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Someone I would like to see naked...

haha you guys crack me up. I wanna see what Eminem / Marshall Mathers is packin! I seen some pic a long ass time ago but they were all photo shopped lol...good mind image though!

Yumm, not a bad looking guy...
I have spent many hours in crazy hot man land, known affectionately to me as Whole Foods. There is a guy there that looks enough like Nelson to get me all riled up every time. Not only him, but pretty much every guy who works at Whole Foods has that healthy, active, natural lifestyle look that just exudes virility! I can imagine many of them on the futon, lips wrapped around.... I would be exceptionally happy to see most of them naked!

Yumm, not a bad looking guy...

And I dont really even wanna see him naked because of his looks.. More of an Overall ora I get from Marshall, I'd like to see what his package is all about! hah

But yes indeed, I come across quite a few guys that makes me wonder what they have down below!
I hear you there Phill. I actually focus more on people's aura's and their endrgy too. The next time I come out to St. Louis area to teach classes I will have to look you up. Maybe we can go enjoy an ice tea somewhere. I love doing Reiki clases and passing attunements on Cahokia Mounds in Collinsville, IL.
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Just watched a few episodes of The Pacific, and though to myself, "I wouldn't mind seeing Jacob Pitts naked...". That would not be to hard on the eyes.:001_smile: Though I could get by just looking at those lips...:tongue_smilie:


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I wonder what it would be like to see yourself naked. I don't mean in the mirror but as another person. hmmmmm. Would I find myself hot? Perhaps only a question identical twins could have a chance of answering.

Undie (just thinking out loud)
I love doing Reiki clases and passing attunements on Cahokia Mounds in Collinsville, IL.

Bill and I went there years ago. It's a really interesting place. You must find practicing Reiki there very rewarding since it's such a spiritual place. One of my favorite authors, Laurell K Hamilton, has written about the mounds as being Fae centered.
And I dont really even wanna see him naked because of his looks.. More of an Overall ora I get from Marshall, I'd like to see what his package is all about! hah

But yes indeed, I come across quite a few guys that makes me wonder what they have down below!

A friend of mine once said in an off-hand way that he'd discovered he was really good at intuiting what kind of dick a totally clothed guy had, and that he turned out to be right nearly all the time.

He never lived it down because I'd hit him with, "What's that guy's dick like?" when he least expected it. He got really irritated with me for running the joke into the ground, which only made it funnier.
Lovelumps, it is a very spiritual place. It is where I came in contact with one of my spirit guides. I find that the attunements for Reiki seem to be a little bit accelerated when they are done in spiritual places like that and the healing energies tend to be much more powerful. Of course that could also be part of the planetary grid. I never checked the latitude and longitude lines or its astrological alignment. I have always been impressed with their idea to design pyramids. One of the reasons that churches have steeples as well as wizards and witches hats are pointed is that the apex has the ability to draw down spiritual energy too. I try not to get caught up in all of the sacred geometry and the hows and whys. I have instead immersed myself in the theoretical knowledge of why it could work. I don't think the how or why is as important as it working... LOL:thumbup:

Do you mean Face Centered like in sacred geometry.

The face-centered cubic system (F) has lattice points on the faces of the cube, that each gives exactly one half its area.


I would agree somewhat with that.



The structure is very similar to the early construction of the Inca, Myan, and Aztec empires showing that the those empires came as far north as Illinois. The largest mound, called "Monks Mound", was named for French trapper/monks who lived nearby and gardened on the mound in the early 1800's. Monks Mound was situated in the middle of the city, at the north end of the Central Plaza. This mound covered more than fourteen acres and rose in four terraces to a height of 100 feet, making it the largest prehistoric earthen structure in the Western hemisphere.

Best known for large, man-made earthen structures, the city of Cahokia was inhabited from about A.D. 700 to 1400. Built by ancient peoples known as the Mound Builders, Cahokia's original population was thought to have been only about 1,000 until about the 11th century when it expanded to tens of thousands.

At its peak from 1,100 to 1,200 A.D., the city covered nearly six square miles and boasted a population of as many as 100,000 people. Houses were arranged in rows around open plazas. Agricultural fields and a number of smaller villages surrounded and supplied the city. The Cahokians were known to have traded with other tribes as far away as Minnesota.

They truly built that mound to stand the test of time.

Imagine this Native American naked. Yum. (Hey, I had to try and keep this thread on track in case the Forum police are out their waiting to pounce.)


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Do you mean Face Centered like in sacred geometry.

Actually, what I meant was Fae as in Fairy mounds. They are described as one of the entrances to the Unseelie court's sithen. As she's a St Louis resident, and her stories take place there, I thought it was rather clever of her to use this spiritual place as the epicenter for some really gruesome and horrific scenes. She's very interesting. I originally started reading her for her vampire series. I find her writing to be totally captivating. She's got an incredible imagination! Fairies have never been of interest to me, but coming from her, paired with her ability to wrap violence and sex and love together into a very visual, dramatic read, I now find myself enamored with them.
Actually, what I meant was Fae as in Fairy mounds. They are described as one of the entrances to the Unseelie court's sithen. As she's a St Louis resident, and her stories take place there, I thought it was rather clever of her to use this spiritual place as the epicenter for some really gruesome and horrific scenes. She's very interesting. I originally started reading her for her vampire series. I find her writing to be totally captivating. She's got an incredible imagination! Fairies have never been of interest to me, but coming from her, paired with her ability to wrap violence and sex and love together into a very visual, dramatic read, I now find myself enamored with them.

I got it now Lovelumps. There is definitely a lot of fairy energy around there. There is also negative energy there from I believe blood sacrafice rituals and hostile engagements that took place in the past. I usually build and Angelic Gate way on top of the mound before doing any of my spiritual or ceremonial work. It blocks out all of the negative spiritual energies and purifies the space. Have you ever read, "On the Wings of Heaven" by Joe Crane and GW Hardin. Joe tells of his encounter with and Angel named Michael and his calling to gather the Masters. (Masters of Self). I learned a lot about angelic healing when I was Gathered.


Neither here or there I just like the purity of the space and I love for the angels to assist with the work I am doing.

I may have to try to make some time to read one of your friend's books now. IT sounds kind of interesting. Only I have never known the fairies to be negative in their nature. So, this could prove to be an interesting read.:thumbup1:
I got it now Lovelumps.

I may have to try to make some time to read one of your friend's books now. IT sounds kind of interesting. Only I have never known the fairies to be negative in their nature. So, this could prove to be an interesting read.:thumbup1:

Jayman, Lovelumps and I read a lot of the same authors. I would be interested in your take on Laurell K. Hamilton's fairy series. It is one of the few that has left me speechless, more than once.:001_tt1::blink::001_tt1:
Looks like I need to go get a book or two for the New Year. That makes three on my list for the New Year. What is the title of the first book in the series?

I have a copy of "The Masters Return" by Joe Crane and GW Hardin and "The Order of Melchizedek:Love, Willing Service, and Fulfillment" by Rev. Dan Chesboro and Rev. James Erickson on their way. I am definitely need to read the Order of Melchizedek for the course I am taking this summer at the School for the Profits Level 1. Also, I am going to conduct two more gatherings this year and perhaps three. So, I really want to read "The Masters Return." These are both for my own personal spiritual and professional growth though.

I think the Fairy series books sound like they could be a more for my overall relaxation and entertainment. However, I learned long a go that I only like to read the books once the series is complete. I can't stand being left hanging waiting for more. I read the Living Incarnation series, by Piers Anthony in the 80's and I was left hanging and trying to find the other books when they came out. It was such a hassle that I never finished the series until about 1998. Then I had to reread all of the books again just to refresh myself. That was OK in all. But I had to wait until I really had some free time in my life to do that. From 1994 when my father died I worked 3-4 jobs until about 2002 and worked on completing my Bachelors degree as well as take care of my mother and brother. So, when I did get some free time I would go camping and live off the land and enjoy nature. So, I guess my perception of the book series was skewed a bit by having such a busy life. I think this series sounds very interesting and like a wonderful trip for the imagination. I have always like most of the vampire books and movies as well as Hairy Potter. I have read any of the Harry Potter books yet though. Again, I am waiting for the series to be done first. The movies are driving me crazy enough. LOL. Now "Dune" was quite different. All of the books came out before the movie. So, I was more critical of the movie. LOL. Lovelumps or Ms. K., Let me know which book is the first in the series and I will start there I guess. Maybe we can create a room and have our own little book club going then. LOL :thumbup:
Looks like I need to go get a book or two for the New Year. That makes three on my list for the New Year. What is the title of the first book in the series?

Jayman, here's some info on the first book in the series. I think this needs to come with a "This book contains sexual acts performed between men and women" warning label, just in case anyone gets confused. It certainly doesn't contain "straight" sex, because it's so very not vanilla, and as the series progresses, it's menage on a whole different level. However, it's not just about the sex, so if you're not squeamish, and Jayman, I don't think you are considering your love for both men and women, it's a great read! If you are sensitive to violence with your m/f sex, you might want to avoid this altogether.

Laurell K. Hamilton revitalized vampires, werewolves, and zombies in the popular Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter books. In this new series, she updates faeries. A Kiss of Shadows introduces Merry Gentry, a.k.a. Meredith NicEssus, a faerie princess of the Unseelie Court, where politics is a blood sport. Merry, who's part sidhe (elvish), part brownie, and part human, never really fit in. She's short, not skilled in offensive magic, and mortal because of her human blood. These are real liabilities when your family, especially aunt Andais, Queen of Air and Darkness, is out to kill you. Merry has been in hiding for three years, living in Los Angeles and working for the Grey Detective Agency, which specializes in "supernatural problems, magical solutions." A new case sets her against a man who uses forbidden magic to seduce fey women and drain their power. A plan to trap him goes awry and Merry's cover is blown. Now Andais knows where she is. But things have changed in Andais's court, and Merry is changing too.
Jayman, here's some info on the first book in the series. I think this needs to come with a "This book contains sexual acts performed between men and women" warning label, just in case anyone gets confused. It certainly doesn't contain "straight" sex, because it's so very not vanilla, and as the series progresses, it's menage on a whole different level. However, it's not just about the sex, so if you're not squeamish, and Jayman, I don't think you are considering your love for both men and women, it's a great read! If you are sensitive to violence with your m/f sex, you might want to avoid this altogether.

Laurell K. Hamilton revitalized vampires, werewolves, and zombies in the popular Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter books. In this new series, she updates faeries. A Kiss of Shadows introduces Merry Gentry, a.k.a. Meredith NicEssus, a faerie princess of the Unseelie Court, where politics is a blood sport. Merry, who's part sidhe (elvish), part brownie, and part human, never really fit in. She's short, not skilled in offensive magic, and mortal because of her human blood. These are real liabilities when your family, especially aunt Andais, Queen of Air and Darkness, is out to kill you. Merry has been in hiding for three years, living in Los Angeles and working for the Grey Detective Agency, which specializes in "supernatural problems, magical solutions." A new case sets her against a man who uses forbidden magic to seduce fey women and drain their power. A plan to trap him goes awry and Merry's cover is blown. Now Andais knows where she is. But things have changed in Andais's court, and Merry is changing too.

I will definitely add it to my list. :wink:

Have you actually read all the Dune books? I have never known anyone else who has. I haVe the original books by Frank Herbert, but now I have read all the ones written by his son Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson. Granted that these books were taken from notes originally written by Frank and found after his death, but they are every bit as well written.

Oops! I got distracted. Where does everyone find all these pics of all these gorgeous men? By the way, I particularly appreciated the pic of Troy, I knew him personally, and that is all I'm saying!
Oops! I got distracted. Where does everyone find all these pics of all these gorgeous men? By the way, I particularly appreciated the pic of Troy, I knew him personally, and that is all I'm saying!
Troy who? I didn't notice a Troy on this thread, but I'm curious.
haha you guys crack me up. I wanna see what Eminem / Marshall Mathers is packin! I seen some pic a long ass time ago but they were all photo shopped lol...good mind image though!

He's so homophobic though. That's a bit of a turnoff. My guess in all seriousness is that he has blonde pubes and is only about 5-6 inches, hard. I do agree he's cute though Phil. lol
I just finished watching Were The World Mine with Tanner Cohen starring as Timothy. This is a man I could naked... :drool:


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