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smoore29/kodaaa DEBUT SHOOT

smoore29/kodaaa DEBUT SHOOT

  • smoore and kodaaa should each do a solo jack off

    Votes: 13 34.2%
  • smoore and kodaaa should share their debut shoot

    Votes: 25 65.8%

  • Total voters
We thought about it and we feel members should be members and models be models and keep it that way. We love all our members young, old, good-looking, ugly, male, female...straight, gay or bi or whatever.

David, you don't mean you have banned the Mikes from posting, do you?

We like those guys, and they have certainly never revealed anything confidential about D&E nor Broke Straight Boys
Going thru these i decided to make a quick post before i start my day... sorry i havnt had much time to get back to everyone... but ur next on for a reply slim!

Mike Robbins :p

I think it so awesome that my friend Mike gets to start his day at 2:58 pm right after posting this! Lols were had at this! That's a true Broke Straight Boys for ya ass!
I think it so awesome that my friend Mike gets to start his day at 2:58 pm right after posting this! Lols were had at this! That's a true Broke Straight Boys for ya ass!

i know! thats why i worship him, hes his own boss! btw tyler im glad to see you posting again, even under the circumstances, but can i just say that im totally over this whole situation? i love this site and nothing can change that, you guys are all doing a wonderful job as i posted on mikes profile!
Broke Straight Boys of course has the right to hire whoever they choose. They have made a business decision regarding Smoore and Koda and that's that. I just don't want to see people piling on by questioning their (K&S's) integrity and berating their sexuality. Neither claimed to be absolutely straight as an arrow...with no interest at all in the same sex. So they weren't dishonest in that regard. But somehow the conversation got bogged down in just how gay they really were. As if that was a terrible thing. Many guys who are questioning their sexuality at 17-20 can bounce between girlfriends and boyfriends before they settle on one or both permanently.

And let's face it. Do any of us think that no model who has made it to the futon has ever lied about his sexual history? I can think of no absolutely straight guys (or Kinsey O's) who would join a gay forum in the first place . That's our first clue. So it should not be a news flash that a member who joins the forum might be a teensy bit curious or even (gasp!) gay. Most totally straight guys who would be willing to do futon work, only for the cash, would just do his work as quickly as possible. Then he would get his check and be out the door ASAP. He would not bother joining the forum. He would want to forget the whole horrid experience.

I realize that we are all very cynical (and justifiably so) after what we just went through with the Casper drama. But I don't believe that they are fakes at all.
Human Interest

Hi, guys ~

Notwithstanding the difficulty all of this has caused the Broke Straight Boys staff (and that's a cause for considerable concern, and I'm not scanting it - - sorry, guys, for all the hassles!): the situation that is the subject of this thread is such an interesting window on human nature, and the problems that attend running any good business enterprise! Maybe because I'm a lapsed academic, I think there is so much to be learned from it.

Anything I have to say at this late date is surely in the category of 'gratuitous afterthought', but here it is, anyway.

*First, I have to say that I really appreciate the way David expresses himself, and addresses even conflicts and disagreements that arise - in such a calm, civilized, way. David, you are such a mensch; I can see that, even when you disagree with someone, or he has caused you grief, you always limit your account of the disagreement itself precisely to the disagreement itself. Moreover, you always take pains to identify what's good about the situation, so everyone can learn, and there can be some positive outcome to the situation. That's a rare skill (or, better expressed) disposition - and we should have more people like you. . . in the diplomatic corps! (Are you listening, Barack Obama???)

*As I've noted in the past (and I know there are some others who feel this way) it's not material to me whether the models are straight, or not. In fact, some of Broke Straight Boys's gay models have been amongst its brightest stars - without guys like the completely adorable and sexy BrokeMichael, the site would be much poorer!!! So, to me, the question of what smoore29 and kodaaa's real orientation might be, is not such a big deal. (I like erotic entertainment because of the models' beauty, charm, and energy - not because I want to psychotherapize them! LOL!)

*On the other hand, with apologies for my rather 'catholic' tastes, I do appreciate that the site is named "Broke Straight Boys", and undoubtedly many or most of those who sign up do so because they have a taste for straight guys. (And it's a hot fantasy to have!) So questions about how potential models comport themselves are both inevitable and legitimate, for the management. Including in this case.

*For the record, I think that Mr. Kodaaa is heartbreakingly cute, and would be happy to see him as a model, any day of the week!

*However, I think the fundamental issue in all of this is the one that David identified about the telephone interviews - and it's an issue of trust and respect.

*This is what I mean, guys: When I apply for a job, if I am lucky enough to receive an interview, I would think it exceedingly unmannerly (not to say unethical) to immediately share the substance of that interview with my prospective employers' customers, and other employees! Anyone who thinks that's just fine (it seems to me) may not have a very finely-tuned sense of responsibility to the company, his employers, or his fellow employees, should he be hired.

*That, I think, is the deal-breaker in this case. I am sure that either Mr. Smoore or Mr. Kodaaa could have expressed to David or other management their desire to work together, fully and unreservedly, in their private discussions, at the time of, or following, auditions - and, if their chemistry were as good as it seems, I'm sure those suggestions would have been taken quite seriously!

*However, any company wouldn't be entirely prudent to accept having its interview process laid bare in quite the fashion we've seen - or to accept direction on future activities or deployment, from employees who haven't yet been hired!

*And, David, I think you are quite right to have concerns also about your personal exposure, given the fact that you host and care for the models, as you do. As most of us who have had bad houseguests at one time or another know. . . a kind and considerate guest is a joy - but a thoughtless or unappreciative one can be a nightmare!

*I don't think it's necessary to preclude the possibility of one day recruiting a model based upon his expressed interest on the message boards. However, I do think it's entirely prudent to insist that anyone expressing such an interest follow the normal channels of application, to the letter - and not expect either to lobby for support on the boards, or to dictate what his possible range of work might be.

*This may sound wicked, but, if there is a concern about identity fraud on boards (e.g., "trolls" posing as multiple persons), such concerns are often resolved by asking the tech people to do a quick IP address check. I've seen several unpleasant scams, on several boards, quickly and effectively terminated in this way. (I am not at all suggesting that this happened in this case, BTW - because from what David has said, I really don't think it's the case here.)

*Last, I don't think it's at all unreasonable to have a generous but clear code of conduct for message-board members, models, and/or applicants, specifying some limits with respect to 'flaming' (for the former), or disclosure of sensitive company information (for the latter), and reserving to the management the right to warn, or to suspend posting privileges. I'm Canadian, and I guess we are a little more tolerant of rules and regulations, but it seems that many sites do this sort of thing, without dampening either the zest of argument, or the fun of discussion.

I guess that's it - just a couple of thoughts. It has been a really interesting discussion, though!

Hugs to all,

P.S. I thought Michael, Mike's, and Tyler's cautions to Smoore69 and Kodaaa about the difficulties of the erotic entertainment industry were well-expressed, and important.

P.P.S. If Mr. Kodaaa is able to finish his current academic tour, and proves able to adapt himself to Broke Straight Boys's business model - I wouldn't mind at all if he got a second chance, somewhere down the line. (Maybe he could do penance by bottoming for BrokeMichael!!! LOL!!!:lol:)

Last P.S. Tyler, I really enjoyed reading your posts on this thread - you're marvellously articulate! You remind me of some of my best students who've gone on to successful careers in the law, or in journalism!!! I do hope you are working hard on your plans for education and your future career, because I think you have great potential. :001_smile:
not that my opinion matters but if someone is causing drama for a business NO MATTER THE cuteness then sorry your out of the business whatever business it may be. I have been a member of the site off and on for awhile. I love hearing from david as he seems very nice. and all of the models that i have read on here seems nice as well. Good job guys too all Broke Straight Boys/D&E thanks for bringing this old fart a little fantasy every now and then.
Would it now be fair to say that you're essentially against the phenomenon of members eventually being filmed? If so, even though personally I think it's potentially a great interactive business move if carefully handled, it might be helpful to have some meat put on the bones of the concept, and codify it to avoid future hopeless enthusiasms. Or just a statement.

After reading David's comments on not wanting drama in their home I can see very much where that makes sense. I would be the same way and in fact I am that way. We often have several teenagers staying with us but we run a very tight ship. I can also see how this would cause difficulties for a forum member to then later become a model and still be posting. Considering the nature of the business there would have to be company secrets. On the other hand when a model comes in the normal way you have him on contract and for lack of a better term, more under control. It is also easy to see how a cute body or two can easy turn the heads of us perverted forumits and drive us into a feeding frenzy for the taste to warm flesh. Obviously causing us to abandon all logical and organized thought. So as much as I love those boys and wish this could have gone farther I instead choose to surrender my weapons and call this a truce. Smoore and Kodaaa Godspeed we will miss you always. But I restore my allegiance to King David and the legion of the Broke Straight Boys Long live the King!

I do also believe that Slim here has a good idea and feel this should be made a company policy to not allow forum members to become models. The best way to prevent a problem is to nip it in the bud lest we do this again.
just like to say before this is all over
not gonna sit here and type a long novel and trying to act smart and everything like tyler did.
but I just want to say tyler your a douche. your average. you think your a cool cat working for a porn site. Is your mom happy with your decision?
BTW. fuck you. thanks. lets see you take more time our of your "busy" work schedule to talk to the lawyer about this :)
Lmao at Kodaaa.

I'd just like to say before we depart that after reading these responses, this got ugly quickly. All this drama could have been avoided had Jon not said what he said (I need not go into details because you can read for yourself) but the fact that this went from a poll asking your opinions to a bashing of our sexuality is very disturbing. I think a lot of you forgot that we're just 19 (the experimental age) and that some people can take to heart what you've actually said and some not knowing how to deal with it might commit suicide...I mean come on go back and read what has been posted and see if you really would've said it the way you said it had you not been "in the heat of the moment" if you still agree with how you said what was said even after looking back at it...I'll pray for you. I'll agree that me and Kodaaa did get a little ahead of ourselves but the fact that nothing was said until the last minute is a bit disheartening. I see it this way me and Kodaaa (as David put it) "hijacked" threads that we started with the exception of one. There was no mindless banter on random threads (with the exception of the one), if I'm wrong then bring it to my attention but I believe I'm right. To me and Kodaaa a forum is a way to say what we want and have discussions..not be told "hey you're posting too much, tone it down" that is why we basically got offended. Being from the generation of technology (myself having a myspace since 13 and a facebook since 15, ipod, and several blackberries) we believe we have a better grasp on what a forum is for then maybe some of the older guys in here (no offense) so we came in here with that mentality. For those of you who didn't like how we were doing things didn't come forth to say anything, if you know that this is different from what you're used to then why wasn't this told to us in the beginning before we really "got out of hand." I believe that Chuck didn't handle the situation correctly (but then again neither was the longtimefan issue), in Chuck's message to us, there should have been more explanation as to why he would've liked us to stop posting for a while but there was a brief little paragraph.
Now regarding my sexuality, there are details missing (on David's end) when he called me I told him, I was curious but in the forum I'm portrayed as this "straight guy who joined a gay site"...maybe curious means something different but curious to me means that I like one thing but might want to see the other side...am I wrong? once again please tell me. I have even told Kodaaa and Slim that I'm curious and at the most Bi but yea here it wasn't told that way. It's also funny to read David's posts regarding our sexuality...at first it was "Smoore is very straight..yada yada and Kodaaa was a cute bi boy coming out" now it's "Kodaaa is a femme gay boy and Smoore isn't what he says he is" big ass difference in what? a week...hmm yea doesn't even seem right. I'm not saying that David didn't have the right to have his suspicions about us but to do a damn near 180....wow. Another thing when I spoke with David, I asked him if I could post in the forum about our conversation and he was fine with it but now to say that "less than 2 minutes after our phone interview they were already posting"...hey you told me it was ok. Yes I'll admit that I should've kept somethings to myself but hell I was excited..shoot me.
Basically this little rant is not to justify what has happened in this forum since me and Kodaaa's arrival nor is it to glorify anything that was said in the past 24 hours, this was a chance for me to get off my chest what I had been feeling all day while reading these responses. I appreciate the opportunity that I had and I did blow it but hey it was a learning experience, I can honestly say none of you will see me on any other site and I'm done with the whole "gay for pay" thing. I will however support Kodaaa in whatever he decides to do and if I do show up anywhere it will be on ACS side of CF lol This was a great ride and I've met awesome people in the matter of a month and have left out of here with a great friend who is my new party buddy, so FL and WV...watch out lol

Finally, Slim if you wouldn't mind closing this thread. There is no need to relive this ugliness and for somebody in the near future to reopen the old wounds of a forumite finally making it to the futon that didn't happen.

I wish Broke Straight Boys the best of luck in future endeavors and the models (old and new with the exception of Tyler) best of luck in whatever they decide to do after Broke Straight Boys

I'd honestly appreciate if this was the last post under this thread as a more so closings because I'd rather not have me or Kodaaa be forced to respond again.

just like to say before this is all over
not gonna sit here and type a long novel and trying to act smart and everything like tyler did.
but I just want to say tyler your a douche. your average. you think your a cool cat working for a porn site. Is your mom happy with your decision?
BTW. fuck you. thanks. lets see you take more time our of your "busy" work schedule to talk to the lawyer about this :)

This just show the level of immaturity that you are on. Regardless of what anyone says all this does is show that you would have never been able to handle the stress and the bull shit that one has to deal with when doing these kind of things.

Have a nice day. Good bye!
Sitting here, pondering, watching super high me, while taking my nightly medication, I came to a realization. I kept wondering why this had gone on for so long if the two of you were so upset by it. Then it hit me. Both of you want the last word, why else would you both ask to close the thread after all of this? You both keep saying your going to leave and it bothers you both so much... we'll leave. It was nice having you here but obviously your time is up.

not being an asshole or anything but damn when its time its time. This has escelated way out of proportion and really shouldn't have come to this level but it did. So pack up and get out. lmao

Oh yeah, just so you know, I dont take kindly to people talkin bout my friends. Tyler's my boy!
Yea Mike that's not helping. I know you're not trying to sound like a dick but yea you still come off that way. Kodaaa is upset so that's the way he responding no need talk about his maturity level. The reason I didn't respond all day is because I've been in class, yea I'm a student to and even though I can pull this up on my phone I didn't have the time nor the energy to give a response and hell it's a Friday night..I'm in college, I party too lol. I asked for mine to be the last response not to have the last word but for those that read this to let them know it ended on a positive note, as you can see from my response, I attempted to stay in the middle and didn't point that many fingers lol. Like Slim said me and Kodaaa were a watershed moment, even though we never made it to the futon (a good thing I might say) we still exposed some peoples true colors...now the issue is how can those that have shown their ugliness rebound from this sudden lapse in judgment and feelings and regain face for those that have seen who they truely are. That is the big concern here not you sticking up for Tyler or me sticking up for Kodaaa.
kyles maturity? smoore you have been polite towards me so far, however when i got the message from kyle on my forum profile, i think he showed his true colors....shall i post it here so everyone can read it? sure:

Today 02:09 AMkodaaaa
oh and btw to you.
your fat and ugly. go jack off eating that cake :)

yes im overweight, and sure people think im ugly, but to you kyle i say fuck off! if you knew anything about me, im not a member of this site for sexual pleasure, i am celebit BY CHOICE! this has gone entirely too far as i have done NOTHING to you. get over yourself you child!
kyles maturity? smoore you have been polite towards me so far, however when i got the message from kyle on my forum profile, i think he showed his true colors....shall i post it here so everyone can read it? sure:

Today 02:09 AMkodaaaa
oh and btw to you.
your fat and ugly. go jack off eating that cake :)

yes im overweight, and sure people think im ugly, but to you kyle i say fuck off! if you knew anything about me, im not a member of this site for sexual pleasure, i am celebit BY CHOICE! this has gone entirely too far as i have done NOTHING to you. get over yourself you child!
Jwglass I've been nothing but nice to you and I'll continue to be nothing but nice to you. Please explain why you didn't erase Kodaaa's message and then discuss that with him in a private manner? By putting it on here (for everyone to see) you're showing the ignorance of both parties involved because you're response was no better than what Kodaaa put...
what kodaaa said isnt the first time its been said to me and it hurts me deeply. you have been respectful to me, and sorry i never did reply to that message you sent me, ive been thinking of the best way to reply. anyhow my respect for kodaaa is gone. like i said, what he posted hurt me deeply as ive been being told that for 23 years, and now once i finally found a forum where people didnt care about looks or weight, that little twat got on here and insulted me on a very deep level.
what kodaaa said isnt the first time its been said to me and it hurts me deeply. you have been respectful to me, and sorry i never did reply to that message you sent me, ive been thinking of the best way to reply. anyhow my respect for kodaaa is gone. like i said, what he posted hurt me deeply as ive been being told that for 23 years, and now once i finally found a forum where people didnt care about looks or weight, that little twat got on here and insulted me on a very deep level.
Ok JW I understand that it hurt you but I'm still trying to understand why you just didn't handle it in a private manner. I mean had it been me, I would've deleted his post and then sent him a message asking why...that's just me though. I'm sorry if I'm not more sensitive to what was said to you.
BTW it's ok about the message if you feel the need to respond be my guest but I think I'm ok now and don't need a response.
Ok JW I understand that it hurt you but I'm still trying to understand why you just didn't handle it in a private manner. I mean had it been me, I would've deleted his post and then sent him a message asking why...that's just me though. I'm sorry if I'm not more sensitive to what was said to you.
BTW it's ok about the message if you feel the need to respond be my guest but I think I'm ok now and don't need a response.

i mean, he called me out. he certainly did not intend for it to be a private matter. he could have easily privately messaged that to me, he even has my yahoo screen name. he could have said it over that and i wouldnt have been able to report it. anyhow, i wish the best for you, but for your friend? not so much
i mean, he called me out. he certainly did not intend for it to be a private matter. he could have easily privately messaged that to me, he even has my yahoo screen name. he could have said it over that and i wouldnt have been able to report it. anyhow, i wish the best for you, but for your friend? not so much
Thank you JW and I apologize on behalf of Kodaaa, he didn't know it was sensitive matter to you and reacted out of anger.
Thank you JW and I apologize on behalf of Kodaaa, he didn't know it was sensitive matter to you and reacted out of anger.

well i mean, whatever, im not sure what he was reacting to, its not like i showed him any disrespect.