I go away on vacation for a week and I come back and all hell is breaking loose. Next time I go away I'm going have to have management pause the forum. All this drama......
I have read and re-read this thread. What started off as a very simple and innocent poll, blew up like a super Nova. And it all started with Post #3.
Mark, first let me say I love you to death and what you have done with this site, but I truthfully believe your quote was to harsh,
"Two gay guys together probably isn't going to happen."
I tend to agree with Smoore when he said it was rude of Mark. Now let me explain why. I see this thread and yes I think Slim has a great idea. So I start reading. I come to Marks thread and bamm, I felt like I was hit with a bat. Granted, that Kodaaa says he now has a BF (three days prior). But he also mentions he's never done anal. This site has had bi-guys who have never done anal and gay guys who have not done anal (aka. brokeMike). As for Smoore he has stated he's straight but curious. Well this site has many that fit this description. So Mark's "Two Gay Guys" was harsh and inappropriate based on the information we already knew. I truly believe if this comment had either not been made or had been said differently this thread would not have exploded.
Granted that neither myself nor any other member of the forum knows about the back of the office going on's as David and Tyler later tell us. And I would venture to say that Mark too may be aware of this, however, since we were not (nor should we be at this point) the comment of Mark's seem wrong.
So Kodaaa has 165 in less than a month. Well Kodie had 1,000 in less than three and 3,000 in less than 6. So Chase3398 whats your point?
David and Tyler I truly appreciate both of you for taking the time to really detail what goes on behind the scenes. I believe David you have explained once before about housing the guys in your home. I totally respect whatever business decision needs to be made. Sometimes what we (the forum) wants doesn't make business sense and we need to just trust your judgement.
Tyler, you're kind of like me, "you tell it as you see it" or as my mom would say, you "call a spade a spade". You'll only be an asshole if you compromise and not speak your mind openly and honestly.
JWglass you made an excellent comment regarding Kodaaa being mature to handle such a life. I did send Kodaaa a Private Message about 2 maybe three weeks ago sorta on that subject. While a PM is just that a PM my theme to him was simple. He has mentioned about wanting to be in pro football and to get into the hi-tech business. I asked Kodaaa if these are true goals for a long term future do you want to be "found out" about doing gay porn? And how it may impact your future? I used runningscorpion (who we wanted to also see make it to the futon) as one example and I used David's story about Giovianni as a second. I knew Kodaaa was young so I just wanted him to look at all the angles long term, even if it meant he changed his mind to not do it. I even told David this. Yes we all wanted to see him on the futon, but we can't always be so selfish, sometimes we need to look at the bigger picture which is what I tried to do. I'm only sorry that Kodaaa never responded back on this.
Further, as to whether anyone on the forum should be allowed to be on the futon two points. We already have several on the forum: tyler, two mikes, a johnny, etc. Does this mean they should not? And if someone is on the forum does that mean they should forever be banned from being on the site? I would hope not. Lets just say we had a member, wierdal. He has been a member who does post. We know he is 22 and he is curious. Is there any reason he could not apply to be a model? If he meets all the requirements (including confidentially of back of the house) is there any reason why wierdal can't be a potential futon performer? I just don't think we should over-react. David's goal is provide us with the best possible talent to produce the best possible product.
Lastly, we (ALL OF US FORUMITES) need to be careful with what we say here. We encouraged Casper, look what happened. We encouraged Kodaaa and Smoore, look what happened. How many times have we said something to upset another member and they leave (Rifle has come and gone, GreatLakes is gone, etc.). Collectively, we sometimes cause the problem so WE need to be careful too with what we say and how we say it.
I feel sorry that we will more than likely not see either Kodaaa or Smoore or both together on the futon. There is blame on all sides for this. I wish both of them well in whatever paths life takes them.
This is Vicekid and these are my opinions,
Live Long and Prosper
Mark, I still love you value you as a friend.