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10 random facts about you.

Thx MikeYank,

Not planning to go anywhere, I'm way to curious and want to see the future unfold here on Broke Straight Boys This forum, on a porn site, is also very new to me. Thanks for making me welcome.


PS let's call it silverblonde.
Thx MikeYank,

Not planning to go anywhere, I'm way to curious and want to see the future unfold here on Broke Straight Boys This forum, on a porn site, is also very new to me. Thanks for making me welcome.


PS let's call it silverblonde.

Silverblonde it is then. haha And for what it's worth I think you are a very handsome guy. Regardless of whatever color we call your hair. Welcome to the forum Robert. :wink: Thanks for sharing all that with us.

I couldn't agree with you more on 3, 5, 6, and 7. :thumbup1:
1. I'm a Gemini

2. I've went to 9 different schools growing up starting in Missouri then to St. Petersburg Florida, then to Anchorage Alaska (lived with mom who couldn't stay put and is a Psychiatric Nurse Practioner and transfered jobs a lot!

3. I've had 6 vehicles and totaled 3 of them (2 trucks and 1 car).

4. When I was 9 I was playing 'war' in a creek with some buds and fell out of a tree and broke both of my arms at the same time! (Re-broke the left arm after it was in a brace after-cast)

5. The summer before my senior year my dad kicked me out because I was 17 and dating a 14 year old girl (who looked and actin just as muture as any 16,17 year old I knew) who was a little dime piece but happened to be a guy my dad works with daughter! So my whole senior year I lived with my friend and his family who live on 50 acres, pool, horses, detatched shop, a lot of fun times (story I posted on another thread).

6. I use to party so much when I was 15,16,17 that now I ran into an average of 4 people a week a met somewhere along the lines and they remember me but I have no clue who they are, but still carry on the conversation like we kicked it last night! I'm out of that stage and focusing on my career
and what I want to do! Which I am very successfull right now.

7. I've been jumped 2 times for no reason and been sucker punched and knocked out by a 'friend', went into a sleeping coma for 38 hours woke up with bleeding in my mouth, went to the hospital got a cat scan and MRI, had bleeding in the brain! (Good recovery, mispernounce common words occasionally haha)

8. At one point in my life I weighed 220 lbs, had horriffic acne on my face, back and chest... Use to get made fun of everyday in 7th,8th grade! Really taught me who I am today. Beautiiful, Charming and Gueniuelly Caring about people without sterotyping or pre/ judging. (horrible spelling here lol)

9. I've been working since 14, 40 hours a week since 16! I'm 20.

10. I BELIEVE I will win the lottery one day! I believe in Karma and it will come! Hence Phillionaire!

Wow Phillionaire. Such an eventful life for one who is still just beginning. I'm sorry that you have had to work so hard from such am early age. As you share the adventures of your life so far I can see the pride in having experienced so much in such a short period of time. While I also see you pride (and pain) in having had to deal with so much adversity from such an early age. The fact that you made it through your childhood and teens while still keeping your sanity is remarkable.

Well done my brother. Give yourself credit for all the strength you've shown. Lesser mortals would not have withstood that struggle. I believe in karma also. And I too want to see you become Phillionaire. :wink:
My name is Robert,

1. I live in Amsterdam (Holland)
2. Already at age 30 my hair turned gray
3. Would love to be 18 again, but only knowing what I know now
4. My father abused my sisters in childhood.
5. Most porn bores me, Broke Straight Boys is the exception to the rule.
6. Like it that there are girls on this forum too.
7. My fantasies are where a straight gay gives, and the gay (me) gets.
8. Feed every day two loyal stray cats in the garden.
9. I solve PC problems, build websites etc.
10. My sign is Libra, like harmony, and there's nothing better than a humorgasm!

Hi Robert, I visited Amsterdam for the first time exactly 12 months ago. I went with a group of friends from the local village pub. We travelled on the Hull/Rotterdam ferry, spent 2 days in Amsterdam and returned on the ferry. I found the city was beautiful, clean and the people very friendly. We found a few bars where the beer was only 3 Euros during the day, so that was great. I tried my first ever smoke and cake and, mixed with copious amount of beer, made me lose 3 hours of sanity somewhere lol. I intend to go back soon but via air, the ferry trip was too long and boring.

I have a Scottish friend who's hair had turned totally grey at 18, but he was so handsome, much like yourself if you don't mind me saying.

A belated welcome to the forum x
1. I'm Confused, Damien Kyle if i'm gay or bi
2. I write lyrics to my own songs
3. i'm Part mexican and part american 50/50
4. I babysit my 2 nieces
5. I am single, kinda wish i wasn't
6. I have one Fav Gay club here in FL, haven't been there in forever tho
7. I like Comedian Conan O' Brien
8. I Play Webkinz sometimes.
9. I am addicted to Broke Straight Boys lol.
10.my 1st boyfriend Cheated on me, I'm still not completly over it.. and i kinda miss him..
1. I'm Confused, Damien Kyle if i'm gay or bi
2. I write lyrics to my own songs
3. i'm Part mexican and part american 50/50
4. I babysit my 2 nieces
5. I am single, kinda wish i wasn't
6. I have one Fav Gay club here in FL, haven't been there in forever tho
7. I like Comedian Conan O' Brien
8. I Play Webkinz sometimes.
9. My Favorite Holiday Is Christmas
10.my 1st boyfriend Cheated on me, I'm still not completly over it.. and i kinda miss him..
1. I'm Confused, Damien Kyle if i'm gay or bi
2. I write lyrics to my own songs
3. i'm Part mexican and part american 50/50
4. I babysit my 2 nieces
5. I am single, kinda wish i wasn't
6. I have one Fav Gay club here in FL, haven't been there in forever tho
7. I like Comedian Conan O' Brien
8. I Play Webkinz sometimes.
9. My Favorite Holiday Is Christmas
10.my 1st boyfriend Cheated on me, I'm still not completly over it.. and i kinda miss him..

Wow, thank you for sharing so much with us. What kind of songs do you write?
Wow, thank you for sharing so much with us. What kind of songs do you write?

lol, your welcome, ANYTIME really...
um i write all sorts, i have 2 Rap songs, and one song i wrote about burger king, one song i wrote about an addiction-now don't worry its just about a candy addiction, i wrote a song about how much i hate this lady i used to work with, so um rap-emo-pop, All sorts of songs really...
alot of my songs, most, are from Real Life Experience..
maybe i'll share one with ya'll one day..
Late to the party, but here nonetheless!

1) Favorite movie - The War with Kevin Costner and Elijah Wood

2) I have written one song that has actually been put on a College Dudes.

3) I lived in Germany as a small child. I left home at the age of 15, masturbated for the first time at the age of 15, and swallowed my best friend's happy juice for the first time at the age of 15. He didn't even warn me it was on its way.

4) Known for being a great dancer and an okay singer.

5) My older friends know about my same sex attraction, my younger friends are clueless.

6) The PRAISE character is loud and very out-spoken, but in real life, I am not that way. I bite my tongue a lot. Most people can't handle the truth, and so to avoid conflict, I just avoid people that I don't enjoy being around.

7) I have written one book and I am currently working on the sequel.

8) I was taught sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying. I try to stay upbeat and not allow life, obstacles, or shitty people to steal my joy.

9) I am probably one of the most loyal people you will ever meet. I spoil my friends, and they sometimes take full advantage of it.

10) I have never been in love. I watch the movies, listen to the songs, and have a pretty good idea what it's supposed to feel like.

Fresh Face, Fresh Voice... that boy PRAISE!
Welcome back, Praise! Long time, no hear! Thanks for sharing about your life.
Welcome back, Praise! Long time, no hear! Thanks for sharing about your life.

Thanks Lovelumps, I do plan on dropping by from time to time to say hi, and to show out a little. I find internet pornography somewhat addicting, and so I have to be careful. I have projects that I am working on, and so time isn't always on my side.

Phil left you guys with some very provocative pictures on his way out the door. I suppose I should probably strip naked too, and show you guys what I'm working with, but I prefer to be a little more discreet if you know what i mean... and I think you know what I mean.

The last couple of updates haven't exactly tossed my salad, and so there really hasn't been much to say. I'm sure at some point something will come along that makes me a little weak in the knees. I'll say "Damn! That Sizzles! I'll stand and applaud. I'll do a happy dance if i get the chance.

Fresh Face, Fresh Voice... that boy PRAISE!
I sure hope so. I love having you around here, I don't want you to go too far. Those 10 randoms were great Praise. I sure would love to read your book or hear your song, since I am already a big fan.
Hey, Girl!

I sure hope so. I love having you around here, I don't want you to go too far. Those 10 randoms were great Praise. I sure would love to read your book or hear your song, since I am already a big fan.

Lady K, you are too kind. You were my first forum buddy, and i wll not forget you or your kindness. I will private message you, and we will chat.

There are some that are rude and abrasive, and there are some that make the world a better place. I believe the sun shines a little brighter when you're around. And i'm not just saying that to get in your panties - I wouldn't know what the hell to do once in there anyways. Just kidding!:biggrin:

Fresh Face, Fresh Voice... that boy PRAISE!
My upstairs neighbors are loud as hell. Makes me want whoop somebody's ass, or at least join in the fun. Been forever since somebody called out my name in the heat of passion. Shit, I used to call out my own name, but just didn't feel quite right.

Fresh Face, Fresh Voice... that boy PRAISE!
Thanks Lovelumps, I do plan on dropping by from time to time to say hi, and to show out a little. I find internet pornography somewhat addicting, and so I have to be careful. I have projects that I am working on, and so time isn't always on my side.

Phil left you guys with some very provocative pictures on his way out the door. I suppose I should probably strip naked too, and show you guys what I'm working with, but I prefer to be a little more discreet if you know what i mean... and I think you know what I mean.

The last couple of updates haven't exactly tossed my salad, and so there really hasn't been much to say. I'm sure at some point something will come along that makes me a little weak in the knees. I'll say "Damn! That Sizzles! I'll stand and applaud. I'll do a happy dance if i get the chance.

Fresh Face, Fresh Voice... that boy PRAISE!

I like discreet... there is plenty of eye candy on the site to keep me from needing to see all my favorite forumites naked... although I'm not opposed, either... :001_tt1:

I've always been a hit or miss update watcher. I just hang out on the forum, mostly, anyway. This is where I always come first, at least, to check in on what's happening. I've been rewatching some old favorites, so I might have something to add to "Damn! That Sizzles!" soon :drool: