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Tyler Rocks (in my humble opinion)

You're so right, Mike. When I was young and read Mary Rennault for the first time, I so wanted to believe that she had taken the hundred or so facts we knew about Alexander the Great and created a real biography out of them. I now know that was impossible, but what a fantasy she made from Hephaestian and Bagoas for a teenager dripping with hormones! Now I know that even the 'facts' she used were mostly from mythology.

Tyler will one day write a memoir that will simultaneously shatter a thousand fantasies and inspire a thousand dreams, but right now he's too busy being the real person that he is. What's wrong with all the hypothetical life stories written about him is that they, too, are based on myths, misreadings, and other people's fantasies. I'm not sure where Ward Cleaver fits in all this, or those flights to Phoenix, but I can tell you that Tyler is motivated, amazingly loyal to his friends, constantly improving himself, and that ninety percent of what you read about him on here is the product of overactive imaginations.

I'm really sorry that those who've taken such a dislike to him, who've insisted on viewing him through the harshest of lenses, or at the least bitten their tongues until they bleed, will never have had the opportunity to get to know him a little better on this site. Even if he was not your 'cup of tea,' heaven knows we thought of him as one of our family, he was a great friend, a charming correspondent, and a credit to David and Broke Straight Boys

And, as always, Mike, you're right, "Tyler is the most interesting of David's models during his era of shooting Broke Straight Boys"
You're so right, Mike. When I was young and read Mary Rennault for the first time, I so wanted to believe that she had taken the hundred or so facts we knew about Alexander the Great and created a real biography out of them. I now know that was impossible, but what a fantasy she made from Hephaestian and Bagoas for a teenager dripping with hormones! Now I know that even the 'facts' she used were mostly from mythology.

Tyler will one day write a memoir that will simultaneously shatter a thousand fantasies and inspire a thousand dreams, but right now he's too busy being the real person that he is. What's wrong with all the hypothetical life stories written about him is that they, too, are based on myths, misreadings, and other people's fantasies. I'm not sure where Ward Cleaver fits in all this, or those flights to Phoenix, but I can tell you that Tyler is motivated, amazingly loyal to his friends, constantly improving himself, and that ninety percent of what you read about him on here is the product of overactive imaginations.

I'm really sorry that those who've taken such a dislike to him, who've insisted on viewing him through the harshest of lenses, or at the least bitten their tongues until they bleed, will never have had the opportunity to get to know him a little better on this site. Even if he was not your 'cup of tea,' heaven knows we thought of him as one of our family, he was a great friend, a charming correspondent, and a credit to David and Broke Straight Boys

And, as always, Mike, you're right, "Tyler is the most interesting of David's models during his era of shooting Broke Straight Boys"

Biting my tongue, isn't about dislike for Tyler. It is about the constant over the top worship of Tyler. The "overactive imaginations" that have turned him into something other than, a real kid, with a real job, trying to make something of himself, other than what you see on the screen.

I am sure Tyler is a wonderful guy, but he is not a Prince or a candidate for Sainthood. That is why I bite my tongue.
Biting my tongue, isn't about dislike for Tyler. It is about the constant over the top worship of Tyler. The "overactive imaginations" that have turned him into something other than, a real kid, with a real job, trying to make something of himself, other than what you see on the screen.

I am sure Tyler is a wonderful guy, but he is not a Prince or a candidate for Sainthood. That is why I bite my tongue.
What are you trying to say, Ms. K? Are you saying that this song wasn't written with Tyler in mind? :biggrin:

thanks, Aquarius, for putting things in perspective and allowing MsK an opportunity to clarify a remark that I know would interpreted as an attack of their object of affection. MsK probably has a healthy opinion of Tyler, and appreciates many of his fine qualities the way I do. I would love to have a dialogue with him, his intellect appeals to me :p and I'm sure we could have a good laugh about all the speculation and fantasies written about him...
oops, also meant to include MikeYank in my previous comment, because it also contained thoughts I had...it would creep me out as well to think a dad would take his son to check out a porn site to make money. Tyler venturing out on his own to investigate is one thing, as he is a mature person capable of make his own decisions... whatever the history and the decision-making process are would be fascinating to discuss with Tyler. In the meantime, I'll be satisfied with the contributions Tyler makes to the site.
What are you trying to say, Ms. K? Are you saying that this song wasn't written with Tyler in mind? :biggrin:


I love that song! But, I am positive that it was not written about Tyler, and neither was "Wind Beneath My Wings." Nor was the "Statue of David" created in his image. The cherubs in the Sistine Chapel were not made in his likeness, and none of the faces on Mt. Rushmore are dedicated to Tyler either. :001_tt2:
I love that song! But, I am positive that it was not written about Tyler, and neither was "Wind Beneath My Wings." Nor was the "Statue of David" created in his image. The cherubs in the Sistine Chapel were not made in his likeness, and none of the faces on Mt. Rushmore are dedicated to Tyler either. :001_tt2:
You sure know how to disillusion a guy. :mellow:
You sure know how to disillusion a guy. :mellow:

Mikey Honey, If you see a resemblance between Tyler and ANY of the faces on Mt. Rushmore, than your disillusions have less to do with me and my honesty, and much more to do with needing new glasses.:001_rolleyes:
Mikey Honey, If you see a resemblance between Tyler and ANY of the faces on Mt. Rushmore, than your disillusions have less to do with me and my honesty, and much more to do with needing new glasses.:001_rolleyes:

I have to agree with Miss K on this one. Try comparing Tyler with some of the guys on the Cuteboyfriday threads and he doesnt stand a chance. Don't get me wrong, I actually like the guy and it is not his fault that forumites are putting him on pedestal or amongst the greats like Abe L. lol.
I will chime in here. Tyler has a certain charm to him. Its not all about hot bodies. Any porn site can display HOT guys, but most of them are mechanical and empty. Tyler has a certain quality that many find very charming and his "stage or camera" presences is what people like.

MsK, I think this is why Tyler gets so much attention on the Broke Straight Boys site. We have a DVD coming out soon that features "tyler" and I think many of his fans will love his new video!

I will chime in here. Tyler has a certain charm to him. Its not all about hot bodies. Any porn site can display HOT guys, but most of them are mechanical and empty. Tyler has a certain quality that many find very charming and his "stage or camera" presences is what people like.

MsK, I think this is why Tyler gets so much attention on the Broke Straight Boys site. We have a DVD coming out soon that features "tyler" and I think many of his fans will love his new video!


We need to make sure Slim gets an autographed copy... Wow, David that is awesome news. Thansk you...:thumbup:
Those humorless people who haven't yet twigged to the fact that all the hype about Tyler's Davidesque sculpturality, his carvableness onto a northern Middlewestern hillside or his potential sanctity, are all just in fun, should lighten up. Enjoy the Tyler game that started years ago with the "What's so effin' special about Tyler Evans?" thread. I've had a lot of fun thinking of outrageous ways to praise my droll idol and even had the unusual experience of getting banned for trying to drum up a bunch of fans to send him birthday cards. I personally have had a terrific time with both the fact and the fantasy.

David said it all. You can get together waves of hotties passing before a camera fucking each other in multiple positions, but the whole Tyler phenomenon doesn't happen very often. I'd actually like to think of ole Ty being a bit of a prick sometimes, what with his non-sufferance of fools and the occasionally abbreviated length of his fuse. He's got so many excellent qualities that a few flaws only make him more real.

Love you man.
Those humorless people who haven't yet twigged to the fact that all the hype about Tyler's Davidesque sculpturality, his carvableness onto a northern Middlewestern hillside or his potential sanctity, are all just in fun, should lighten up. Enjoy the Tyler game that started years ago with the "What's so effin' special about Tyler Evans?" thread. I've had a lot of fun thinking of outrageous ways to praise my droll idol and even had the unusual experience of getting banned for trying to drum up a bunch of fans to send him birthday cards. I personally have had a terrific time with both the fact and the fantasy.

David said it all. You can get together waves of hotties passing before a camera fucking each other in multiple positions, but the whole Tyler phenomenon doesn't happen very often. I'd actually like to think of ole Ty being a bit of a prick sometimes, what with his non-sufferance of fools and the occasionally abbreviated length of his fuse. He's got so many excellent qualities that a few flaws only make him more real.

Love you man.

Let those among us who have not sinned cast the first stone.
We all have our own individual quirks, that is what makes us human beings (well most of us at least - hehe).
I have stated this before - there are other models I would love to spend time with before I would spend time with Tyler. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't want to spend time with Tyler.

BTW - I am looking forward to seeing the new DVD with Tyler.
Oh, Slim, it'll work out. Ms. K. will stop biting her tongue "about the constant over the top worship of Tyler," you can keep fantasizing about the length of Tyler's fuse, and those of us with no sense of humor can take an hour or two off to glue our asses back on from having laughed them off at some of the truly serious martyrdom taking place.
What does anyone care about the songs, the statues or the cherubs, when we have his elixir in a glass, and his signed underwear in our drawer? We are content in our worship!
Ah, Marky, what a stunning visual! The incense, you in your robes with scepter and crown, Holyroodhouse aglow, the Gurkha orderlies awaiting command, and Four Gentlemen Ushers designate to bring forth those to be invested into the Most Venerable Order of St. Tyler Erectus. As Lord Mel of Brooks said so well, "It is good to be a Queen!"
What does anyone care about the songs, the statues or the cherubs, when we have his elixir in a glass, and his signed underwear in our drawer? We are content in our worship!

You realize that if he were ever sainted you'd have a couple of instant relics. In the church attached to the parochial school whose students watched gleefully from their rooftop recreation area as I happily rogered Andreas for about an hour on top of our penthouse skylight, there are bits of saint and bits of saintly garb in cloudy gold encrusted glass containers. There must be enough chunks and slivers of Holy Cross spread over Europe in such packaging to build the framing for a 4 bedroom house, and there may be one of 30 bona fide nails from the crucifixion to be found in a church or monastery near you.

Some of these, obviously, may be frauds or well-intentioned errors. You, Majesty, have the real, real thing however, signed by the sainted one himself.

My question is: will you be able to handle the crowds?

Which reminds me of an old story of a man who descended into the bowels of St. Peters with a tour group and a guide to see the bones of the venerated saint. They were encased in glass and appeared to be from a man of about 5'10" and he was suitably blessed for his experience. Later, touring another cathedral, he was approached by another guide, also offerring to show him the skeleton of St. Peter. Descending again into another catacomb, he was shown the skeleton of someone about 4'8". "I don't understand," he said,"In St. Peter's, the skeleton was 5'10". Here, the skeleton is 4'8". Which one is the real St. Peter?" "Ah," said the dedicated guide, "this is the skeleton of St. Peter as a boy."
Whether boy or man he was able to work a miracle today. Aquarius is being so amusing on the forum that I was chortling at the joke before I realized how wonderful the moment was. Thank you v. much mister.