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10 random facts about you.

I think "Underwear Fun" needs to post his "10 Random Facts." :w00t: We need to get to know something about him, besides how great his ass is.
10 Random facts about me:

1. I live in Grand Prarie, Texas.
2. I am an Aries.
3. I was born in Ireland. Moved all over U.S. and Canada.
4. My Parents are divorced.
5. I love to work out and I am working as a part time trainer.
6. I am a bartender and the Ballpark it is where the Texas Rangers are at.
7. Some people think I am an asshole, but I can't lie so if the truth hurts oh well.
8. I like exotic women. white guys.
9. I was in jail for nine months. And no I didnt turn to guys while I was in there in fact Ive never been with a guy.
10. I am very open minded and I am willing to try anything once or twice if I like it.
11. For me its all about the challenge and after I get what I want I am gone.
(sorry I broke you and your beau Virgin34, but he was a huge assface and you were so unhappy everyday I saw you someone had to do it)
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So jackass if you are willing to try anything once or twice what time do you want me to come over?
6. I am a bartender and the Ballpark it is where the Texas Rangers are at.
Welcome to the forum, Phuckie, but I can't wish your team good luck when the Yankees come to "The Ballpark" in Arlington this weekend. :thumbdown:

I'm also always fascinated to learn that guys come to this web site who've never actually had sex with a guy, and what's up between you and Virgin 34?
Thanks for the welcome mikeyank. I like the Yankies more than the Rangers too I just work there.

Virgin34 is my best friend I hang out at his work just about everyday and when I was broke he bought me stuff I needed and thus began our friendship I never realized just how cool he was till I went to jail and the guy wrote me every week and he even visited me there and I have to say I love the guy, which is wierd because I never loved a guy before, but when you see someone and you think well this guy is all right well this guy is awesome and I am so glad I charmed him away from his Asshole boyfriend he was so awful to him, and even though I never met the jerk I still hated him. Nobody treats my friends like shit and now he is all mine
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Bitch if I was all yours trust me I wouldnt be on this site right now.
You did charm me. But you also told me what to do like I was your bitch or something and I am nobodys bitch.
Welcome to the Forum Phuckie. I am glad to see you made a friend in Virgin or did you??? Wow, I am not sure. There seems to be a little animosity between the two of you. I am sure it is just playful bantering though. Anyway, it was nice that he came to visit and write to you in jail. I am not sure I understand the reason for breaking him and his boyfriend up but that is none of my business anyway. You two seem to know each other pretty well and I guess that is all that matters.:blushing:

I am not the Forum police nor do I intend to be. I feel I should caution both you and Virgin though. Mgt. does not take name calling too lightly in here. They like to keep the tone of the Forum pretty peaceful. Since we print everything and read everything it is often hard to tell if the conversations are volatile or just playful rhetoric.:001_smile: I just don't want to see either of you get in trouble or banned from the Forum.:001_cool:
Clearing the air

Don't worry jayman me and Virgin34 are friends and we talk to each other like that all the time. I got that guy out of his shell. As far as the boyfriend thing if you saw how unhappy he was you would have done something too.
He was in love with me for over a year I guess its my charm, but I wasnt willing to even listen to that kind of thing. I am a lot more open minded about that stuff which is why I am here.
Don't worry jayman me and Virgin34 are friends and we talk to each other like that all the time. I got that guy out of his shell. As far as the boyfriend thing if you saw how unhappy he was you would have done something too.
He was in love with me for over a year I guess its my charm, but I wasnt willing to even listen to that kind of thing. I am a lot more open minded about that stuff which is why I am here.

Right on dude. Well make sure you take care of Virgin He has kind of grown on us over the last week or so.:blushing:
Phuckie does his best after all you cannot get a pisces to do what a pisces doesnt want to. Whenever he yells at me I can't help but smile. I know he at least cares in his own Aries way.
1. I'm an Aries
2. I'm open minded
3. I love playing football (american football)
4. I'm a dog lover
5. I work hard at everything I do
6. I love straight boys haha (jocks)
7. My dick is 8 inches
8. I'm sensative (not whiny) I wish I could take care of all the starving children, save all the neglected animals, give food and shelter to all the homeless, and comfort everyone that has emotional pain.
9. I would die for my true friends (the ones that are always there no matter what)
10. I dont depend on anyone to make me happy :)
1. I'm an Aries
2. I'm open minded
3. I love playing football (american football)
4. I'm a dog lover
5. I work hard at everything I do
6. I love straight boys haha (jocks)
7. My dick is 8 inches
8. I'm sensative (not whiny) I wish I could take care of all the starving children, save all the neglected animals, give food and shelter to all the homeless, and comfort everyone that has emotional pain.
9. I would die for my true friends (the ones that are always there no matter what)
10. I dont depend on anyone to make me happy :)

Very similar to me mate. Points 1 and 2 are the same. I love watching american football but not playing. 4 and 5 are the same. 6 not so similar. 7 I am half an inch smaller. 8 very similar but I try not to show it. 9 and 10 very similar.

Oh you never said your age. I'm 24 next march. xx
Undie Facts

I think "Underwear Fun" needs to post his "10 Random Facts." :w00t: We need to get to know something about him, besides how great his ass is.

Here they are darling:

1) I have a degree and a masters in engineering but wish I was smarter.

2) I am told that I’m tolerant of other people and I believe this is because I think about things from other’s perspective.

3) My earliest gay memory was when I was nine and remember a dark haired guy in my class changing school and although we weren’t close friends I remember being upset for a couple of weeks because he left.

4) I find dark haired guys attractive.

5) I think the sexiest part of my body is my butt, shame I have to look in the mirror to see it.

6) When I was seventeen I asked my mom if I could buy a motorbike, she said no. When she went on an overseas holiday, I bought one anyway. I got in trouble for it but kept it.

7) I was born in Australia and have travelled through 30 different countries. Italy is my favourite.

8) I am 6 feet tall and don’t like passionate kissing of guys taller than me. Having my head tilted back doesn’t feel right for me.

9) I consider myself fortunate that I didn’t get into a heterosexual marriage before discovering I’m gay. I’ve never had sex with a woman and not interested in doing so.

10) My favourite books are the twelve volume Roger Brook adventure series by Dennis Wheatley (published 1947 to 1974). I’m reading them again for the fourth time at one per month.

I enjoyed writing these........

Here they are darling:

1) I have a degree and a masters in engineering but wish I was smarter.

5) I think the sexiest part of my body is my butt, shame I have to look in the mirror to see it.

7) I was born in Australia and have travelled through 30 different countries. Italy is my favourite.

9) I consider myself fortunate that I didn’t get into a heterosexual marriage before discovering I’m gay. I’ve never had sex with a woman and not interested in doing so.

I enjoyed writing these........


Alright, my dear Undies, since we have such a great bantering relationship, I'll just go with this.

First off, I am ecstatic to learn so much about you.

#1 and #7, although very interesting, make me think #5 is much older than it looks in your avatar.:001_tt2:

And, #9 is very interesting, since you proposed to wannabepreppie, who is a woman, right here on the forum.:lol:

I enjoyed reading your 10 Random's.
Alright, my dear Undies, since we have such a great bantering relationship, I'll just go with this.

First off, I am ecstatic to learn so much about you.

#1 and #7, although very interesting, make me think #5 is much older than it looks in your avatar.:001_tt2:

And, #9 is very interesting, since you proposed to wannabepreppie, who is a woman, right here on the forum.:lol:

I enjoyed reading your 10 Random's.

In response:

I've just finished my Master's but yet to graduate. I took about a year off college and backpacked through Europe, Middle East and Africa. But I'll take your comment as a compliment anyway. You really are sweet. :001_smile:

Not interested is not the same as never. Maybe there is a woman out there that could change me!
In response:

I've just finished my Master's but yet to graduate. I took about a year off college and backpacked through Europe, Middle East and Africa. But I'll take your comment as a compliment anyway. You really are sweet. :001_smile:

Not interested is not the same as never. Maybe there is a woman out there that could change me!

With a butt like that you don't need changing. :lol:
10 random facts about Cumrag27

My 10 random facts – Cumrag27

1) I have a Business degree in Economics with a minor in Sociology and a masters in Counseling Education-Secondary. I have artistic sensibilities inherited from my mother, with very few developed artistic or musical skills but great taste nonetheless.

2) I greatly enjoy being among truly creative and artistic people as I feel most at ease in this nurturing environment. My mother was so creative, brilliant, and non-judgmental (unconditionally accepting), she represents the greatest gift in my life. She modeled those positive behaviors in living throughout her life that I still aspire to today.

3) I make every attempt to be tolerant when dealing with other’s and I believe this is a direct outcome of being so discriminated against as a child and teenager at school for my frequently unpopular (not-wrong) perspectives. I stubbornly held on to such things as positive race relations, basic equality of women and all disenfranchised people, pro-abortion rights, and gay rights including marriage. I had a very fulfulling 17 year relationship with a very creative and beautiful guy some 15 yrs my younger. It ended with his announcement he was getting married and moving to another state with his new family. I still love him dearly but life goes on.

4) My earliest gay memory was the extreme shame and disgust my father instilled in me as a 6 year old for attempting to “Play Lady” as I called it by using bed sheets pinned together with safety pens to make some semblance of a dress. He came at me out of the clear blue, but totally in an enraged state of uncontrollable anger with his wooden hair brush in one hand backing me into a corner and screaming full-force so that I truthfully didn’t know if I was going to live or not! The US Army trained him very, very well! Even today, more than some 50 years later, it makes my eyes tear up to recount this terrorizing homophobic episode coming from my own father directed at an innocent and naïve 6 year old perspective. When home on leave from the Army, I was happy to see him and even happier to see him go when leave ended. He never adjusted to normal family life and, generally, brought much disharmony at home. Perhaps he had post-traumatic stress disorder stemming as far back as WWII? He never shared typical positive father:son activities with me, only his anger and disapproval. My sister was treated the same way.

5) I find dark haired guys most attractive, but at this point I am simply grateful that they have some hair and a heart beat, period. In fact I could compromise even further with a bald guy having the right look (Yul Brynner-ish). I am graced with a full head of slightly wavy and thick brown hair with a very light salting of gray. I so enjoy looking at the rare guys with those beautiful thick eyelashes and well-shaped eyebrows. Body hair can range anywhere from totally bare to slightly hairy-chested and I will take whatever I can get down below, with an unspoken preference for smooth in a perfect world. However, eye lashes and eyebrows must be natural. I tend toward more exotic Hispanic or Mediterranean looking guys, although not a necessity and passports are never if rarely checked!

6) I think the sexiest part of my body is my characteristically French nose and my narrow face (for my age) that greets me every morning in the mirror, regardless and without reservation. My nose performs a much needed public service of holding up my absolutely essential glasses.

7) When I was fifteen, my father died from leukemia at age 46 and I, then, assumed my “limited role” as the head of our family, just my mother and me. My sister had entered the convent at the time. I was now the family chauffer with a restricted license in hand requiring some licensed adult to accompany me while driving. My mother did not drive then nor for almost two decades later until she got her first license at age 65. She was a real speed demon behind the wheel from that point on, but drove safely anyway.

8) I was born in Little Rock, Arkansas and raised as a Roman Catholic graduating from the local catholic high school. I have lived with relatives in Germany (near Frankfurt), resided in Atlanta (during 1969-70), visited Paris and my French relatives from the Champagne region, travelled to Italy performing in concerts with my church choir beginning in Florence and ending in Rome. This was highlighted by our choir performing for the then Pope, singing at St. Peters Basilica for Sunday Mass, and finally culminating in a Concert at St. Ignatius Cathedral in Rome (home for the Jesuit Order). Some of these pictures are represented in my profile picture album.

9) I am 5’11”tall and like passionate kissing of guys regardless of height. Having an eight year older half-brother 6’5” tall, I became used to looking up admiringly to those taller than me even without the “passionate kissing”. I am large is stature, overshadowing most Europeans I have met.

10) I am totally Gay. I have never had sex with a woman and not interested in doing so, although I came close once in a 3-way. It only happened because I was dying to fool around with the other guy (straight friend/roommate) and I was not letting a little matter of a girl get in my way. Disaster ensued and my somewhat selfish behavior got the better of me.
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