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10 random facts about you.

So, it seems to be a duty posting something in this thread !

1. I am italian, but was born in Switzerland. Waited too long to get Swiss and now do not really know why I wanted to be swiss:w00t:
2. I love to travel, know new cultures and meet new people. If something is too much like I know, I tend to be extremely bored.
3. I am stupidely a fanboy any virtually every nice-good-looking even if the so called star is in fact quite bad in what he his supposed to do (sing, act,...) Perhaps the reason I joined Broke Straight Boys
4. I think am 31 but do not remember being more that 20
5. I love wine, perhaps because italy and france are bordering my little boring country
6. I believe that noone should ask if you are gay, bi or straight, but just go for "are you in love ?" and usally the sexual orientation should be deducted by some answer
7. I tend to hate every stupid rule, especially when it come from old use or religion and nobody really know why the rule mean but just like to follow it (like you would die of painfull instant death by not following an unprobable rule..)
8. I love hearing some bigot stating the bible and explaining me that as gay I have the right to go to hell. Is there not some lines after also the mention that shrimps are a satanic animal and no one should eat them :w00t: what a wonderfull source of thinking !
9. It would be good if I could not sleep. A waste of time, but they say you need to be healty.. hum strange this, it seem to be in contradiction with point 7.
10. Ha yes, I prefer briefs and only colorfull. why on earth everyone like black, white and grey and yes I forget black, somethimes grey and why not also blank. boring.

Chocolate: Dark, Milk or White? Uh ? well every tiype of chocolate, perhaps the best think in this country :w00t:

Wine, beer, hard liquor or none at all? Red wine and belgian beer

Dogs or cats? Cats. I have 3 of them, can open a store :confused1:

Coke or Pepsi? WATER !

Vacation: Mountains or beach? neither

Star Trek or Star Wars? Start wars

Donuts or bagels? neither.

PC or Mac? PC

TV or books? Books.

Cake or ice cream? Cake!

What were the last two movies you saw (theater or home)?
  • Dragons
  • Green Zone

What were the last two books you read?
  • Percy Jackon (5 books)

What were the last two types of restaurants you have been to?
  • Vietnamese
  • Indian

What were the last two home projects you worked on?
  • Changed the general decoration
  • Installed an Home cinema

What were the last two places you visited for leisure travel?
  • Angkor
  • Phuket

What two web sites do you visit most for pleasure? (Not counting this one)
1. I am 40
2. I am the finance manager at an auto dealership that does not mind me being gay.
3. I am in a 12 year relationship
4. I absolutely love Photography and hope one day to do that as more than a hobby.
5. I live in Arkansas
6. I have 4 cats
7. One of my dreams is to travel as much of the globe as humanly possible.
8. I want to be able to adopt a child of our own.
9. I am a workaholic...(at least my better half says so)
10. My mother and sister are my best friends(besides of course my better half)
getting to know you, getting to know all a-bout you

Hey guys,

This took a long time to read through.

1. I have blond hair, blue eyes, and I'm not as pale as Tyler.
2. I am a December baby.
3. Degree in Behavioral Science
4. Sci-fi and paranormal reader
5. Love almost every type of music (no rap or opera)
6. I am also a workaholic.
7. I have the cutest little boy.
8. Before I die I must get to Italy for my "dream" vacation.
9. My celebrity crush is Keanu Reeves:drool:.
10. I believe in God, but have found too many judgmental people in the church.

Milk chocolate
White wine and margaritas
Dogs: 2 labs
Diet Pepsi
I live in the mountains, so I'll go with beach
Neither, True Blood and Gray's Anatomy
Depends on the mood (bagel or donut)
Neither, I'll take a mocha for my sugar fix:tongue_smilie:.

Movies: New Moon and How to Train Your Dragon
Books: Undead and Uneasy by Maryjanice Davidson
Atlantis Redeemed by Alyssa Day
Seafood and Italian
Home Projects: Painted new baseboards and a bedroom next is planting this
years garden
Visits: Napa wineries and the ocean
Websites: ? all over

It was great reading all these posts and getting to know people better.

Your numerous random facts are all in character, something that now we've exchanged a few p. messages just shines right through, right through.:001_wub:

1. I was a wolf-boy till I was 16 and went away to school
2. I'm tall for my height (5'7")
3. I've got those ugly stubby thumbnails
4. I'm ethnically English, Scots, Welsh, French, touch of Arapaho and maybe some African American
5. I was called Capitán Contenedor by a bunch of my students in Barcelona
6. I believe there really is a Capricorn Brotherhood
7. I taught a kickass university course called Experiments in Applied Creativity :001_rolleyes:
8. I sometimes black out when an orgasm lasts too long
9. I have many more allergies than you do
10. I'm knocked out by Steve's turning a request (to know more about him) into a clever interactive game for everyone, an experiment in applied creativity

At least you are taller than me!
So much explaining to do.:001_tt1:
I was not aware we had so many foreigners on this site. Am I the only American. Everybody seems to be from Europe. Is there some shame in being an "American"?
I'm not sure if I'm doing this right (quoting someone else so I can reply to them) because I'm new at this. In fact, I'm losing my posting cherry right now..haha, but here goes....

As far as people being from Europe, I'm 1/16 Cherokee Indian...the rest is a mix of English, French, and other European nationalities...and a dash of Thai because my family's crazy like that. Since I weigh 215 lbs, that means that if I shaved off 13.4375 lbs, that would be the only part of me that is NOT from another country. And as much as I'd love to lose that 13.4375 lbs, I also enjoy my heritage, so I think the Europeans (and any other non-Americans) should stay because I'm sure somewhere down the line my heritage interacts with theirs.
Now my 10 facts

1. I already mentioned that I'm 1/16 Cherokee. Other than the little bit of Thai, the rest of me is a mutt.

2. I'm a native Texan, and because my family played such a huge role in Texas history, I'm fascinated by it (I had family in the Texas revolution).

3. I'm a volunteer firefighter and EMT. I love both, but I prefer the EMT role because I get to help people more often.

4. I served 4 years in the army.

5. This is my second time living in upstate NY. I left 6 years ago, but came back because my best friend nagged me the whole time.

6. I'm attracted to straight or very masculine younger (usually 20's but 18+ can be hot too) jock types.

7. I drive a taxi part-time, and although the pay isn't great, I love it.

8. I came dangerously close to having to file bankruptcy, but I'm working my way out of my financial pit and hopefully will be back in the black by this time next year.

9. Although I don't have any children myself, I have 4 god-children, and 2 other kids named after me in some fashion because I delivered them (in the back of an ambulance, not my cab thank god..lol)

10. One of my long term goals is to become a paramedic.

I'd just like to say it's fascinating reading everyone's posts. Before I joined the forum, just browsing some of the postings, all I saw were names. Reading some of these is definitely making you guys seem alot more human. Thanks Slimvintage for getting this started!
Welcome dgraves to the site and to the forums. Glad you can join us.

As far as heritage goes, I have some Cherokee in me on my mother's side of the family. My father's side is French. I have been doing my surname's family history for almost a year and I really enjoy it, though I have ran into many of roadblocks, it has been fun and a challenge.

I'm not sure if I'm doing this right (quoting someone else so I can reply to them) because I'm new at this. In fact, I'm losing my posting cherry right now..haha, but here goes....

As far as people being from Europe, I'm 1/16 Cherokee Indian...the rest is a mix of English, French, and other European nationalities...and a dash of Thai because my family's crazy like that. Since I weigh 215 lbs, that means that if I shaved off 13.4375 lbs, that would be the only part of me that is NOT from another country. And as much as I'd love to lose that 13.4375 lbs, I also enjoy my heritage, so I think the Europeans (and any other non-Americans) should stay because I'm sure somewhere down the line my heritage interacts with theirs.
You have apparently dug way back on the forum to pull up a quote from mitch768292, who has long been banned from the site. If you are interested, look up some of his other ranting's and ravings, (that he did not delete himself, before we lost that privilege). You will see that he is not at all typical of the poster's on the forum. He was a unique, very controversial character, who is long gone, but who will probably try to reemerge here under a third name.

But welcome to the site, dgraves.
5. This is my second time living in upstate NY. I left 6 years ago, but came back because my best friend nagged me the whole time.

6. I'm attracted to straight or very masculine younger (usually 20's but 18+ can be hot too) jock types.
I quoted these two points, as I went to college in upstate New York, SUNY at New Paltz. I don't know if you are around there or further North, but it is a beautiful part of the country, and I love upstate New York. And as far as who you are attracted to, I agree 100%, but I guess that's why we're members of BrokeStraight Boys. :thumbup1: Again, welcome, and hopefully you will become a frequent contributor here.
Hi Dgraves,

I'm very glad you joined our group of merry men. (And women). haha I really admire the altruistic nature of your occupation. I hope that you do pursue and attain your goal of becoming a full-fledged paramedic. It sounds like we would be in good hands if we were in harm's way and you arrived on the scene.

Welcome to the forum!
I'd just like to say it's fascinating reading everyone's posts. Before I joined the forum, just browsing some of the postings, all I saw were names. Reading some of these is definitely making you guys seem alot more human. Thanks Slimvintage for getting this started!

One of the most creative guys I've ever run into, but don't know personally, started it. I'd asked Scorpio, the website's designer and visual soul, to tell us something about himself the day before. That was way before we knew almost anything at all about him and certainly hadn't seen a pic of his pretty butt crack.

His response was to invent a sort of show and tell game. If you think about it it reeks of interactivity, a Scorpio specialty, and challenges us to be both random and selective, plus clever, original, informative, brief and authentic, not a list most of us are used to being all at once. It's like a cross between standing up at your first AA meeting, Catholic confessional, and the chapter headings for your autobiography. It's your forum debut. Some people have been a bit arcane and obscure, an invitation to others to want to know more, other people have been transparent and informative. Long live Scorpio.
I've been a member here for a while, but remain quiet. Trying to change that...

1. I am 22 years old, born and raised in the south, only child.

2. I consider myself Bi, but have only recently begun to accept this fact. I am equally attracted to guys as I am girls. I have always had an interest in guys but fought this feeling. I am now dying to have my first experience with a guy. I just have not figured out the best way to get with another hottie, but am working on that. Suggestions?

3. All of my friends are homophobic so I will never be out to any of them. I am only out to myself.

4. I dated a girl for 2 years and enjoyed sex with her. When we had sex I was only thinking about guys 25% of the time. We are great friends now, but have agreed to never date again.

5. I love guns/firearms, and own several. I shoot at the range regularly.

6. I want a career in law enforcement, preferably highway patrol.

7. Both of my parents died at different times before my 10th birthday. As well as every other major person in my life. I like to think I am immune to death as it doesn't bother me any more. I have been totally independent since I was legally an adult at age 18, really before then but officially when I was 18 and moved out. Never looked back.

8. It takes a lot to get me mad, but once I am I have a bad temper.

9. I love to travel.

10. I love baseball.

(sorry it was long, and I probably shouldn't shared all of this, but oh well, whatever.)
(sorry it was long, and I probably shouldn't shared all of this, but oh well, whatever.)
Erik, you have nothing to apologize for. That was heartfelt and very honest, as well as being terribly interesting too.

Feel free to post anything that you want to talk about here. You will find some kind folks on this forum, and you are one of us.
Fellow Texan, Welcome!

Now my 10 facts

2. I'm a native Texan, and because my family played such a huge role in Texas history, I'm fascinated by it (I had family in the Texas revolution).

Dgraves, it’s good to greet a fellow Texan, I am originally from the great city of Temple. An honor to be a neighbor of Ft. Hood.

I agree with you on how neat it is to get to know others beside just a name. I just wanted to give you a shout out and a welcome to the forum.
Hey Erik,

Welcome to the forum. My condolences on the loss of your parents.

I'm watching the Rays clobber the Mariners right now. haha You're probably more a fan of the Marlins but obviously I'm quite happy to be a Rays fan. haha
Tampa, don't even get me started with the Mariners, as you know I am up here in the Tacoma Seattle area. Looks as if they are going to suck again this year.

Sorry for hijacking this thread.

10 Random Facts about the Carking

1. I'm the youngest of 8 children, seven boys and one girl.

2. I have been married twice and have a son from each marriage. I was trying to prove I was straight and I am not. My second wife and I are best friends and she often dines out with my boyfriend and me.

3. I have sold cars for a living since I was 18 years old.

4. I have a degree in culinary arts.

5. I have a cat named Mac. (My homophobic sister wanted me to go out and get some pussy, so I did).

6. I am left handed, but only write, eat, smoke and masturbate left handed. All other things I do right handed (golf, bowl, bat, use scissors).

7. I was born and raised a die-hard Republican until George W. Bush became president and switched to Democrat. Don't know what the hell I was thinking all of those years.

8. Fulfilled a lifelong dream last year and kissed my boyfriend at the corner of Broad Street and High Street in downtown Columbus, Ohio during the pride parade. So-o-o-o liberating!!

9. I've been to 38 states. The other 12 are on my bucket list.

10. I have donated my body to the Ohio State University School of Medicine for anatomical research.