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Tyler Rocks (in my humble opinion)

Casper is a really nice guy...he's a bit confused and takes things on a personal level. Unfortunately, with all the members we have on this site, some get carried away and start making assumptions, start making remarks that are untrue and have a delusional thoughts of what really happens here at Broke Straight Boys world. This happens from time to time and Casper is just one of those members.

I apologies to the other members for Casper's outburst & comments. He's entitled to his opinion but every once in a while, Casper gets bent out of shape for some reason or another and takes his frustrations out on the Broke Straight Boys team. Especially Tyler and myself since we don't play his games.

I will not defend myself nor remark to his posts any longer with the exception to an apology to our other members that read his posts. Although I shouldn't have to apologies for *HIS* actions and words, I just don't want anyone to be offended by his posts/threads. Your welcome to respond to *HIS* posts and comments. Please be careful that he doesn't suck you into his world of drama. Obviously Casper has some issue's he needs to deal with.
Gee, Caspar, I'm sorry that you had this horrible experience with David and Tyler. It kind of waked me up to reality as to what can happen when people feel threatened. I sometimes get overwhelmed with excitement about a Broke Straight Boys star that I forget that it's just a fantasy and not real. I have been so disappointed so many times but the worst part of it is that I continue to pursue this fantasy. I don't what to say to you for your troubles but I could offer a friendly hand.
Just FYI Casper David or Tyler don't have any access to your credit card info. Even as the owner of the site I do not have that info. My credit card processors have that info and I have no access to it. Also with the processor you joined only requires your zip code to join and not your address. They also don't ask for any phone numbers. Anyone go to the join page right now and you will see there is no spot for an address or phone number. I'm not sure where you are pulling this bs from.

Well said David! Thank you.

Beware of getting sucked into the drama of Casper's world. It's hard to know where reality and fantasy blend, merge or diverge. When he's nice, he's a super nice guy. When he turns, he gets nasty.

It's one of those deals where we say, "Love the sinner...hate the sin." When Casper is kind and sweet, encourage him and love him. When he's nasty, ignore his outbursts and love him. I suspect that giving more attention to his negative comments only encourages more of the same. His nasty comments in particular are a cry for love and attention.
Well said David! Thank you.

Beware of getting sucked into the drama of Casper's world. It's hard to know where reality and fantasy blend, merge or diverge. When he's nice, he's a super nice guy. When he turns, he gets nasty.

It's one of those deals where we say, "Love the sinner...hate the sin." When Casper is kind and sweet, encourage him and love him. When he's nasty, ignore his outbursts and love him. I suspect that giving more attention to his negative comments only encourages more of the same. His nasty comments in particular are a cry for love and attention.


Its kind of like a child who doesn't get his way. In Casper's case, I think he just had a bad day at school or at work and taking his frustrations out on us....no worries..we love him!!
Its kind of like a child who doesn't get his way.

More like a bitter, bipolar douchebag if you ask me.

I'm so tired of the "Tell me how you feel" overly nice and accepting bullshit on here. Sure, Casper was a nice fun guy when everything was ideal in his world, but he's been a twat for several months now. Let's be real.

I'm gonna be forward with you - I'm guessing the reason Tyler was not forthcoming with every personal aspect of his life was related to Casper's obsessive nature. And Casper, don't EVEN ask what you've done that could be considered obsessive. That would just prove that you're obsessive AND delusional, which is quite a scary combination.

The fact that you "would have done anything in the world for him" without even meeting him or truly knowing him isn't a sign of sincerity, it's creepy. And even creepier is that you expected him to dedicate hours to answering your 32,000 questions. It's sweet that he logs on, but he doesn't OWE you or anyone else on here the time of day. You pay to see him in videos. He appears in videos. Both sides of the agreement have been fulfilled.

It almost seems more rude to David and the rest of the staff here that many of you (not saying all, but many) don't hold him accountable for his unsubstantiated and incredibly rude posts. Grow a spine. I'm not saying this to suck up to management. I dislike Casper genuinely based on character and lack of respect that he's shown in his comments.

Sorry if this post crosses the line. Feel free to moderate it. But enough is enough. Maybe if people start posting their disgust with his behavior on the forum instead of through PM's he'll get the picture that the attention he's receiving is NOT good.
I don't disagree with many of your comments Ariz. Casper has crossed the line a time or three or four. As many professionals will tell you though about a child or adult who is acting out..."There's no such thing as negative attention."
I don't disagree with many of your comments Ariz. Casper has crossed the line a time or three or four. As many professionals will tell you though about a child or adult who is acting out..."There's no such thing as negative attention."

No, but I firmly believe that when enough people ignore someone, they'll either change or give up eventually.

But instead, we allow him to basically say "Fuck you!" and then when someone calls him out on it, it turns into a "Oh well I didn't mean 'Fuck you!' in a disrespectful way. I was just saying that blahblahblahblah".

I'm not under any false illusions that my comments will change him in any way. They only seem to encourage mediocre sarcasm that's even less moving than the response I would expect from a patch of Astroturf.

It's actually the people that accept his bullshit and proceed to encourage it by offering a sympathetic ear that I'm trying to reach.

Honestly, if I were Mark, I'd ban his ass from this site after the erroneous claims about Blu Media's ability (or lack thereof) to properly handle secure financial data. That's damaging to the integrity of the site. In fact, there was already a response from someone that believed his statements!

It has already evolved from random rants to direct attacks on the models, the producer, and now the site itself. I don't foresee this ending with anything but catastrophe. Do you disagree with that?
hi there

No, but I firmly believe that when enough people ignore someone, they'll either change or give up eventually.

But instead, we allow him to basically say "Fuck you!" and then when someone calls him out on it, it turns into a "Oh well I didn't mean 'Fuck you!' in a disrespectful way. I was just saying that blahblahblahblah".

I'm not under any false illusions that my comments will change him in any way. They only seem to encourage mediocre sarcasm that's even less moving than the response I would expect from a patch of Astroturf.

It's actually the people that accept his bullshit and proceed to encourage it by offering a sympathetic ear that I'm trying to reach.

Honestly, if I were Mark, I'd ban his ass from this site after the erroneous claims about Blu Media's ability (or lack thereof) to properly handle secure financial data. That's damaging to the integrity of the site. In fact, there was already a response from someone that believed his statements!

It has already evolved from random rants to direct attacks on the models, the producer, and now the site itself. I don't foresee this ending with anything but catastrophe. Do you disagree with that?

I think that it is okay that you have such a low opinion of me. I guess if I get banned than I will just get banned. ( I have no control over that) I have not used the F word in a desparaging way that I remember but, if you say so than its okay with me. Anyone can ignore me if they want too. I will not be offended. I think your okay in my book. I appreciate your opinions and your ideas and admire your willingness to share them. I wish that everyone would be willing to share some aspects about themselves. it makes the place everlasting. I actually look forward to your posts but, you will be glad to know that I will not ask you out on a date. I don't think I would have much fun.

I guess if I get banned than I will just get banned. ( I have no control over that)

You do have control. It's called not being an asshole.

I have not used the F word in a desparaging way that I remember

You did not literally say "Fuck you". It was an exaggeration that portrayed the general message behind a lot of your posts.

you will be glad to know that I will not ask you out on a date. I don't think I would have much fun.

What the hell does that have to do with the price of eggs in China?
I'm sure you were trying to be offensive, but it was so outlandish I just can't help but laugh!

No worries, though. It's for the best that you wouldn't go there. (A) I only tend to be attracted to straight me and (B) we've all seen (over and over and over and over) how you deal with rejection.

You do have control. It's called not being an asshole.

You did not literally say "Fuck you". It was an exaggeration that portrayed the general message behind a lot of your posts.

What the hell does that have to do with the price of eggs in China?
I'm sure you were trying to be offensive, but it was so outlandish I just can't help but laugh!

No worries, though. It's for the best that you wouldn't go there. (A) I only tend to be attracted to straight me and (B) we've all seen (over and over and over and over) how you deal with rejection.

Hey big guy, no offence was meant. I was making a statement that I would not ask you out on a date because I wouldn't have much fun..(mainly because you seem to hate my guts and it would be quite awkward)....sometime a rose is just a rose. No offence and I wasn't even trying to be cute.

I only tend to be attracted to straight me and (B) we've all seen (over and over and over and over) how you deal with rejection.

I meant straight MEN, not me. Haha
That probably sounded just a little conceited!
I have seen enough and Casper has been banned. False allocations with no facts and member and/or model bashing because of personal issues will not be tolerated.

I have seen enough and Casper has been banned. False allocations with no facts and member and/or model bashing because of personal issues will not be tolerated.


I guess David et al took a bit too much stick in yesterdays Tyler post. However, being devil's advocate I must say that Casper did try to delete it but, for some reason, there seems to be a gliche in the forum software, as I have had similar problems trying to delete and modify recently.

I'm sure we've all written letters, emails or forum in the past, then before posting the letters, sending the email or pressing the submit button on the forum we've read the comments and decided not to post, send or submit. I have even submitted a post in the past then read it again and immediately deleted it. Casper tried to do this and was unable to.

It is for this reason only, I say that he should have his ban lifted. Whatever Casper and other members feel about the management, models and members should remain their business alone.

Finally, I am a member of several forums and this sites forum is the most personal of them all. People try to get to know one another on a personal level far too quickly and it is sometimes uncomfortable. My new years resolution is to keep such contact at arms length; I think it is better this way.
I said that!

There was a recent comment on the forum critical of Tyler's looks - can't find it now.

Certainly everybody has a right to their opinion, but beauty is in the eye of the holder. There will always be disagreements because different people have different preferences. True, Tyler has a light complexion, but I wouldn't call it pasty. Moreover, he is extremely gorgeous in other ways and he seems to have a great personality. Keep in mind that nobody is perfect in any respect.

I said Tyler looked pasty or had a "studio tan" as we say in the music biz. I don`t think he is extremely gorgeous in any ways.
Logan is gorgeous if you have to pick one guy. Phoenix was gorgeous. Tyler is OK. Please don`t cop a resentment. I have been in the entertainment industry since before anybody at Broke Straight Boys was born. Maybe I have a bit wider point of reference.:cool:

Okey guys, tyler is hot, he does give a good blow job, but i really want to see thsi cute guy get his ass fuck in all kinds of postions. he is hot and has a gorious ass, that needs to be fuck, Sohopefully on the shoot coming up, he will be one of the guys to get fuck, i really think he enjoy in getting fuck, you can tell from his face, So to teh owner of this site, keep this hot model around, he is hot . And tyler is you read this , you are hot, nice body,
I have seen enough and Casper has been banned. False allocations with no facts and member and/or model bashing because of personal issues will not be tolerated.


At first, I kind of empathized for Casper, reading in between his posts I thought I saw a person searching for answers. That quickly washed away as I saw his obsessive nature. That list of questions for Tyler was insane. Thank you Chuck. I just hope you banned him permanently, so he can't sign up on with another account and make a return with a new identity and new sob story.

Back to original topic, Tyler is a sexy ass guy! :)
I must say I am quite dissapointed that none of the regular posters and in the past Casper "fans" have commented on my earlier post today. I'm also dissapointed that the management have chosen to ignore my comments.