In your situation Buckeye, I would play with all my electrical devices as if they were Santa's gift.
You don't know what you have, until you miss it. :- )
Thank you, God.
And thank all of you guys and gals for all the encouraging words. I love you all.
Hey all,
I am now 92 hours into this massive power outage. I was watching the coverage on TV this morning and found out it covers states from Ohio to Maryland. Six deaths have been recorded so far. I didn't realize it was that huge.
A ray of hope for me....they are saying now that most Ohio residents should have power restored by the end of July 4. From their lips to God's ears.
My housekeeper was able to find a little store about a mile from here with power and restocked my pantry. It is called WALMART! God, don't those people ever close. Every home surrounding Walmart is without electricity and Walmart's was not off for one minute. I guess that is a blessing this time. Anyway, she got the important things such as potato chips, cookies, Coke (not that kind of coke, Stimpy), candy bars, and Popcicles. Oh yes, she also got a lot of lunch meat, cheese, bread, and lettuce for sandwiches, but I probably won't need this sandwich crap....I think the good stuff will last until the end of this outage.
So that is where we are now. Should be just a bad memory hopefully in less than 36 hours. Hope so anyway....that's when I will have to switch to the sandwiches.
I'm glad you've got your mains back on however, you were more fortunate than some as you did have a generator. Of course, if you ran out of fuel for the genny then you could have used your four candles.
Dearest and perhaps now only slightly marginally cooler Robb,
Assuming the power is still on, I am so very happy for you reading this finally! It takes so very long for both your house and you to fully recover from the oppressive heat. Just in time to "Declare your Independence", only this time it is from the overwhelming heat!
What wonderful, wonderful good news, dearest Robb! Rest up first and breath a little easier, now that both your time for recovering and your A/C's cooling capacity are finally free to do their important jobs! Through all of this ordeal, I want to commend you for your remaining positive through it all. Again I say, what "strength of character" you must have! I admire you so very much!
When you have time, please tell us how things are going, now that the power has been restored!
My step-mom lives in Columbus; she had her power turned back on yesterday. Then, the same day the power came back on, her central a/c went out! Bless her heart, can't win for losing. I say move away from hot and sweaty Ohio! Good luck to you and everyone having to go through this terrible disaster.![]()
I'm glad you've got your mains back on however, you were more fortunate than some as you did have a generator. Of course, if you ran out of fuel for the genny then you could have used your four candles.
Thank you, Lovelumps. Glad to have you as my new friend. Love you, dear.
As I type this post, the british summer continues to be a washout. It is 815 and the sky is black, rain is pelting down and there is thunder and fork lightning.
As I type this post, the british summer continues to be a washout. It is 815 and the sky is black, rain is pelting down and there is thunder and fork lightning.
My mother and I planted lots of flowers in the garden last weekend. Now they're all fucked up and if we don't get some sun pretty soon they will be in the bin.
Definitely swapsies LL x
I hate it when that happens. Late this spring we had a huge hail storm. It pummeled our garden. We lost several cucumber plants, the tender seedlings of pepper plants, onions and carrots, and all the flowers that were blooming were deflowered. We were lucky, actually, compared to some who had damage to their cars. Lots of our neighbors had new roofs installed shortly after, too.
Right now, we are having a thunder storm. It's actually raining!!! I'm so excited!
Rain in Colorado....great news to the firefighters, I'm sure. Lightning, not so good.