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10 random facts about you.

Come join our female user group if you want to chat it up! You can link from any of the female members pages......It's nice to see another woman posting!
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Thanks for the invite Ms. Kianna and MissDeidra. I'll check that out when I have a chance. :)

Wow, SA7180, your 10 facts left me with 100 questions!

And, don't be embarrassed, I've masturbated enough for both of us. And several third-world countries.

Fire away with any questions.

Ha! Your poor hand. The lotion and/or lubricant industry must be your number one fans.

I've been a longtime fan of this site, and am generally a lurker, but I've been fascinated by the responses to the 10 questions as I've read through them. After a day of thought, here are mine.

1. I'm 70, retired, and very overweight.
2. I'm astonished at how many young men seek out guys like me. A couple of them have called me an Adonis!
3. I was married for 29 years to a woman I had known since we were 4. We had two daughters, one of whom died in the midst of a severe asthma attack 20 years ago, 18 months before her mother died of lung cancer. I was out to my wife for 13 years before she died. She decided that she wanted to remain married if I did. We did. We had a marriage most people would never understand.
4. 6 months after she died, I met Michael. We've been together for 18 years, and were married before a crowd of 110 friends and family in our backyard two years ago (when you could in California). Our rings were blessed by my surviving daughter, who is an Episcopal Priest, after which our incredibly supportive Bishop stepped forward and blessed us.
5. I am very active and have held leadership positions in the Episcopal Church.
6. I am Finnish and Scotch/Irish/British by ancestry, and a third generation Southern Californian who, except for three years in Berkeley, has never lived anywhere else.
7. I am a left leaning Democrat who cast his first vote for John Kennedy and has never in his life voted for a Republican.
8. Michael and I have an open relationship. It has been that way for 17 of our 18 years together. Early on, we both copped to being total horndogs and admitted that we would probably stray, so we decided to be honest about it. While we realize open relationships aren't for everyone, we believe that everyone ought to have the conversation about what kind of relationship they want, and that communication is key to any enduring relationship. We both play with others, and in some cases are good social friends with some of them.
9. I love playing with younger men. I love their energy, enthusiasm, and their desire to learn, especially young, uncut Latinos. Spinal stenosis, with accompanying nerve damage to my legs and feet sometimes limits how much I can do and whether or not I can reach an orgasm. Interesting, to play without cumming!
10. I love travel! Have been to Europe three times as well as the Holy Land. Love Italy! Hope to travel to South America some day before the back issues make it impossible. Also look forward to doing a cruise with Michael some day.

Oh hell! What are rules for if not to be broken?

11. I had my first same sex experience with a neighbor when we were 10. I played all through high school, while in the Boy Scouts, and with a couple of guys on the football team. Growing up in the 50's I fell for the classic Freudian interpretation of homosexuality--it was something you go through and out grow. When I graduated from high school, I stopped playing, figuring I was "finished" with phase of my life. It wasn't until after our second child was born, along with the sexual freedom of the late 60's that I realized I was always checking out guys' crotches. Eventually, complete with raincoat, hat, and dark glasses, I went to an adult bookstore, and a new world opened to me. What a fraud was Freud! The cherry on the whipped cream--I've made love with a porn star I used to watch on VHS and DVD, and lusted after for years.
^^^Now that's how to write a 10 random facts about me post! I always see your name online, and now I hope that you post more! You remind me of my late uncle with your life experiences.....
SA7180 Welcome to the Forum...:biggrin:
I just have to say this is my most favorite thread. :) Great diversity in here.
Now, to think of some facts about myself... (avatar pose)
1. My father's side of the family comes from Canada. My mom's lived in Michigan for generations.

2. I am Bi

3. I've lived and taught in 5 continents (N America, S America, Africa, Europe and Asia). Was a Peace Corps Volunteer for 7 years....no military service for this guy.

4. So far in my life I've traveled to 104 countries.

5. I've studied 8 languages, but am rusty in 5 and can get by in only 3.

6. I am an Aquarius.

7. I am very oral ;-)

8. I never owned a car until I turned 40.

9. I have a music collection of over 7000 CDs, cassettes and vinyl....takes up a whole room in my apartment.

10. I believe you create your own reality.

That was fun!

I invite others to answer these questions too.

Chocolate: Dark, Milk or White? Dark.

Wine, beer, hard liquor or none at all? None at all, not my drug of choice

Dogs or cats? Pets???I can't even take care of a plant.

Coke or Pepsi? No soda

Vacation: Mountains or beach? Beach.

Star Trek or Star Wars? neither one

Donuts or bagels? Donuts

PC or Mac? MAC

TV or books? don't watch TV, and rarely have time to read a book

Cake or ice cream? Ice cream!!!! Some guys have a beer belly, mine's from ice cream ;-)

I am an Aquarius.
I love to travel and experience new places!
I love roller coasters and theme parks.
I am bi.
I have a Boxer/Mastiff I rescued named China.
I am an old school club kid/raver.
I am a chef and went to the School of Culinary Arts in Atlanta GA.
I am a surfer and snowboarder.
I love to smoke herb! 420!
I am VERY open-minded.

how did i miss this thread?

1. i'm very opinionated
2. i'm a chemist
3. i have a deaf dog
4. i love video games
5. i'm a fan of twilight
6. i'm a movie fanatic
7. i tend to speak my mind, a lot
8. i'm a taurus
9. i prefer oral over anal
10. i'm tall as fuck, 6'6...
how did i miss this thread?

1. i'm very opinionated
2. i'm a chemist
3. i have a deaf dog
4. i love video games
5. i'm a fan of twilight
6. i'm a movie fanatic
7. i tend to speak my mind, a lot
8. i'm a taurus
9. i prefer oral over anal
10. i'm tall as fuck, 6'6...

1. Just fallen in love...:tongue_smilie::w00t:
Marry me ?

how did i miss this thread?

1. i'm very opinionated
2. i'm a chemist
3. i have a deaf dog
4. i love video games
5. i'm a fan of twilight
6. i'm a movie fanatic
7. i tend to speak my mind, a lot
8. i'm a taurus
9. i prefer oral over anal
10. i'm tall as fuck, 6'6...

can we marry now ? hehehehe