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Now That's What I'm Talking About!


BSB Addict
Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
New York
There have been soooo many threads regarding the "sexuality" of guys who do gay for pay porn, whether on this forum or other "Blog" type publications. I find it intriguing as well as entertaining. Some people subscribe to the "Kinsey Scale" (not just you Mikeyank) with absolution! While I've learned there is no real way to explain an individuals feelings towards sexuality unless you ask them, everything else is Speculation.....based on statistical information gathered granted, but, I tend to go with what a person has to offer about themselves!

I came across this little publication and thought, "Now that's what I'm talking about"!

A comment of a supposedly Blake of SC was sent on this post.

I will keep coming back as long as they keep inviting me. ;) as for my sexuality everyone seems so curious about, I (like most people) am a dynamic and constantly evolving individual. Before SC I has experimented with guys out of curiosity and had actually decided it wasn't for me, but since getting into the industry I have had the opportunity to realize sexuality (for me at least) is not so simple as gay/straight, but for all of you black/white folks out there if I had to choose a label to wear I would say bisexual. For me I don't find the male physique attractive in a sexual manner, if I look at a ripped muscular guy I don't get turned on- I get jealous and want to go workout. But, I will admit in all honesty I have a bit of a dick obsession. Looking at an erect (especially large) dick does something for me. Ask a psychologist why because I don't know exactly. And as for my performances being "too real" to not be gay, I say what is gay about enjoying the physical sensation of having your prostate and kegal muscles stimulated. That is just biology and I don't think that it is fair to say that only gay guys can enjoy that amazing part of the male anatomy! Hope that clears some stuff up for everyone who was curious, and if anyone ever has any questions or comments please feel free to message me on Instagram #JoelSwanner1 :-)


Posted on August 27, 2015 in Porn Star Update | Permalink | Comments (8)
There have been soooo many threads regarding the "sexuality" of guys who do gay for pay porn, whether on this forum or other "Blog" type publications. I find it intriguing as well as entertaining. Some people subscribe to the "Kinsey Scale" (not just you Mikeyank) with absolution! While I've learned there is no real way to explain an individuals feelings towards sexuality unless you ask them, everything else is Speculation.....based on statistical information gathered granted, but, I tend to go with what a person has to offer about themselves!

I came across this little publication and thought, "Now that's what I'm talking about"!

A comment of a supposedly Blake of SC was sent on this post.

I will keep coming back as long as they keep inviting me. ;) as for my sexuality everyone seems so curious about, I (like most people) am a dynamic and constantly evolving individual. Before SC I has experimented with guys out of curiosity and had actually decided it wasn't for me, but since getting into the industry I have had the opportunity to realize sexuality (for me at least) is not so simple as gay/straight, but for all of you black/white folks out there if I had to choose a label to wear I would say bisexual. For me I don't find the male physique attractive in a sexual manner, if I look at a ripped muscular guy I don't get turned on- I get jealous and want to go workout. But, I will admit in all honesty I have a bit of a dick obsession. Looking at an erect (especially large) dick does something for me. Ask a psychologist why because I don't know exactly. And as for my performances being "too real" to not be gay, I say what is gay about enjoying the physical sensation of having your prostate and kegal muscles stimulated. That is just biology and I don't think that it is fair to say that only gay guys can enjoy that amazing part of the male anatomy! Hope that clears some stuff up for everyone who was curious, and if anyone ever has any questions or comments please feel free to message me on Instagram #JoelSwanner1 :-)


Posted on August 27, 2015 in Porn Star Update | Permalink | Comments (8)

amazing post and so true in todays society!!
I always feel sorry for straight guys to some degree because most of them will never experience the intensity of an orgasm with a dick up their ass. The prostate is indeed a wonderful organ, and if God didn't want it to be enjoyed, he would never had made it so sensitive. A gift to gay males and adventurous straight guys everywhere!