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smoore29/kodaaa DEBUT SHOOT

smoore29/kodaaa DEBUT SHOOT

  • smoore and kodaaa should each do a solo jack off

    Votes: 13 34.2%
  • smoore and kodaaa should share their debut shoot

    Votes: 25 65.8%

  • Total voters
Wow, passed out during the filming. These two guys needs to give this some thought. They are both cute and I would enjoy watching them do scenes together. The thought of them having to drop out of school because all of their friends found out, would really be a bummer. I'm glad your not going to film until Koda is finished with school. Good luck to both of them.
They see the fame, the money...but they don't realize how difficult doing porn really is and what really happens behind the scenes at a porn studio.

Yep, Porn is not easy! take my word on this ive been with D&E since April of 2008 and Ive seen models come and go. they say they have no trouble keeping a hard on and all that junk I even seen some walking around with a boner, but when it comes time to actually go on camera they cant keep a hard on, scene might have to be canceled cuz we been in the studio for like 5 hours waiting on this guy to get hard or cum stuff like that happens all the time in porn all the models wanna do is get it over with lol
Michael was it u that passed out or was it Jay when he saw u come threw the door? Inquiring minds, LOL.
Hey guys, I see this situation both as a model and as an employee. In my opinion, at the end of the day these boys are just DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA!! Much like David and some members have already said and I will reiterate here; these boys see a facade of what this company, site, and industry is on the inside. In no way shape or form are they prepared to be what they think they will become by doing some porn scenes. Not only are they not prepared for what they think will happen, but they quite obviously are greatly uneducated on the industry since they let themselves think for a second that either of them would ever become "porn stars", or that there is any way to have a career in this industry as a model. David tells every model that comes through our doors that this is only temporary whether you do scenes for a week or five years, one day it will end. One day we will ALL be either too fat, too ugly, too old or heaven forbid we might actually get a real job with benefits and an IRA and co-workers your not having sex with! (well, never mind that part!! HEHE). Being in this industry for a cumulative amount of almost three years, it is my opinion that there is no such thing as "porn stars" any longer. I know many people that would concur that have much more experience than I.

On both a personal and professional level these two not-so-potential models have thoroughly annoyed me. Maybe I'm saying a little too much here, maybe I'm just being a prick but this is what I said at our D&E meeting about a week ago on this subject;

These two boys have already caused our organization (BluMedia\D&E Productions) so much drama and headaches that several of us have had to take hours out of our working time to deal with them and there posts\rants. I know that at one point, certain legalities issues were questioned internally and we even had to contact our company lawyer for consultation on the matter. Just the fact that we even had to take time out of our days to have a meeting about two models who, quite frankly are simply average at best in my humble opinion, is just outrageous to me! Especially when you consider the fact that the bottom line is we are a business and we must profit, these boys are causing WAY too much drama considering we haven't even gotten content out of them, much less made any money. (anyone and everyone that has the littlest bit of business sense would agree) If this was happening with talent in mainstream entertainment; music, movies, television; they would have moved on to the next thing with a cute face and a little bit of skill so fast the talent's head would spin!!
Sorry to be the asshole, I don't know these boys personally for a second, but sometimes in this industry you need to take of the blinders caused by hot bodies and cute faces and see this shit for what it really is, get down to the nitty gritty and realize, there is a million boys+ that would walk on set, get their dicks hard, and cum. And take the check with no complaints. Nobody is special, not even me!

I welcome all of your opinions! Bring it on!

Tyler Evans
jwglass, you gave the best advice to these two young men. They see the fame, the money...but they don't realize how difficult doing porn really is and what really happens behind the scenes at a porn studio. We all see the fantasy when watching the finish product, but the work behind the scenes and filming can make or break a person. We have had straight tough boys break down and cry. Some can't get hard, Some passed out, some had to vomit after the fact....its difficult!

Then once the video goes out...it goes everywhere and people that you don't think will see it, will see it...LOL. Many models that have been seen on the Broke Straight Boys site or the College Boy Physicals site have gotten in trouble with parents and there school. This is one of the reasons why you don't see certain models back on the site because a parent or school or job have seen them on the sites and it has ruin and embarrassed some of the models.

Sometimes its just best to be a member and NOT a model.... :)
Thank you David for that very honest statement pointing out the pitfalls of doing gay porn, and particularly for a young guy living with his parents or just starting out in the real world. And even more particularly for that type of guy who identified himself as being straight, and lives a straight lifestyle.

I've often wondered if guys who appear on Broke Straight Boys realize what they are doing, and the potential consequences of performing in a scene that will go on the Internet, to a very popular site, where free clips are shown all over the web, including R rated versions on you tube.

As far as the two former forumites, and possible future models, I think that you and Mark know how to evaluate potential talent, (you are a regular Simon Cowell :001_smile:), and you have a sense of who might work out, and who is not right for the site.

And by the way David, I'd love to know which straight boy's actually cried or vomited after shooting a scene :sneaky2:, but I guess you don't want to embarrass the guys.
tyler we are not worthy....i am sorry these mere mortals have caused an issue! honestly i was a little annoyed at how big their tiny little heads got so fast!
...............................Just the fact that we even had to take time out of our days to have a meeting about two models who, quite frankly are simply average at best in my humble opinion, is just outrageous to me!........................Sorry to be the asshole, I don't know these boys personally for a second, but sometimes in this industry you need to take of the blinders caused by hot bodies and cute faces and see this shit for what it really is, get down to the nitty gritty and realize, there is a million boys+ that would walk on set, get their dicks hard, and cum. And take the check with no complaints. Nobody is special, not even me!

I welcome all of your opinions! Bring it on!

Tyler Evans
Tyler, you are an amazing person. Besides your physical attributes, you are bright and intuitive and I totally accept your opinions, as you know better than any of us on the forum.

And I still look forward to, and enjoy your occasional on screen work here. I can't wait to see you naked, and your beautiful cock cumming in HD soon.:thumbup: You are definitely a very cool guy.
Tyler, you hit the nail on the head. I was suspicious after about the third posting by these two in question. It just seemed to me that to be bragging long before even getting to a studio was a red flag. Sorry you guys had to endure so much drama. Keep up the good work you do and let someone else deal with the "stars."
Going thru these i decided to make a quick post before i start my day... sorry i havnt had much time to get back to everyone... but ur next on for a reply slim!

My input on this would be... 1. its not everything that they think its going to be. 2. i think if dave decides to bring them down, then they should do a duo.... might as well see if they can even keep their dick hard before investing in them... 3. In my opinion, for them to buy a membership to a gay only website, post about wanting to be on the site, then get mad when theres contraversy or people give their opinions... theyre either gay closeted or theyve been with women but dont really have feelings towards them.. maybe theyre like i explained on my thread that theyre gay bi... from my view on seeing things they've said and reading their profiles... i dont think either of them are straight.

i dont wana be an asshole or come off as a dick or anything (hehe) but thats just my opinion... hate it or love it.

people are going to say whatever they feel like saying, whether you like it or not. the thing you have to do is, decide if your going to let some stranger get under you skin or not. i personally could care less what anyone says about me on here. everyone could be like the people in my home town and be like OH YOU DO GAY PORN YOUR GAY. but they can obviously tell im not. just think of it like this... do you know them? are the things theyre saying going to effect ur personal life? are they threatening you? if not then make a smart ass comment back or blow it off... dont act like some lil queens lol

Mike Robbins :p
Hey guys, I see this situation both as a model and as an employee. In my opinion, at the end of the day these boys are just DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA!! Much like David and some members have already said and I will reiterate here; these boys see a facade of what this company, site, and industry is on the inside. In no way shape or form are they prepared to be what they think they will become by doing some porn scenes. Not only are they not prepared for what they think will happen, but they quite obviously are greatly uneducated on the industry since they let themselves think for a second that either of them would ever become "porn stars", or that there is any way to have a career in this industry as a model. David tells every model that comes through our doors that this is only temporary whether you do scenes for a week or five years, one day it will end. One day we will ALL be either too fat, too ugly, too old or heaven forbid we might actually get a real job with benefits and an IRA and co-workers your not having sex with! (well, never mind that part!! HEHE). Being in this industry for a cumulative amount of almost three years, it is my opinion that there is no such thing as "porn stars" any longer. I know many people that would concur that have much more experience than I.

On both a personal and professional level these two not-so-potential models have thoroughly annoyed me. Maybe I'm saying a little too much here, maybe I'm just being a prick but this is what I said at our D&E meeting about a week ago on this subject;

These two boys have already caused our organization (BluMedia\D&E Productions) so much drama and headaches that several of us have had to take hours out of our working time to deal with them and there posts\rants. I know that at one point, certain legalities issues were questioned internally and we even had to contact our company lawyer for consultation on the matter. Just the fact that we even had to take time out of our days to have a meeting about two models who, quite frankly are simply average at best in my humble opinion, is just outrageous to me! Especially when you consider the fact that the bottom line is we are a business and we must profit, these boys are causing WAY too much drama considering we haven't even gotten content out of them, much less made any money. (anyone and everyone that has the littlest bit of business sense would agree) If this was happening with talent in mainstream entertainment; music, movies, television; they would have moved on to the next thing with a cute face and a little bit of skill so fast the talent's head would spin!!
Sorry to be the asshole, I don't know these boys personally for a second, but sometimes in this industry you need to take of the blinders caused by hot bodies and cute faces and see this shit for what it really is, get down to the nitty gritty and realize, there is a million boys+ that would walk on set, get their dicks hard, and cum. And take the check with no complaints. Nobody is special, not even me!

I welcome all of your opinions! Bring it on!

Tyler Evans

Tyler mate, you're not the asshole or the dickhead, it's the two prats that have caused you and the company you work for problems that are the assholes and dick heads. Smoore even PM'd me asking what I meant regarding the last post - all he had to do was Google Clouseau lol.

So I'm not gonna bring it on to you, I'm gonna agree with you and glad that you agree with me as it's good to be agreeable - silly Englishman..

Stay cool and get in front of the HD lens soon.

love from jon xx
jwglass, you gave the best advice to these two young men. They see the fame, the money...but they don't realize how difficult doing porn really is and what really happens behind the scenes at a porn studio. We all see the fantasy when watching the finish product, but the work behind the scenes and filming can make or break a person. We have had straight tough boys break down and cry. Some can't get hard, Some passed out, some had to vomit after the fact....its difficult!

Then once the video goes out...it goes everywhere and people that you don't think will see it, will see it...LOL. Many models that have been seen on the Broke Straight Boys site or the College Boy Physicals site have gotten in trouble with parents and there school. This is one of the reasons why you don't see certain models back on the site because a parent or school or job have seen them on the sites and it has ruin and embarrassed some of the models.

Those are great words of wisdom David. Thank you. So many times guys think that porn is the path to fame and fortune. But there are just too many sites and studios out there. For male porn "stars" in particular. It's almost impossible to become an established star in this industry. Viewers are looking many times for just the flavor of the month. Almost like top 40 on the radio.
Those are great words of wisdom David. Thank you. So many times guys think that porn is the path to fame and fortune. But there are just too many sites and studios out there. For male porn "stars" in particular. It's almost impossible to become an established star in this industry. Viewers are looking many times for just the flavor of the month. Almost like top 40 on the radio.

Well said...very well said!
I think you guys in management are still bruised by the whole hellish casper drama, and are seeing shadows in your bedroom after lights out that turn out to be your parka hung over your computer chair, and not a hunchbacked vampire troll who'll go for your jugular if you even close your eyes for a nanosecond.

They were just being 19 year olds on the forum, something we're not used to. This space is reserved for all us celibate jack off spinster types who are into a certain tranche of niche fetish porn that Broke Straight Boys so admirably provides. MRobbins was the first one to open it up to some oxygenated teen spirit (and if you want to know if that was necessary and positive, just check the number of posts on his thread in ratio to the time he's been posting and the enthusiasm he's created among the babyboomers). Also remember that he, although already a model, started rogue posting at first, and had to be gentled and bridled before he could carry on with the fun. Read his contribution to this thread, he's got it just right. Kyle and S should do a duo (Mike, you are so totally my main man, you get most of what you opine about so right, like Jesus in the temple dude, among the elders :)).

I have a suspicion I know what started the drama and it wasn't K and S. The boys were told to cool it, that their "gay" banter wasn't helping their chances, and they were hurt by the scold. All they wanted was to be in a Broke Straight Boys video, for whatever reasons, and maybe mistakenly thought they were amusing the forum with their uncurbed enthusiasm a la MRobbins. The paranoid idea that we are witnessing a reincarnated Terry Hunter aka Casper Oxenburgh seems to me to be way farfetched and baseless on the evidence.

Finally, keep in mind that no matter how you feel about their sexuality, their capacity to amuse or their propensity to dramatize, the whole cohort of spinster gay members here have been pining for a real forumite to end up as futonite for months and months. I would have thought just that fact alone would have moved us all to bend over backwards to make that happen. Sorry about the image that sentence creates, I guess it should be bend over forwards...

Love you all. Please try to get those two guys in a shoot together. It's all work, and some of it is stressier than most. I'm having trouble finding space in a restoration project for a staircase down into what will be an underground sauna in an ex-wine reservoir the size of your spare bedroom, sealed up for 150 years till I found it last week. It's like something out of Indiana Jones. I wish you all could come as see it. I swear it's gonna be hell to squeeze in the stairs to get down to it but I'm gonna do it since it's so worth it. Bite the bullet.
I know I have already shared my thoughts on this but I just wanted to point something out before anyone jumps on this bandwagon;
I can't speak for BluMedia people but David, Eddie and myself haven't had any thoughts or suspicion over these two boys being Casper. We felt, for many reasons, that hiring these two models was not in our own and the company's best interests. As a matter of fact it does kind of seem like it could be the hardly-friendly ghost friend of our past that has been mentioned but I won't get into that because it simply is irrelevant. I employ you all to keep in mind that this is still an internet forum. Until we see these boys in person and you guys see them on that futon, they are only a profile and posts being typed out by a keyboard and CPU. Anyone in the world can do that. How many of you have been set up on dates by friends or family members and they weren't exactly what they were when described or in pictures you saw on their online profile for instance. Unfortunately this is really the same concept, just an internet troll, who is behind it? Nobody knows. My point is that even if they are the faces and bodies they have said they were, which we all believed they were, they still did not make the cut for one reason or another.

Tyler Evans
Hey Slim, your looking at two hot "potential" models to appear on the sites. When hiring models its a business decision. I know it sounds harsh, but no matter how great looking a "boy" is and willing to do porn, if this model or models create issue's and drama, we don't want them as models. I have turned down many models that mentally are not stable or have drug issue's or we feel is going to create drama.

With all due respect, we house and feed the models. They stay in our home for a week and we don't want any nutty, drama type models staying in our home. Its easy for you and many of the other members to sit back and say how cute a boy is and that we should hire them. You guys may think we have models in our home all the time running around nude and having sex and its a big ole party and you assume and fantasy that is not true. We really don't like having models in our home week after week. Eddie and I sacrifice a lot for the sites and open our home to models and make them feel welcome and treat them like people. But we have to make sure our privacy is private. No offense to anyone on this forum, but I don't really feel comfortable having members on this board wanting to be models then posting up MY personal information to members and what goes on in my home and such. Models that we house get to know Eddie and I, our address, where we live, our phone numbers and they get to hear conversations that Eddie and I have that are private within our home and within the office. I don't want to have to worry about Kodaaa and Smores29 coming onto this forum and posting a blow-by-blow commentary of what is going on behind the scenes and posting about the other models that are here filming and disclosing personal information about myself and Eddie that we prefer to keep private. Eddie and I are not party animals, we are happy to have our home with no models and we live a very boring quiet life when we have no models in our home. Even when models are in our home, we like peace and very little drama and I don't want to worry about two models posting a play-by-play behind the scenes of what is going on in my home and office and this forum.

These two boys couldn't have the decency too keep our phone interview private, it didn't take two minutes after I hung up with them that they posted about speaking to them. I even read about comments that they are going to post everything what happens, and we don't know want our privacy to be compromised.

At the same token we can't ban them because they are paying members and they aren't doing anything wrong and both boys have the right to chat with other members openly and/or privately and we can't monitor that and I have no idea what they are going to say. We are under no obligation to hire models and we feel its just not worth our privacy and to chance our privacy for two models that have already hi-jacked several threads and made numerous posts. They aren't even here filming and the drama is already started.
Exactly right Tyler, it appears that certain members just hoped that one day they would see a forum guy on the futon. Now their hopes are dashed, they are "naturally" upset but I still can't help wondering why the guys came into the forum and blasted the forum to kingdon come before they did a turn on the futon. No other model has and perhaps that is the question we have to ask ourselves. I think it was all a show and perhaps a cry for attention and if they think they can pop into CF I believe they have another thing coming. Maybe I'm being rather blunt, but there are far better looking and built guys appearing on CF than the aforementioned. Even Kooda's alleged bf would stand a better chance. Goodnight xx
Exactly right Tyler, it appears that certain members just hoped that one day they would see a forum guy on the futon. Now their hopes are dashed, they are "naturally" upset but I still can't help wondering why the guys came into the forum and blasted the forum to kingdon come before they did a turn on the futon. No other model has and perhaps that is the question we have to ask ourselves. I think it was all a show and perhaps a cry for attention and if they think they can pop into CF I believe they have another thing coming. Maybe I'm being rather blunt, but there are far better looking and built guys appearing on CF than the aforementioned. Even Kooda's alleged bf would stand a better chance. Goodnight xx

Thanks for your support, I concur.
Hey Slim, your looking at two hot "potential" models to appear on the sites. When hiring models its a business decision. I know it sounds harsh, but no matter how great looking a "boy" is and willing to do porn, if this model or models create issue's and drama, we don't want them as models. I have turned down many models that mentally are not stable or have drug issue's or we feel is going to create drama.

With all due respect, we house and feed the models. They stay in our home for a week and we don't want any nutty, drama type models staying in our home. Its easy for you and many of the other members to sit back and say how cute a boy is and that we should hire them. You guys may think we have models in our home all the time running around nude and having sex and its a big ole party and you assume and fantasy that is not true. We really don't like having models in our home week after week. Eddie and I sacrifice a lot for the sites and open our home to models and make them feel welcome and treat them like people. But we have to make sure our privacy is private. No offense to anyone on this forum, but I don't really feel comfortable having members on this board wanting to be models then posting up MY personal information to members and what goes on in my home and such. Models that we house get to know Eddie and I, our address, where we live, our phone numbers and they get to hear conversations that Eddie and I have that are private within our home and within the office. I don't want to have to worry about Kodaaa and Smores29 coming onto this forum and posting a blow-by-blow commentary of what is going on behind the scenes and posting about the other models that are here filming and disclosing personal information about myself and Eddie that we prefer to keep private. Eddie and I are not party animals, we are happy to have our home with no models and we live a very boring quiet life when we have no models in our home. Even when models are in our home, we like peace and very little drama and I don't want to worry about two models posting a play-by-play behind the scenes of what is going on in my home and office and this forum.

These two boys couldn't have the decency too keep our phone interview private, it didn't take two minutes after I hung up with them that they posted about speaking to them. I even read about comments that they are going to post everything what happens, and we don't know want our privacy to be compromised.

At the same token we can't ban them because they are paying members and they aren't doing anything wrong and both boys have the right to chat with other members openly and/or privately and we can't monitor that and I have no idea what they are going to say. We are under no obligation to hire models and we feel its just not worth our privacy and to chance our privacy for two models that have already hi-jacked several threads and made numerous posts. They aren't even here filming and the drama is already started.

I can see how that could shake you David. My main point actually was that since there have been several attempts in the past to draft forumite hotties and turn them into futonite straighties, and a certain appetite for that among the active members on the forum, that these two guys offered the most esthetically pleasing opportunity to get that done. You'll remember Wahoo and RunningScorpio, who aborted after flirting with the concept. I was in the vanguard of both those failed initiatives, and have been backing smoore and kyle's potential transition from member to protagonist as you know. In the past you've also chipped in in a positive way.

Would it now be fair to say that you're essentially against the phenomenon of members eventually being filmed? If so, even though personally I think it's potentially a great interactive business move if carefully handled, it might be helpful to have some meat put on the bones of the concept, and codify it to avoid future hopeless enthusiasms. Or just a statement.
We thought about it and we feel members should be members and models be models and keep it that way. We love all our members young, old, good-looking, ugly, male, female...straight, gay or bi or whatever.