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Someone I would like to see naked...

I haven't been able to get this thought out of my mind lately....I would love to see Jay Baruchel nakey. Seriously. I think I prefer him with facial hair, but without he looks 12. Either way I wouldn't look away. He could get on the futon, for sure!

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I know exactly what you mean

I haven't been able to get this thought out of my mind lately....I would love to see Jay Baruchel nakey. Seriously. I think I prefer him with facial hair, but without he looks 12. Either way I wouldn't look away. He could get on the futon, for sure!


As an ex-Brit, what do you say to Ben Whishaw? He's kind of a Jay Baruchel type. Totally hot in Bright Star. Strip off Benny.


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Slim, I love love love Ben! I fell for him playing Jean-Baptiste Grenouille in Perfume! I also quite fancy Toby Kebbell. Yummmy. And my all time favorite is Tom Burke. I would like to see them all nakey!
Slim, I love love love Ben! I fell for him playing Jean-Baptiste Grenouille in Perfume! I also quite fancy Toby Kebbell. Yummmy. And my all time favorite is Tom Burke. I would like to see them all nakey!

Ben as the parfumier was nekkid in that cave on the way back to the city, remember? Terrific movie. See him as John Keats. He's such a funny shape, long torso and stubby legs. I forgive him.

I really liked Cherí and RocknRolla.

What about Jesse Eisenberg? He had to climb out of the pool with a boner in Adventureland. Now he'll get an oscar. All our faves are smart, MENSA style geeky hotties. I love guys like that. Think "Leon" haha.
I haven't been able to get this thought out of my mind lately....I would love to see Jay Baruchel nakey. Seriously. I think I prefer him with facial hair, but without he looks 12. Either way I wouldn't look away. He could get on the futon, for sure!


Wow...He is a hottie, though I think his voice is the sexiest thing about him. He looks good in sweaters, too. Glad I'm not the only one that wants to see his scrawny butt naked...:thumbup:
Zsa Zsa stakes her klaim for Jay's- butt

Wow...He is a hottie, though I think his voice is the sexiest thing about him. He looks good in sweaters, too. Glad I'm not the only one that wants to see his scrawny butt naked...:thumbup:

Dearest Panzer Boy,

Vhile you may be built az za tank with za very big loaded gun in za phront, Zsa Zsa iz here to tell you zhat she vill not stand for it az zhe klaimed Jay Baruchel's "scrawny butt, naked of othervize, in za previouz liphetime accordinz to her therapizt. Sigmund zhould know az he iz za fadher of Pzychology and Sigmond never ever liez. Hiz zenze of obervelming guilt zimply vont permit it! Besides, Sigmond haz the zecond klaim on "Jay Baruchel's" azz, alzo phrom za previouz liphetime. Anyvone else kan zimply phorm za "queue"! Panzer boy kan queue up directly in back of Sigmond phor za third spot!

Aphterall, we take Jay Baruchel's azz mozt zeriouzly as za zign of za timez!

Zincerely phrom your entourage,

Stimpy, Zsa Zsa, Marlene, and Feld Marschall German Helmethead
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Dearest Panzer Boy,

Vhile you may be built az za tank with za very big loaded gun in za phront, Zsa Zsa iz here to tell you zhat she vill not stand for it az zhe klaimed Jay Baruchel's "scrawny butt, naked of othervize, in za previouz liphetime accordinz to her therapizt. Sigmund zhould know az he iz za fadher of Pzychology and Sigmond never ever liez. Hiz zenze of obervelming guilt zimply vont permit it! Besides, Sigmond haz the zecond klaim on "Jay Baruchel's" azz, alzo phrom za previouz liphetime. Anyvone else kan zimply phorm za "queue"! Panzer boy kan queue up directly in back of Sigmond phor za third spot!

Aphterall, we take Jay Baruchel's azz mozt zeriouzly as za zign of za timez!

Zincerely phrom your entourage,

Stimpy, Zsa Zsa, Marlene, and Feld Marschall German Helmethead

Meine Schätzchen, Stimpy and the gang,

I would gladly debate Zsa-Zsa of her owning the aforementioned "scrawny butt" but would be willing to sign a Treaty of Versailles, of sorts, sharing ownership. I would be even more willing to sign, with her, a Yaltic Pact. This Grösser (Yet another battlefield commission) would fight Ze fair Doctor Freud and not even need to backup of the Wehrmacht. Well, maybe just the Feld Marschall.


Good call on Jesse Eisenberg. Another one I would enjoy seeing naked. The pool scene in Adventureland was very enjoyable...Hail to the geeky Hotties!!!
Ben as the parfumier was nekkid in that cave on the way back to the city, remember? Terrific movie. See him as John Keats. He's such a funny shape, long torso and stubby legs. I forgive him.

I really liked Cherí and RocknRolla.

What about Jesse Eisenberg? He had to climb out of the pool with a boner in Adventureland. Now he'll get an oscar. All our faves are smart, MENSA style geeky hotties. I love guys like that. Think "Leon" haha.

Could you guys share some pics of the hotties you are talking about?


Good call on Jesse Eisenberg. Another one I would enjoy seeing naked. The pool scene in Adventureland was very enjoyable...Hail to the geeky Hotties!!!

Somewhere on YouTube there's a clip of Jesse with Conan telling how he was dissed and derided on national Spanish grownup TV, on a program that in any other country would be for kids under 9, but which the Spanish and Italians provide for the mummies and daddies.

Here it is


Here he is on Letterman with Japanese subtitles


Does he remind you a little of Leon?
Does he remind you a little of Leon?

In some aspects, Slim, but I would have to give Jessie E. the gold star. They both have similar features but what wins me over in Leon vs. Jessie E. is the latter having a less self assured attitude. Meek, for lack of a better word, and that may not even be an accurate expression. I'm sure Leon has the better member but when it comes to skinny fellas that's about third on my list of "Yummy".

Nice vids of the lad... I like the Coco interview.


I would throw a million pics of both Jay and Jessie on this forum if only I knew how...:001_smile: Still learning with each day.
I don't have one of McCain in a speedo, but I do have one of Barney Frank in a speedo. It's very inappropriate for the virgin eyes that would be viewing it on this site, however, so I won't share it. :scared:

I don't know how many member's of the forum know what Barney Frank looks like, but he is one gay model that I'd not like to see on the futon interacting with the straight boys. He may be a cool dude, but please Barney, for God's sake, keep your clothes on. :ohmy::w00t:
Now I am really confused?

I don't know how many member's of the forum know what Barney Frank looks like, but he is one gay model that I'd not like to see on the futon interacting with the straight boys. He may be a cool dude, but please Barney, for God's sake, keep your clothes on. :ohmy::w00t:

Dear mikeyank,

Doesn't everybody in the entire world love "Barney"? What's there not to love?


However, I would have to agree with you Mikeyank, I don't think Barney is ready for prime-time on the Broke Straight Boys futon, whether the "Old Broke Straight Boys" or the "New Broke Straight Boys". :lol::lol:


Cumrag27, aka Stimpy


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I couldn't agree with you more Slimmie! Here's someone else I wouldn't mind seeing a lot more of again naked, and whose new pics haven't graced the net since circa 2000 or so...


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I couldn't agree with you more Slimmie! Here's someone else I wouldn't mind seeing a lot more of again naked, and whose new pics haven't graced the net since circa 2000 or so...

Abe, awesome pick...:thumbup: