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When the Lights Went Out


BSB Addict
Jul 17, 2011
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On the Banks of the Beautiful Ohio River
I'm sure we have all been through power blackouts before, and there will probably be many more ahead of us.

I am now in my 23rd hour of one such outage. Didn't see it coming....we never do. The temperature is 102 degrees outside and we have been told that power may not be restored until NEXT WEEKEND. The hotels/motels that have power are full and the restaurants with power have long lines wrapped around the outside of the building waiting to get in. The sounds of several dozen generators throughout the neighborhood can be heard. Reminds me of my time living in Florida just after a hurricane blew through.

I, too, have a generator, so I do have a fan, lights, TV, and most importantly cold food in the refrigerator.

What I would like is to hear some of your stories of past blackouts that you have gone through. How did you make the best of a bad situation? I live alone, but I have some of the greatest neighbors in the world.

So how about it....give me something to read.
Hi Buckeye,

Blackouts in Amsterdam take only hours to fix. Most power lines run underground; unaffected by bad weather.

How many Broke Straight Boys members will be affected by this massive power outage? Not everyone has a generator...

Hope you have enough fuel to keep your generator going!


Hi Buckeye,

Blackouts in Amsterdam take only hours to fix. Most power lines run underground; unaffected by bad weather.

How many Broke Straight Boys members will be affected by this massive power outage? Not everyone has a generator...

Hope you have enough fuel to keep your generator going!



Thanks, Robert. That top picture is me last night trying to find a flashlight. It's never where I thought it was.

I don't know how many Broke Straight Boys members are affected. The storm was somewhere in the northwest part of the state when I first heard of it and reached us last night about 7:30ish. I live in southern Ohio along the Ohio River, and Kentucky and West Virginia are just across the river from me. I know of nobody from this area who are members.

I have enough fuel to last a couple of days. But as I said, I have wonderful neighbors who will keep the supply flowing.

Wish we had underground lines.

Thanks again, Robert.
I'm sure we have all been through power blackouts before, and there will probably be many more ahead of us.

I am now in my 23rd hour of one such outage. Didn't see it coming....we never do. The temperature is 102 degrees outside and we have been told that power may not be restored until NEXT WEEKEND. The hotels/motels that have power are full and the restaurants with power have long lines wrapped around the outside of the building waiting to get in. The sounds of several dozen generators throughout the neighborhood can be heard. Reminds me of my time living in Florida just after a hurricane blew through.

I, too, have a generator, so I do have a fan, lights, TV, and most importantly cold food in the refrigerator.

What I would like is to hear some of your stories of past blackouts that you have gone through. How did you make the best of a bad situation? I live alone, but I have some of the greatest neighbors in the world.

So how about it....give me something to read.
It sounds like you have some of the essentials my friend, but having only a fan in 102 degrees must be a burden, without the cool air conditioning that we are all accustomed to.

I sure hope they can restore the power a lot sooner than NEXT WEEKEND. I'm so glad that you have such great neighbors to keep an eye on you.

I'm thinking about you Robb, and hoping that you the power back ASAP.
Hmmmmm, the last time I lost power for more than 24 hours, it was cold. I was wrapped up in blankets for a day and a half. I'm not sure which is better........no heat when you need it, or no a/c when you need it........
It sounds like you have some of the essentials my friend, but having only a fan in 102 degrees must be a burden, without the cool air conditioning that we are all accustomed to.

I sure hope they can restore the power a lot sooner than NEXT WEEKEND. I'm so glad that you have such great neighbors to keep an eye on you.

I'm thinking about you Robb, and hoping that you the power back ASAP.

Mike, you ran through my mind as I was writing this. Didn't NYC have a major blackout back in maybe the 70's? Tell us a little of what you went through then. How long did it last?

Thanks for your concern, Mike. I'm ok.
Hmmmmm, the last time I lost power for more than 24 hours, it was cold. I was wrapped up in blankets for a day and a half. I'm not sure which is better........no heat when you need it, or no a/c when you need it........

That's an easy one for me....it's no heat when you need it. I hate the cold even with heat. I am prepared for that too.
Mike, you ran through my mind as I was writing this. Didn't NYC have a major blackout back in maybe the 70's? Tell us a little of what you went through then. How long did it last?

Thanks for your concern, Mike. I'm ok.
I was at JFK airport with some friends as we were taking one of our friends to California when the blackout occurred in the terminal. Her bag was already on the conveyor, but the flights were all canceled.

We went back home and it was actually a pretty cool sight to see from where I live, Robb. You can see the Manhattan sky line from the Brooklyn Heights Promenade, and that night the whole city was dark only illuminated by moon light.

The power remained off overnight, and while I believe it was during the summer, I don't recall be uncomfortable. It was an adventure for a bunch of us. The power came back the following afternoon. Your situation sounds a lot worse, Robb.

This is what the Manhattan skyline looks like when the lights are on. That night was eerie, but pretty.


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Oh, you poor thing, I'm so sorry you're stuck in the heat without power for who knows how long. I hope you have a stash of good books you can immerse yourself in.

The area where I live often loses power for hours on end and I find it extremely frustrating. I seem to rely on the power to do just about everything, so I tend to get a bit agitated...well, as agitated as a placid person can get. My next big purchase is definitely going to be a generator.
It is like having to Robb Peter to pay

I'm sure we have all been through power blackouts before, and there will probably be many more ahead of us.

I am now in my 23rd hour of one such outage. Didn't see it coming....we never do. The temperature is 102 degrees outside and we have been told that power may not be restored until NEXT WEEKEND. The hotels/motels that have power are full and the restaurants with power have long lines wrapped around the outside of the building waiting to get in. The sounds of several dozen generators throughout the neighborhood can be heard. Reminds me of my time living in Florida just after a hurricane blew through.

I, too, have a generator, so I do have a fan, lights, TV, and most importantly cold food in the refrigerator.

What I would like is to hear some of your stories of past blackouts that you have gone through. How did you make the best of a bad situation? I live alone, but I have some of the greatest neighbors in the world.

So how about it....give me something to read.

Dear Powerless Buckeye,

With the temperature being 102, you have got to do a better job scheduling your "Heat Wave related outages", my friend! Of major importance, I recommend you keep both of your heads cool and take frequent cold showers. Also, have a lot of refreshing water on hand to keep all those important fluids running. Being from the miserably hot South, I know only too well what a Heat Wave is all about and I am especially sorry to hear you have will be expect to remain without power for an entire week, other than through your own limited resources and generator!

Robb, May God be with you through it all!!! You have been such a blessing for me! Keep in touch and cooler than 102!


Oh, you poor thing, I'm so sorry you're stuck in the heat without power for who knows how long. I hope you have a stash of good books you can immerse yourself in.

The area where I live often loses power for hours on end and I find it extremely frustrating. I seem to rely on the power to do just about everything, so I tend to get a bit agitated...well, as agitated as a placid person can get. My next big purchase is definitely going to be a generator.

Grace, you seem like a very kind and caring person. What got you interested in male gay porn? Just curious. Of all the places I would love to visit, Australia is top on my list. Maybe I'll get there one day.
Dear Powerless Buckeye,

With the temperature being 102, you have got to do a better job scheduling your "Heat Wave related outages", my friend! Of major importance, I recommend you keep both of your heads cool and take frequent cold showers. Also, have a lot of refreshing water on hand to keep all those important fluids running. Being from the miserably hot South, I know only too well what a Heat Wave is all about and I am especially sorry to hear you have will be expect to remain without power for an entire week, other than through your own limited resources and generator!

Robb, May God be with you through it all!!! You have been such a blessing for me! Keep in touch and cooler than 102!



Stimpy, the cold showers sounds like heaven to me. Unfortunately, due to some medical s**t (don't know if I can cuss on the general forum), my doctor insists I wear, I'll have to settle with a cold wash cloth. And I will have to work on my power outage timing. Practice makes perfect, I guess.

I've been watching your temps in Little Rock (105-106). Stay cool, my friend.
We were without power in Memphis back in the ice storm of '94 for over a week. Being in the cold was (to me) easier to bear than hot as fuck humidity. But a week with no power is a long time. We were reduced to putting blankets up (over the doors) to keep the little heat we had (from a basically barely working gas-log fireplace) in the dining room, and sitting around looking at one another, in the candlelight. And this was before the internet was so popular! Makes me wonder what we did before!

Being without electricity for almost nine days is not something I would want to go through again. I ended up driving to a local "country-food" restaurant that served lots of home-cooked vegetables and stuff, to volunteer to bus tables and pour water, along with the Mayor and other important peoples. At least we were warm! I swore then: I WILL NEVER TAKE HAVING ELECTRICITY FOR GRANTED, EVER AGAIN!
I live in central NJ. OK, so far. South of me got hit with severe storms last nite/early this morning. Took out the power to many home. You are lucky you have a generator. Not many people do.

The guys and gals out your way are getting some big numbers. 100 degrees in NJ and I do as little a possible.
Hurricane Irene last year. 48 hours without power. I live in the San Juan metro so it didnt take too long to restore. Irene was only Cat 1. Hard for a computer nerd like me to be without internet, I was twitching trust me! haha. Food went bad, but no major issues other than annoyances. Was a good break in a way, reminded me of what I am grateful for.

Grace, you seem like a very kind and caring person. What got you interested in male gay porn? Just curious. Of all the places I would love to visit, Australia is top on my list. Maybe I'll get there one day.

Australia is a great country to be a part of, and for me Tasmania is paradise, if the opportunity to visit ever arises grab it.

I'm not sure I have a good answer as to why I became interested in gay porn...I don't really know myself...here's my best quick explanation.

I've been slightly left of center my entire life and that made the first two decades of my life difficult. Then I got to a point where I stopped trying to be 'normal' and began embracing the things about me that make me different. Now I consider myself very lucky because dealing with those early difficulties made me acutely aware of other people's feelings and the value of a smile. It also explains why I share my kitchen with nine abandoned and abused bunnies... lol

So, you can probably see why me liking gay porn isn't really surprising, I do what makes me happy. Actually, I don't like all gay porn, I just really like the style of gay porn on this site.
My suggestion if you do not have power for a week is to take a vacation. We do take electricity for granted and to think, around 100 years ago or less there was none in most places and people survived. Candles, solid fuel stoves and interesting conversation come to mind.