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10 random facts about you.

1. I'm the youngest of 8 children, seven boys and one girl.

2. I have been married twice and have a son from each marriage. I was trying to prove I was straight and I am not. My second wife and I are best friends and she often dines out with my boyfriend and me.

3. I have sold cars for a living since I was 18 years old.

4. I have a degree in culinary arts.

5. I have a cat named Mac. (My homophobic sister wanted me to go out and get some pussy, so I did).

6. I am left handed, but only write, eat, smoke and masturbate left handed. All other things I do right handed (golf, bowl, bat, use scissors).

7. I was born and raised a die-hard Republican until George W. Bush became president and switched to Democrat. Don't know what the hell I was thinking all of those years.

8. Fulfilled a lifelong dream last year and kissed my boyfriend at the corner of Broad Street and High Street in downtown Columbus, Ohio during the pride parade. So-o-o-o liberating!!

9. I've been to 38 states. The other 12 are on my bucket list.

10. I have donated my body to the Ohio State University School of Medicine for anatomical research.

Okay carking,

Thanks for doing your 10 randoms. Of course I have questions!

Why sell cars, when you can cook?
What 12 do you have left.
Not even touching the cat.

Answers to the questions

1. I sell care because that is what I am good at. Many people float in and out of the car business or float from one dealership to another. I don't do that. I have found that if you stay where you are and try to do the right thing with your customers, you develop a following. I have many families that I have sold cars to three generations. They wouldn't even think of going anywhere else. Repeat business is good business.

I don't cook professionally because that is just not why I got the degree. I got the degree because I love to cook and wanted to understand better why things do what they do when you mix them together and apply heat (leave it alone, guys). It was selfish and I did it for me. I wouldn't change a thing.

2. The 12 states I have left are Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, New Mexico, Nebraska, Iowa, and Minnesota.

3. In high school, I worked in a funeral home. The most lasting impression I got from that experience is that it is the dumbest thing in the world to spend $5,000.00 to $10,000.00 for a box and then bury it in the ground. This way, there is no expense for my children, all of my harvestable organs can be donated and future doctors can learn from having a human cadaver to disect.

4. I know what you meant, Ms. K, but I can't resist. I am gay, so I wouldn't touch your kitty, either.
bumping the thread for lovelumps...

there you go girl, post your little heart out!
....ive been on this forum for what seems like ages and i still have yet to post one....

1. im a barista that works my ass off for a small pay check
2. im gay but i dont get along with gay men, most of the guys ive hung out with just piss me off.
3. im white but hate white people
4. i seem to be the only person from pittsburgh on this forum
5. ive been taking a lot of meaning from buddhist teachings (i just have to learn how to deal with #2 and #3)
6. I live with my parents....AUGH!
7. i have a very open heart, i care for people i shouldnt and give everyone a second (and third, fourth, fifth, etc.) chance.
8. je parle francais un peu
9. i almost killed myself for being gay, and contacted an ex-gay ministry to try to find help. then i went to my first pride festival and never looked back.
10. i am currently celibate/asexual until i find someone i truely care about. no more married men in hotel rooms for me!
10 things about me...

1. I am a native Pennsylvanian, born in Allentown. However, I grew up in Indiana, so I think, technically, I'm a hoosier.
2. I have a degree in French literature from the University of Kansas. Very useful....
3. I love living in the Mile High City. We have wonderful weather, 300 days of sunshine.
4. I'm a bit of a hermit, and have a hard time venturing out to new places. I love my Garmin!!!
5. I read, a lot. I love cracking a spine on a new book, but I have to say that I LOVE e-books. I have them on my i-Phone, my PC, and I also have a Kindle. I do give my library card a good workout, as well.
6. I've been married for almost 16 years to my favorite person in the world. We have 2 wonderful boys together, one who looks like him, and one who looks like me.
7. I have just turned 42.... the wrinkles all started this year. I'm vain enough to totally hate them, not embrace them, or the grey hairs at my temples that I have to have covered every 8 weeks! But I love my red curly hair!
8. I cook, a lot, and often and well, if I must say so myself. I love Middle Eastern, Chinese, Thai, Italian, French, New Mexican and classic "American" cuisines. I have a lot of cookbooks, after all, I am a book lover, but I've been doing it all so long, I rarely use a recipe. I make a mean pork green chile with hominy. (omnivore, here!)
9. My life is rich and full. I have a truly remarkable family, and am blessed with many friends who I consider family.
10. I have rarely met anyone that I didn't enjoy spending time with. Everyone is so unique and interesting.

-I love all chocolate but milk is my preference
-I love tea and coffee, especially with lots of milk.
-I love the art of the cocktail. A friend once called me a cocktologist, then she repeated it out loud again and laughed. My favorite drink is a 007 martini. Shot of Stoli, Shot of Boodles Gin, splash of Lillet, shaken, well, up with 3 olives. I also love a Dirty, the Cosmo and a real homemade margarita, mostly tequila, only fresh lime.
-With a love of food comes a love of wine as well.... Lush deep fruity reds and crisp dry whites.
-I love to travel, have spent time in Germany and France, love the beach, wish we had one here... Spend most of my vaca time in Texas where my parents live.
-I'm not an outdoorsey girl. (So why do I live in Denver?, The Sun!) I have allergies and it makes me itch to be outside. However, I'm well acquainted with Nordstrom so I have no problem vacationing there instead of inside a tent.
-I can't remember the rest of the secondary questions.... Time for a latte and some time in the kitchen.

I'm so glad you gave us so much about yourself. :001_smile:

I still like the real things, when it comes to books though. If I switched to a Kindle, what in the world would I do with my MANY bookshelves.:scared:

You should start posting in the "Ladies" Social Group. We have some great ladies in this forum and it can get interesting. :lol:
I'm so glad you gave us so much about yourself. :001_smile:

I still like the real things, when it comes to books though. If I switched to a Kindle, what in the world would I do with my MANY bookshelves.:scared:

You should start posting in the "Ladies" Social Group. We have some great ladies in this forum and it can get interesting. :lol:
I have a question for the ladies who post here. What is it about Broke Straight Boys that attracts you exactly? As a gay man, I'm attracted to the straight young guys that I see in my everyday life, at work, walking down the street, at the gym, playing basketball in the park, etc. and seeing them get naked and have gay sex with other guys. This fulfills a big fantasy in my life. For the women it cannot be for the same reason, as you are straight, so having sex with a straight guy is no fantasy. So I'm curious as to what is it about this site that would attract straight women. :001_cool:
I have a question for the ladies who post here. What is it about Broke Straight Boys that attracts you exactly? As a gay man, I'm attracted to the straight young guys that I see in my everyday life, at work, walking down the street, at the gym, playing basketball in the park, etc. and seeing them get naked and have gay sex with other guys. This fulfills a big fantasy in my life. For the women it cannot be for the same reason, as you are straight, so having sex with a straight guy is no fantasy. So I'm curious as to what is it about this site that would attract straight women. :001_cool:

Straight guys think seeing girls together is very hot. So, for straight girls the same can be true for seeing two guys together.

I personally saw a ten minute clip of Diesal/JIMMIE part 2 on another site:001_tt1: and came to find the rest.

After that it was some of the people on the forum. There are personalities out here that are just too hard to resist.:lol:

I have a question for the ladies who post here. What is it about Broke Straight Boys that attracts you exactly? As a gay man, I'm attracted to the straight young guys that I see in my everyday life, at work, walking down the street, at the gym, playing basketball in the park, etc. and seeing them get naked and have gay sex with other guys. This fulfills a big fantasy in my life. For the women it cannot be for the same reason, as you are straight, so having sex with a straight guy is no fantasy. So I'm curious as to what is it about this site that would attract straight women. :001_cool:

Well I think my brain is wired like a gay man. So seeing two men together is just beautiful and sexy. I can't really say why, but watching a man and a woman has never even given me an ounce of excitement. I was really young when I saw two men kiss and had extreme feelings down below. I come to this site for the quality, and I guess it's nice to see straight boys have sex, since that is primarily who I have sex with. So the fantasy can apply to me as well. Like my man can be broke enough to have gay sex, but come home to me later and tell me all the dirty details...Does that make any sense to you? I've talked pretty openly about this stuff in the Ladies user group, but if you really want to know more PM me or find me on yahoo messenger...
I have a question for the ladies who post here. What is it about Broke Straight Boys that attracts you exactly? As a gay man, I'm attracted to the straight young guys that I see in my everyday life, at work, walking down the street, at the gym, playing basketball in the park, etc. and seeing them get naked and have gay sex with other guys. This fulfills a big fantasy in my life. For the women it cannot be for the same reason, as you are straight, so having sex with a straight guy is no fantasy. So I'm curious as to what is it about this site that would attract straight women. :001_cool:

This might take a while....

I was having this exact conversation with a good friend late last night. After lots of wine, we started talking about porn. She likes to watch girl/girl, which, as it turns out, is true for many of my girl friends. Straight porn and girl/girl porn kind of creep me out. (oddly, I think it's the pussy. I love mine, but...) Several years ago, I started reading erotica. I really enjoyed the m/f/m stories, and some of those are really homo-erotic. The idea of the guys getting off from being able to feel each other during double penetration did it for me more than any other erotica I had read. So, I started reading m/m erotica, and, whew, it blew my socks off. I looked for gay porn to try to up the visual factor of the things I was reading, and came across Love the Cock. The scenes where the guys seemed to be doing more acting weren't as satisfying as the Broke Straight Boys ones, so here I am. I think the reason this is so sexy to me is because I am just really attracted to men, men's bodies, their hardness and strength and passion. Their strong hands, their soft mouths. I find it really difficult to look at men without imagining the whole package. I love watching men interact with each other, how much their bodies communicate how they feel about the person they are talking to. I love watching hot sweaty men playing volleyball in the park by my house, I love watching men sipping coffee while reading the paper. Doesn't matter what they are doing, I want to watch! Watching my husband pee turns me on. So Broke Straight Boys is like the ultimate people watching experience. Seeing men get turned on with each other, whether they were curious coming into the scene or not, and having their initial reluctance turn into a slating of desire, especially if they really get into it, is so compelling. I love watching them at the beginning of an oral scene, first, trying not to look, then looking a little warily, then with more curiosity, reluctantly taking the other guy in hand and then, finally, leaning to take that cock into their mouth for the first time. It's the look of their faces, resignation sometimes, surprise others, and then, maybe, finally getting comfortable enough to put some effort into it, that is so stinking hot! Then it becomes about that biological imperative to get off, and when it's a guy who genuinely seems to care if their partner gets off, too, and wants to watch, seems to get off watching the guy shoot.... Holy crap! It's so nasty sometimes, when they spit on the cock they are sucking, and so romantic sometimes, when they kiss and like it. There is raw, hard sex, and gentle, thoughtful sex, hurtful sex, angry sex, passionate sex. Between 2 men. And it just does it for me. I love sex with my husband and it's very satisfying, we've had all the types I've listed above, and it's all good. This, is fantasy, with a lot of reality thrown in. And it's hot as hell.
Thank you Ms. Kianna, MissDeidra, & especially lovelumps for your detailed introspective explanation of your interest in watching two straight guys having sex with one another.

I would guess that when Mark and David developed the premise for this site, they did not expect to develop a loyal female minority fan base as well, but as long as we all enjoy watching the action, I guess it doesn't matter why, as long as we get off it to.

Thank you all three for answering my question. :001_smile:
I will add with what the girls said as I really have never liked straight porn only because I dont think sex should be demeaning to parties part taking. How do I say this the right way. When you see str8 porn its all about how they can have a cum shot all over a woman's face. I also think that A LOT of orgasms are faked as well as moans. One thing about gay porn is you cant fake a orgasm. You either do or don't cut and dry. I think one of the main reasons that I love this site is cause the guys on the site you can read like a open book. Take Logan's scene with shane, it's written all over his face that he is getting the best bj of his life. On the flip side of it you can see when the boys arent really sure of what they are doing. I love watching people who truely enjoy sex in whatever form that is.

just some of my thoughts....
1. I am from the midwest and have never been to the ocean but badly want to.
2. My name is Jennifer but no one calls me by me Jennifer since in my graduating class there were 6 of us :)
3. I am going to school for teaching and therapy. I want to change the world starting with youth.
4. I got cancer when I was 19 and went a whole year with out sex. * that was a long year*
5. I love watching people in life. I think humans are really here for god's entertainment.
6. I grew up with swingers for parents and now my mother is with a woman. My parents scared me with sex by being way to open.
7. I worked at a gay club long before I realized I was bi. One girl and one look changed all that.
8. I have a really hard time sleeping some times I am up for days.
9. I have dick envy I wish many times i was born a man.
10. I am extremely shy when it comes to talking about sex infront of people.
1. I am a white guy. English, German, and Dutch (my last name is a Dutch name)
2. I am an Aquarius, Feb 6th and shared my birthday with former Pres. Regan, a set of twins nephew/neice, and a few years back an uncle died on my birthday.
3. I had a heart attack at the very young age of 37 which is almost 2 years ago now.
4. I am single and like it that way. From time to time I do miss having that special man to be there for me, but overall I am happy with being single.
5. I am most comfortable being at home, rather than being out.
6. I have always known I was gay, but still remain in the closet.
7. I am very shy in person until you get to know me, then you can't shut me up.
8. I am over the top full of passion. I love romance, and a great kiss/make out can be better than sex to me, sometimes.
9. I am a total giver, and always treat a man to exactly what he wants.
10. I love having sex outside or in public places. It is a total rush to me!!!
....ive been on this forum for what seems like ages and i still have yet to post one....

1. im a barista that works my ass off for a small pay check
2. im gay but i dont get along with gay men, most of the guys ive hung out with just piss me off.
3. im white but hate white people
4. i seem to be the only person from pittsburgh on this forum
5. ive been taking a lot of meaning from buddhist teachings (i just have to learn how to deal with #2 and #3)
6. I live with my parents....AUGH!
7. i have a very open heart, i care for people i shouldnt and give everyone a second (and third, fourth, fifth, etc.) chance.
8. je parle francais un peu
9. i almost killed myself for being gay, and contacted an ex-gay ministry to try to find help. then i went to my first pride festival and never looked back.
10. i am currently celibate/asexual until i find someone i truely care about. no more married men in hotel rooms for me!

Do you drink coffee, or are you just done after smelling it all day? I love coffee but can only drink it once a week, 'cause, when you start getting old like me, you get things like GERD... BTW, I was just starting my Freshmen year of college when you were born. It was the best year of my life. I, too, have an open heart policy, and spent many years trying to reconcile relationships over, and over, and over. Doesn't happen so much any more. Quelque fois, je parle Francais, aussi. Very happy you are here!
10 Random Facts

1. I'm a Gemini. I always though the twin thing kind of worked for me because I'm always of two minds about everything.

2. I have obsessive compulsive disorder. It's a mild form, but still...

3. I'm obsessed with British culture and sometimes like to speak in a British accent. I don't do it in front of random people though because, you know, straight jackets chafe. :001_smile:

4. I was born in New York, but have lived in Florida most of my life. I still prefer New York.

5. I'm ridiculously shy and have trouble opening up to people(in real life, not on-line.)

6. I feel like such a traitor to my race but I'm just not attracted to black guys. I lust after white men and sometimes Latin guys.

7. I love reading slash fiction and have tried writing it. I get embarrassed, but one of my friends loves it.

8. I've never traveled outside of the US, but would love to visit all over, like Britain, Italy, or Germany.

9. I'd love to be a writer, professionally.

10. The most scandalous thing- I've never masturbated before. :scared: I visit a porn site(s) everyday and never masturbated. I know what kind of freak am I? Just the way I first learned about masturbation, the concept just freaked me out. I'm a bit of a prude, so it's taken me awhile to open myself up to it(I meant that as dirty as it sounds.) One of my friends absolutely raves about it and will not rest until I finally do it. I've come close several times since visiting this site, but I live with my mother and her boyfriend, and I would die of mortification if I turned out to be a moaner and she heard me.

Chocolate: Dark, Milk or White? I'm not a huge chocolate fan, but I definitely prefer white(there's that white bias again. What's wrong with me. :001_smile:)

Wine, beer, hard liquor or none at all? I've never gotten drunk before(I know I'm boring.) I hate beer, never liked champagne. I think I could like vodka mixed with something. So I guess hard liquor, if at all.

Dogs or cats? Definitely dogs. LOOVE dogs. Cats are cool, too. I just prefer dogs.

Coke or Pepsi? Sprite. :) But Coke if I have to chose between the two.

Vacation: Mountains or beach? Neither

Star Trek or Star Wars? Neither

Donuts or bagels? Donuts.

PC or Mac? PC. I don't think I've ever used a Mac before.

TV or books? TV

Cake or ice cream? Ice cream.

What were the last two movies you saw (theater or home)?

Sex and the City 2
Get Him to the Greek

What were the last two books you read?

The Husband by Dean Koontz
The Serial Killer's Club by Jeff Povey

What were the last two types of restaurants you have been to?

Italian(pizza comes from Italy, right. :001_cool:)

What were the last two home projects you worked on?

My home is not my own so I don't know if these count but I cleaned the refrigerator and cleared the clutter out of my room.

What were the last two places you visited for leisure travel?

Never been outside the US unfortunately.

What two web sites do you visit most for pleasure? (Not counting this one)


Wow, SA7180, your 10 facts left me with 100 questions!

And, don't be embarrassed, I've masturbated enough for both of us. And several third-world countries.
SA7180, may I ask, what is your gender?