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10 random facts about you.

Number 4. I still like sex and at 55 everything still works just fine.

That is always good news... And don't worry I haven't seen many of the people in here at the local perv. meetings either. I really can't say I have ever known of an exact meeting for pervs. I usually go to the nearest bar and there always seems to be a perv. meeting in session somewhere though. LOL :thumbup:
Ha Ha,.... Would it not be wild if they really did have those meetings.
Ha Ha,.... Would it not be wild if they really did have those meetings.

guys ..... this is all out of context ...... we will get our buns slapped.

OOOOOOOhh my goddddddddddddddd
Ha Ha,.... Would it not be wild if they really did have those meetings.

I hear you. I think they would make all the members register as perverts with their local law enforcement. You know the way society can get with their labels. LOL:thumbup: The question I have is where would anyone draw that line. To quote Red Fox, (pardon my use of profanity for the purpose of this quote):"There is nothing wrong with the words "shit" or "fuck." They are bodily functions. If you we are not doing one or the other; usually we are thinking about it.":thumbup:
Hi Tinman. I am also a huge Yankee's fan. I tried to send you a private message, but it came back saying that you are not accepting PM's. So Hi on here to a fellow (first place) Yankee's fan.:001_smile:

Welcome to the forum Tinman. Always a pleasure to meet a Yankee Fan as our first place Angels just love to beat you up (we are the only team in the American League to have a winning record against the Yankees the since the Torre era).

Have some fun in the forum, we really do love one another (more or less).

Live Long and Prosper,

He's wrong bboy. He, Tampa and I are almost superhumanly cool, indescribably unique, strikingly good looking, brilliantly intelligent, incredibly hot and awesomely sexy. Modesty is so unbecoming in Jayman, but he just keeps on trying to pull that shit off...

I've put in a friend request little one, I hope you take me up on it...


Great to see a new face in the Forum (or perhaps in this case a new postee?). There is more to this mutual admiration society than the beloved Slim, Tampa and Jayman. But we prefer to be quiet and low keyed. We believe in President Roosevelt's philosophy, "Speak softly and carry a Big Stick".

Live Long and Prosper (and post)

Damn I hate these things its just Truth or Dare. I will have to think this out. I can't even upload a photo of myself. To many pixels. I guess this could be number 1. haha


Don't feel so bad. I fully understand where you are. It took me almost 4 months to do my first post, another two before I figured out how to post an avatar (once I looked up what the hell that was) and another two before I posted any photos in my photo album (which just happened two nights ago). While my computer might have a few "bumps" on it, I did finally figure out how to do some of this (with thanks to Slim and Jayman).

You will also find out that we are a most extinguished (I mean distinguished group).

Live Long and Prosper (and keep on posting)

Sorry did not mean to offend anyone.

No Jerry. You haven't done anything wrong. And you certainly haven't offended anyone. It's just that we try to keep the threads on topic as much as possible. Many times they get sidetracked with idle banter that has little to do with the official topic of the thread. There's nothing wrong with that as long as it's within reason. We all do it once in a while. After all the point is to have fun and entertain each other.

For the kind of instant messaging sort of conversations though it is better to take it over to Kodie's "I'm Bored" thread. It is better suited to the one sentence posts of back and forth real-time conversation. That's what Kodie is hinting at. He's asking you and anyone else to go over to the other thread to continue the kidding around.
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where's the next prev meeting. Do we need to preregister?
Thanks Tampa24.. Thanks 12ina69... no preregister come as you are. No clothes and all.
I do not know you guys, but wow finally some people that have a brain. I am so impressed with you friendship, your concerns, your honesty. I wish I could meet each and everyone of you and get to know all of you. What a group we could not be stopped at anything we started. Please keep up the Forum Talks. I may not say much as I don't want to bother anyone. But love to read what such good friends have to say. " I Don"t Mean To Prying "
Thank You Truly : Jerryx

Hey Jerrys,

Funny, I felt just like. I didn't want to bother these guys, what would I have to say? Since I posted my 10 random facts, and a couple of posts, these guys have welcomed me and I've made new friends. I can honestly say I feel like an "oldtimer" now in forumland. I only posted 4 days ago.

Welcome, looking forward to hearing from you.
Welcome to the forum Tinman. Always a pleasure to meet a Yankee Fan as our first place Angels just love to beat you up (we are the only team in the American League to have a winning record against the Yankees the since the Torre era).

Have some fun in the forum, we really do love one another (more or less).

Live Long and Prosper,

You are correct ViceKid. The Angels always do a number on the Yanks. We have a series out there in late September, and I hope we still have a good lead going into that series. The Angels play the Yanks really well. I'm glad to be finding so many baseball fans on the forum, as well as at least one big NFL fan, (his hometown Colts). Perhaps that will dispel another myth about gay guys not being into sports.
I just noticed that since having posted my facts, there have been many visitors to my members page. Now I'm trying to decide whether I showed feel like the "belle of the ball" or "the new kid in cell block B". actually both options sound great.
I just noticed that since having posted my facts, there have been many visitors to my members page. Now I'm trying to decide whether I showed feel like the "belle of the ball" or "the new kid in cell block B". actually both options sound great.


Consider the 10 facts the "ice-breaker". The doors of your world are open to all and we all go on from there. Just for your information, we do not have any cell blocks here. We have high-rise luxury townhomes instead.

Now you get to read everyone's 10 random facts.

Have fun in the forum.

Live Long and Prosper,
