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10 random facts about you.

Welcome, I hate Arizona. One day I need to go there to see what it is you hate. I just want to go to Sedona. Don't let me fool you... I want to observe the strange phenomenons out there and do a spirit quest. Hey, I want to walk across red hot coals too...

Wow, I think best in total silence. A little background music can be very inspirational though. Strange though the Marines made me very aware stealthy sounds. I can sleep through shelling with artillery, explosions, gun fire, and even sirens. Break a twig, sniff too loud, or barely creak a board and I am wide awake. LOL. Yeah, I don't like getting near any sharks unless I am in a mesh suit in a controlled environment or in a shark Cage Kafig. Even then I am a little bit on edge. I mean have you ever seen the size of a great white or even a tiger shark up close and personal? I respect their presence always and remember I am the intruder in their environment. I would rather observe them from the safety of an acrylic tank at sea world. LOL I also try to avoid swimming in shark infested waters if possible... You can never be too careful.:thumbup:

LOL!! My father spent the winter in Scottsdale for many years. Of course I visited in January or February to get away from the tundra! LOL! I loved Arizona! Sedona is a great little town! I have friends and family in AZ. I won't be going there in the summer time though! LOL!

Ever since I saw Jaws, you won't catch me in the ocean!! :scared: On it, maybe, but never in it! LOL!
LOL!! My father spent the winter in Scottsdale for many years. Of course I visited in January or February to get away from the tundra! LOL! I loved Arizona! Sedona is a great little town! I have friends and family in AZ. I won't be going there in the summer time though! LOL!

Ever since I saw Jaws, you won't catch me in the ocean!! :scared: On it, maybe, but never in it! LOL!

LOL Jaws...:w00t:
LOL!! My father spent the winter in Scottsdale for many years. Of course I visited in January or February to get away from the tundra! LOL! I loved Arizona! Sedona is a great little town! I have friends and family in AZ. I won't be going there in the summer time though! LOL!

Ever since I saw Jaws, you won't catch me in the ocean!! :scared: On it, maybe, but never in it! LOL!

lol ...... watching that movie didnt scare you on it as well ... lol
lol ...... watching that movie didnt scare you on it as well ... lol

Jaws made me laugh more than be scared. It may have if I had never really seen real sharks first. The real thing now that is scary. However; you really need to chum the water pretty good to get enough of a feeding frenzy going to see one bite off the back of your boat. LOL. I could tell that shark in the movie was mechanical all the way. LOL It is always a risk going in the water though. I would be more worried about a different species of shark. A Manta ray. They borough in the sand near the beach head. Step on one one time and see how painful that barbed tail can be.

I would also worry a lot more about a jelly fish and or Portuguese man of war. If you are not wearing the right protection they can deep six you and turn you into fish food pretty quickly. I am not saying that sharks are not a huge risk. As I said, I just try to avoid them at all costs.

All in all I agree with I hate Arizona. Example: I hate snakes too. They are scary to look at and yet if I had to I would kill one with my bear hands to have something to eat. The dam things bite just to bite sometimes. I saw a copper head strike a tree onetime when the wind was blowing. It took a few seconds for it to free itself. It did.

I think there is difference between being scared of something to the point you run in terror and respecting a creature like a shark or a snake for what they have the potential of doing to a person. I thinkyou understan where I am coming from. I think that was what I Hate Arizona was saying too? Maybe I am off on that.
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Jaws made me laugh more than be scared. It may have if I had never really seen real sharks first. The real thing now that is scary. However; you really need to chum the water pretty good to get enough of a feeding frenzy going to see one bite off the back of your boat. LOL. I could tell that shark in the movie was mechanical all the way. LOL It is always a risk going in the water though. I would be more worried about a different species of shark. A Manta ray. They borough in the sand near the beach head. Step on one one time and see how painful that barbed tail can be.

I would also worry a lot more about a jelly fish and or Portuguese man of war. If you are not wearing the right protection they can deep six you and turn you into fish food pretty quickly. I am not saying that sharks are not a huge risk. As I said, I just try to avoid them at all costs.

All in all I agree with I hate Arizona. Example: I hate snakes too. They are scary to look at and yet if I had to I would kill one with my bear hands to have something to eat. The dam things bite just to bite sometimes. I saw a copper head strike a tree onetime when the wind was blowing. It took a few seconds for it to free itself. It did.

I think there is difference between being scared of something to the point you run in terror and respecting a creature like a shark or a snake for what they have the potential of doing to a person. I thinkyou understan where I am coming from. I think that was what I Hate Arizona was saying too? Maybe I am off on that.

Deep blue sea was worse ........... the chef in the oven lmao

sneaking away........shhhhhhhh ooff topic....... maybe no one will notice
I like this string, so here are 10 things about me.

1) I'm 1/4 Alaskan native, 1/4 black and 1/2 white (mostly German and Italian)
2) I have three degrees
3) I love to travel and have been all over the world
4) I'm adopted
5) I was born in NYC, raised in Juneau Alaska most of my life and went to boarding school in Washington.
6) I went to culinary school but I'm not a chef
7) I eat 5 times a day
8) I have never had a relationship last more then a year
9) I hate Thai food
10) I was almost married once
For some reason, Juneau sounds familiar... i think i saw it on the deadliest catch show.

I like this string, so here are 10 things about me.

1) I'm 1/4 Alaskan native, 1/4 black and 1/2 white (mostly German and Italian)
2) I have three degrees
3) I love to travel and have been all over the world
4) I'm adopted
5) I was born in NYC, raised in Juneau Alaska most of my life and went to boarding school in Washington.
6) I went to culinary school but I'm not a chef
7) I eat 5 times a day
8) I have never had a relationship last more then a year
9) I hate Thai food
10) I was almost married once
It was also in a movie, called escape from Alaska.
he is probably talking about a movie that come out recently ( Juno- about the pregnant school girl who put the baby up for adoption )
I think I better wait until there has been an official response to my post on the Kev & Ben thread ; I suspect I might get banned. Worth it though, I assure you, I feel so much more relaxed now that I got that out of my system.

Till later then?

I think I better wait until there has been an official response to my post on the Kev & Ben thread ; I suspect I might get banned. Worth it though, I assure you, I feel so much more relaxed now that I got that out of my system.

Till later then?

I really don't think that you need to wait for an "official response" to your post on the other thread. You have no need to fear "banishment" by management for expressing your opinions. The individual who was twice banned previously, was not banned for his ideas, but for his nasty, often cruel lashing out at people who disagreed with him. I have been a member of Broke Straight Boys since the inception of the forum, and have never seen management threaten to ban anyone for disagreeing with their way of doing things. In fact David and Mark always seem to ask us our opinions on things.

So please do a "10 random facts about you" posting. You have revealed several things about yourself in some of your previous postings, but I for one would like to find out some more about our new South African member.

Very well, here goes.

1) I'm 46 years old, my name is Johan and I'm a university librarian.

2) I self destructed during my 30s - I did it all by myself, I am the only one to blame. I may not have chosen to suffer from depression, but I chose to become a drug addict. I've been clean and gainfully employed since 2001 and 2003 respectively. I'm on Prozac. I suffer no side effects. Occasionally I smoke a joint. South Africa has the best pot in the world - Eat your heart out Jamaica! I don't drink. I'm a heavy smoker.

3) I am a keen amateur motoring historian and have been published a few times. I do not own a classic car, the ones I like I cannot afford. Instead I collect books - I'd like to think I have the finest automotive library in Africa.

4) I am resolutely single ; I cannot bear the thought of another person invading my space - I crave solitude. Which is ironic, since I moved back in with my parents when my abusive bastard of an old man suffered a stroke. My mother loves him and won't hear of putting him in a home and my brother has a wife and 3 kids. Still, the decision to care for a man I despise was made by myself and no-one else. Blood being thicker than water and all that.

5) I had a hellish childhood and was badly bullied at school. A person who is bullied has but two choices ; become a bully yourself, or retain a life-long revulsion at the strong exploiting the weak. I chose the latter.

6) My sex life, strange as it may seem in the light of some of my opinions, does not count as exploitation. I prefer my men 'ripened by their own corruption.' An invitation for indulging in self-loathing to the willing and able, if you like. And I like my men with some mileage on them, preferably between 25 and 32 years of age, and life has had to have kicked the shit out of them a few times. Not enough to destroy them, but enough to have stripped them of self delusion. Tough but not (too) hard.

7) My biggest hates, in no particular order ; disrespecting the elderly, abusing women and children, cruelty to animals and sanctimonious environmentalists. And Germans, I know whereof I speak, I'm from German descent myself.

8) I love Law and Order and CSI - (Gill leaving? A travesty!) There is an actor in CSI - New York, I think he's called Eddie Cahill, my type of man to a tee. The Sopranos and Desperate Housewives do not appeal. Nor anything produced in South Africa for that matter. The S.A. media takes itself way too seriously. Oh and I really like American Chopper on Discovery and Chip Foose is, of course, a genius.

9) I have a very small circle of close loyal friends, but I have a large circle of casual acquaintances, I like the variety. I prefer interesting people, can't stand boring people. Or zealots.

10) I know you may find this shocking, but I find Angelina Jolie-Pitt an absurdly beautiful woman. The first time in my entire life that I've had a genuine physical attraction to a woman. Reminds me of something Woody Allen once said : "I kissed Marilyn Monroe on-screen, and it took five ushers to drag me off the screen."


Perv. That was an incredibly open and introspective look at you. If you check the other "10 Random thread", you will find that we give short, sometimes cryptic "factoids" about ourselves, but you gave us great detail about what you've been through, including some rough patches in your life. I respect honest, forthright people, and I believe that you are the genuine article, and I thank you for sharing.
Yes Perv. Very insightful and brutally honest. No wonder you are so forthright in calling them like you see them. I sense that your friends know exactly where they stand with you. LOL
1 german by blood american by raising
2 4/5 gay (i have my slip ups)
3 i hope to be a teacher
4 i am trilingual
5 i tend not to care too much about my surroundings (laid back)
6 i have had intimate relations with 2 teachers of mine
7 i hate cats
8 i have 2 cats
9 people say i am a good listener even though i talk alot
10 i have been to 14 countries so far
Pervert and mrhat are terrific additions to this incestuous little group of somewhat repressed groupies. I'm picking up hints of obsession in both of them, something that I can deal with happily. God we're lucky to have them both.

mrhat, Pervert is already a star. Show us what you're made of, speak in all three tongues, tell us if you are a slightly driven tourist, in the mode of the Japanese. Does Angelina Pitt turn you on? I famously and tragically turned down the teacher who made a pass at me, but then when the time came turned around and had sex with a bunch of my students, serially of course. Actually they were the ones who turned around.

Pervert has been welcomed elsewhere, you are now welcomed too, bigtime.
Thank you Gentlemen. I prefer my honesty as I prefer my men - brutal. Besides, if you don't own up to your failures, how can you take credit for the victories?

Now it's off to another forum - an owner needs the gaps in the history of his priceless 1930's Grand Routier filled in, and I'm one of only a handful of people on this planet who can. That's how you celebrate a victory.

As always