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What are your little pleasures?

underwear fun

Well-known Member
Aug 19, 2010
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Hey guys,

Life is full of little pleasures. So what are yours?

For me in no particular order:

- the first sip of coffee in the morning.
- laying my head back on my pillow of an evening, especially in a freshly made bed.
- after a long run or cycle ride, coming home and submerging my aching body in a hot bath.

Undie (ahhhhhhhh)
I like all of your little pleasures, Undie. Those are deffo good ones and favs of mine, too.

My personal little pleasures are:

-the sound of a cocktail being shaken, especially if it's being made for me
-a clean house and clean laundry
-snuggling in bed, preferably with hubby or the boys or dog
-a silent house, when everyone is gone but me and i can just sit in the quiet
Hey guys,

Life is full of little pleasures. So what are yours?

For me in no particular order:

- the first sip of coffee in the morning.
- laying my head back on my pillow of an evening, especially in a freshly made bed.
- after a long run or cycle ride, coming home and submerging my aching body in a hot bath.

Undie (ahhhhhhhh)

Mine is logging onto this forum and seeing your lovely butt xx
There are so many little pleasures, it was actually hard to nail down.

-Vases of fresh cut Tulips around the house, and enough days off to be able to enjoy them.
-Looking out the window and seeing a fresh layer of snow, and having nowhere to go so I can play in it.
-A good book AND a good cup of coffee, with time for at least three chapters.

And, my very favorite.....
-My little boy offering up an I love you, with no goal in mind, but telling me he loves me.
Hey guys,

Life is full of little pleasures. So what are yours?

For me in no particular order:

- the first sip of coffee in the morning.
- laying my head back on my pillow of an evening, especially in a freshly made bed.
- after a long run or cycle ride, coming home and submerging my aching body in a hot bath.

Undie (ahhhhhhhh)

Dearest Undie,

Life's Little Pleasures I most appreciate:

-hearing Jayman's entoxicating and spirit filled voice and laughter on the phone,
-enjoying my down pillows and comforter as they engulf me in softness each night when I go to bed,
-driving on a curving road through forests, away from the daily grind of bumper-to-bumper traffic, and smelling that freshest of fresh scents just as it begins to shower,
-receiving an unespected PM from a friend on Broke Straight Boys

They makes me realize my many blessings in life.

Ooh, little pleasures, I have many but here's a few:
-Taking one evening during my days off to watch my DVR
-When my cat plops down beside me
-Getting into bed with sheets fresh off the clothesline
-Sleeping all day before working nightshift
I guess my top of the list Little Pleasure is teasing Ms. K :b_evil:
1) a phone call, text, im or email from the sexiest man in the world... ;)
2) having the house to myself
3) sleeping in
4) long hot showers
5) getting tattooed
6) having someone fetch me water after an orgasm
7) red lipstick

More pleasures......

Mine is logging onto this forum and seeing your lovely butt xx


You are too kind. It seems my masseur likes seeing my butt to. lol

How about this pleasure, sitting in a pub garden on a hot afternoon with a few good mates and tasting that first sip of cool lager. Hmmmmm.


You are too kind. It seems my masseur likes seeing my butt to. lol

How about this pleasure, sitting in a pub garden on a hot afternoon with a few good mates and tasting that first sip of cool lager. Hmmmmm.


Will have to wait a few months for that my dear. :tongue_smilie: but yes it sound like a good idea - as long as you were one of those good mates.
Another little pleasure

I overlooked this BIG little pleasure as I took it for granted in my earlier post.

-Having Undie continue posting on the Broke Straight Boys forum and remaining with well-intended forumites with similar interests.

Sincerely (hope you have a change of heart)


I like all of your little pleasures, Undie. Those are deffo good ones and favs of mine, too.

My personal little pleasures are:

-the sound of a cocktail being shaken, especially if it's being made for me
-a clean house and clean laundry
-snuggling in bed, preferably with hubby or the boys or dog
-a silent house, when everyone is gone but me and i can just sit in the quiet

further little pleasures....

-Uncorking a great bottle of wine just because....
-A funny anecdotal text from my BFF....
The joys of living in California....

-Tasting my favorite wine, at my favorite winery......and bringing some home with me.:thumbup:

I have to settle for picking one up at my favorite wine shop around here. I'll pop by on a Saturday for a tasting, and bring some new things home to try. Invariably, one will end up on my favorites list, as the owner knows me well enough now to know my likes. Gotta love that!
I think I would have to go with clean linens, (for the smell and the feel)
A nice bottle of wine, (in front of a cozy fireplace)
A rare filet mignon, (bar-b-qued, of course,) and a caesar salad, and New York Cheesecake topped with strawberries.
A half hour in the hot tub, then soft music while we snuggle in bed, and invent new ways to pleasure each other.!
I like to keep it simple. There are many things but I think my favorites would have to be the following:

  • One piece of dark organic chocolate daily.
  • A swedish massage or deep tissue massage depending on my stress level about once every two to three months.
  • An hour of transdimentional meditation.
  • Cute boy Friday.
  • A walk with my dog Xena.
  • Another day above ground.
  • Spending a few moments to check in and visit my friends on the Forum.
My simple pleasures:

>A long shower after a refreshing run/jog
>Hearing rain as it tap against my window panes
>Getting snowed in (...when ALL of 'goodies' are fully replenished)
>The smell of fresh laundry
>Hearing my son say "dad I love mommy...but, I like you" lol ...you hit too hard. :)
Hmm,let me see:

A thick, well written book to read.
A nice warm fireplace (specially when the power is off).
A good friend to snuggle with.
A good cup of coffee.

My power is off because of the weather, so I am appreciating the things I normally take for granted! LOL