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smoore29/kodaaa DEBUT SHOOT

smoore29/kodaaa DEBUT SHOOT

  • smoore and kodaaa should each do a solo jack off

    Votes: 13 34.2%
  • smoore and kodaaa should share their debut shoot

    Votes: 25 65.8%

  • Total voters


BSB Addict
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
The island next door to Ibiza
This poll asks if you think that the rapport struck up by two potentially futonite forumites, kodaaa and smoore, would translate into an acceptable double act for their first shoot. Would you prefer to see them each do a solo jack-off film, with maybe David's hand doing a penile heat test, or a duo mutual jack off scene, each of them responsible for the other ones orgasm?

1. Separate solos
2. Together and together
Wow. Tough question Slim. I guess it play out with whatever they are most comfortable with. As long as they both make it to the futon then I'm a happy camper. :thumbup1: haha And if they feel like they need a solo to work through the first time camera jitters, then that's fine.

But I guess option number 2 would be the best. That would make for a very memorable grand entrance. And I think they both like the sound of that. lol So it's up to them. :wink:
Two gay guys together probably isn't going to happen.


I hadn't thought of that part. But you're probably right. I don't think of them as gay though. I see them as bi-curious. But others may disagree. :001_unsure:

It is a fun thought though imagining them coming out more and exploring together. :w00t:
Um yea I had to post on this.
We're not gay
Me: curious
Kodaaa: bi coming out

Just want to clear up the confusion.
Doh so a guy coming out who has a b/f is not gay - ffs get real man. Boyfriend in any language is the gay version of a heterosexual girlfriend - dig it. Sorry to sound so blunt but I doubt very much whether or not we'll see either of you.

A lot of members on this site have seen guys portray themselves as potential models and have, like yourselves, swamped the forum with ideas that will result in you guys being in front of David's camera. The last person ended up being barred and although I will not surmise that you are like that last person, I will not be convinced until I see you on the futon.

I'm not being nasty dude, just probably saying what a lot of people are thinking. xx
Two gay guys together probably isn't going to happen.


Mark, I'm surprised man. smoore is trying to get his head wrapped around the concept of "curious" let alone gay. He's deeply into bitches. And kodaaa is bi. I could handle that. And they would be so....so.....so....awesome.
Doh so a guy coming out who has a b/f is not gay - ffs get real man. Boyfriend in any language is the gay version of a heterosexual girlfriend - dig it. Sorry to sound so blunt but I doubt very much whether or not we'll see either of you.

A lot of members on this site have seen guys portray themselves as potential models and have, like yourselves, swamped the forum with ideas that will result in you guys being in front of David's camera. The last person ended up being barred and although I will not surmise that you are like that last person, I will not be convinced until I see you on the futon.

I'm not being nasty dude, just probably saying what a lot of people are thinking. xx

ok your dumb.
thank you, actually because of the "shit" that has been happening with this site and people in the fourms talking bad about us ( me and smoore ) and being treated like juveniles and getting ridiculed by the straight men that run this site. me having a boyfriend does not mean im GAY. I enjoy girls to thank you very much. after me and smoores memberships are up we are gone. sorry guys. we have both joined corbin fisher and Sean Cody. We will be getting together this summer to do things. like working doing something in florida hopefully. We will work out together to get the bodies corbin fisher and Sean Cody desires. maybe they will be a little more "gay friendly" or so your think. Sorry slim that this post is a waste, but we will be contacting the people from the fourms that are nice and not a waste of our time.
im out! my last post on this fourm.
ok your dumb.
thank you, actually because of the "shit" that has been happening with this site and people in the fourms talking bad about us ( me and smoore ) and being treated like juveniles and getting ridiculed by the straight men that run this site. me having a boyfriend does not mean im GAY. I enjoy girls to thank you very much. after me and smoores memberships are up we are gone. sorry guys. we have both joined corbin fisher and Sean Cody. We will be getting together this summer to do things. like working doing something in florida hopefully. We will work out together to get the bodies corbin fisher and Sean Cody desires. maybe they will be a little more "gay friendly" or so your think. Sorry slim that this post is a waste, but we will be contacting the people from the fourms that are nice and not a waste of our time.
im out! my last post on this fourm.

Broke Straight Boys staff is 95% gay. Usually models posting comes after doing a shoot not before. I'm sorry things didn't work out. Corbin Fisher and Sean Cody are great studios to work with, good luck.

Mark, I'm surprised man. smoore is trying to get his head wrapped around the concept of "curious" let alone gay. He's deeply into bitches. And kodaaa is bi. I could handle that. And they would be so....so.....so....awesome.

Slim I must concur these boys are no more gay then countless other models we have seen matched up together. Sorry Mark and the gang but I would consider it a major slap in the face if they did not indulge us in this brief fling from the norm. I can guess there is probably some concern about not having full control or exposing some private company secrets since the boys are pretty free lance and tend to say and do what ever comes to mind but I think in this case it is a chance they have to take. The boys will just have to be told what they can and cant say and do. If it don't work you simply pull the video and cast them off the site. But on the other hand if it does work your going to make a lot of Forum members really happy.
Doh so a guy coming out who has a b/f is not gay - ffs get real man. Boyfriend in any language is the gay version of a heterosexual girlfriend - dig it. Sorry to sound so blunt but I doubt very much whether or not we'll see either of you.

A lot of members on this site have seen guys portray themselves as potential models and have, like yourselves, swamped the forum with ideas that will result in you guys being in front of David's camera. The last person ended up being barred and although I will not surmise that you are like that last person, I will not be convinced until I see you on the futon.

I'm not being nasty dude, just probably saying what a lot of people are thinking. xx
Alright so Jon, I said Kodaaa was bi coming out, who said when he was coming out? Who said the bf was gunna his bf when he came out? That's a real ignorant statement Jon. The way I see it Kodaaa just like myself likes pussy and if he likes dick too then hey he's bi, not gay. Most of you fucking people in here are judgemental and honestly its sad. The way Mark just came out like "two gay guys won't make it on the futon" was rude because if he's been reading what me and Kodaaa have been posting he would've seen that me and Kodaaa have stated several times that we are bi and curious. So this is my last time restating this and posting in this forum, if you don't see me on the futon then I'm sorry but sometimes I gotta speak my mind. I already know Kodaaa has my back on this and I have his.
WHOAH! divas gone wild!
Most of you fucking people in here are judgemental and honestly its sad. The way Mark just came out like "two gay guys won't make it on the futon" was rude because if he's been reading what me and Kodaaa have been posting he would've seen that me and Kodaaa have stated several times that we are bi and curious.

Point A - Agreed. It's a little ironic that we're so quick to judge when many people here have been victims of such hard judgments. I can't claim to be innocent in this respect, as MOST gay people drive me fuckin' nuts (Sorry... Don't mean to sound like a hater, but let's be real)

That aside -

Your own personal testimonies are not necessarily the basis for Mark's comments. If you read most audition paper work it says things like "must APPEAR to be ..." not "Must be ..."

So if you're queer as a three dollar bill, but can look straight as a nail, you have a better chance at landing a role than someone that's in the opposite position despite what your actual sexual preference is. I'm not saying you guys are flaming homosexuals, but it's not a stretch to infer that there is a strong homosexual attraction between you two.

Like I said before. Not trying to be a dick, just calling it what it is.

Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing you together. smoore has a gorgeous cock and kodaaa's cute as hell.

Good luck!
I think the guys' reaction to my forthright statement says it all. As the great man Clouseau used to say, "I suspect eveyone and no-one"

To the Clouseaus of this world, try doing some PI work. I'll give you a hint - check the dates when the guys became members and then check when they started posting. Also check our beloved Mr C's exit timing - may be a coincident but then it may not. Also if you read K's post and other posts carefully, he kinda speaks as he was one, all and both. The number of posts are virtually exact too.

Jeez, it's 0754 and I'm late for porn shoot... LOL
Hey Guys,

I am sorry about the outcome of all of this. I was looking forward to see the "ebony and ivory" moment on the futon. Oh well!!! Let us know how we can watch and enjoy.

I also want to thank both of you for asking an old man to be your on-line friend!

Good luck boys!!!
I hate to jump on this...but I have spoken to both boys at seperate times during our phone interview.

Kodaaa is a cute and very nice guy...he told me upfront that he was bi-curious and does like both guys and gals. I didn't know he had a bf (he didn't tell me that) being that Kodaaa is still in high school but of legal age, we can't hire a model that is still in high school so I didn't do much of a phone interview with Kodaaa. However, I do believe Kodaaa is a cute femme coming out gay boy. His voice and tone on the phone indicated he was NOT straight or straight acting bi...he was a normal gay boy calling to be on the Broke Straight Boys site. Now of course you guys already know that we don't have issue's placing gay boys on the Broke Straight Boys site so we're debating to either place Kodaaa on Broke Straight Boys and/or College Boy Physicals or just College Boy Physicals site.

As for Smoore29, he's also a very nice guy. I spoke to him and he made it very clear to me that he's straight and never had done anything with a guy. By the tone of his voice, he was very straight acting and I do believe he's straight. Now the fact that he joined the site does surprise me because most of our straight, curious, bi guys don't join the site...matter of fact, most of them never heard of the Broke Straight Boys site before until I give them them the link to the site. It seemed that smoore29 knew more about this site then your average str8 dude that applies.

Even our models that post here on this forum, including Tyler that lurks this board and is reading about Smoore29 & Kodaaa, all agree that these two boys are not what they seem they are saying about themselves and that they already see the drama starting and something just ain't right about smoore29 & kodaaa. I'm starting to agree.
I hate to jump on this...but I have spoken to both boys at seperate times during our phone interview.

Kodaaa is a cute and very nice guy...he told me upfront that he was bi-curious and does like both guys and gals. I didn't know he had a bf (he didn't tell me that) being that Kodaaa is still in high school but of legal age, we can't hire a model that is still in high school so I didn't do much of a phone interview with Kodaaa. However, I do believe Kodaaa is a cute femme coming out gay boy. His voice and tone on the phone indicated he was NOT straight or straight acting bi...he was a normal gay boy calling to be on the Broke Straight Boys site. Now of course you guys already know that we don't have issue's placing gay boys on the Broke Straight Boys site so we're debating to either place Kodaaa on Broke Straight Boys and/or College Boy Physicals or just College Boy Physicals site.

As for Smoore29, he's also a very nice guy. I spoke to him and he made it very clear to me that he's straight and never had done anything with a guy. By the tone of his voice, he was very straight acting and I do believe he's straight. Now the fact that he joined the site does surprise me because most of our straight, curious, bi guys don't join the site...matter of fact, most of them never heard of the Broke Straight Boys site before until I give them them the link to the site. It seemed that smoore29 knew more about this site then your average str8 dude that applies.

Even our models that post here on this forum, including Tyler that lurks this board and is reading about Smoore29 & Kodaaa, all agree that these two boys are not what they seem they are saying about themselves and that they already see the drama starting and something just ain't right about smoore29 & kodaaa. I'm starting to agree.

word brotha! its about time someone says it! as i see they are both still online in the forum and such, i dont want to say much as im sure they have their own process to admitting to themselves what they are, but i want to take this opportunity to tell them both to think about what they want out of life and to never be afraid. even if they eventually both come out as gay or bi whatever, they need to think about what they want out of how they lead their lives. as for the porn industry? im not sure if they are mature enough to handle such a life (just judging from their posts). got big heads real fast.

anyhow kyle and smoore, dont take offense, just think about it for a minute and decide where your lives are going before you take such large leaps into the gay world!
jwglass, you gave the best advice to these two young men. They see the fame, the money...but they don't realize how difficult doing porn really is and what really happens behind the scenes at a porn studio. We all see the fantasy when watching the finish product, but the work behind the scenes and filming can make or break a person. We have had straight tough boys break down and cry. Some can't get hard, Some passed out, some had to vomit after the fact....its difficult!

Then once the video goes out...it goes everywhere and people that you don't think will see it, will see it...LOL. Many models that have been seen on the Broke Straight Boys site or the College Boy Physicals site have gotten in trouble with parents and there school. This is one of the reasons why you don't see certain models back on the site because a parent or school or job have seen them on the sites and it has ruin and embarrassed some of the models.

Sometimes its just best to be a member and NOT a model.... :)