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What I'm watching on tv streaming tonight

Much as with my porn viewing, I have limited and specific taste in what I enjoy watching on TV. I subscribed to Netflix during the pandemic when everyone was watching and I kept hearing about what a magnificent service it was to occupy our hours during lockdown. But as with my HBO and Showtime subscriptions, I find that there is little that interests me.

I enjoy documentary series more than the scripted dramas and comedies and last night I watched Part 1 of a two part series called, “Untold: The Girlfriend Who Didn’t Exist”. It is the story of the Hawaii native Manti Te’o who was one of the the top college football players at Notre Dame and the catfishing hoax from ten years ago about a now transgendered woman who made him believe he was having an online relationship with a beautiful Hawaiian woman. And the media picked up on the story of how his “girlfriend” died of cancer on the same day his real grandmother died. And when the truth came out it emotionally wrecked Te’o’s life as well as may have lead to him being a bust in the NFL, with the embarrassment following him.

Here is the Netflix trailer of the series.

I personally know several gay guys who met their “boyfriends” online and carried out relationships with them having never met them in person. They were usually younger guys who “fell in love” with older guys who often gave them financial assistance. It is a fascinating and sad reality of life online. But this documentary is very interesting. I still have to watch Part 2 which may wait until next weekend for me, as I am working extra days this week with Yankee games to watch when I get home from work.
That was Jeff & me. He lived in New Zealand & to this day I read the zNZ Herald.
That was Jeff & me. He lived in New Zealand & to this day I read the zNZ Herald.

So Jeff was your online boyfriend that you never met in person? Was he younger? I hope he did not take advantage of your affection for him. Unfortunately I’ve heard of that happening to a few guys I’ve met through this forum over the years.
So Jeff was your online boyfriend that you never met in person? Was he younger? I hope he did not take advantage of your affection for him. Unfortunately I’ve heard of that happening to a few guys I’ve met through this forum over the years.
While as you know I am an open book but I can not disclose his painful story. What I can say he was brutally honests, unbelievably mentally strong as well as smart & lifted himself out of an unbelievably abused past by those who were suppose to protect him. I spent hours upon hours and days upon days with him. So I can honestly tell you he never was inconsistent in his story. I was well aware our relationship would not last. Yes he was younger. Just to tell you about his character. He told me never to gift him money. One time I tried doing so through a third party. The idiot let slip it was from me. Jeff almost terminated our friendship, it took awhile to mend .
While as you know I am an open book but I can not disclose his painful story. What I can say he was brutally honests, unbelievably mentally strong as well as smart & lifted himself out of an unbelievably abused past by those who were suppose to protect him. I spent hours upon hours and days upon days with him. So I can honestly tell you he never was inconsistent in his story. I was well aware our relationship would not last. Yes he was younger. Just to tell you about his character. He told me never to gift him money. One time I tried doing so through a third party. The idiot let slip it was from me. Jeff almost terminated our friendship, it took awhile to mend .
That is good to know that he was sincere and would not accept financial help from you. Sadly one friend of mine gave a lot of money to his younger boyfriend in another country who was abused by his caretakers. He spoke of his young boyfriend as the love of his life, yet they never met in person. And it was large sums of money to help him with medical assistance, supposedly.

The younger guys I gave money to were always for sexual favors. Although one guy who worked for me at my thirty year plus job asked me to “loan” him $50 after he stopped working for me, to get a license to be a lifeguard one summer. I sure would have loved to see him on the beach in the lifeguard chair. He was hot. We never talked about my sexuality but it was obvious to him and other people at work how infatuated I was with him. The loan came the same year I took him to the mall after work on his 19th birthday to buy him a present. It was a game boy that he wanted. He was so hot, a biracial kid whose dad was Puerto Rican and his mom Caucasian. His dad was in prision when I knew him. I was definitely in love with him, yet as the Frankie Vali song goes, “My eyes adored you but I never laid a hand on you”. lol.

Guys like him are what attracted me to Broke Straight Boys Seeing young straight guys getting naked and having gay sex fulfilled my fantasies with guys who reminded me of the guys who worked for me and I became emotionally attached to.

Wow. I sure went off on a tangent laying here in bed early on a Saturday morning tapping away on my iPad keyboard. lol
That is good to know that he was sincere and would not accept financial help from you. Sadly one friend of mine gave a lot of money to his younger boyfriend in another country who was abused by his caretakers. He spoke of his young boyfriend as the love of his life, yet they never met in person. And it was large sums of money to help him with medical assistance, supposedly.

The younger guys I gave money to were always for sexual favors. Although one guy who worked for me at my thirty year plus job asked me to “loan” him $50 after he stopped working for me, to get a license to be a lifeguard one summer. I sure would have loved to see him on the beach in the lifeguard chair. He was hot. We never talked about my sexuality but it was obvious to him and other people at work how infatuated I was with him. The loan came the same year I took him to the mall after work on his 19th birthday to buy him a present. It was a game boy that he wanted. He was so hot, a biracial kid whose dad was Puerto Rican and his mom Caucasian. His dad was in prision when I knew him. I was definitely in love with him, yet as the Frankie Vali song goes, “My eyes adored you but I never laid a hand on you”. lol.

Guys like him are what attracted me to Broke Straight Boys Seeing young straight guys getting naked and having gay sex fulfilled my fantasies with guys who reminded me of the guys who worked for me and I became emotionally attached to.

Wow. I sure went off on a tangent laying here in bed early on a Saturday morning tapping away on my iPad keyboard. lol
I gave money as gifts not loans as I was aware it would never be paid back But after seeing so-called friends disappearing I saw it best to no longer do so even if there was a real need. There was one time I did on purpose because I purposely took out a loan from Visa who had shafted me. It was intentional and they of course tried to collect but being disabled & only having my social security income there was no way to collect. The only regret was whom I gave toan idiot with pretenses to being a porn producer & of course he got mad that I told someone we both knew. I guess he was too ashamed of he took a hand out. Hew did me a favor in never speaking to me again. I had been warned about him but since I was out to shaft Visa what did I care. I am a naive person but life has made me a realist. Nothing makes me laugh harder to hear those adson the internet that are meant to pull on your heart for some great cause. You know the moneys end up wrongly. When I donate I do so to an organization that has been proven to be real. Sorry for rambling on so long.
Much as with my porn viewing, I have limited and specific taste in what I enjoy watching on TV. I subscribed to Netflix during the pandemic when everyone was watching and I kept hearing about what a magnificent service it was to occupy our hours during lockdown. But as with my HBO and Showtime subscriptions, I find that there is little that interests me.

I enjoy documentary series more than the scripted dramas and comedies and last night I watched Part 1 of a two part series called, “Untold: The Girlfriend Who Didn’t Exist”. It is the story of the Hawaii native Manti Te’o who was one of the the top college football players at Notre Dame and the catfishing hoax from ten years ago about a now transgendered woman who made him believe he was having an online relationship with a beautiful Hawaiian woman. And the media picked up on the story of how his “girlfriend” died of cancer on the same day his real grandmother died. And when the truth came out it emotionally wrecked Te’o’s life as well as may have lead to him being a bust in the NFL, with the embarrassment following him.

Here is the Netflix trailer of the series.

I personally know several gay guys who met their “boyfriends” online and carried out relationships with them having never met them in person. They were usually younger guys who “fell in love” with older guys who often gave them financial assistance. It is a fascinating and sad reality of life online. But this documentary is very interesting. I still have to watch Part 2 which may wait until next weekend for me, as I am working extra days this week with Yankee games to watch when I get home from work.
Getting back to the origin of our stories of meeting people on the internet, the Netflix documentary of the story of Manti Te’o is so sad to watch. He was an innocent Hawaiian kid from a deeply religious family who got catfished and the whole world saw it and it may have cost him a high paying career in the NFL. It certainly made him a laughing stock nationally and had people questioning his sexuality because the girl he thought he was in love with was a guy. The public humiliation is something he will live with for the rest of his life, all because of his innocence of meeting someone online and never meeting them in person.
Getting back to the origin of our stories of meeting people on the internet, the Netflix documentary of the story of Manti Te’o is so sad to watch. He was an innocent Hawaiian kid from a deeply religious family who got catfished and the whole world saw it and it may have cost him a high paying career in the NFL. It certainly made him a laughing stock nationally and had people questioning his sexuality because the girl he thought he was in love with was a guy. The public humiliation is something he will live with for the rest of his life, all because of his innocence of meeting someone online and never meeting them in person.
There are plenty of instances of people who meet in person where they, too, are fooled. It has happened here on Broke Straight Boys The only way to avoid it entails, getting to know the person in question & that takes a good deal of time. Even then yoiu can be duped if the con artist is good .
I just finished watching Ralph Machio on Jimmy Kimmel. Have y’all seen him? He looks so amazing and looks 35 years old even tho he said he was 60.
Yeah, he does look great! Hard to believe he is 60, seems like yesterday he was filming Karate Kid
I watched the new Hocus Pocus 2 on Disney+ today, I really enjoyed it. Was great to see Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy and Sarah Jessica Parker back as the Sanderson sisters. I can't believe it has been almost 30 years since the original came out.

On Netflix I saw the new Munsters movie, it was interesting to say the least. I didn't realize till the end credits it was a Rob Zombie film 🤣
. I can't believe it has been almost 30 years since the original came out.

Age has a way of creeping up on all of us!
I started watching the new Dahmer series on Netflix. There has been some controversy about Netflix tagging it as LGBT. I'm conflicted with this one, the acting is great and there are penises in the show (in a bathhouse), but damn, it's hard watching all these guys get hurt and killed. The true life shows are difficult to stomach.

Edit to add: I was actually yelling at the guy on the TV to run!
I started watching the new Dahmer series on Netflix. There has been some controversy about Netflix tagging it as LGBT. I'm conflicted with this one, the acting is great and there are penises in the show (in a bathhouse), but damn, it's hard watching all these guys get hurt and killed. The true life shows are difficult to stomach.

Edit to add: I was actually yelling at the guy on the TV to run!

I started to watch Episode one and got freaked out when the woman next door complained to him about the smell coming through the vent. I’ve been curious as the story hit close to home when it happened as he was picking up good looking young men apparently for sex. This is everyone’s worst nightmare of going home with the wrong person. Perhaps I will try again to watch, but I don’t know if I can handle the horror.
Went and saw the movie Bros. It was good we enjoyed it. I didn't know much about it before we went but I did know it got very good reviews but was struggling at the box office because it is marketed as a gay film. Anyone else seen it?
Not yet, I'll wait till it hits pay per view. I don't do theaters anymore, you need to mortgage the house to get popcorn (stale) and soda (flat). Plus I know my bathroom is clean, the place by me I'd not even stand in there, it's gross (some men are disgusting pigs when using the restroom 😬)
Not yet, I'll wait till it hits pay per view. I don't do theaters anymore, you need to mortgage the house to get popcorn (stale) and soda (flat). Plus I know my bathroom is clean, the place by me I'd not even stand in there, it's gross (some men are disgusting pigs when using the restroom 😬)

Very true and this is why I bring my own food and drink usually and yes Men are pigs in the bathroom haha.
Not all men, only the overly sexed ones!
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I started to write this last night. Are there any movies that you used to love but can’t seem to watch anymore? “A League of Their Own” is that movie for me. It is one of my top 10 favorite movies but I have a hard time watching it today. The ending and everyone getting old really gets to me. It is so sad to watch. The ending song, “This used to be my playground”……all reminds me of my performing days and eventually being aged out. What used to be a wonderful movie to watch 30 years ago, is very hard to watch today. I cried for hours when it was over. You’re probably wondering why I wrote this on this thread. Lol. I watched this last night and meant to comment.
Started watching Heart Break High on Netflix, it's an Australian show. Not bad so far, hot guys and it's based on a map that this girl did on a wall at the school and all the hookups people had. The school administration gets involved and decides to have the people featured on the map attend a mandatory "SLT's" class. You can guess where this is going 😂
Started watching Heart Break High on Netflix, it's an Australian show. Not bad so far, hot guys and it's based on a map that this girl did on a wall at the school and all the hookups people had. The school administration gets involved and decides to have the people featured on the map attend a mandatory "SLT's" class. You can guess where this is going 😂

That sounds like my kind of show. Hot high school guys and sex gets me every time. Gay, straight or bi. I’ve got a thing for hot guys. 😃