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10 random facts about you.

where are you from jeremy
1)none of my friends and family knows im gay
2)i like one of my best friends and dont know how to tell him
3)i broke my foot last month and it hurts like hell
4)im 29yrs old
5)im not working because of my foot
6)is 5 ok im running out of things to say
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1)none of my friends and family knows im gay
2)i like one of my best friends and dont know how to tell him
3)i broke my foot last month and it hurts like hell
4)im 29yrs old
5)im not working because of my foot
6)is 5 ok im running out of things to say

Pooh, sorry about your foot! Ouch!

Nice to see your post here. You can always think about it and come back to add more.
The random things about me.

1. I'm Peruvian of European descent.
2. I was born on New Year’s Eve. I was born to party!!
3. My left thumb is double jointed.
4. I can predict when it's going to rain. I dislocated my shoulder when I was younger so when it hurts it's going to pore.
5. I have a birthmark on my adams apple that continues to the opposite side of my neck. An old boyfriend pointed it out one day.
6. I have a really good memory for numbers but I can't remember what I did yesterday. I think weed may have something to do with that. I still don't understand why I can retain numbers in my head though.
7. My last name, when spelled backwards, forms a different word. Nothing satanic.
8. I almost died, twice. I have 7 lives left.
9. I looove traveling but who doesn't, right.
10. I blush easily.
Great to see your 10 Random Facts, london! Welcome to the Forum!
10 Really Random Facts About Me . . .

I . . .
01. Work in politics as a speechwriter, editor & opposition researcher.
02. Love very pale Midwestern guys with dark hair.
03. Once seriously injured myself playing golf.
04. Have a graduate degree.
05. Love going to concerts.
06. Love Music.
07. Work in Washington, D.C..
08. Never raise my voice.
09. Never become angry.
10. Loathe Hoi Polloi (yeah, I said it).
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Welcome London and Sean. Sean you must be a very enlightened being to never get angry. Wow, It happens for me rarely but I still have my moments. Then I realize it is all about ego and then let it go...:thumbup:

London, I can relate with being born on a holiday and all. I think you picked one of the best ones. Your's is probably the absolute best because you can hold on to your younge age until the end of the year. Being a Christmas BB I love watching people guess my age wrong by doing the math. LOL :biggrin:
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Welcome London and Sean. Sean you must be a very enlightened being to never get angry. Wow, It happens for me rarely but I still have my moments. Then I realize it is all about ego and then let it go...:thumbup:

London, I can relate with being born on a holiday and all. I think you picked one of the best ones. Your's is probably the absolute best because you can hold on to your younge age until the end of the year. Being a Christmas BB I love watching people guess my age wrong by doing the math. LOL :biggrin:

London, Epiphany Eve here, another member of the Capricorn Brotherhood. Welcome to the Forum.
View attachment 2539

I . . .
01. Work in politics as a speechwriter, editor & opposition researcher.
02. Love very pale Midwestern guys with dark hair.
03. Once seriously injured myself playing golf.
04. Have a graduate degree.
05. Love going to concerts.
06. Love Music.
07. Work in Washington, D.C..
08. Never raise my voice.
09. Never become angry.
10. Loathe Hoi Polloi (yeah, I said it).

What would happen if the Polloi, in serious numbers, got right in your face on the way to a concert waving putters because they knew you'd written a speech they found offensive? If they did that to me I might become angry and might possibly shout. Alternatively it could be amusing, but that's just me.

Welcome to the forum. Does your abhorrence of the masses mean you're a GOP speechwriter?
Pooh, sorry about your foot! Ouch!

Nice to see your post here. You can always think about it and come back to add more.

Paris is right Pooh, there's a lot more you could tell us that we've been guessing at while enjoying your thread about the cute guy you jack off with. Guys put in stuff about their hobbies, ethnicity, likes and dislikes, there's plenty more to make up another 5 random things. :biggrin:
London, Epiphany Eve here, another member of the Capricorn Brotherhood. Welcome to the Forum.

LOL, you saw that Capricorn thing too. Eh!:001_tt2::wink:
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Understanding . . .

What would happen if the Polloi, in serious numbers, got right in your face on the way to a concert waving putters because they knew you'd written a speech they found offensive?

Does your abhorrence of the masses mean you're a GOP speechwriter?

I am someone who just does not get angry or raise his voice.
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View attachment 2572

I am someone who just does not get angry or raise his voice.

That is a great quality in a man. So, is there a way for us to tell what you are truly passionate about Sean? Anger is usually stirred by a fear of loosing something or not having control over something that you feel passionate about. I am not trying to goad you into anything I am just curious... ?You seem like such an awesome guy. I would love to be able to release things that easily. I usually just allow the ebb and flow of the universe to take its course. However; every once in a while I feel like the Universe went too far.:001_unsure:
That is a great quality in a man. So, is there a way for us to tell what you are truly passionate about Sean? Anger is usually stirred by a fear of loosing something or not having control over something that you feel passionate about. I am not trying to goad you into anything I am just curious... ?You seem like such an awesome guy. I would love to be able to release things that easily. I usually just allow the ebb and flow of the universe to take its course. However; every once in a while I feel like the Universe went too far.:001_unsure:

Like you Jayman I used not to have the ties and responsibilities I have at the moment. Like you I have noticed that the world is full of scenarios that could become dire without people willing to take strong positions on crucial issues. I am totally capable of making a show of anger if that's the only thing that will rescue a situation from disaster. It depends on who you're dealing with of course, since it's true that some people can be reasoned with all the way to a satisfactory conclusion. But others have a price, and need to know they've made you cross in order to capitulate and do the right thing. Anger as a diplomatic tool can save lives on a grand scale, just as it can, and has done, in one's own microcosm.

Remember the soft voices and amiable expressions of concern among the diplomats seated in the spacecraft's lounge at the beginning of 2001 Space Odyssey ? Sean's insisting yet again that he never gets angry nor raises his voice made me think of them. It's a wonderful luxury, and I genuinely hope he never finds himself in a dilemma that would bring out the ire and voice of a less lucky guy, or a less articulate, or a less evolved one. I mean that: his angerfree life of music, concerts, extreme golf, a job to die for and total good looks, somehow ought not to be impinged on by the bad stuff. Once again sean, welcome.
Questions & Answers . . .

I am surprised and flattered that anyone would be interested in my “10 Random Facts” post.

Time does not permit me to answer every inquiry and private message, so I hope this reply will suffice.

QUESTION 1: “So, is there a way for us to tell what you are truly passionate about Sean? Anger is usually stirred by a fear of losing something or not having control over something that you feel passionate about. I am not trying to goad you into anything I am just curious...?”

I don’t think I see the correlation between anger and passion for something. Much like anger, passion is an emotion and as such, distinctly different.

My passion for something is manifest through my own knowledge of the subject and fondness for discussing, learning, or engaging in it.

I am passionate about many different things, including: politics, philosophy, music, education, stimulating intellectual discussions, friends, literature, sex, history, art, the written word, the spoken word, mathematics, language, and so on.

As for emotions, they include the following: love, passion, ecstasy, warmth, glow, fervor, ardor, zeal, thrill, elation, joy, satisfaction, happiness, sympathy, tenderness, concern, grief, remorse, sadness, melancholy, despondency, despair, depression, worry, disquiet, uneasiness, dread, fear, apprehension, hate, malice, resentment, conflict, jealousy, greed, anger, rage, ire, shame, pride, sensuality, lust, desire and many more. Intellect, reason, and faith, in theory, are what should be used to control those emotions.

For the sake of argument, we shall leave aside the religious implications of those emotions, which should be clear to all.

The list of emotions includes the good, the bad, and the ugly side of man.

QUESTION 2: “Is John Q. Public ignorant?”

Well, Hoi Polloi does refer to the many, but not necessarily their ignorance. There is both the tyranny of the majority and the minority. When I think of John Q. Public my mind goes back to that group of emotions. Whether John Q. Public is ignorant is not for me to say, but I firmly believe that he is, has been, and always will be swayed by those emotions if not properly checked by intellect, reason or faith.

In the end, our past, present and future is the best judge of John Q. Public’s actions, not me.

QUESTION 3: "So which party do I work for?"

I love discussing politics with the informed, engaged, and intellectually curious among us. But I have never been one to put any salience on which party one belongs to when it comes to personal relationships. I have had friends for years, had many political and philosophical discussions with them, and have no idea what party, if any, they are registered with. That’s just not who I am. Indeed it is the case that I agree with many ideas on all sides of the political spectrum. Yes, one side does dominate but I digress.

QUESTION 4: "Am I an elitist?"
That’s a pretty complex question and would take far too long for me to answer it appropriately. There are many different notions of what an elitist really is anyway. While I have never considered myself to be an elitist, others might think so.

I can only imagine what kind of responses I would get if I wrote 10 more random facts about myself. Perhaps my next post should be on my top ten Broke Straight Boys models instead.

Well I hope that answered everyone’s inquiries. Cheers!
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I am surprised and flattered that anyone would be interested in my “10 Random Facts” post.

Time does not permit me to answer every inquiry and private message, so I hope this reply will suffice.

QUESTION 1: “So, is there a way for us to tell what you are truly passionate about Sean? Anger is usually stirred by a fear of losing something or not having control over something that you feel passionate about. I am not trying to goad you into anything I am just curious...?”

I don’t think I see the correlation between anger and passion for something. Much like anger, passion is an emotion and as such, distinctly different.

My passion for something is manifest through my own knowledge of the subject and fondness for discussing, learning, or engaging in it.

I am passionate about many different things, including: politics, philosophy, music, education, stimulating intellectual discussions, friends, literature, sex, history, art, the written word, the spoken word, mathematics, language, and so on.

As for emotions, they include the following: love, passion, ecstasy, warmth, glow, fervor, ardor, zeal, thrill, elation, joy, satisfaction, happiness, sympathy, tenderness, concern, grief, remorse, sadness, melancholy, despondency, despair, depression, worry, disquiet, uneasiness, dread, fear, apprehension, hate, malice, resentment, conflict, jealousy, greed, anger, rage, ire, shame, pride, sensuality, lust, desire and many more. Intellect, reason, and faith, in theory, are what should be used to control those emotions.

For the sake of argument, we shall leave aside the religious implications of those emotions, which should be clear to all.

The list of emotions includes the good, the bad, and the ugly side of man.

QUESTION 2: “Is John Q. Public ignorant?”

Well, Hoi Polloi does refer to the many, but not necessarily their ignorance. There is both the tyranny of the majority and the minority. When I think of John Q. Public my mind goes back to that group of emotions. Whether John Q. Public is ignorant is not for me to say, but I firmly believe that he is, has been, and always will be swayed by those emotions if not properly checked by intellect, reason or faith.

In the end, our past, present and future is the best judge of John Q. Public’s actions, not me.

QUESTION 3: "So which party do I work for?"

I love discussing politics with the informed, engaged, and intellectually curious among us. But I have never been one to put any salience on which party one belongs to when it comes to personal relationships. I have had friends for years, had many political and philosophical discussions with them, and have no idea what party, if any, they are registered with. That’s just not who I am. Indeed it is the case that I agree with many ideas on all sides of the political spectrum. Yes, one side does dominate but I digress.

QUESTION 4: "Am I an elitist?"
That’s a pretty complex question and would take far too long for me to answer it appropriately. There are many different notions of what an elitist really is anyway. While I have never considered myself to be an elitist, others might think so.

I can only imagine what kind of responses I would get if I wrote 10 more random facts about myself. Perhaps my next post should be on my top ten Broke Straight Boys models instead.

Well I hope that answered everyone’s inquiries. Cheers!

Sean bless your heart. What can I say, you are the man. My curiosity was true in nature. Now I understand what you mean when you say you do not get angry. I pretty much follow your logic. Like sand running through an hour glass I usually just tend to observe what has taken place and kind of decide how I fit into the scheme of things in general. However; every once in a while ego raises its ugly head for me. That is when I falter. I pick or choose a side in an issue or a debate that strikes a chord on my heart strings. Then poof I allow myself to see things as being right or wrong and I loose my perspective of neutrality. Eventually I come to my senses and realize that the universe just is. It does not need to have any necessary logic or rhyme or reason other than it just is. I can realize what appeared to be a pivotal issue in my life is dwarfed in comparison by the grand scheme of things in life. I have learned in life that everything happens for a reason. We may be unaware of that reason for the time being; however, in time all will be revealed. It is our perception of our reality that shapes our life positively or negatively so I try to remember that I cannot always have everything the way I perceive order to be. :thumbup1:

I.e. I still argue and get goaded into the whole gay marriage issue. I don't believe we should compromise at all. I believe that marriage is a fundamental right given to us all by God and that it is not the right of any political or religious official to impose acceptance or not. I get pretty angry when I hear that Gays are willing to accept civil unions over the right of Marriage. In this case I don't care what the majority agree with. I want all or nothing. Accepting civil unions over marriage rights because it is a step in the right directions does not cut it with me. Strange, I am a very peaceful man who abhors the thought of war. Yet, if that were the offer for peace on the table I would elect a hundred more years of war than to compromise. At this time I don't see me compromising on this idea. Then again this political fight is still undecided. :thumbup:

Dude, I don't think you are an elitist I think you are pretty awesome I find your paradigm on the matter to be nothing less that ethereal in nature. The ability to remove self from feelings or emotions allow us to see things clearly and it removes ego. I gladly welcome you to the Forum with open arms unconditionally. I am just a person on my own spiritual path. I found your ability to never get angry as something that I would like to aspire to. Thank you for sharing. I really do appreciate it.
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I am surprised and flattered that anyone would be interested in my “10 Random Facts” post.

Time does not permit me to answer every inquiry and private message, so I hope this reply will suffice.

QUESTION 1: “So, is there a way for us to tell what you are truly passionate about Sean? Anger is usually stirred by a fear of losing something or not having control over something that you feel passionate about. I am not trying to goad you into anything I am just curious...?”

I don’t think I see the correlation between anger and passion for something. Much like anger, passion is an emotion and as such, distinctly different.

My passion for something is manifest through my own knowledge of the subject and fondness for discussing, learning, or engaging in it.

I am passionate about many different things, including: politics, philosophy, music, education, stimulating intellectual discussions, friends, literature, sex, history, art, the written word, the spoken word, mathematics, language, and so on.

As for emotions, they include the following: love, passion, ecstasy, warmth, glow, fervor, ardor, zeal, thrill, elation, joy, satisfaction, happiness, sympathy, tenderness, concern, grief, remorse, sadness, melancholy, despondency, despair, depression, worry, disquiet, uneasiness, dread, fear, apprehension, hate, malice, resentment, conflict, jealousy, greed, anger, rage, ire, shame, pride, sensuality, lust, desire and many more. Intellect, reason, and faith, in theory, are what should be used to control those emotions.

For the sake of argument, we shall leave aside the religious implications of those emotions, which should be clear to all.

The list of emotions includes the good, the bad, and the ugly side of man.

QUESTION 2: “Is John Q. Public ignorant?”

Well, Hoi Polloi does refer to the many, but not necessarily their ignorance. There is both the tyranny of the majority and the minority. When I think of John Q. Public my mind goes back to that group of emotions. Whether John Q. Public is ignorant is not for me to say, but I firmly believe that he is, has been, and always will be swayed by those emotions if not properly checked by intellect, reason or faith.

In the end, our past, present and future is the best judge of John Q. Public’s actions, not me.

QUESTION 3: "So which party do I work for?"

I love discussing politics with the informed, engaged, and intellectually curious among us. But I have never been one to put any salience on which party one belongs to when it comes to personal relationships. I have had friends for years, had many political and philosophical discussions with them, and have no idea what party, if any, they are registered with. That’s just not who I am. Indeed it is the case that I agree with many ideas on all sides of the political spectrum. Yes, one side does dominate but I digress.

QUESTION 4: "Am I an elitist?"
That’s a pretty complex question and would take far too long for me to answer it appropriately. There are many different notions of what an elitist really is anyway. While I have never considered myself to be an elitist, others might think so.

I can only imagine what kind of responses I would get if I wrote 10 more random facts about myself. Perhaps my next post should be on my top ten Broke Straight Boys models instead.

Well I hope that answered everyone’s inquiries. Cheers!

The Top Ten List definitely, especially if backed up by such careful research and depth of thought as this post. Far more revealing actually and much hotter. Sean, you're a real find.