with a bald guy having the right look (Yul Brynner-ish). I am graced with a full head of slightly wavy and thick brown hair with a very light salting of gray. I so enjoy looking at the rare guys with those beautiful thick eyelashes and well-shaped eyebrows. Body hair can range anywhere from totally bare to slightly hairy-chested and I will take whatever I can get down below, with an unspoken preference for smooth in a perfect world. However, eye lashes and eyebrows must be natural. I tend toward more exotic Hispanic or Mediterranean looking guys, although not a necessity and passports are never if rarely checked!

6) I think the sexiest part of my body is my characteristically French nose and my narrow face (for my age) that greets me every morning in the mirror, regardless and without reservation. My nose performs a much needed public service of holding up my absolutely essential glasses.

7) When I was fifteen, my father died from leukemia at age 46 and I, then, assumed my “limited role” as the head of our family, just my mother and me. My sister had entered the convent at the time. I was now the family chauffer with a restricted license in hand requiring some licensed adult to accompany me while driving. My mother did not drive then nor for almost two decades later until she got her first license at age 65. She was a real speed demon behind the wheel from that point on, but drove safely anyway.

8) I was born in Little Rock, Arkansas and raised as a Roman Catholic graduating from the local catholic high school. I have lived with relatives in Germany (near Frankfurt), resided in Atlanta (during 1969-70), visited Paris and my French relatives from the Champagne region, travelled to Italy performing in concerts with my church choir beginning in Florence and ending in Rome. This was highlighted by our choir performing for the then Pope, singing at St. Peters Basilica for Sunday Mass, and finally culminating in a Concert at St. Ignatius Cathedral in Rome (home for the Jesuit Order). Some of these pictures are represented in my profile picture album.

9) I am 5’11”tall and like passionate kissing of guys regardless of height. Having an eight year older half-brother 6’5” tall, I became used to looking up admiringly to those taller than me even without the “passionate kissing”. I am large is stature, overshadowing most Europeans I have met.

10) I am totally Gay. I have never had sex with a woman and not interested in doing so, although I came close once in a 3-way. It only happened because I was dying to fool around with the other guy (straight friend/roommate) and I was not letting a little matter of a girl get in my way. Disaster ensued and my somewhat selfish behavior got the better of me.

Thanks, Mike, for your comments. You are a very warm, friendly guy.

I will be around through the transition to the new stuff. One, I want to watch David's legacy videos and I'm interested in seeing what Mark can do. Certainly a freshening of the site would be a good thing. Maybe some real straight boys for a change?

But then, given finances, I'm sure I'll let my membership lapse at some point, only to come back again in the future. One of Mark's upcoming challenges is making an occasional fan like me want to stay around all the time, instead of joining for a few months, then leaving for half a year before rejoining.

But for now, you're stuck with me. And I have a ton more stories to post in my other thread.


And Stimpy, nice list! :001_smile: And it's funny how we are both here and yet seemingly completely happy with totally different sex lives. Me, I love a wet, smelly pussy. Them's good eatin', and it's a great place for me to stick my dick. And yet the best blow jobs I've ever received were from guys. Vive la difference!
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