Hi, Beth:
I am 100 per cent gay. I have never even hugged a girl (except for my Mother and my Grandmother and my sisters; once apiece - Scottish family, not very demonstrative); and have certainly never dated (much less slept with) a woman. (Even though, over the course of my lifetime, six women have asked to marry me - honestly!) But anytime a girl asked to go out on a date with me, I refused, because I knew it wouldn't have been fair, or honest.
When it comes to your question, I think the question of "Who is better, a guy or a girl, in bed?" is totally in the eye (and heart, and mind, and hormones) of the beholder. The human form is beautiful (as a quick twirl around the Louvre will show!) in both its male and female aspects, and - - - if you are a straight guy, or a lesbian, nothing about male sexual capacity, or tendency, is going to interest you, much. However beautiful the man in question might be. (One of the things that amuses me the most about sites like
Broke Straight Boys, incidentally, is the implicit conceit that straight guys might be "turned", if only the quality of the experience, and the
sexual technique, is superlative.)
Likewise, if you are a 100 per cent straight woman (though, for the record, I honestly believe that there are more women who have a slightly more 'fluid' experience of their sexuality, than men), or a 100 per cent gay guy, like me, the most beautiful woman isn't going to turn your head. . . much less interest you in her sexual technique. (Though I know of a lot of women who, because of their emotional 'attunedness', are INCREDIBLE performers in bed - just as much as guys. Or even much MORE so.)
Re: the last clause (and in full disclosure) I do, on occasion, really enjoy the new genre of straight videos made just for GAY eyes. . . that is, where the guy is really cute/hot, and the camera focusses on him, and HIS reactions. (This being "
Broke Straight Boys", I'd be kind of surprised if there were NO other gay members here, who felt likewise!) The reason being, if a guy is totally beautiful, and worthy of worship, it's much, MUCH hotter seeing him REALLY getting off on something (and someone) he LIKES, than struggling along with someone he DOESN'T. . . . (I just close one eye ;-)
And, in the course of seeing numbers of those videos, I've encountered a number of straight girls about whom I thought, "Wow, if I were straight - I wouldn't mind being with HER!!!" (The difference being, of course, that that particular appreciation is KIND OF LIKE touring the Louvre - it's a distant aesthetic; rather than the kind of wild personal passion I feel when
PAUL, or
BLAKE are on-screen. . . ;-)
It's very interesting, however, Beth: a number of things that you mentioned that you find appealing about the way guys have sex (stereotypically) are PRECISELY the things I DON'T like, in a male partner. I MUCH prefer a guy who is tender, romantic, likes to caress and spoon and cuddle, and loves lots and lots of affection. . . even to the point of being moderately on the 'clingy' side ;-)))) Whilst still being very strong and masculine.
That's a TALL ORDER, I know - and likely that's why it's taken me THREE DECADES to find a boyfriend to my liking. (I'm very, very, fussy, in that regard ;-))) But, Mr. K. from St. Louis is all that and a dish of caviar, so. . . . all's well, that ends well. LOL!
Just my thoughts, for your amusement!
P.S. As to the general thrust of your question (LOL!) I really think Mr. JASON is onto something, with his ideas about pan-sexuality. In broad terms, I think a person's sexiness has much less to do with his or her sex or gender (or shape, or size) than with his or her
intrisic qualities. When it comes to RESPONSE, that has more to do with one's OWN predilections and preferences, than anything else, I believe.
P.P.S. Interesting question, Beth - TY!!!