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10 random facts about you.

Verrrry interesting facts and informative cumrag27. Your posts are always so creative and fun, I'm not surprised you have artistic sensibilities.

Rolling Stones: You can't always get what you want...

Enjoyable response Cumrag. I too like your wordy posts as they are well written.


Dear Undie,

Thank you for your response to my wordiness issues. Its good to hear you approve.

As you probably already surmised, I took the liberty of lifting your 10 random facts serving as a template and modified them to fit the ten I listed here.

Reviewing your 10 facts, I have some concern over your 5th response I find somewhat bothersome: “I think the sexiest part of my body is my butt, shame I have to look in the mirror to see it.” Giving you the benefit of the doubt that your response was probably written hurriedly and giving me the benefit of the doubt this comment is not intended to be taken as criticism, I really wish you to reconsider your initial response.

You know, sometimes we take things for granted; and we sometimes get what we ask for; and I really think it goes beyond tempting fate to complain that you can only see your butt in a mirror. Some poor unfortunate guys and gals see their butt from any angle with or without benefit of a mirror. And they are just stuck with it, anyway. Surely, this is not what you are requesting?

I mean I know you are probably really into butts, as am I for instance, but please watch out what you ask for! Sometimes, the unthinkable comes true in the most unthinkable of ways! And, other times what really goes around, really goes around, All-the-way-around! Get my drift? Personally, I find having the zipper in my slacks on the back side down the middle seam really a nuance!

Good to talk with you again,
Hello again!

Verrrry interesting facts and informative cumrag27. Your posts are always so creative and fun, I'm not surprised you have artistic sensibilities.


Dear SA7180,

I really like your avatar. I find your picture most attractive with the exact degree of ambivalence that i find most captivating. My compliments! Your great taste really shows!

It appears on that one fact alone, maybe you have more artistic sensibilities than I. I mean lets face it, never in recorded history has a catalog page in a Sears catalog so mesmerized anyone to think of it as having artistic sensibilities.

Otherwise, I find your comments so verrrry kind! Thanks!
Let me take the liberty to make a slight spelling correction.

dear undie,

thank you for your response to my wordiness issues. Its good to hear you approve.

As you probably already surmised, i took the liberty of lifting your 10 random facts serving as a template and modified them to fit the ten i listed here.

Reviewing your 10 facts, i have some concern over your 5th response i find somewhat bothersome: “i think the sexiest part of my body is my butt, shame i have to look in the mirror to see it.” giving you the benefit of the doubt that your response was probably written hurriedly and giving me the benefit of the doubt this comment is not intended to be taken as criticism, i really wish you to reconsider your initial response.

You know, sometimes we take things for granted; and we sometimes get what we ask for; and i really think it goes beyond tempting fate to complain that you can only see your butt in a mirror. Some poor unfortunate guys and gals see their butt from any angle with or without benefit of a mirror. And they are just stuck with it, anyway. Surely, this is not what you are requesting?

I mean i know you are probably really into butts, as am i for instance, but please watch out what you ask for! Sometimes, the unthinkable comes true in the most unthinkable of ways! And, other times what really goes around, really goes around, all-the-way-around! Get my drift? Personally, i find having the zipper in my slacks on the back side down the middle seam really a nuisance(spelled correctly now):001_wub::blushing::001_wub:!

Good to talk with you again,

To err is human or so they say!:001_rolleyes:
I mean lets face it, never in recorded history has a catalog page in a Sears catalog so mesmerized anyone to think of it as having artistic sensibilities.

Actually your avatar brought a smile to my face when I first saw it. It reminded me of times as a clueless gay child being mesmerized by the underwear sections of the Sears and JCPenny's catalogs. Yet not understanding why. I instinctively knew that I had to hold the catalog upright when viewing this section so as not to be caught staring too intently. Even though it was very heavy in my tiny hands. I even somehow knew to close the whole thing quickly if someone entered the room. haha Built in defense mechanisms?
Artistic sensibilities?

Actually your avatar brought a smile to my face when I first saw it. It reminded me of times as a clueless gay child being mesmerized by the underwear sections of the Sears and Penney's catalogs. Yet not understanding why. I instinctively knew that I had to hold the catalog upright when viewing this section so as not to be caught staring too intently. Even though it was very heavy in my tiny hands. I even somehow knew to close the whole thing quickly if someone entered the room. haha Built in defense mechanisms?

Dear Tampa24,

Thank you for your heart wrenching accounting of your favorite childhood hobby and the resulting near-sightedness. Due to your vision problems acquired through the catalog's fine print, I just wanted to make sure you correctly read my statement on ARTISTIC sensibilities, not AMOROUS sensibilities

Also, I appreciated your reminding me of the equally splendid JC Penney catalog for perusing the lates thing in young male flesh under those excessively padded, smoothed out, and touched up crotches in those seductive tightie-whities.

I need to pause momentarily letting the oxygen come back to my real head!
I hate to admit it...

I am only going to say this once and only once!

I so enjoy writing in the forum getting my juices going and, occasionally, flowing that, Lord bear with me, writing in the forum is not actually as good as sex. Its just that it keeps on getting better and better and my great worry is that soon it will equal my appreciation and true addiction to sex!

Everybody, put your hands together; get out your rosary beads and light a candle; get your prayer shawls on; get down on your knees and bow towards Mecca; or simply turn on "sports" and open up a beer.

Just pray for me in whatever form or fashion that my appreciation for and true addiction to sex wins out, afterall!:thumbup1:

I'm not sure if "change" is the right word. I like to call it experimenting.....in a hotel room.....with Austin.

"Changing" would be a tough task.....even for a girl who can cum 19 times in 24 hours. Perhaps you'd like me to change underwear while you tried for a new personal best record! Afterwards while you got your breath back Austin could join in with me and Zach flipflopping. :thumbup:


Dear Undie,

Reviewing your 10 facts, I have some concern over your 5th response I find somewhat bothersome: “I think the sexiest part of my body is my butt, shame I have to look in the mirror to see it.” Giving you the benefit of the doubt that your response was probably written hurriedly and giving me the benefit of the doubt this comment is not intended to be taken as criticism, I really wish you to reconsider your initial response.

Good to talk with you again,


Me thinks not much chance of me going round as my dad is slim and I eat like a horse with no weight gain.

My compliant was historical and a little in jest. Let me explain.

When I was in high school (about year 10), girls used to comment that I had a nice butt. At first I dismissed this as girl teasing. But after several isolated comments by different girls I started to wonder what they were going on about and if there was substance to this. I couldn't ask my mates in the locker room. So I remember stripping naked in the bathroom at home and trying to look at my butt in the mirror. Difficult to get a good angle on a chair looking at my butt in a shaving mirror. So I took some photos in my bedroom naked, wearing shorts and wearing jeans and looked at them on the computer and was wondering 'what make a good looking butt?'. Next day at school I checked out other guys butts and realised for the first time how different butts looked and could compare mine to their's. Curves.

A cautionary tale...me thinks


Me thinks not much chance of me going round as my dad is slim and I eat like a horse with no weight gain.

My compliant was historical and a little in jest. Let me explain.

When I was in high school (about year 10), girls used to comment that I had a nice butt. At first I dismissed this as girl teasing. But after several isolated comments by different girls I started to wonder what they were going on about and if there was substance to this. I couldn't ask my mates in the locker room. So I remember stripping naked in the bathroom at home and trying to look at my butt in the mirror. Difficult to get a good angle on a chair looking at my butt in a shaving mirror. So I took some photos in my bedroom naked, wearing shorts and wearing jeans and looked at them on the computer and was wondering 'what make a good looking butt?'. Next day at school I checked out other guys butts and realised for the first time how different butts looked and could compare mine to their's. Curves.


Dear Undie,

You should have sent me some of your photographic handiwork. I would have happily torn myself from my work to help you out in your dire moment of need. Not knowing your genetic makeup inherited from you father, please consider my expressed concerns merely a "Cautionary Tale" or maybe a "Cautionary Tail"? Either way, I would take the frequency of others favorable comments, even if at times somewhat distressing and embarrassing, and multiply these comments by a factor of two. You don't want either cheek to feel jealous or disregarded in any way.

Throughout the many constellations in the universe, this must be a sign from some mystical being and viewed as it's own personal blessing that your sweet cheeks mean so much to so many people. View the pair as peacemakers and global diplomats far away from home needing a well-deserved pat or carress from your significant other(s).

One's cheeks should not be merely "objectified", as if on some cheaply produced and routine TV reality show. Rather, I feel cheeks like yours truly deserve the gentle carress of the light of day and, frequently, whenever legal and within seasonal limitations. No frost-bite for you, dear Undie. Why breakup a perfect set, so to speak, when they are so hard to replace.

Lest I get even sicker, I will simply end by saying I am truly appreciative of your kind remarks about my writings and I simply love having you on our forum!

P.S. ADDENDUM to my 10 basic facts. My mother was originally from Paris and I proudly accept my half-French heritage. Even so, I failed to add this important and defining basic fact to my listing.
Dear SA7180,

I really like your avatar. I find your picture most attractive with the exact degree of ambivalence that i find most captivating. My compliments! Your great taste really shows!

It appears on that one fact alone, maybe you have more artistic sensibilities than I. I mean lets face it, never in recorded history has a catalog page in a Sears catalog so mesmerized anyone to think of it as having artistic sensibilities.

Otherwise, I find your comments so verrrry kind! Thanks!

I did not actually make my lovely avatar. Another really creative person on a website I visit made it. I do have a mad crush on the actor in the icon.

I like your icon.

Alright all you new posters, tell us a little about yourselves, and there is 55 pages of stuff about all of us. It is great to have you here!
1) I'm a Libra

2)I've lived in six different states in the 20 years of my life

3)I grew up mostly an ARMY kid, (but i lived in a normal neighborhood not on-base)

4)I don't know my real mother

5)I didn't get my license until my 18th birthday.(I passed my written and driving test in two hours with no practice, in my grandfathers ford, never even opened or have seen the manual. Common sense really, then again, from what I've seen the last two years I guess not. LOL)

6)I live alone, with my cat.

7)I'm not into drugs, alcohol, parties, clubs(except work),etc. Although, don't get me wrong, I have no problem with people doing what they choose. And that's not to say I haven't prescribed myself a little "devils lettuce herbal remedy":laugh: every once in awhile. But for now I am focusing on success and happiness with myself. No I didn't grow up with strict parents or no friends, in fact I was pretty wild when I was younger and by the time I was 16-17 I was over that life and didn't want to get stuck in that lifestyle.

8)I really do wear Sperry loafers or flip flops, khaki shorts,and a polo or t-shirt everyday. I like the classic, contemporary look.

9)I don't like small cars. The only vehicle I've I had is a Grand Cherokee 4x4 I bought when I was 18 and I love it!

10) And my last and most amazing fact(kinda) is that, as you can tell, I'm actually just a 35 year-old man, with a cat, and a normal, boring life forever trapped in 15 year old twinks body. LOL and I'm happy with that.

1. I'm a Gemini

2. I've went to 9 different schools growing up starting in Missouri then to St. Petersburg Florida, then to Anchorage Alaska (lived with mom who couldn't stay put and is a Psychiatric Nurse Practioner and transfered jobs a lot!

3. I've had 6 vehicles and totaled 3 of them (2 trucks and 1 car).

4. When I was 9 I was playing 'war' in a creek with some buds and fell out of a tree and broke both of my arms at the same time! (Re-broke the left arm after it was in a brace after-cast)

5. The summer before my senior year my dad kicked me out because I was 17 and dating a 14 year old girl (who looked and actin just as muture as any 16,17 year old I knew) who was a little dime piece but happened to be a guy my dad works with daughter! So my whole senior year I lived with my friend and his family who live on 50 acres, pool, horses, detatched shop, a lot of fun times (story I posted on another thread).

6. I use to party so much when I was 15,16,17 that now I ran into an average of 4 people a week a met somewhere along the lines and they remember me but I have no clue who they are, but still carry on the conversation like we kicked it last night! I'm out of that stage and focusing on my career
and what I want to do! Which I am very successfull right now.

7. I've been jumped 2 times for no reason and been sucker punched and knocked out by a 'friend', went into a sleeping coma for 38 hours woke up with bleeding in my mouth, went to the hospital got a cat scan and MRI, had bleeding in the brain! (Good recovery, mispernounce common words occasionally haha)

8. At one point in my life I weighed 220 lbs, had horriffic acne on my face, back and chest... Use to get made fun of everyday in 7th,8th grade! Really taught me who I am today. Beautiiful, Charming and Gueniuelly Caring about people without sterotyping or pre/ judging. (horrible spelling here lol)

9. I've been working since 14, 40 hours a week since 16! I'm 20.

10. I BELIEVE I will win the lottery one day! I believe in Karma and it will come! Hence Phillionaire!


Your great man! I think I watch more of your intro scenes when your just sittin on the futon talkin more than I watch you pick a hole! I like when you laugh, like your crackin yourself up! And that's great because laughing is great and I crack myself up all day long! You sound and seem like somebody I would want to hang around, maybe one day that will be us sittin on the futon talkin with david! ;)
Please don't feel like I'm in love with you and creepin ya out hahah, its just hard to meet good people these days!
Alright, I am officially requesting 10 randoms from Praise and RRHILL. This is a great way to get to know you, and if you have the fortitude to read 56 pages:scared:, you can get to know us better as well.
My name is Robert,

1. I live in Amsterdam (Holland)
2. Already at age 30 my hair turned gray
3. Would love to be 18 again, but only knowing what I know now
4. My father abused my sisters in childhood.
5. Most porn bores me, Broke Straight Boys is the exception to the rule.
6. Like it that there are girls on this forum too.
7. My fantasies are where a straight gay gives, and the gay (me) gets.
8. Feed every day two loyal stray cats in the garden.
9. I solve PC problems, build websites etc.
10. My sign is Libra, like harmony, and there's nothing better than a humorgasm!
My name is Robert,

1. I live in Amsterdam (Holland)
2. Already at age 30 my hair turned gray
3. Would love to be 18 again, but only knowing what I know now
4. My father abused my sisters in childhood.
5. Most porn bores me, Broke Straight Boys is the exception to the rule.
6. Like it that there are girls on this forum too.
7. My fantasies are where a straight gay gives, and the gay (me) gets.
8. Feed every day two loyal stray cats in the garden.
9. I solve PC problems, build websites etc.
10. My sign is Libra, like harmony, and there's nothing better than a humorgasm!
Thank you for sharing with us RR. I agree with you that standard porn bores me too, and Broke Straight Boys is or "was" the exception. Classic episodes involving David's early stable of Tyler, CJ, Dustin, and later Logan, made coming here, a different kind of porn experience, to me. Meeting these guys, and having David let us get to know their personalities, made it hotter when they undressed and had sex. We also agree about sex, as my fantasies also are "where a straight gay gives, and the gay (me) gets."

The other facts about you are cool to know too, and by the way, your hair looks blonde, and you are very handsome. It's always nice to have good looking young men joining the older guys, and the ladies here. I hope you stay with us, the hard core forumites, until we see what is coming next.