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What women don't do in bed???

underwear fun

Well-known Member
Aug 19, 2010
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Due to recent events I got to thinking how good it is to enjoy the physical intimacy of another guy. Not having been in a sexual relationship with a woman I was wondering that without stating the obvious, what do gay guys enjoy that most straight guys miss out on? I'm guessing for starters proper cock sucking and cum eating. Anything else?

You make of it what you want!

Due to recent events I got to thinking how good it is to enjoy the physical intimacy of another guy. Not having been in a sexual relationship with a woman I was wondering that without stating the obvious, what do gay guys enjoy that most straight guys miss out on? I'm guessing for starters proper cock sucking and cum eating. Anything else?


Dear Undie,

I enjoyed to the max, all the dick sucking and cum eating that emerged naturally throughout these varied male-to-male relationships. However, I thoroughly enjoyed much more subtle things as well. I enjoyed the masculine scent of these guys, their scent left in their clothes, and the variety of their builds. Just like opening a Christmas or Birthday present, I thoroughly enjoyed unveiling the mystery below the underwear(if worn).

First impressions are definitely lasting impressions. I so enjoyed sharing a bed with them and any cuddling included. I loved hearing them breath in their sleep as I awakened throughout the night. I enjoyed feeling their beautifuy cocks and the occasional tent pitched thereby. We always enjoyed any sexual playfulness or teasing. When watching gay or straight porn, we were always interjecting the dialogue over the deliberately muted conversations on the videos when shared with a friend. I only focused on the guy and his dick found in straight porn. I really loved feeling the hairy legs rub against mine and knowing that I had shared something so very special and with such an emotionally beautiful guy. I like all pubic hair varieties and even when totally shaved except for the totally unruly and overgrown thicket. That would have to be groomed if further service was rendered in the future.

The first black guy I slept with totally blew me away with his pubes being so very soft and almost like cotton candy. Being so totally intimidated by his dick size, I didn't know exactly where or what end to begin. I felt orally I was sucking on a "Louisville Slugger" as so little of it actually fit inside my mouth. Definitely the exception, I nonetheless found this black guy's dick size totally unexpected.

In these guys, I had seen another more intimate side to their being than typically seen in the light of day. Obviously, I loved the unique sensation their warm cum shot had in whatever location it landed. Being mostly orally fixated, I delighted in the differences in dick contour and size, dick head contour and size, and their unique shooter vs. ozzer characteristics of their cumshot. Having felt them unload in my mouth was always a very special moment for me as was my cumming in their mouth. While preferring a shooter (the stronger the better), I was always able to detect the much more allusive ozzer. My oldest college straight friend was such an ozzer. In our experimental attempts, I remember especially one eventful night his cuming in my mouth three times and, while being less readily apparant than a shooter, I definitely felt his ozz filling my mouth and its accompaning warmth three distinct times that fateful night. After all these many decades, we still correspond almost daily.

In conclusion, I have never had sex with a woman although I can appreciate their being sexy. I, nonetheless, never felt I have personally missed out on anything sexually speaking by being exclusively with males.
Cumrag27 -- A truly evocative, imaginative, well-written and enjoyable reply. Thanks.
Thank you for your response to my comment.

Cumrag27 -- A truly evocative, imaginative, well-written and enjoyable reply. Thanks.

Dear Iwdeal,

Thankyou for your kind words. I enjoyed writing this all the while hoping that, although honest and personal, it would evoke precisley a response in reliving similar experiences in others and heighten their appreciation for their own similar experiences. Too often we take for granted the obvious everyday aspects of our life because of being too busy or too distracted. It is time for all of us to as they say..."Take time to Smell the Roses".

Furthermore, it makes me happy you enjoyed my original reply.
If you could only still "Smell the Roses"

Well, following my somewhat romanticised listings of what men actually do bring to bed, I feel this now needs to have the rose colored glasses removed. What women don't do in bed is, first of all, they don't purposefully "fart all the while thinking they are so cute and having that "hands in the cookie jar" look on their almost boyishly innocent face as if to excuse the results by merely waving their overwhelming charm in front of you. Charm is definitely a biggie but, under the covers, a fart, even a cute fart is still a fart and by any other name!. In all of my exhaustive studies, charm has little to no protective effects in clearing and purifying the air, so to speak. And acting suprised merely adds insult to the pervasive injury already in the air.

Then, there are the "toenails suitable only for snowboarding" and the like. Women don't bring such baggage to bed with them once again. Then, there is the biting of toenails, another special trait requiring considerable dexterity, presharpened teeth, and a trash can to bury the dead, dead nail remnant, dead skin, etc. Then there are the ripe zits on their back and butt that require immediate popping. In this case, their personal dexterity does not allow them popping these ripe bubbles with their own teeth, this time. Only the surgical hands of their partner can safely and completely drain the heretofore undrainable.

Likewise, women don't bring to bed worn out, faded, and worm hole riddled "favorite and/or lucky" underwear to bed and necessitating a silver cross and a wooden spite for personal protection. But then, women don't bring to bed a "stiffie", unless it is a strap-on and, thusly, fails the USDA meat inspection tests automatically. Likewise, I don't believe or want to believe women bring a very hairy butt crack and/or hole to bed either(opinion expressed is not based on actual contact in the field with the opposite sex, however). And usually women don't bring those dark hairy armpits that I find oh so very intoxicating in men only. It seems women with hairy armpits are decidedly less intoxicating. But, then, life is unfair and unequal regardless of our efforts to right it.

Now, where are those rose colored glasses after all?

Due to recent events I got to thinking how good it is to enjoy the physical intimacy of another guy. Not having been in a sexual relationship with a woman I was wondering that without stating the obvious, what do gay guys enjoy that most straight guys miss out on? I'm guessing for starters proper cock sucking and cum eating. Anything else?


Now, now... I know you aren't trying to say that women don't know how to properly suck cock and eat cum??? That would be unfair, I think. I hear some of the guys on the futon say that guys just know how to deal with cock sucking because they have one and know what feels good. HOWEVER, I am pretty sure, having watched countless blowjobs on the site now, administered by both straighties and gays alike, that I have pretty well honed oral skills and know my way around a penis. And as for swallowing, I don't swallow every time, but when I don't it's because I didn't finish him off with my mouth, I finished him off with my hoochie koochie... the oral was just foreplay. :wink:
I am certainly no expert but I would imagine the feelings would be the same for M/M, M/F, F/F, or any other combinations.
Re: Hmmmmmm

Now, now... I know you aren't trying to say that women don't know how to properly suck cock and eat cum??? That would be unfair, I think. I hear some of the guys on the futon say that guys just know how to deal with cock sucking because they have one and know what feels good. HOWEVER, I am pretty sure, having watched countless blowjobs on the site now, administered by both straighties and gays alike, that I have pretty well honed oral skills and know my way around a penis. And as for swallowing, I don't swallow every time, but when I don't it's because I didn't finish him off with my mouth, I finished him off with my hoochie koochie... the oral was just foreplay. :wink:


What can I say........go girl! LMAO :biggrin:

Swallowing is swallowing but would you happily lick and suck cum spillage off your man's naked torso for fun of it?

Undie (never one to ask a personal question)
good question!


What can I say........go girl! LMAO :biggrin:

Swallowing is swallowing but would you happily lick and suck cum spillage off your man's naked torso for fun of it?

Undie (never one to ask a personal question)

I'm not sure I ever have licked cum off his body. I don't know why not. I certainly would, but I guess it just has never occurred to me... soooooo I guess I fail in that department :001_rolleyes:
I'm not sure I ever have licked cum off his body. I don't know why not. I certainly would, but I guess it just has never occurred to me... soooooo I guess I fail in that department :001_rolleyes:

If I swallow it all, there is none to lick off.:w00t:
I'm not sure I ever have licked cum off his body. I don't know why not. I certainly would, but I guess it just has never occurred to me... soooooo I guess I fail in that department

I guess it is just the creative way gays address the double the cum issue to prevent hanging washed sheets out every day and the neighbors talking! Why leave it as a failure girl..........????

If I swallow it all, there is none to lick off.

Ms. K,
Throw Ms. K a steak. There are other forms of protein grl! :lol: :thumbup: :lol: :thumbup:


Dear Undie,

I enjoyed to the max, all the dick sucking and cum eating that emerged naturally throughout these varied male-to-male relationships. However, I thoroughly enjoyed much more subtle things as well.

Damn! Stimpy.

And I thought you were the quiet shy choir boy type. Please leave the rose glasses on.

I guess it is just the creative way gays address the double the cum issue to prevent hanging washed sheets out every day and the neighbors talking! Why leave it as a failure girl..........????

Ms. K,
Throw Ms. K a steak. There are other forms of protein grl! :lol: :thumbup: :lol: :thumbup:


But not as delicious
I guess it is just the creative way gays address the double the cum issue to prevent hanging washed sheets out every day and the neighbors talking! Why leave it as a failure girl..........????


Oh, I was only saying fail in respect to being no different than a man in the cum eating department, not that I feel I'm a failure... far from it :wink:

Hey girls (Miss D, Ms. K, lovelumps......)

Ok then. How about rimming? Like my avatar pic for example. Is it just us gays that rim or have you crossed that line too?

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Hey girls (Miss D, Ms. K, lovelumps......)

Ok then. How about rimming? Like my avatar pic for example. Is it just us gays that rim or have you crossed that line too?


Exactly Undie!

I was going to bring that one up. And I was surprised that nobody had mentioned it yet. Then I saw your and LL's posts. I think that very very few women will rim a guy. In fairness of course not all guys will either. But I think more gay men will than straight women. But that's just my own suspicion. Not one that I can prove.
Exactly Undie!

I was going to bring that one up. And I was surprised that nobody had mentioned it yet. Then I saw your and LL's posts. I think that very very few women will rim a guy. In fairness of course not all guys will either. But I think more gay men will than straight women. But that's just my own suspicion. Not one that I can prove.

I think most people that enjoy sex, will do what they can to make their partner feel good. I have a feeling that more straight men, have an aversion to rimming, than women do.
the booty

I think most people that enjoy sex, will do what they can to make their partner feel good. I have a feeling that more straight men, have an aversion to rimming, than women do.

Ms. K,

I don't understand. You mean a straight guy will go down on the 'hoochie koochie' but wont go around to the booty? Half a job.
